Suppressing instruction reordering in the WindRiver (Diab) Compiler - c

I am searching for the proper and accepted way to inhibit instruction reordering in the WindRiver C compiler (AKA Diab C (?)). The problem is that I have to write hardware registers several times within the same function and I don't want the optimizer to reorder the sequence or worse, to collect multiple writes into one. Please do not recommend "volatile" as I don't want to rely on this invisible and unreliable prerequisite (mostly because the definition may not be under my control). I am currently using an empty inline assembler-statement:
asm volatile (" ");
as surrogate because the compiler docs say that this will prevent reordering, OTOH maybe there is a more common way which every decent user of WindRiver C should know of.
thanks in advance


How do I "tell" to C compiler that the code shouldn't be optimized out?

Sometimes I need some code to be executed by the CPU exactly as I put it in the source. But any C compiler has it's optimization algorithms so I can expect some tricks. For example:
unsigned char flag=0;
interrupt ADC_ISR(){
ADC_result = ADCH;
flag = 1;
void main(){
echo ADC_result;
Some compilers will definitely make while(!flag); loop infinitive as it will suppose flag equals to false (!flag is therefore always true).
Sometimes I can use volatile keyword. And sometimes it can help. But actually in my case (AVR GCC) volatile keyword forces compiler to locate the variable into SRAM instead of registers (which is bad for some reasons). Moreover many articles in the Internet suggesting to use volatile keyword with a big care as the result can become unstable (depending on a compiler, its optimization settings, platform and so on).
So I would definitely prefer to somehow point out the source code instruction and tell to the compiler that this code should be compiled exactly as it is. Like this: volatile while(!flag);
Is there any standard C instruction to do this?
The only standard C way is volatile. If that doesn't happen to do exactly what you want, you'll need to use something specific for your platform.
You should indeed use volatile as answered by David Schwartz. See also this chapter of GCC documentation.
If you use a recent GCC compiler, you could disable optimizations in a single function by using appropriate function specific options pragmas (or some optimize function attribute), for instance
#pragma GCC optimize ("-O0");
before your main. I'm not sure it is a good idea.
Perhaps you want extended asm statements with the volatile keyword.
You have several options:
Compile without optimisations. Unlike some compilers, GCC doesn't optimise by default so unless you tell it to optimise, you should get generated code which looks very similar to your C source. Of course you can choose to optimise some C files and not others, using simple make rules.
Take the compiler out of the equation and write the relevant functions in assembly. Then you can get exactly the generated code you want.
Use volatile, which prevents the compiler from making any assumptions about a certain variable, so for any use of the variable in C the compiler is forced to generate a LOAD or a STORE even if ostensibly unnecessary.

What's the purpose of using assembly language inside a C program?

What's the purpose of using assembly language inside a C program? Compilers are able to generate assembly language already. In what cases would it be better to write assembly than C? Is performance a consideration?
In addition to what everyone said: not all CPU features are exposed to C. Sometimes, especially in driver and operating system programming, one needs to explicitly work with special registers and/or commands that are not otherwise available.
Also vector extensions.
That was especially true before the advent of compiler intrinsics. Those alleviate the need for inline assembly somewhat.
One more use case for inline assembly has to do with interfacing C with reflected languages. Specifically, assembly is all but necessary if you need to call a function when its prototype is not known at compile time. In other words, when the quantity and datatypes of that function's arguments are but runtime variables. C variadic functions and the stdarg machinery won't help you in this case - they would help you parse a stack frame, but not build one. In assembly, on the other hand, it's quite doable.
This is not an OS/driver scenario. There are at least two technologies out there - Java's JNI and COM Automation - where this is a must. In case of Automation, I'm talking about the way the COM runtime is marshaling dual interfaces using their type libraries.
I can think of a very crude C alternative to assembly for that, but it'd be ugly as sin. Slightly less ugly in C++ with templates.
Yet another use case: crash/run-time error reporting. For postmortem debugging, you'd want to capture as much of program state at the point of crash as possible (i. e. all the CPU registers), and assembly is a much better vehicle for that than C. Postmortem debugging of crashing native code usually involves staring at the assembly anyway.
Yet another use case - code that is intended for execution in another process without that process' co-operation or knowledge. This is often referred to as "shellcode", but it doesn't have to be shell related. Code like that needs to be very carefully written, and it can't rely on the conveniences of a high level language (like the run time library, or having a data section) that are normally taken for granted. When one is after injecting a significant piece of functionality into a target process, they usually end up loading a dynamic library, but the initial trampoline code that loads the library and passes control to it tends to be in assembly.
I've been only covering cases where assembly is necessary. Hand-optimizing for performance is covered in other answers.
There are a few, although not many, cases where hand-optimized assembly language can be made to run more efficiently than assembly language generated by C compilers from C source code. Also, for developers used to assembly language, some things can just seem easier to write in assembler.
For these cases, many C compilers allow inline assembly.
However, this is becoming increasingly rare as C compilers get better and better and producing efficient code, and most platforms put restrictions on some of the low-level type of software that is often the type of software that benefits most from being written in assembler.
In general, it is performance but performance of a very specific kind. For example, the SIMD parallel instructions of a processor might not generated by the compiler. By utilizing processor specific data formats and then issuing processor specific parallel instructions (e.g. ARM NEON or Intel SSE), very fast performance on graphics or signal processing problems can occur. Even then, some compilers allow these to be expressed in C using intrinsic functions.
While it used to be common to use assembly language inserts to hand-optimize critical functions, those days are largely done. Modern compilers are very good and modern processors have very complicated timing requirements so hand optimized code is often less optimal than expected.
There were various reasons to write inline assemblies in C. We can simply categorize the reasons into necessary and unnecessary.
For the reasons of unnecessary, possibly be:
platform compatibility
performance concerning
code optimization
I consider above as unnecessary because sometime they can be discard or implemented through pure C. For example of platform compatibility, you can totally implement particular version for each platform, however, use inline assemblies might reduce the effort. Here we are not going to talk too much about the unnecessary reasons.
For necessary reasons, they possibly be:
something with standard libraries was insufficient to do
some instruction set was not supported by compilers
object code generated incorrectly
writing stack-sensitive code
These reasons considered necessary, because of they are almost not possibly done with pure C language. For example, in old DOSes, software interrupt INT21 was not reentrantable. If you want to write a Virtual Dirve fully use INT21 supported by the compiler, it was impossible to do. In this situation, you would need to hook the original INT21, and make it reentrantable. However, the compiled code wraps your every call with prolog/epilog. Thus, you can never break something restricted, or you just crashed the code. You can try any of trick by using the pure language of C with libraries; but even you can successfully find a trick, that would mean you found a particular order that the compiler generates the machine code; this is implying: you tried to let the compiler compiles your code to exactly machine code. So, why not just write inline assemblies directly?
This example explained all above of necessary reasons except instruction set not supported, but I think that was easy to think about.
In fact, there're more reasons to write inline assemblies, but now you have some ideas of them, and so on.
Just as a curiosity, I'm adding here a concrete example of something not-so-low-level you can only do in assembly. I read this in an assembly book from my university time where it was used to show an inherent limitation of C/C++, and how to overcome it with assembly.
The problem is how do I invoke a function when the exact number of parameters is only known at runtime? In fact, in C/C++ you can easily define a function that takes a variable number of arguments like printf. But when it comes to calling that function, the compiler wants to know exactly how many parameters must be passed. You may pass more paremters than required, that won't do any harm. But what if the number grows unexpectedly to 100 or 1000 parameters, and must be picked out of an array?
The solution of course is using assembly, where you can dynamically create a stack frame of the proper size, copy the parameters on the stack, invoke the function, and finally reset the stack.
In practice, this would hardly ever be a limitation (except if the library you're using is really really bad designed). People who use assembly in C have much better reasons to do so like others have pointed out in their answers. Still, I think may be an interesting fact to know.
I would rather think of that as a way to write a very specific code for a specific platform, optimization, though still common, is used less nowadays. Knowledge and usage of assembly in C is also practiced by all-color hats.

C compiler structure optimisation

The C standard does not allow certain optimisations of structures: for example, rearrangement of fields, merging fields, discarding fields that are never read from, hoisting fields out of the structure if they can be turned into auto variables, etc. This is needed for various reasons, including consistent structure layouts across compilation units and allowing cast-compatible structures.
Do any modern compilers (e.g. gcc, clang, Visual C) support extensions that allow me to tell it that it is okay to do these optimisations?
Naturally, they'd only make sense for definitions that were local to a single compilation unit, so that the compiler could see all possible uses of the structure; and certain things (like the aforesaid cast-compatible structure definitions) would become unusable. But for certain tasks this could be a very valuable optimisation.
I do know that gcc used to have a -fipa-struct-reorg option to allow precisely this, but it never worked very well and bit rotted, and was eventually taken out. But I don't know if it's been replaced by anything. And I haven't been able to find anything in clang, which surprises me because I would think that this is precisely the kind of optimisation that clang would be all over...
No. There is no reason for such a thing to be supplied.
You can't do it where the structure's address is taken and sent anywhere, as it might be aliased anyway. That pretty much rules out anything outside of a single function.
If you can go through and do the analysis required to flag structure members that "this can be optimised away if not used" (beware funky offset calculating macros) then you can see for yourself if it is needed or not, and take it out yourself.
If unsure, just comment it out and see if you get a compile error.

Assembly-level function fingerprint

I would like to determine, whether two functions in two executables were compiled from the same (C) source code, and would like to do so even if they were compiled by different compiler versions or with different compilation options. Currently, I'm considering implementing some kind of assembler-level function fingerprinting. The fingerprint of a function should have the properties that:
two functions compiled from the same source under different circumstances are likely to have the same fingerprint (or similar one),
two functions compiled from different C source are likely to have different fingerprints,
(bonus) if the two source functions were similar, the fingerprints are also similar (for some reasonable definition of similar).
What I'm looking for right now is a set of properties of compiled functions that individually satisfy (1.) and taken together hopefully also (2.).
Of course that this is generally impossible, but there might exist something that will work in most of the cases. Here are some assumptions that could make it easier:
linux ELF binaries (without debugging information available, though),
not obfuscated in any way,
compiled by gcc,
on x86 linux (approach that can be implemented on other architectures would be nice).
Unfortunately, I have little to no experience with assembly. Here are some ideas for the abovementioned properties:
types of instructions contained in the function (i.e. floating point instructions, memory barriers)
memory accesses from the function (does it read/writes from/to heap? stack?)
library functions called (their names should be available in the ELF; also their order shouldn't usually change)
shape of the control flow graph (I guess this will be highly dependent on the compiler)
Existing work
I was able to find only tangentially related work:
Automated approach which can identify crypto algorithms in compiled code:
Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology in IDA disassembler; identifies concrete instruction sequences, but still contains some possibly useful ideas:
Do you have any suggestions regarding the function properties? Or a different idea which also accomplishes my goal? Or was something similar already implemented and I completely missed it?
FLIRT uses byte-level pattern matching, so it breaks down with any changes in the instruction encodings (e.g. different register allocation/reordered instructions).
For graph matching, see BinDiff. While it's closed source, Halvar has described some of the approaches on his blog. They even have open sourced some of the algos they do to generate fingerprints, in the form of BinCrowd plugin.
In my opinion, the easiest way to do something like this would be to decompose the functions assembly back into some higher level form where constructs (like for, while, function calls etc.) exist, then match the structure of these higher level constructs.
This would prevent instruction reordering, loop hoisting, loop unrolling and any other optimizations messing with the comparison, you can even (de)optimize this higher level structures to their maximum on both ends to ensure they are at the same point, so comparisons between unoptimized debug code and -O3 won't fail out due to missing temporaries/lack of register spills etc.
You can use something like boomerang as a basis for the decompilation (except you wouldn't spit out C code).
I suggest you approach this problem from the standpoint of the language the code was written in and what constraints that code puts on compiler optimization.
I'm not real familiar with the C standard, but C++ has the concept of "observable" behavior. The standard carefully defines this, and compilers are given great latitude in optimizing as long as the result gives the same observable behavior. My recommendation for trying to determine if two functions are the same would be to try to determine what their observable behavior is (what I/O they do and how the interact with other areas of memory and in what order).
If the problem set can be reduced to a small set of known C or C++ source code functions being compiled by n different compilers, each with m[n] different sets of compiler options, then a straightforward, if tedious, solution would be to compile the code with every combination of compiler and options and catalog the resulting instruction bytes, or more efficiently, their hash signature in a database.
The set of likely compiler options used is potentially large, but in actual practice, engineers typically use a pretty standard and small set of options, usually just minimally optimized for debugging and fully optimized for release. Researching many project configurations might reveal there are only two or three more in any engineering culture relating to prejudice or superstition of how compilers work—whether accurate or not.
I suspect this approach is closest to what you actually want: a way of investigating suspected misappropriated source code. All the suggested techniques of reconstructing the compiler's parse tree might bear fruit, but have great potential for overlooked symmetric solutions or ambiguous unsolvable cases.

How to use the __attribute__ keyword in GCC C?

I am not clear with use of __attribute__ keyword in C.I had read the relevant docs of gcc but still I am not able to understand this.Can some one help to understand.
__attribute__ is not part of C, but is an extension in GCC that is used to convey special information to the compiler. The syntax of __attribute__ was chosen to be something that the C preprocessor would accept and not alter (by default, anyway), so it looks a lot like a function call. It is not a function call, though.
Like much of the information that a compiler can learn about C code (by reading it), the compiler can make use of the information it learns through __attribute__ data in many different ways -- even using the same piece of data in multiple ways, sometimes.
The pure attribute tells the compiler that a function is actually a mathematical function -- using only its arguments and the rules of the language to arrive at its answer with no other side effects. Knowing this the compiler may be able to optimize better when calling a pure function, but it may also be used when compiling the pure function to warn you if the function does do something that makes it impure.
If you can keep in mind that (even though a few other compilers support them) attributes are a GCC extension and not part of C and their syntax does not fit into C in an elegant way (only enough to fool the preprocessor) then you should be able to understand them better.
You should try playing around with them. Take the ones that are more easily understood for functions and try them out. Do the same thing with data (it may help to look at the assembly output of GCC for this, but sizeof and checking the alignment will often help).
Think of it as a way to inject syntax into the source code, which is not standard C, but rather meant for consumption of the GCC compiler only. But, of course, you inject this syntax not for the fun of it, but rather to give the compiler additional information about the elements to which it is attached.
You may want to instruct the compiler to align a certain variable in memory at a certain alignment. Or you may want to declare a function deprecated so that the compiler will automatically generate a deprecated warning when others try to use it in their programs (useful in libraries). Or you may want to declare a symbol as a weak symbol, so that it will be linked in only as a last resort, if any other definitions are not found (useful in providing default definitions).
All of this (and more) can be achieved by attaching the right attributes to elements in your program. You can attach them to variables and functions.
Take a look at this whole bunch of other GCC extensions to C. The attribute mechanism is a part of these extensions.
There are too many attributes for there to be a single answer, but examples help.
For example __attribute__((aligned(16))) makes the compiler align that struct/function on a 16-bit stack boundary.
__attribute__((noreturn)) tells the compiler this function never reaches the end (e.g. standard functions like exit(int) )
__attribute__((always_inline)) makes the compiler inline that function even if it wouldn't normally choose to (using the inline keyword suggests to the compiler that you'd like it inlining, but it's free to ignore you - this attribute forces it).
Essentially they're mostly about telling the compiler you know better than it does, or for overriding default compiler behaviour on a function by function basis.
One of the best (but little known) features of GNU C is the attribute mechanism, which allows a developer to attach characteristics to function declarations to allow the compiler to perform more error checking. It was designed in a way to be compatible with non-GNU implementations, and we've been using this for years in highly portable code with very good results.
Note that attribute spelled with two underscores before and two after, and there are always two sets of parentheses surrounding the contents. There is a good reason for this - see below. Gnu CC needs to use the -Wall compiler directive to enable this (yes, there is a finer degree of warnings control available, but we are very big fans of max warnings anyway).
For more information please go to
Lokesh Venkateshiah
