Svn ignore some files in a directory - file

I would like to ignore *.dll and *.xml under bin directory, but include everything else (*.dll.refresh). I tried the following ignore patterns but that didn't work:
bin/*.dll bin/*.xml
bin\*.dll bin\*.xml
I don't want to ignore all *.dll, and obviously need the bin folder checked in.

You should set svn:ignore property on bin directory itself. Here is a link to some documentaion.


.gitignore everything but .c and .h recursively

I would like to ignore everything in a certain folder and its subfolders, except for .c and .h files.
Yet locally, i need other files too. Do i have to have these files, which should not be tracked, in the git-repo before or after i add the .gitignore?
And how do i do this?:
#ignore all
This is my current solution, but it does not work. But i think this also relates to the point in time, where i have to add the files, that should be ignored, but need to be there locally?
The problem is, i got a copy of a project, that does all kinds of makefile magic and other things, i do not even know what kind of file-types and subfolders there are (i will only work in one folder of the massive project, so i don't think, that the gitignore needs to be so exclusive) ... and i can't just commit everything, because the "lib" has to be installed i think, so everybody needs to do this on his own ...
Ignoring * means ignore everything including top-level directories. After that git doesn't even look into subdirectories. To fix that unignore directories. Your entire .gitignore should look like this:
# Ignore all
# Unignore directories
# Unignore source code files
Another approach is to ignore everything but force-add necessary files with git add -f.
The problem is that the pattern
excludes all directories, too. According to the gitignore documentation,
It is not possible to re-include a file if a parent directory of that file is excluded.
To make this work, then, you'll need to use make sure that directories are not ignored. The gitignore pattern format does not provide a way to distinguish between directories and regular files, so you'll need to do that manually. One possibility would be to put a .gitignore file in each that directory that reincludes all its subdirectories, but it would be easier to just reinclude all directories. These can be matched (exclusively) with a pattern that ends with a '/':
Also, you are right when you say
But i think this also relates to the point in time, where i have to add the files, that should be ignored
in the sense that gitignore does not apply to files that are already tracked.

Iterate run inscript command line tool over all html files in subfolders

I would like to convert a large number of html files to txt files. I have downloaded the inscript command line tool from github but I am struggling to apply it to all html files which are located in subdirectories and then save these files as text files in the same directory where the html files are located.
I have tried:
for f in ./ do -o test.txt done
The following should work:
for d in ./**/*/; do
pushd "$d"
for f in *.html(N); do
out=test-${f%.html}.txt -o "$out" "$f"
The pattern .**/*/ will recursively match the current directory and all its subdirectories. pushd will change to a directory, but remember the current working directory. does its thing, then popd returns to the original working directory so that the next value of d continues to be a valid
relative directory.
Changing the working directory isn't strictly necessary; it just simplifies the file paths involved, because you focus on the name of the file and ignore the rest of the path.

Post Build event xcopy - exclude some set of files

I want to copy some of the files to the specific folder after the successful compilation of the project. I have written a post build event as mentioned below:
xcopy "$(ProjectDir)bin" "$(TargetDir)..\..\Support Files\DBUpgradeUtility\" /Y
Note: the output path of my project has been set to bin folder for debug and release both the mode.
The above mentioned build event worked fine and all the files present under bin folder has been copied to destination folder. But along with the required files, the ‘vshost.exe’ files also copied, I don’t’ want this file. So, I have used the exclude parameter of xcopy build event as mentioned below:
xcopy "$(ProjectDir)bin" "$(TargetDir)..\..\Support Files\DBUpgradeUtility\" /Y /exclude:$(TargetDir)..\..\Support Files\DBUpgradeUtility\*.vshost.exe
With the above build event, the compilation failed and the error was:
The command "xcopy "C:\TFSWorkspace\FASTER.Web -
"C:\TFSWorkspace\FASTER.Web -
Files\DBUpgradeUtility\" /Y /exclude:"C:\TFSWorkspace\FASTER.Web -
Files\DBUpgradeUtility*. vshost.exe" exited with code 4.
I have also googled for exclude parameter and then written the build event mentioned above. I cannot find what I am missing here or what I did wrong.
Please help me on this.
Thank you.
The /exclude option of the xcopy command works differently - it allows you to specify files which contain exclude filters:
Specifies a list of files. At least one file must be specified. Each
file will contain search strings with each string on a separate line
in the file.
When any of the strings match any part of the absolute
path of the file to be copied, that file will be excuded from being
copied. For example, specifying the string, \obj\ or .obj will exclude
all files underneath the directory obj or all files with the .obj
Therefore you may create a new file in your project (for example $(ProjectDir)excludes.txt) and add this line:
Then change the option in your xcopy command to:
This excludes all files containing vshost.exe in their absolute path. If you have to exclude other files, just add a new line to the file.

How to get files in a directory including all subdirectories files?

I need to get all files that are inside a dir including files that are inside all dirs.
I found this post that gets all files of the dir, but it is for the current level files and don't goes any deeper.
Maybe there is already a built-in function to do this?
To list all files in the current directory and sub-directories, use:
dir /s

Command Prompt and batch files

I'm trying to copy a number of files from a directory. I want to include the file path from the base of this particular directory tree, however, I only have a list of the file names to go by. Is there a way to copy either:
a list of files with their directories appended to the beginning in a .txt file
a copy of the folders in the directory with copies of the files placed in their original places in the original directory.
Each file in the directory has a unique name.
I've looked all over google, but the closest I've found is xcopy, which I don't believe is capable of this.
For the second option you can use xcopy /s or robocopy /s. Both are great tools for this kind of job.
