Backbone view, initialize and render - backbone.js

I have a backbone view which load subview. When I load a subview, I would like to show a loader when the view fetch needed datas and hide the loader when the view is ready to render.
I did something like this :
var appView = Backbone.View.extend({
showLoader: function() {
// Code to show loader
hideLoader: function() {
// Code to hide loader
loadSubView: function() {
var myView = new MySubView();
For now, my sub-view load a collection and is implemented like this :
var mySubView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
async: false
render: function() {
// Code to render
My sub view load the collection synchronously because it is the only way I found to know when my view is "ready" to render but I think this is not the best way to use Backbone.
What schould I do ?

There are several ways to do it.
You can explicitly use the pubsub pattern. Something like this:
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
showLoader: function() {
console.log('show the spinner');
hideLoader: function() {
console.log('hide the spinner');
loadSubView: function() {
var subView = new SubView();
subView.on('render', this.hideLoader);
var SubView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
console.log('a subView render');
return this;
var appView = new AppView({el: $('body')});
You can attach a function to the ajaxStart/ajaxStop events on the
spinner itself:
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
var _this = this;
Or you can use jQuery.ajaxSetup:
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
var _this = this;
beforeSend: _this.showLoader,
complete: _this.hideLoader,
success: function() {}


Backbone.js collection view render multiple times for single trigger

I have backbone.js collection and collectionview. collection view listening to its collection add event. But when I add new models to it's collection it renders mutiple times for each model.
Please Check the JSFiddle
var ImageCollectioView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.collection.bind('add', this.render, this);
collection: imgColection,
el: '#cont',
render: function() {
var els = [], self = this;
var imageView = new ImageView({model: image});
return this;
Your render method renders the entire collection. So after adding a model you should clear the existing item views:
render: function() {
var els = [], self = this;
//------^---- clear existing
var imageView = new ImageView({model: image});
return this;
That being said, it's better to add a separate method that just appends single item view rather than rendering the entire collection:
var ImageCollectioView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.renderItem);
el: '#cont',
render: function() {
this.collection.each(this.renderItem, this);
return this;
renderItem: function(image) {
var imageView = new ImageView({
model: image
Updated Fiddle

backbone + requirejs: scope issue

I have 2 views, one is a list of "timetracks" and the other is a form to create a timetrack/s
The first one has a collection attached.
The second one, the timetraks form, it defines a "create" function that makes reference to the first one to rerender timetraks view once a new timetrack is created.
timetracks code:
define(['backbone','collections/timetracks', 'views/timetracks/item'], function(Backbone, instanceTimeTracksCollection, TimeTrackView){
var TimeTrackGrid = Backbone.View.extend({
return TimeTrackGrid;
The form code:
define(['backbone', 'collections/timetracks'], function(Backbone, instanceTimeTracksCollection){
//next comes my issue:
create: function(){
success: function(model, response) {'model created, response = ',response);
// timeTracksGrid is out of scope, timeTracksGrid would be an instance of timetracks.
error: function(error){'error=',error);
... and finally I have app.js where the instances of both views are defined:
function(Backbone, newTimeTrackForm, timeTracksGrid) {
var grid = new timeTracksGrid();
var formView = new newTimeTrackForm();
How could I render the timetracks view once a new timetrack is created?
**************************** UPDATE *************************************
This is my new version of the code. The issue now is that "this.listenTo(this.collection, "add", this.render);" is overlapping with "this.collection.fetch". As a result the timetracks records are rendered multiple times.
// timetracks view
define(['backbone','collections/timetracks', 'views/timetracks/item'], function(Backbone, timeTracksCollection, TimeTrackView){
var TimeTrackGrid = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'generateTimeTracks', 'appendTimeTrack');
this.listenTo(this.collection, "add", this.render);
render: function(){
$(this.el).html("<table border='1'></table>");
success: this.generateTimeTracks
generateTimeTracks : function(){
var self = this;
}, this);
appendTimeTrack: function(item){
var timeTrackView = new TimeTrackView({
model: item
$('table', this.el).append(timeTrackView.render().el);
Some other changes:
on app.js instead doing {model:myCollection} as you suggested I'm doing {collection: myCollection}
my form code creates a new model by calling this.collection.create
Thanks again !
A different solution would be to create the views and your collection seperately.
Then in your app.js you could pass the collection to both views. In the initialize function of the TimeTrackGrid you should listen to the "add" event of models on the collections. When such an event is fired you should render the view.
In the create method of your form view you could add the data to your collection. This way your views don't have to know anything about each other which better conforms the Model and View separation.
//the grid view
define(['backbone', 'collections/timetracks', 'views/timetracks/item'], function (Backbone, instanceTimeTracksCollection, TimeTrackView) {
var TimeTrackGrid = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
//start listening to models being added
this.listenTo(instanceTimeTracksCollection, "add", this.render)
render: function () {
//render your view
return this;
return TimeTrackGrid;
//and the form view
define(['backbone', 'collections/timetracks'], function (Backbone, instanceTimeTracksCollection) {
//next comes my issue:
create: function () {
var data = //get the data from the form
instanceTimeTracksCollection.add(data) //if you have defined a model on your collection, backbone will automatically instantiate the model
//and you app -> notice the reference to the collection definition
requirejs(['backbone','views/timetracks/new','views/timetracks/list', 'collections/timetrackcollection'],
function(Backbone, newTimeTrackForm, timeTracksGrid) {
var instanceTimeTracksCollection = new TimeTracksCollection();
var grid = new timeTracksGrid({model : instanceTimeTracksCollection});
var formView = new newTimeTrackForm(model : instanceTimeTracksCollection);
fetch the config here
function(Backbone, newTimeTrackForm, timeTracksGrid) {
var grid = new timeTracksGrid();
var formView = new newTimeTrackForm();
var collection = new Collection();
change your view to:
define(['backbone','collections/timetracks', 'views/timetracks/item'], function(Backbone, timeTracksCollection, TimeTrackView){
var TimeTrackGrid = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'generateTimeTracks', 'appendTimeTrack');
// maybe backbone does not fire the add event after fetch
// I believe it does, but I might be mistaken. You will have to look that up
this.listenTo(this.collection, "add", this.render);
//model is passed to the render method by backbone
render: function(model){
$(this.el).html("<table border='1'></table>");
$('table', this.el).append(new TimeTrackView({model : model}).render().el);
//unused now
generateTimeTracks : function(){
var self = this;
// backbone has underscore build in
// so use this instead
//do something with item
}, this);
//unused now
appendTimeTrack: function(item){
var timeTrackView = new TimeTrackView({
model: item
$('table', this.el).append(timeTrackView.render().el);

Backbone View and template

How would I create a view and template from either this model or collection? I can console log the data I want. I'm stuck on the view and template part. Thanks.
var Weather = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: "",
initialize: function (response) {
return response;
var WeatherCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Weather,
url: '',
parse: function(response) {
return response;
I would probably do something like this to start with:
var WeatherItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($('#weather-template').html()),
render: function () {
var content = this.template({
weather: this.model
return this;
var WeatherListView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'sync', this.render);
render: function () {
this.collection.each(function (weather) {
var subView = new WeatherItemView({
model: weather
}, this);
return this;
$(document).ready(function () {
var weathers = new WeatherCollection();
weathers.fetch(); // assuming its accessing an api endpoint.
var weathersView = new WeatherListView({
collection: weathers
<!-- template for one weather item view -->
<script id='weather-template' type="text/template">
<%= weather.escape('name') %>

backbone fetch collection on infinite scroll

I'm learning backbone and now thinking of how to apply an infinite scroll and fetch/load lets say 20 items from my collection every time the scroll is at the bottom of the page.
I have been searching around a lot after different libs and such without really getting any closer. Anyone that can explain/show how this is best done?
I have now added the infiniscroll.js plugin and trying to get it to work. But on scroll it won't load new items. What am i supposed to do on the appendRender? and how?
var StartView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "section",
id: "start",
className: "content",
events: {
initialize: function(){
console.log("init start");
this.template = _.template($("#start_template").html(), {} );
this.collection = new VideoCollection();
_.bindAll(this, "render");
this.infiniScroll = new Backbone.InfiniScroll(this.collection, {
success: this.appendRender,
pageSize: this.collection.length,
scrollOffset: 100
appendRender: function() {
var self = this;
self.$el.find(".videos").append("<div style='margin-bottom:30px; width:100%; height:170px; float:left; background-color:#e4e4e4;'>fff</div>")
render: function(){
var self = this;
console.log("render start")
kill: function() {
console.log("kill start");
return StartView;
The backbone-pageable plugin supports infinite scrolling.
It's just a matter of your collection extending Backbone.PageableCollection, and you specifying some extra properties. There's also an example of a backbone view listening to the changing collection, as well as fetching on scroll.
It's all described on the github page. It's updated fairly often.
I would have done it something like this (although the document.addEventListener('scroll')-part isn't really elegant
(function() {
"use strict";
var Item = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var Items = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Item,
url: "/api/items/"
var ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "li",
render: function() {
return this;
var ItemsList = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "ul",
offset: 0,
limit: 60,
initialize: function() {
this.collection = new Items();
this.collection.on("reset", this.addAll, this);
this.collection.on("add", this.addOne, this);
render: function () {
return this;
getItems: function () {
"data": {"offset": this.offset, "limit": this.limit},
"success": _.bind(function(e){
this.offset += this.limit;
}, this)
addOne: function(item) {
var view = new ItemView({model: item});
addAll: function() {
this.collection.each(this.addOne, this);
var itemsList = new ItemsList();
document.addEventListener('scroll', function (event) {
if (document.body.scrollHeight == document.body.scrollTop + window.innerHeight) {

underscore template is not working in backbone

In my view.js I am calling the wine-list-tpl (template), as below you can see this. But nothing is showing to the index page. Please help.
IN index.html
<script type="text/template" id="wine-list-tpl">
Hello world
<%= name %>
<div class="wine-list"></div>
IN view.js
var WineLists = Backbone.View.extend({
template : _.template($('#wine-list-tpl').html()),
render: function(){
console.log("rendering is ok");
this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ));
return this;
var WineList = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
var self=this;
_.each(this.model.toArray(), function(wine, i){
$('#wine-list').append((new WineLists({ model : wine })).render().$el);
var wineListView = new WineList();
I have added some data in to my local storage and i just want to show those data to that particular div element.
In WineLists view i am getting all those data. means when i am writing, console.log(this.model.get('name')); I got my desired data, but i only want to show those data through template to that particular div. what should i do, please suggest.
var WineLists = Backbone.View.extend({
model: new Wine(),
template : _.template($('#myTpl').html()),
render: function(){
return this;
} });
var WineList = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
var self=this;
_.each(this.model.toArray(), function(wine, i){
self.$el.append((new WineLists({ model : wine })).render().$el);
var wineListView = new WineList();
//please check ur DOM manipulation i think there is some error in ur HTML try to change call //sequence
This is how your code should have been for expected results.
var WineLists = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.wine-list',
render: function () {
var _self = this;
this.collection.each(function (model) {
var view = new WineListItemView({
model: model
return this;
var WineListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template($('#wine-list-tpl').html()),
render: function () {
return this;
var wines = new Backbone.Collection([{
name: 'wine1'
}, {
name: 'wine2'
var wineListView = new WineLists({
collection: wines
