Calling a specific contact endpoint with Lync - call

I'm trying to develop a Lync application that allows a user to select which of a contact's endpoints they would like to call. For instance, if User A has two phones listed, then User B can choose between those two options and call whichever he likes to try and get in contact with them. I know with the regular Lync Client(not suppressed) this appears to be possible, but Im not sure how to accomplish it programatically in UISuppression mode. Any ideas?

I may be mistaking your question for something different ... but is this not just the difference between calling a sip uri and calling one or more tel uris.
So... in the Lync client, people can "Call Lync" me, which will start a call to my sip uri, or they can see my Work and Mobile numbers, and place a call to either of those, which will then call a tel uri call.
If I sign into Lync on my mobile (creating two endpoints) then other people still only see one option to "Call Lync" me, and it's down to my own settings whether I get simultaneous ring or forward-ring, or whatever.
You can get a contacts tel URI details from their contact object, and place calls just as you would a sip uri call, however instead of placing a call to you use tel:+4412345654321 etc.


how to send email on Code Name One using Gmail Api

I want to know if There Is a solution to send an email on a Code Name One app using Gmail Api,
i have an exception When i m using javaxmail,
error: cannot find symbol
import java.util.Properties;
symbol: class Properties
thanks in Advance.
You can use Display.sendMessage to send an email in Codename One. However, this is an "interactive" API that will launch the users email client and he'll need to press send to perform the actual emailing.
Alternatively you can use the sendgrid cn1lib to send an email via sendgrid. I would recommend against that though. If you send an email from the device that means your credentials (password etc.) would be on the device. A better way would be to contact your backend server and ask it to send the email for you. That way a hacker can't decompile your app and find out your credentials.
I agree with Shai's response, I'd just like to add a few more thoughts.
Sending emails from a mobile application (regardless of whether it is developed with Codename One) has two major problems:
the first problem, as mentioned by Shai, concerns the credentials: putting your Gmail account inside the client app code is a very bad idea;
the second problem is specifically about Gmail, since you're not referring to a generic mail service, but to Gmail itself: Stack Overflow is not the place to make recommendations on which services to use, however I can tell you why Gmail is probably not what you want to use. The main problem is that Gmail, when used for "third-party apps" (which Gmail considers insecure), doesn't allow you to change IP addresses frequently: if it notices an IP change, it blocks the service and forces you to manually unblock it in the security settings. Obviously the problem is minor if Gmail is contacted by your server that has a static IP address, but it becomes a big problem if Gmail is contacted directly from your users' phones, each of which will have a different IP.
That said, if your app made with Codename One needs to send emails (e.g. to activate new users), I recommend:
your app can use Codename One's Rest class to make a REST call to your RESTful server backend;
in your server, you could use an alternative service to Gmail that doesn't give problems if you change the server IP address every now and then or if you use the server both locally and remotely. For what is my experience, I can tell you that on my Spring Boot server I use org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender, which is compatible with various mail services (just for information, I use a free ZohoMail account, however there may be many other alternative and equally valid mail services that I do not know).
As for using Codename One's Rest class, I'll point you to the developer guide ( and to this blog posts: and
When making Rest calls with Codename One, always keep in mind that there may be no Internet connection or other connectivity issues (or server-side errors), so careful handling of possible errors is critical.

How send notification into ms teams user from custom tab

I'm designing a custom team tab using React that calls third party API, I need after executing the API successfully, user gets notified . What is the best way to achieve this? I used Bot in my project, but not sure how can I call it from my custom tab class. I'm aware of the existence of proactive messaging, is it the only way to do it? If it is, a pointer on how to implement it to a custom tab would be appreciated.
If you're wanting to message the user 1-1 (like in the personal app), then proactive messaging is definitely what you need (inside a Team, there are other options), and considering you have the bot already in place that's perfect. The only thing you might be missing are the details required to send the actual proactive message (the best time to get them is when the bot is first installed by the user). In particular, you need ConversationId and ServiceUrl.
With regards the concept of Proactive Messaging, basically once the bot is installed, and you have the required values, you can -send- the message from any backend code at all. That can include, for example, custom tab's backend api. You need to identify the user, which you can do using the Teams Context (it's not the safest way but it's the easiest), and then look up the values in your own backend store (e.g. database or whatever) to get the ConversationId and ServiceUrl, then just message the user in your backend.

How to send user data to developer? Xcode/Swift

I'm creating my first application that requires me to update the app based on user input. I've been searching for the best way to send input to me. For example, I have a button that when the user presses I would like to send me the information they've added to a text field. Being new to this, I thought this could be done by simply sending the information to a specified email, but from what I've researched I will need some sort of database. Looking through the Apple Developer Documentation I don't even know which topic I should be looking at to figure this out, any help or direction would be very helpful!
You need to setup a server (using an API) to receive the information.
Usually you will use a webservice to receive the info from the app, although there are other ways to do that.
Sending an email through iOs would require the user to accept the email that is being sent, so doesn't look like a good idea.
Take a look at some options available to create webservices (django rest framework or flask), Google's Firebase also can be handy in this situation, since is only integrating it with your app and storing the data you want to store, with easy integration for Authentication and user tracking.

Facebook Messenger: Is it Possible to Initiate Chat With Parameters?

Back in the day Facebook used to let you define URLs that were something like there. When you clicked that link Facebook would open up its Messenger with a "Hi there" message ready to be sent to user 55.
But then Facebook decided that "pre-filling" was bad, and outlawed it across all their APIs. Now there are a bunch of different ways to initiate a Messenger chat session, but they all amount to "start a chat with user 55", not "start a chat with user 55 using some information".
The thing is, I'd like to somehow pass information along with the link. For instance, I might want to have three different links on three different pages, and I want my chatbot to be able to respond differently based on which page the user came from. Since I can't "pre-fill" a message (eg. "Hello, I just came from page A"), I'm wondering if there is any other way to pass auxiliary information.
I'm wondering if there's any way I can possibly provide a user with a link that, when they click it, starts up a chat session with my chatbot user, and somehow passes information to it. Using an intermediate proxy (ie. having the link go to my server, and then have my server start the chat somehow) would work, but only if I can associate the information with the user (ie. it doesn't help to know "page A" if I can't associate that with the user once they start chatting).
After researching further it would appear that the answer to my question is no: there is currently no way to pass-along supplemental information.
But here's the good news: when I filed a bug about this (which it turns out I should have filed as a feature request, sorry Facebook) I got a response saying something to the effect of "we couldn't tell you that we are currently developing this, even if we were", which I'm going to optimistically choose to interpret as a sign hope means that this functionality may be coming in the future.

How to forward domain requests to gae url

I have different customers who own each their own hosted saas page on my gae app. for example:
each of the customers may want his domain name for example to "invisibilly" forward to
Please notice I want to be transmitted to the target url as
I searched for the google documentation and I can't find a way to do that.
Note: I don't want a redirect where the person who types finds he's not there anymore, and I don't want a frame to include my url in the since I want the user to be able to click on the back button.
In short, I want the domains to work as proxies, knowing that from what I know, proxies are not good for some content, for exampe, if my target link has a youtube video, this might not work. So I'm asking if there is a way to do a dns redirect for a url and not a domain???
Using subdomains is also limited: creating a subdomain for each customer will be a tedious work...
Using subdomains is also limited: creating a subdomain for each customer will be a tedious work...
How so? This could actually be a lot easier for you/your customers since your customers wouldn't have to deal with domain verification/DNS settings and all you would need to do is add one * (wildcard) host to your main domain pointing to and adding * in your GAE apps's settings. In your app, in your framework of choice you would then see what subdomain the request came to and and handle it as the customer's unique id (instead of 123/456). See here how you would determine the subdomain on python/webapp2. If you're using a different combination of language/framework - there are alternatives functions as well.
If you still want the customers to use their own domains then it gets a little more complicated. First, they need to provide the full domain name to you, you then add it to your GAE app's settings. Next, you and your customers need to follow one of the verifications steps listed on this page: and once that is complete you would need to ask your customers to create a CNAME record on their domains/subdomains pointing to Once the CNAME record is created, you would handle this just like the if these were subdomains on your own domain, i.e. in your framework determine what domain the request came to and handle it as a customer's unique ID to serve that customer's app.
