LinkageError when calling webservice method - apache-camel

I have an apache servicemix (camel 2.9) route which calls a bean, that in turn makes a SOAP request. The SOAP code is generated via wsdl2java and works fine (cxf 2.4.0). The problem i have is when a SOAP fault is thrown, i get the following issue:
Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of <bootloader>) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "javax/xml/soap/SOAPFault"
at org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsClientProxy.invoke([175:org.apache.cxf.bundle:2.5.0.fuse-7-061]
at $Proxy120.catalogProductAttributeMediaRemove(Unknown Source)
at com.boohoo.magento.MagentoProducts.deleteImageFromProduct([769:magento-soap-api:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)[:1.6.0_29]
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([:1.6.0_29]
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke([:1.6.0_29]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke([:1.6.0_29]
at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo.invoke(
at org.apache.camel.component.bean.MethodInfo$1.proceed(
at org.apache.camel.component.bean.BeanProcessor.process(
From a bit of googling (my background is C#) the error seems to be stating that the class has been loaded multiple times, but i dont see see how this is possible since SOAPFaultException isnt one of my classes.
Any ideas?

I found out it was a problem with servicemix config. See:


SoapFault related issue with Camel upgrade from 2.x to 3.x

When the camel version is upgraded from 2.x to 3.x getting the below issue w.r.t SOAPFault.
Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader wants to load interface javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault. A different interface with the same name was previously loaded by "" (instance of org.apache.felix.framework.BundleWiringImpl$BundleClassLoader#607d3823
Tried checking dependencies. Let me know if there are any ways to resolve the above interface loading issue with camel 3.x

CI/CD pipeline deployment of AngularJS1.5.11 to azure websites giving error "Failed to instantiate module app.core due to Unknown provider: ENV_VARS"

after deploying the "AngularJs_1.5.11" app to "azure-websites" using "azure-devops" continuous-integration and deployment gives error:
[$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app due to:
Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module app.core due to:
Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: ENV_VARS
below is the screenshot of the error while accessing the AngularJS azure-website :
also find below screenshot of my build pipeline in azure-devops which deploys AngularJS application build to "azure-websites"
below screenshot is my application code in VSCode
I just started working on this new project which uses AngularJS_1.5.11 so I have no clue what is going wrong. I tried these links
unknown ENV provider in AngularJS from stack but as I am new to AngularJS I have no idea where to apply the changes in my code mentioned in the link.
Any suggestions would be of great help.
#Mark if you look at the screenshots below you will come to know how we are setting "ENV_VARS" in the code using "gulp.js, env.config.js, config.json" file
#Mark please find the screenshot of the 'config.js' file which gets created in the gulp task 'ng-config' using source file 'config.json' under "./src/client/app/config.js"
Here are the docs regarding the knowledge relevant to this issue.
Somewhere in your program, it is trying to reference one or more members defined in an angular provider registered as "ENV_VARS". Providers are angularjs objects that are available during compile time (see the table row for "object available in config phase" in this SO answer)
I would search the source of the application to see if this provider was further configured elsewhere (you can search by its name 'ENV_VARS') as it may not be getting sent over with your other source files.
To attempt a quick fix:
On the first line of your app.module.js, change it to this
angular.module('app.config', []).constant("ENV_VARS", {});
This will likely result in another error, but it should pinpoint you to what is trying to access this provider. I'm assuming this is either inherited code or from a purchased template so you may want to investigate the sources to that if possible.

JavaMail not working in OSGI(ServiceMix/Karaf)

I created a Karaf Instance on a Service Mix(7.0.1) and deployed my bundles into it.
The camel route is starting up properly, but always fails when it should send an email.
With the following exception:
javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type multipart/mixed;
I tried several solutions i found from different sources around the web, but cannot actually fix it.
I tried commenting javax.activation out in the file of the instance, as well as using a bundle that contains java mail and the osgi friendly version of the activation bundle in the same feature.
Could openJDK be an issue here?
Note: Everything works perfectly fine on a windows/oraclejdk environment, the exception only occurs in a linux/openjdk environment.
My issue stemed from a class loader problem after all and i fixed it by bundling javax.mail/mail/1.4.7 and org.apache.servicemix.specs.activation-api-1.1/2.8.0 in the same bundle.
I also needed to remove every occurence of javax.activation from the and file of the child instance.
I am not sure why it ran per default on a different environment, as in theory the same classloader problems should have occured too, but that might be connected to different JREs being in use.

Vespa Tutorial – HTTP API use-case fails to activate with IllegalArgumentException

I'm currently following the Vespa tutorials, and ran into an issue with the HTTP API use-case. Everything works fine from the mvn install package to the vespa-deploy prepare target/
The call to vespa-deploy activate returns normally, but the application then never gets available on localhost:8080. Looking at /opt/vespa/logs/vespa/vespa.log (in the VM) one finds the following stack trace: error Unexpected:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not create a component with id 'com.mydomain.demo.DemoComponent'.
Tried to load class directly, since no bundle was found for spec: sample-app-http-api-searcher.
If a bundle with the same name is installed, there is a either a version mismatch or the installed bundle's version contains a qualifier string.
This occurred using a fresh Docker image with a clean clone of the sample-apps git repository. Preparing and activating the basic sample as well as the other http example did work seamlessly.
I checked the sources and the xml files for obvious problems but don't have any clue about what is failing and where.
target/ contains
And the jar itself does contain a com/mydomain/demo/DemoComponent.class file (among other things).
Potentially related issue on the github tracker: I'll be posting a link to this question there as well, but I still think it's worth a SO question, at least to get some action behind the vespa tag :)
The bundle id in the application's services.xml file was wrong. Please pull the application from git and try again now. See also PR:
Brief explanation: The bundle id given in the bundle="<id>" declaration in services.xml must match the 'Bundle-SymbolicName' in the bundle's manifest. When the bundle has been built with the Vespa bundle-plugin, the symbolic name is by default the same as the project's artifactId. Hence, in most cases you just have to verify that the bundle id matches the artifactId.

jTwitter, oAuth, and Google App Engine. NoClassDefFoundError

I'm trying to use jTwitter to get an oauth instance to twitter with my consumer key/secret and access token/secret. This is well documented in the javadoc here. I have downloaded signpost, signpost-jetty, and the jtwitter library, but after deploying and running the servlet, I get a error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: winterwell/jtwitter/OAuthSignpostClient Eclipse isn't complaining about the class not being there, because it is there-- I can see it in the JAR file itself, which is in my project. So, I said forget it, I'll try out OAuthScribeClient instead, but this generated a VERY SIMILAR ERROR java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/scribe/oauth/Token This one confuses me even further because I have the following code in my java file, and it compiles without error or warning:
import org.scribe.oauth.Token;
Token token = new Token("myaccesstokeninfo", "accesstokensecret");
Clearly, I'm missing something very fundamental, but I am at an absolute loss as to what it may be. Thanks.
Usually "NoClassDefFoundError" happens when you forget to copy all jar-files to your "/war/WEB-INF/lib" directory, so those libs will be unavailable from server-side.
Xo4yHaMope is probably right.
If you're working from Eclipse but running using a web container, then your runtime classpath might be different from your project classpath - which can cause this error.
In order to complete Ben Winters answer what I actually did and worked is add the jar in
the libs folder within the project
see also here about folder hierarchy.
When you do this eclipse will normally add the jar to the android dependencies before launching the application. What I realise is that adding a jar in the build path will make classes available only during the build
