C : Strange error when using float and double [duplicate] - c

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
strange output in comparision of float with float literal
Comparison of float and double variables
I have a test with double and float in C, but I cannot explain why.
float x = 3.4F;
else printf("false\n");
double y = 3.4;
if (y==3.4)
else printf("false\n");
The result will be False and True. Please explain for me please.

3.4 cannot be exactly represented as a double for the same reason that one third cannot be exactly represented as a base-10 decimal number using a finite number of digits -- the representation recurs.
So, the double literal 3.4 is actually the double value closest to 3.4. 3.4F is the float value closest to 3.4, but that's different from the closest double value.
When you compare a float with a double, the float is converted to double, which doesn't change its value.
Hence, 3.4F != 3.4, just as 0.3333 != 0.33333333

x == 3.4 should be x == 3.4F, otherwise the 3.4 is a double (by default). Always compare like with like, not apples and oranges.
Whether the result of the comparison between types of different precision is true or false depends on the floating point representation of the compiler.
Floating point numbers, whether single precision (float) or double, are an approximation.

No guarantee that the result will be false and true, but the basic idea is pretty simple: 3.4 has type double. When you assign it to a float, it'll get rounded. When you compare, that rounded number will be promoted back to a double, not necessarily the same double as 3.4.
In the second case, everything's double throughout.

Comparing for equality
Floating point math is not exact. Simple values like 0.2 cannot be precisely represented using binary floating point numbers, and the limited precision of floating point numbers means that slight changes in the order of operations can change the result. Different compilers and CPU architectures store temporary results at different precisions, so results will differ depending on the details of your environment. If you do a calculation and then compare the results against some expected value it is highly unlikely that you will get exactly the result you intended.
In other words, if you do a calculation and then do this comparison:
if (result == expectedResult)
then it is unlikely that the comparison will be true. If the comparison is true then it is probably unstable – tiny changes in the input values, compiler, or CPU may change the result and make the comparison be false.

As a tip, comparing floating point numbers (float or double) with '==' is in most cases a bad programming practice, as you might never get the statement to be true. The two numbers might differ in their least significant bits.
It is better using something like:
abs(x - y) < EQUALITY_MARGIN
With EQUALITY_MARGIN being an adequately small number.


Why does float give different outputs if we use it with if and 'equal to' operator? Please see the code below: [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
strange output in comparison of float with float literal
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
float f=2.2;
if (f==2.2)
This code prints xyz,while if we give 2.5 instead of 2.2 the output is abc.
2.2 is a double that is not exactly representable in binary floating point. In effect, you are comparing the double 2.2 to the result of converting it to float, with rounding, and then back to double.
Assuming double is IEEE 754 64-bit binary floating point, and float is IEEE 754 32-bit binary floating point, the closest double to decimal 2.2 has exact value 2.20000000000000017763568394002504646778106689453125, and the result of converting it to float is 2.2000000476837158203125. Converting the float back to double does not change its value. 2.20000000000000017763568394002504646778106689453125 is not equal to 2.2000000476837158203125.
2.5 is exactly representable in both float and double in binary floating point systems, so neither the conversion to float nor the conversion back to double changes the value. 2.5 is equal to 2.5.
Floating-point numbers are likely to contain round-off error
Ref: http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/pinewiki/C(2f)FloatingPoint.html
Going through the documentation,
I see the following. (Point 6 in the URL above)
In general, floating-point numbers are not exact: they are likely to contain round-off error because of the truncation of the mantissa to a fixed number of bits.
The easiest way to avoid accumulating error is to use high-precision floating-point numbers (this means using double instead of float). On modern CPUs there is little or no time penalty for doing so....
One consequence of round-off error is that it is very difficult to test floating-point numbers for equality, unless you are sure you have an exact value as described above. It is generally not the case, for example, that (0.1+0.1+0.1) == 0.3 in C. This can produce odd results if you try writing something like for(f = 0.0; f <= 0.3; f += 0.1): it will be hard to predict in advance whether the loop body will be executed with f = 0.3 or not. (Even more hilarity ensues if you write for(f = 0.0; f != 0.3; f += 0.1), which after not quite hitting 0.3 exactly keeps looping for much longer than I am willing to wait to see it stop, but which I suspect will eventually converge to some constant value of f large enough that adding 0.1 to it has no effect.)

No Output Coming In Simple C Program

I have been asked a very simple question in the book to write the output of the following program -
int main()
float i=1.1;
return 0;
Now I already read that I can use floating point numbers as loop counters but are not advisable which I learned. Now when I run this program inside the gcc, I get no output even though the logic is completely correct and according to which the value of I should be printed once. I tried printing the value of i and it gave me a result of 1.100000 . So I do not understand why the value is not being printed?
In most C implementations, using IEEE-754 binary floating-point, what happens in your program is:
The source text 1.1 is converted to a double. Since binary floating-point does not represent this value exactly, the result is the nearest representable value, 1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625.
The definition float i=1.1; converts the value to float. Since float has less precision than double, the result is 1.10000002384185791015625.
In the comparison i==1.1, the float 1.10000002384185791015625 is converted to double (which does not change its value) and compared to 1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625. Since they are unequal, the result is false.
The quantity 11/10 cannot be represented exactly in binary floating-point, and it has different approximations as double and as float.
The constant 1.1 in the source code is the double approximation of 11/10. Since i is of type float, it ends up containing the float approximation of 1.1.
Write while (i==1.1f) or declare i as double and your program will work.
Comparing floating point numbers:1
Floating point math is not exact. Simple values like 0.2 cannot be precisely represented using binary floating point numbers, and the limited precision of floating point numbers means that slight changes in the order of operations can change the result. Different compilers and CPU architectures store temporary results at different precision, so results will differ depending on the details of your environment. If you do a calculation and then compare the results against some expected value it is highly unlikely that you will get exactly the result you intended.
In other words, if you do a calculation and then do this comparison:
if (result == expectedResult)
then it is unlikely that the comparison will be true. If the comparison is true then it is probably unstable – tiny changes in the input values, compiler, or CPU may change the result and make the comparison be false.
In short:
1.1 can't be represented exactly in binary floating pint number. This is like the decimal representation of 10/3 in decimal which is 3.333333333..........
I would suggest you to Read the article What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.
1. For the experts who are encouraging beginner programmers to use == in floating point comparision
It is because i is not quite exactly 1.1.
If you are going to test a floating point, you should do something along the lines of while(i-1.1 < SOME_DELTA) where delta is the threshold where equality is good enough.
Read: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/101163/what-causes-floating-point-rounding-errors

recurring binary for decimal number [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
strange output in comparison of float with float literal
(8 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
float a;
giving a as 8.3 and 8.4 respectively and comparing with 8.3 and 8.4 correspondingly , output becomes 2 but when comparing with 8.5 output is 1. I found that it is related to concept of recurring binary which takes 8 bytes. I want to know how to find which number is recurring binary. kindly give some input.
Recurring numbers are not representable, hence floating point comparison will not work.
Floating point math is not exact. Simple values like 0.2 cannot be precisely represented using binary floating point numbers, and the limited precision of floating point numbers means that slight changes in the order of operations can change the result. Also as in the 2nd comment - floating point literals 8.3 has type double and a has type float.
Comparing with epsilon – absolute error
Since floating point calculations involve a bit of uncertainty we can try to allow for this by seeing if two numbers are ‘close’ to each other. If you decide – based on error analysis, testing, or a wild guess – that the result should always be within 0.00001 of the expected result then you can change your comparison to this:
if (fabs(result - expectedResult) < 0.00001)
For example, 3/7 is a repeating binary fraction, its computed value in double precision is different from its stored value in single precision. Thus the comparison 3/7 with its stored computed value fails.
For more please read - What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
You should not compare floating point numbers for equality using ==. Because of how floating point numbers are actually stored in memory it will give inaccurate results.
Use something like this to determine if your number a is close enough to the desired value:
if(fabs(a-8.3) < 0.0000005))
There are two problems here.
First is that floating point literals like 8.3 have type double, while a has type float. Doubles and floats store values to different precisions, and for values that don't have an exact floating point representation (such as 8.3), the stored values are slightly different. Thus, the comparison fails.
You could fix this by writing the comparison as a==8.3f; the f suffix forces the literal to be a float instead of a double.
However, it's bad juju to compare floating point values directly; again, most values cannot be represented exactly, but only to an approximation. If a were the result of an expression involving multiple floating-point calcuations, it may not be equivalent to 8.3f. Ideally, you should look at the difference between the two values, and if it's less than some threshold, then they are effectively equivalent:
if ( fabs( a - 8.3f) < EPSILON )
// a is "equal enough" to 8.3
The exact value of EPSILON depends on a number of factors, not least of which is the magnitude of the values being compared. You only have so many digits of precision, so if the values you're trying to compare are greater than 999999.0, then you can't test for differences within 0.000001 of each other.

Float and double output [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
strange output in comparison of float with float literal
(8 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
Please explain the output for different cases
int main()
float a=5.9; //a=0.9
if (a==5.9)
else if (a<5.9)
printf("Less than");
printf("Greater than");
return 0;
When a is 5.9 the output is "Greater than", when a is 0.9 the output is "Less than". Why?
In C, the literal “5.9” has type double and is converted by common compilers to 5.9000000000000003552713678800500929355621337890625, because they use binary IEEE-754 floating point, and that number is the value representable as a double that is closest to 5.9. Your code initializes a float with that value. That requires converting a double to a float, and the result is 5.900000095367431640625, because that is the float value that is closest to the double value. Obviously, the latter is greater than the former, which is why your output is “Greater than”.
With .9, the literal “.9” is converted to the double 0.90000000000000002220446049250313080847263336181640625. Then that double is converted to the float 0.89999997615814208984375, which is obviously less than the double.
Your variable is a float but the constant is a double. Since that value can't be stored precisely ti will be stored differently as a float and as a double. If you use the same data types you'll get the desired results
Floating point numbers are inherently imprecise. For a quick introduction, you can read up a bit here. http://floating-point-gui.de/errors/comparison/
For some suggestions on effective comparison strategies, see this post. What is the most effective way for float and double comparison?
This is because internally, the floating point numbers are stored in binary form and 5.9 can't be represented exactly as 5.9. Have a look at the following similar question and answer: Why does a C floating-point type modify the actual input of 125.1 to 125.099998 on output?
When comparing floating-point numbers it is best to avoid '=='.
This because some values cannot be correctly stored without some loss of precision.
So it is better to say:
if( fabs(a-5.9) < .0001 ) {
// 'EQUAL' or at least near enough!
I know this takes more to compute, but it will behave the way you expect.
Due to decimal binary conversion, 0.9 represented as a summation of powers of 2^-1:
0.9 - (0.5 + 0.25 + 0.125) = 0.025
But 0.025 is not an exact power of 2^-1. So you need to represent both numbers in the comparison with the same precision. Since float and double have different precision they compare not equal.

Floating point comparison `a != 0.7` [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
problems in floating point comparison
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
float a = 0.7;
if(a < 0.7)
In the above code, the output is C. I tried this code in Code::Blocks and Pelles C but got the same answer. I would like know the reason for this in detail!
In binary, 0.7 is:
However, 0.7 is a double-precision literal, whose value is 0.7 rounded to the closest representable double-precision value, which is:
In decimal, that's exactly:
When you write float a = 0.7, that double value is rounded again to single-precision, and a gets the binary value:
which is exactly
in decimal.
When you do the comparison (a < 0.7), you are comparing this single-precision value (converted to double, which does not round, because all single-precision values are representable in double precision) to the original double-precision value. Because
0.699999988079071044921875 < 0.6999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875
the comparison correctly returns true, and your program prints "C".
Please note that none of this is any different in C++, appearances of the code in question to the contrary. There are certain (numerically unsafe) compiler optimizations that can change the behavior, but those are not unique to C or C++.
It's because 0.7 has type double, so a gets converted to double and comparison is made in this type. As 0.7 is not representable exactly in binary floating-point, you get some rounding error and the comparison becomes true.
You can:
if( a < 0.7f ) {
But actually this effect is true for C++ too, so your conditional is not exactly rightful.
Bart gave a very good reference in his comment, but I would also recommend this very simple rule:
Not all numbers can be represented exactly in the computer, so as soon as you use floating point numbers (such as float and double), you should expect that there can be a small, unpredictable error in each stored number. No, it isn't really random or unpredictable, but until you know more about it you can consider it unpredictable. Therefore, a copmparison such as your a<0.7 might turn out to be true, and it might not. Don't write code that depends on it being either.
