set not expected at this time, batch? - batch-file

OK so I have this little game I am writing on this Windows XP computer in batch. I get "set was not expected at this time" when I run the following code(sorry it's real long I just haven't made it smaller yet. NOTE I didn't ask for you to make my code smaller, so please DO NOT do it):
#echo off
set str=0
set int=0
set agi=0
set dex=0
goto chrselect
echo Character select!
echo 1) mage
echo 2) swords man
echo 3) archer
set /p start=-
if %start%==1 goto skillsetupm
if %start%==2 goto skillsetups
if %start%==3 goto skillsetupa
set health=50
set mana=100
set str=3
set int=6
set agi=5
set dex=4
set chr=m1
goto skillsee
set health=100
set mana=50
set str=6
set int=4
set agi=3
set dex=5
set chr=s1
goto skillsee
set health=75
set mana=75
set str=3
set int=4
set agi=6
set dex=5
set chr=a1
goto skillsee
echo Skills as is:
echo Strength: %str%
echo Intelligence: %int%
echo Agility: %agi%
echo Dexterity: %dex%
echo 1) Choose new character
echo 2) Continue to see how stats influence combat!
set /p start=-
if %start%==1 goto chrselect
if %start%==2 goto skillc
set /a handattk=3+%str%
set /a magicattk=2+%str%+%dex%
set /a block=%agility%+%dex%
set /a blockchnc=%block%*5
set /a bowattk=3+%str%+%dex%
set /a swrdattk=4+%str%+%dex%
set /a slowchnc=%str%*4
if %chr%==m1 goto skillcinf
if %chr%==s1 goto skillcinf
if %chr%==a1 goto skillcinf
echo Skill stuff!
echo Hand attack: %handattk%
echo Block chance: %blockchnc% %
echo Slow chance: %slowchnc% %
if %chr%==m1 echo Magic attack: %magicattk%
if %chr%==s1 echo Sword attack: %swrdattk%
if %chr%==a1 echo Bow attack: %bowattk%
echo 1) Choose new character(last chance)
echo 2) Start game
set /p start=-
if %start%==1 goto chrselect
if %start%==2 goto menue
set bossh=500
set exp=0
set playcount=0
echo Health:///%health%///
echo Mana:////%mana%////
echo Experience:////%exp%/////
echo Play count: %playcount%
echo Battle?(y/n)
set /p start=-
if %start%==y goto battle
if %start%==n goto menue
set /a playcount=%playcount%+1
echo Health:///%health%///
echo Mana:////%mana%////
echo Experience:////%exp%/////
echo Play count: %playcount%
echo Attack Dragon(Health:%bossh%) with?
echo 1-Hand(%handattk% damage)
echo 2-Block(%blockchnc% % chance of blocking)
if %chr%==m1 echo 3-Magic attack(%magicattk% damage)
if %chr%==s1 echo 3-Sword Attack(%swrdattack% damage)
if %chr%==a1 echo 3-Bow Attack (%bowattk% damage)
set /p start=-
pause >nul
if %start%==1 set /a bossh=%bossh%-%handattk%
if %start%==2 set /a blockrandm=%random% %%100
goto battle2
if %start%==3 goto spclattk
if %chr%==m1 set /a bossh=%bossh%-%magicattk%%
if %chr%==s1 set /a bossh=%bossh%-%swrdattk%
if %chr%==a1 set /a bossh=%bossh%-%bowattk%
goto battle2
if %bossh% leq 0 goto win
set /a bossd=%random% %%5
if %blockrandm%==%blockchnc% set bossd=0
set /a health=%health%-%bossd%
echo Health:///%health%///
echo Mana:////%mana%////
echo Experience:////%exp%/////
echo Play count: %playcount%
echo Attack Dragon(Health:%bossh%) with?
echo 1-Hand(%handattk% damage)
echo 2-Block(%blockchnc% % chance of blocking)
if %chr%==m1 echo 3-Magic attack(%magicattk% damage)
if %chr%==s1 echo 3-Sword Attack(%swrdattack% damage)
if %chr%==a1 echo 3-Bow Attack (%bowattk% damage)
set /p start=-
if %start%==1 set /a bossh=%bossh%-%handattk%
if %start%==2 set /a blockrandm=%random% %%100
if %start%==3 goto battleattk
goto battle2
Anytime I get to the :battle screen and press an option I get set was not expected at this time.

Your variable %blockrandm% isn't initialised when you get to :battle2 so the comparison in line 148 reads
if ==0 set bossd=0
which obviously is invalid syntax. You can avoid it by quoting both sides of the comparison (which is a great idea in practically all cases when writing such code).
For future reference: Remove the echo off and you at least see what line is responsible and often also why it fails.


Programming error in Batch

I just want to ask, where is problem in this script. Every time i try to open mns fight, it just crashes somewhere on if %lokace%==2 if %vyber2%==mns set lokace=3 set monstrum=1
(btw, it's Czech game, so just ignore names)
Whole code:
if %lokace%==0 echo Vesnice-domov
if %lokace%==1 echo Vesnice-namesti
if %lokace%==2 echo DabluvLes
if %lokace%==3 goto boj
echo mas %zivoty% hp
echo -----------------------------------
echo Co chces udelat?
if %lokace%==0 echo Jit na namesti [1]
if %lokace%==1 echo Jit domu [0]
if %lokace%==1 echo Jit do lesa [2]
if %lokace%==2 echo Najit monstrum [mns]
if %lokace%==2 echo Jit do vesnice [1]
if %lokace%==0 echo Vyspat se [spt]
set /p vyber2=Vyber si:
if %lokace%==1 if %vyber2%==0 set lokace=0
if %lokace%==0 if %vyber2%==1 set lokace=1
if %lokace%==1 if %vyber2%==2 set lokace=2
if %lokace%==0 if %vyber2%==spt if %zivoty% LSS %maxzivoty% set /a zivoty=%zivoty%+1
if %lokace%==2 if %vyber2%==mns set lokace=3 set monstrum=1
if %lokace%==2 if %vyber2%==1 set lokace=1
goto hra
if %monstrum%==1 set monstrumdmg=1 set monstrumhp=10
if %monstrumhp%==0 set lokace=2 set monstrum=0 goto hra
if %zivoty%==0 set lokace=0 goto hra
if %monstrumhp% GTR 0 if %monstrum%==1 echo Pavouk
echo Monstrum ma %monstrumhp% hp
echo Mas %zivoty% hp
echo Boj. Mas utok %damage% [boj]
echo Utek [utk]
set /p fight=Vyber si:
if %fight%==boj if %monstrum%==1 set /a monstrumhp=%monstrumhp%-%damage% set /a zivoty=%zivoty%-%monstrumdmg%
if %fight%==utk set lokace=2 set monstrum=0 goto hra
goto boj
set lokace=3 set monstrum=1
should be
set lokace=3&set monstrum=1
otherwise, lokace is set to 3 set monstrum=1
(there seems to be a number of such errors in the code)
Your problem: set lokace=3 set monstrum=1 sets one variable named lokace with the value 3 set monstrum=1
Possible solutions:
a) concatenate commands with a &:
set lokace=3&set monstrum=1
(a better (safer) syntay (to avoid stray spaces) would be set "lokace=3" & set "monstrum=1")
b) use code blocks:
if %lokace%==2 if %vyber2%==mns (
set "lokace=3"
set "monstrum=1"
c) set /a can set several variables at the same time (pure set can't), but all values have to be integers:
if %lokace%==2 if %vyber2%==mns set /a lokace=3, monstrum=1
Same problem with for example set lokace=0 goto hra
Speaking about safety: you should enclose both sides of an if comparison in quotes to avoid syntax error with empty/undefined variables:
if "%lokace%"=="2" if "%vyber2%"=="mns" ...
Example for study:
If "%lokace%"=="3" GoTo boj
If "%lokace%"=="0" Echo Vesnice-domov
If "%lokace%"=="1" Echo Vesnice-namesti
If "%lokace%"=="2" Echo DabluvLes
Echo mas %zivoty% hp
Echo -----------------------------------
Echo Co chces udelat?
If "%lokace%"=="0" (Echo Jit na namesti [1]& Echo Vyspat se [spt])
If "%lokace%"=="1" (Echo Jit domu [0]& Echo Jit do lesa [2])
If "%lokace%"=="2" (Echo Najit monstrum [mns]& Echo Jit do vesnice [1])
Set /P "vyber2=Vyber si: "
If "%lokace%%vyber2%"=="10" Set "lokace=0"
If "%lokace%%vyber2%"=="01" Set "lokace=1"
If "%lokace%%vyber2%"=="12" Set "lokace=2"
If /I "%lokace%%vyber2%"=="0spt" If %zivoty% Lss %maxzivoty% Set /A zivoty+=1
If /I "%lokace%%vyber2%"=="2mns" Set /A lokace=3,monstrum=1
If "%lokace%%vyber2%"=="21" Set "lokace=1"
GoTo hra
If "%monstrum%"=="1" Set /A monstrumdmg=1,monstrumhp=10
If "%monstrumhp%"=="0" (Set /A lokace=2,monstrum=0 & GoTo hra)
If "%zivoty%"=="0" (Set "lokace=0" & GoTo hra)
If %monstrumhp% Gtr 0 If "%monstrum%"=="1" Echo Pavouk
Echo Monstrum ma %monstrumhp% hp
Echo Mas %zivoty% hp
Echo Boj. Mas utok %damage% [boj]
Echo Utek [utk]
Set /P "fight=Vyber si: "
If /I "%fight%%monstrum%"=="boj1" Set /A monstrumhp-=damage,zivoty-=monstrumdmg
If /I "%fight%"=="utk" (Set /A lokace=2,monstrum=0 & GoTo hra)
GoTo boj

Batch RPG : Fight Loop Broken

So, couple of problems I'm having.
When the TutorialFight runs, it works almost as I want it, except that the hero never gets hit.
When choosing Magic or Run, the if statements do not display the echos, and goes to the TutorialError.
Note: %stat% is the hero's stat, while %estat% is the enemy's stat.
title Tutorial^^!
set /a ehealth=15
set /a emana=15
set /a ebstat=5
set /a eostat=5
set /a ecstat=5
set /a elevel=1
set /a health=15
set /a mana=15
set /a bstat=5
set /a ostat=5
set /a cstat=5
set /a level=1
echo You have run into a
echo Level %elevel% Sock Puppet.
echo -I made this from a combination of a sock, glue, and some paper.
echo If you lose to this thing, I'm not looking you in the eye again.
echo You know, if I could actually look at you in the first place.
echo Level %level% Hero
echo %health% HP
echo %mana% MP
echo %bstat% Brawn
echo %ostat% Obscurity
echo %cstat% Cowardice
goto Tutorial
title Fight^^!
if %ehealth% leq 0 goto TutorialWin
if %health% leq 0 goto TutorialLoss
echo Level %elevel% Sock Puppet.
echo (%ehealth% HP)
echo V.S.
echo Level %level% Hero
echo %health% HP
echo %mana% MP
echo %bstat% Brawn
echo %ostat% Obscurity
echo %cstat% Cowardice
set /p answer= Fight(1), Magic(2), Run(3)
if %answer%==1 goto TutorialFight
if %answer%==2 echo Sorry. You don't know magic yet.
if %answer%==3 echo No. You are not going to run from a sock.
goto TutorialError
set /a loss=0
set /a eloss=0
set /a num=%random% * ((%cstat%-%ecstat%) - 1 + 1) / 32768 + 1
if %num% lss (%ecstat%/2) set /a loss=%random% * (%ebstat% - (%ebstat%/2) + 1) / 32768 + (%ebstat%)/2)
if %num% geq (%ecstat%/2) set /a eloss=%random% * (%bstat% - (%bstat%/2) + 1) / 32768 + (%bstat%)/2)
set /a health=(%health% - %loss%)
set /a ehealth=(%ehealth% - %eloss%)
goto Tutorial
title Huh?
echo Try that again. I believe in you.
goto Tutorial
title Victory
echo Yay^^!
echo Now I think you are ready for the big pond^^!
goto Intro
title ...
echo ...
echo Let's forget that ever happened.
goto Menu
Use an additional calculation:
Set/A halfecstat=ecstat / 2
Then change the line from:
if %num% lss (%ecstat%/2)
If %num% Lss %halfecstat%
Also I've noted that the calculation which follows it has unbalanced parentheses so you may want to give that another careful look too.

Batch : Multiple for /f commands

I'm trying to do "game" for my friend but when i try to load from save file it will do half of it's job
set penize=0
set penizesekunda=0
for /f "EOL=: tokens=* Delims=0" %%a in (penize.txt) do (
set penize=%%a
for /f "EOL=: tokens=* Delims=1" %%b in (penize.txt) do (
set penizesekunda=%%b
echo Penize %penize% penize za sekundu %penizesekunda%
sorry it in my language (penize = money, penizesekunda = money per second)
And input is 200 200 but it should be 500 200.
If you want full code :
#echo off
title Hra (Imui)
color 6a
echo Ahoj %computername% cas %time% datum %date%
echo Vitej ve hre
echo Tvym cilem bude ovladnout cely VESMIR
timeout>nul /t 3 /nobreak
echo Nacitani!
set penize=0
set penizesekunda=0
for /f "EOL=: tokens=* Delims=0" %%a in (penize.txt) do (
set penize=%%a
for /f "EOL=: tokens=* Delims=1" %%b in (penize.txt) do (
set penizesekunda=%%b
if errorlevel 1 do (
echo Pozor nebyla nalezena zadna ulozena hra nebo doslo k chybe startovani! (hry se nachazeji v souboru penize.txt)
timeout>nul /t 3 /nobreak
goto Start
set /p "Password=Zadej heslo > "
if %Password%== Admin goto RMV
if NOT %Password%== Imui goto FAIL
if %Password%== Imui goto HesloSpravne
goto Start
echo Spatne heslo!
echo Zadej heslo prosim (zbyvaji 2 pokusy)
set /p "Password=Zadej heslo > "
if %Password%== Admin goto RMVCzech
if NOT %Password%== Imui goto FailTwo
if %Password%== Imui goto HesloSpravne
goto Fail
echo Spatne heslo!
color ac
echo Pozor! Mas uz jenom jeden pokus!
echo Prosim zadej heslo!
set /p "Password=Zadej heslo > "
if %Password%== Admin goto RMV
if NOT %Password%== Imui goto RMV
if %Password%== Imui goto HesloSpravne
goto FailTwo
echo Smazavam ti tvoji hru
del "Hra.exe" /P /Q /F
echo Smazavani dokonceno!
echo Heslo bylo spravne
goto HlavniMenu
echo Vitej
echo %penizesekunda% %penize%
Content of penize.txt :
Another (more efficient) option is to use SET /P to read each line:
<penize.txt (
set "penize="
set /p "penize="
set "penizesekunda="
set /p "penizesekunda="
The simple SET statements that clear each variable are there just in case the line happens to be empty or missing in the file, in which case SET /P would preserve any pre-existing variable value.
The code can be shortened by using a FOR loop, especially if you have many more lines to read:
<penize.txt ( for %%V in (penize penizesekunda) do (
set "%%V="
set /p "%%V="
Note that you can list the variables on separate lines, which can help readability:
<penize.txt (
for %%V in (
) do (
set "%%V="
set /p "%%V="
Here is some example code for you:
REM Get first line of a file
set /p penize=<penize.txt
REM Get second line of a file
for /f "skip=1" %%a in (penize.txt) do set penizesekunda=%%a

Batch file game trouble, missing operator error

I've been working on a batch file game for some time, but I am having trouble with the shop I am making. When I run the script and try to buy something in the shop it gives me "missing operator" and then displays the message for buying the item, but doesn't add the item to the player's inventory. Heres the code. Any help is much appreciated.
title Nova: In the Weapon Shop
echo You have %money% gold.
echo What will you buy?
echo 1) Wooden Sword: 500 gold
echo You own %sword1%
echo 2) Stone Sword: 1000 gold
echo You own %sword2%
echo 3) Iron Blade: 5000 gold
echo You own %sword3%
echo 4) Mythril Sabre: 7500 gold
echo You own %sword4%
echo 5) Mythril Longsword: 10000 gold
echo You own %sword5%
echo 6) Next
echo 7) Leave Shop
set/p sword_screen=
if %sword_screen% LEQ 0 goto sword_screen
if %sword_screen% GEQ 8 goto sword_screen
if %sword_screen% EQU 1 goto buy_sword1
if %sword_screen% EQU 2 goto buy_sword2
if %sword_screen% EQU 3 goto buy_sword3
if %sword_screen% EQU 4 goto buy_sword4
if %sword_screen% EQU 5 goto buy_sword5
if %sword_screen% EQU 6 goto gauntlet_screen
if %sword_screen% EQU 7 goto main_menu
set price=500
set att=100
if %money% LSS %price% goto lack_funds
set/a money=%money%-%price%
set/a %sword1%=%sword1%+1
echo You bought a Wooden Sword. This weapon has %att% attack.
goto sword_screen
set price=1000
set att=150
if %money% LSS %price% goto lack_funds
set /a money=%money%-%price%
set /a %sword2%=%sword2%+1
echo You bought a Stone Sword. This weapon has %att% attack.
goto sword_screen
set price=5000
set att=300
if %money% LSS %price% goto lack_funds
set /a money=%money%-%price%
set /a %sword3%=%sword3%+1
echo You bought a Iron Blade. This weapon has %att% attack.
goto sword_screen
set price=7500
set att=500
if %money% LSS %price% goto lack_funds
set /a money=%money%-%price%
set /a %sword4%=%sword4%+1
echo You bought a Mythril Sabre. This weapon has %att% attack.
goto sword_screen
set /a price=10000
set /a att=1000
if %money% LSS %price% goto lack_funds
set /a money=%money%-%price%
set /a %sword5%=%sword5%+1
echo You bought a Mythril Longsword. This weapon has %att% attack.
goto sword_screen
Just to be clear, the sword variables and the money variable are declared earlier on in the code
since you did not define money nor sword variables the lines
if %money% LSS %price% goto lack_funds
set/a %sword1%=%sword1%+1
expand to
if LSS 500 goto lack_funds
set/a =+1
which is wrong. Those are common mistakes. change the line like this:
if [%money%] LSS [%price%] goto lack_funds
set/a sword1=0%sword1%+1
Note that the variables are surrounded by square brackets so even if the variable is undefinde you'll get at least a valid line
Note that the left-param in the set-line must not have the %-signs and the right-param has an additional 0 so that if the variable is undefined you'll get 0+1 which is valid
btw, there is not lack_funds lable in your code snippet and also i recommend adding
echo off
set money=5000
at the beginning of the script

Batch window opens and shuts immediately?

I have this code in my batch file, but when I open it, it closes itself immediately. What do I do? It should work without adding any pauses.
#echo off
color f0
set /a wait=50000
set /a limit=2147483646
set /a current=0
echo Current Number:%current%
echo Your number is 2,147,483,647
goto loop1
set /a wait=%wait%-50000
set /a current=%current%+1
if current=limit goto pause1
goto start2
set /a wait=%wait%+1
if %wait%=50000 goto loop1
echo Current Number:%current%
echo Your number is 2,147,483,647
goto loop2
goto pause2
goto pause1
Seems like you have a problem with syntax, specifically if current=limit goto pause1 and if %wait%=50000 goto loop1 see the fixed file below:
#echo off
color f0
set /a wait=50000
set /a limit=2147483646
set /a current=0
echo Current Number:%current%
echo Your number is 2,147,483,647
goto loop1
set /a wait=%wait%-50000
set /a current=%current%+1
if %current%==%limit% goto pause1
goto start2
set /a wait=%wait%+1
if %wait%==50000 goto loop1
echo Current Number:%current%
echo Your number is 2,147,483,647
goto loop2
goto pause2
goto pause1
