I migrated my Druapl 7 site from a domain: fourth.third.second.first/subfolder to a different domain and the new adress is only third.second.first itself, without any subfolder. The home page loads without any problems. When I type in the default option (in the URL adress bar of the web browser) for logging in for users "third.second.first/user" it doesnt work either. What can be causing this problem?
I already checked .htaccess RewriteBase settings.
did you check settings.php?
there is a base_url setting there which lets you set the base url.
I'm running Plesk 12.0.18 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 and have a problem with a recently added domain.
The domain was added to plesk for a new website and has its own directory (httpdocs/goodsnap). When I visit the domain http://goodsnap.co.uk it redirects to the default domain on the server IP rather than opening the index.html file within httpdocs/goodsnap.
I can open the index file manually by going to http://goodsnap.co.uk/index.html and also get into WP by going to http://goodsnap.co.uk/wordpress
Can anyone advise how to rectify this? I have tried setting a redirect to the wordpress subdirectory by placing a .htaccess in httpdocs/goodsnap but it makes no difference.
Many Thanks
I currently have a working Bolt installation on my main domain (i.e. example.com). But I also wanted a subdomain (i.e. blog.example.com).
I created it, but when I uploaded Bolt to it, but when I tried to access it I only got 404 errors.
I tried copying the Bolt installation from the main domain, then only the main page works, but when I try to access the CMS I get a 404 error. Also if I try to access other pages (i.e. blog.example.com/images) I get a 404.
I tried to change the RewriteBase in the .htaccess to all possible things, but no result.
Also if I do it on another hosting company it is just working, does anyone have a suggestion?
Thanks in advance!
if it is working at another hosting company, maybe that is something non-bolt related issue.
I assume that both of them Apache, so after checking file access rights then I would check apache log.
I had the exact same issue and found out that mod_rewrite was disabled on my sub domain.
I have a site who needs to be pointed to: inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\
If I point the "Default Web Site" to that directoy, my web application works perfectly.
Now, as I want to add more sites to that same computer, I am pointing the "Default Web Site" to inetpub\wwwroot\ and the concrete folder for my web application (cakephp) to the previous path inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\.
When I do this I have noticed it doesn't even execute the index.php file located inside inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\ contrary as it should. It only does it when accessing directly to the root of the site.
To clarify it:
www.myweb.com/cakephp/ executes inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\index.php
www.myweb.com/cakephp/actionName/ does NOT executes inetpub\wwwroot\cakephp\app\webroot\index.php
Why is this happening? Why it doesn't recognize the given path when I add any parameter to the URL?
It tries to list the folder content instead...
Have you tried this:
For example:
if that is working, then 'URL rewriting' isn't working.
URL Rewriting doesn't work out-of-the-box on IIS, but can be configured with the instructions in the documentation:
However, your setup may need to be slightly different than the documentation because you've installed your website in a subdirectory
I have been trying in vain for many hours to get this working. I have scoured the forums and cannot for the life of me get this to work. Any illumination on the matter would be much appreciated.
I am running:
Vanilla version
ProxyConnect version 1.8.4
Cakephp Version 1.3.3
Croogo Version 1.3.2 (cakephp CMS)
I have installed the Vanilla forum in a subfolder app/webroot/vanilla
Install goes smoothly and I upload the proxyconnect plugin into the vanilla plugins folder.
I activate it, and the load the following urls (I have taken out http:// because I am only allowed to post 2 links as I am a newbie here)
Main Site URL The URL of your website where you will use ProxyConnect
Authenticate URL The behind-the-scenes URL that shares identity information with Vanilla
Registration URL The URL where users can sign up for new accounts on your site
Sign-In URL The URL where users sign in on your site
Sign-Out URL The URL where users sign out of your site
I have created an action in my users_controller called authenticate()
public function authenticate() {
$this->layout = 'ajax';
$this->header('Content-Type: text/plain');
if($this->Auth->user()) {
$data = $this->Auth->user();
$this->set('data', $data);
I have created a view authenticate.ctp which outputs the data correctly if you access it directly and you are logged in
if(isset($data)) {
echo 'UniqueID='.$data['User']['id']."\n";
echo 'Name='.$data['User']['username']."\n";
echo 'Email='.$data['User']['email']."\n";
echo 'TransientKey='."\n";
echo 'DateOfBirth='."\n";
echo 'Gender=';
In vanilla config.php I have set
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Domain'] = '.localhost';
In Cakephp bootstrap.php I have set
ini_set('session.cookie_domain', '.localhost');
So, after all that when I click on signin from vanilla I get redirected to the cake app login and when I login I am not logged in in Vanilla Forum.
When I logout from Vanilla I get redirected to the cake app and am logged out from that but not from Vanilla.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Get rid of
from your output as this will fail the ini string format due to blank strings
Firstly, I have been stung once in the past when working with CakePHP's AuthComponent, with cookies not working the way I had expected on localhost. I didn't spend too much time investigating as the code worked in the production environment (on a real domain name).
I suggest you add an entry to your hosts file with a realistic looking domain name. Assuming your production URL will be http://www.example.com/ or http://forum.example.com/, you can map a fake development subdomain to that same domain name by updating your hosts file like so: localhost dev.example.com
You would then access your development environment using http://dev.example.com:8888/ instead of http://localhost:8888/. After that, you would then need to update all the URLs in the Proxyconnect settings, and the cookie domains in the Vanilla/CakePHP configuration files to match this new domain.
// http://dev.example.com:8888/cmrs
// http://dev.example.com:8888/cmrs/users/authenticate
// http://dev.example.com:8888/cmrs/register
// http://dev.example.com:8888/cmrs/users/login?vanilla=1
// http://dev.example.com:8888/cmrs/users/logout?vanilla=1
$Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']['Domain'] = '.example.com';
ini_set('session.cookie_domain', '.example.com');
Secondly, you should be using a development tool to inspect any cookies being created, making sure they are actually being created with the correct domain and path settings (I guess CakePHP should be creating cookies that Proxyconnect can see). A popular combination for doing this easily is to use Firefox + Firebug + Firecookie, but many new browsers have these tools built in (eg. the Resources tab in Chrome's included Developer Tools).
If CakePHP (or Vanilla) is installed in a subdirectory, you may need to check cookies are not being created that are "sandboxed" within the subdirectory. I believe CakePHP will do this by default unless you ini_set('session.cookie_path', '/');.
Also, when CakePHP's Security.level setting has a value of high, it will regenerate a (random) session ID on each request. I would set this to medium, at least while testing.
Am using Silverlight 4 hosted in an ASP.NET MVC page, e.g. http://test.example.com/main. I make a call to the server from Silverlight using WCF and get some values back. One of these values I write as a cookie using:
HtmlPage.Document.SetProperty("cookie", newCookie);
I can then view the cookie text using:
I can see various cookies, including the one I just created, so looks like it was created ok.
From within the SL app, I display some hyperlinks. When the user clicks on this it will display the link in a new browser window. The links go to the same domain, e.g. http://test.example.com/viewdoc?1233
The new cookie that was created is not being passed in the request. The other cookies that were originally there are being passed. I don't see how its a crossdomain policy issue since they are going to the same domain. It doesn't matter what browser I use (Safari, Firefox, IE8, IE6), they all exhibit the same problem, so it doesn't seem to be an IE8 issue that I saw on other similar issues.
So where is my cookie going?
Verify that the path property of the cookie is not set to certain page only:
The path parameter is potentially the
most useful of the 4 optional cookie
settings. It sets the URL path the
cookie is valid within. Pages outside
of that path cannot read or use the
cookie. If Path is not set explicitly,
then it defaults to the URL path of the
document creating the cookie.