SELECT from dynamic table by FK - sql-server

I have an object structure in C# which I'm persisting to SQL Server 2008 in a pattern similar to what is described here. Basically I have some states, which different properties. There is a main State table which has an Id which is FK on the subtype tables, see attached image (there is a large number of states in the implementation).
Now, I'd like to get the properties of a given state (known Id). For instance, say Id 5 denotes an Active state, I'd like to get the values of prop1 and prop2 in the diagram.
The only way I can come up with is joining all the state tables (knowing that I will only get a match from one). Is there a better way of accomplishing this?


Event Sourcing SQL Populate Parent and Child Table

Following up from question
CQRS Read Model Design when Event Sourcing with a Parent-Child-GrandChild… relationship:
We utilize Event sourcing with SQL Server 2016 at Example: furniture company.
(1) We have a Parent and Child table. Say a FurnitureDescriptionTable, (Parent table- description of all furniture Items) and FurnitureOrders(Child - multiple customers orders, refers to FurnitureDescription table). Should the join column between these be Guid or Integer Identity in SQL?
(2) If Guid, who generates the Guid, API or SQL? any reason?
Choosing what kind of type you need for for primary/foreign keys is a known problem in RDBMS world. Simple googling will help. But still:
Guids are usually done on the application side. This option is popular (since you are referring to CQRS) when command handlers can generate complete domain objects, including the identity. Otherwise, you need to have a unique identity generator, which might be non-trivial, but still feasible in some databases, like using Oracle sequences.
Numbers are usually chosen for database-generated ids. Then, new id will only be known when the row is inserted to a table. For event-sourcing scenario this is not an option, since you will only insert on the read side, but objects are created on the write side.

How to have a 1:n relationship with one prominent Member

I'm working on a Program that manages customers and their application packaging requests. I want to store the Information in a MS SQL Database and have different default values depending on the customer, because different customers have a different set of relevant or used values.
My Database has 2 relevant tables: Customer and Application. One Customer can have many applications (1:n Foreign key in Application) But each Customer also has exactly one set of Default values(1:1 Foreign key in Customer)
I could not find anyone who tried something similiar after some research and i have a really bad feeling about these two references. Is there a more elegant way to achieve one outstanding member on the N side of a 1:N relationship?
There are several approaches:
Your customer and the set of defaults is 1:1.
The customer with all other application entities is 1:n
You might put the defaults directly into your customer table (easy and fast but not clean)
You might define two tables with the same structure. One with non-nullable columns to define defaults and bind them 1:1 and the second as 1:n relation (You need a UNION query to put them together)
You might use a marker in your application table to mark the "default" row (You need to make sure, that there is only one marked record)
You might - which seems to be your current approach - set a FK-ID into your customer table to store the ID of the default row.
My approach was: Put a rank column into your application table. You might set the combination of customerID and rank as unique... This makes you able to define one with the lowest rank as the default and - similiar to a cascading stylesheet - you can start with the highest and move backward until you've found one value other than NULL.

Linking an address table to multiple other tables

I have been asked to add a new address book table to our database (SQL Server 2012).
To simplify the related part of the database, there are three tables each linked to each other in a one to many fashion: Company (has many) Products (has many) Projects and the idea is that one or many addresses will be able to exist at any one of these levels. The thinking is that in the front-end system, a user will be able to view and select specific addresses for the project they specify and more generic addresses relating to its parent product and company.
The issue now if how best to model this in the database.
I have thought of two possible ideas so far so wonder if anyone has had a similar type of relationship to model themselves and how they implemented it?
Idea one:
The new address table will additionally contain three fields: companyID, productID and projectID. These fields will be related to the relevant tables and be nullable to represent company and product level addresses. e.g. companyID 2, productID 1, projectID NULL is a product level address.
My issue with this is that I am storing the relationship information in the table so if a project is ever changed to be related to a different product, the data in this table will be incorrect. I could potentially NULL all but the level I am interested in but this will make getting parent addresses a little harder to get
Idea two:
On the address table have a typeID and a genericID. genericID could contain the IDs from the Company, Product and Project tables with the typeID determining which table it came from. I am a little stuck how to set up the necessary constraints to do this though and wonder if this is going to get tricky to deal with in the future
Many thanks,
I will suggest using Idea one and preventing Idea two.
Second Idea is called Polymorphic Association anti pattern
Objective: Reference Multiple Parents
Resulting side effect: Using dual-purpose foreign key will violating first normal form (atomic issue), loosing referential integrity
Solution: Simplify the Relationship
The simplification of the relationship could be obtained in two ways:
Having multiple null-able forging keys (idea number 1): That will be
simple and applicable if the tables(product, project,...) that using
the relation are limited. (think about when they grow up to more)
Another more generic solution will be using inheritance. Defining a
new entity as the base table for (product, project,...) to satisfy
Addressable. May naming it organization-unit be more rational. Primary key of this organization_unit table will be the primary key of (product, project,...). Other collections like Address, Image, Contract ... tables will have a relation to this base table.
It sounds like you could use Junction tables
They will give you the flexibility you need to maintain your foreign key restraints, as well as share addresses between levels or entities if that is desired.
One for Company_Address, Product_Address, and Project_Address

Database design to support dynamic entities

OK, I don't know whether this question belong to this place, but you will suggest me if I'm wrong.
I have some entities which has almost same attributes, differences is in maybe 2-3 columns.
Because of those different columns, I can't create one table with columns that are union of attributes of every entity, because new entity type will require changing table design adding new columns specific to that entity type.
Instead, currently working design is that every specific entity has own table.
But, if new type of entity come on scene, I must create new table, which is totally bad idea.
How can I create one table which consists shared attributes for each type of entity, and some additional mechanism to evidence entity-unique attributes?
So, idea is to easy add new types of objects, without changing database design, configuring only part that deal with unique columns.
P.S. Maybe I'm not clear, but I will add more description if is it needed.
I had a design like that once. What I did was I created a table that housed all the shared properties. Then, I had separate tables for the distinct values. I used joins to match a specific entity to its shared table row. I had less than 10, so my views that used unions I just updated when I added a new entity. But, if you used a naming convention, you could write stored procs that find the table names dynamically and do the unions and joins on the fly. In my case, I used a base class and specific classes to make a custom data layer.
Another possibility is to have a generic table that's basically name/value pairs and a table the represents your shared properties. By joining the tables together, you could have any number of entity specific properties for your entities. It's not very efficient and the SQL would get weird, but I've seen it done.
One solution is to store the common parts in one table, and the specific parts in tables specific to that entity.
eg: To have a set of people, some of whom are managers...
Person Table
Manager Table
As soon as you go down the path of having one table with variable field meanings - effectively an Entity Attribute Value design - you find yourself in querying hell.
Perhaps not the best or most academic, but what about this kind of "open structure" ?
MainTable: all common fields
SpecialProperties: extra properties, as required
- MainRecordId (P, F->MainTable)
- PropertyName (P)
- PropertyText
- PropertyValue (for numeric values)

Many tables to a single row in relational database

Consider we have a database that has a table, which is a record of a sale. You sell both products and services, so you also have a product and service table.
Each sale can either be a product or a service, which leaves the options for designing the database to be something like the following:
Add columns for each type, ie. add Service_id and Product_id to Invoice_Row, both columns of which are nullable. If they're both null, it's an ad-hoc charge not relating to anything, but if one of them is satisfied then it is a row relating to that type.
Add a weird string/id based system, for instance: Type_table, Type_id. This would be a string/varchar and integer respectively, the former would contain for example 'Service', and the latter the id within the Service table. This is obviously loose coupling and horrible, but is a way of solving it so long as you're only accessing the DB from code, as such.
Abstract out the concept of "something that is chargeable" for with new tables, of which Product and Service now are an abstraction of, and on the Invoice_Row table you would link to something like ChargeableEntity_id. However, the ChargeableEntity table here would essentially be redundant as it too would need some way to link to an abstract "backend" table, which brings us all the way back around to the same problem.
Which way would you choose, or what are the other alternatives to solving this problem?
What you are essentially asking is how to achieve polymorphism in a relational database. There are many approaches (as you yourself demonstrate) to this problem. One solution is to use "table per class" inheritance. In this setup, there will be a parent table (akin to your "chargeable item") that contains a unique identifier and the fields that are common to both products and services. There will be two child tables, products and goods: Each will contain the unique identifier for that entity and the fields specific to it.
One benefit to this approach over others is you don't end up with one table with many nullable columns that essentially becomes a dumping ground to describe anything ("schema-less").
One downside is as your inheritance hierarchy grows, the number of joins needed to grab all the data for an entity also grows.
I believe it depends on use case(s).
You could put the common columns in one table and put product and service specific columns in its own tables.Here the deal is that you need to join stuff.
Else if you maintain two separate tables, one for Product and another for Sale. You use application logic to determine which table to insert into. And getting all sales will essentially mean , union of getting all products and getting all sale.
I would go for approach 2 personally to avoid joins and inserting into two tables whenever a sale is made.
