I have a sql command as follows:
INSERT [dbo].[Currency] ([CurrencyID], [Description], [Symbol])
VALUES (N'7418fe34-1abc-4189-b5f1-e638a34af1a1', N'GBP', N'£')
When I run this against the database, it inputs the last column as '£' rather than '£'. I have come across this before but can't for the life of me remember how to fix it!
Any ideas?
Funnilty enough, if I copy and paste that line from my sql file into sql man stud, then it inserts fine. So I think there is something wrong with my sql file, and a possible character in it that I cant see?
The sql script has the following to insert the euro symbol:
INSERT [dbo].[Currency] ([CurrencyID], [Description], [Symbol])
VALUES (N'c60b1e0c-289a-4a0a-8c7d-30a490cbb7a8', N'EUR', N'€')
And it outputs "€" in the database for the last column
Ok, I have now copy and pasted my full sql file into Sql Server and run it, and it now inserts everything fine. So why does this issue arise only when I run my ".sql" file?
Another update! If I view the ".sql" file in Visual Studio it looks fine, however if I open it within notepad, the bogus characters appear!
(From the comments)
The file is saved as UTF-8, but sqlcmd is reading it using the wrong code page. Adding -f 65001 to the options tells sqlcmd to read it as an UTF-8 file.
In Sql Developer (SqlDev) (the Oracle tool) I most of the time use ';' to indicate the end of a batch.
Also we use the ';' when having a larger script with lots of batches in it. For example a script where the first batch creates a table, the second inserts data in that table, the third does a join with the just created table and another table, etc.
On SqlDev the script (with the different batches in it) works fine. But when we copied the exact script to SQL Server Management Studio (SMSS) and ran it, it gave errors that the table (of the third batch where the created table is joined) does not exist.
How can I make the scipt run on SMSS without the script failing?
In SQL server you can use 'GO' to split a batch or block of statement.
something like below.
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Security] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Security_ImportSettings] DEFAULT ((11111011111111111.)) FOR [ImportSettings]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Security] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Security_PricingType] DEFAULT ((-1)) FOR [PricingType]
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Security] ADD CONSTRAINT [DF_Security_AutoUpdateCustomPricing] DEFAULT ((1)) FOR [AutoUpdateCustomPricing]
Go is the Keyword you are looking for ..
insert into t1
select 1
alter table t1
add abc int
this is also configurable in SSMS(i haven't tested though) to ; or some other word..
It appears that in SQL Server Management Studio (SMSS) sometimes it is needed to use 'GO' instead of ';'.
The ';' works differently in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) compared to the use of ';' in for example SQl Developer (SQLDev) (the Oracle tool).
In SQLDev the ';' acts as a end of batch indicator, where SSMS doesn't see it when using DLL. Instead SMSS first looks at the whole script and thinks of smart ways to run it. Which means all is run parallel, where some batches are dependent of others, but they are not run properply and gives failure of the script.
In my situation it meant I had to use 'GO' to tell the DBMS to run the first, second and third sequantial instead of parallel. I changed all the ';' with GO in the script (in fact it has a whole lot more batches in it) and that did the trick. I'm not sure it is completely right to do it this way, but at least it worked. :)
Also see:
What is the use of GO in SQL Server Management Studio & Transact SQL?
When do I need to use Begin / End Blocks and the Go keyword in SQL Server?
I'm trying to do something like:
"If it exists, use it. If not, create it."
"If it exists, delete it. If not, create it."
One place it's definitely choking is the use it command - because if it DOES NOT EXIST - it chokes on the use command EVEN THOUGH that command will not run.
Here's more explanation:
I have a SQL Server script where I create a database and then I use the database.
The script will not run
because the use database command is invalid
because the database does not exist
but it will exist after the first command executes
but it doesn't matter because it doesn't exist NOW so the script will not run.
How do I put code in there that tries to use a database that might not exist?
How do I put code in there that will cause an error if run directly but WILL NOT RUN unless conditions are appropriate.
Please see the attached images.
Here's the code so you don't have to type it...
-- SQL SERVER: We can't run this script because CFPT does not exist.
-- ME: But it WILL exist after the first command runs
-- SQL SERVER: That does not matter - at THIS point in the code... it does not exist... tough luck
create database CFPT
use master
drop database CFPT
Second code snippet:
-- SQL SERVER: We can't run this script because CFPT does not exist.
select db_id('CFPT') -- this just lets us see what the IF statement is going to have to deal with
IF db_id('CFPT') is null
use CFPT -- this line of code makes the whole script just not run.
-- doesn't want to work - chokes on the use databasename (when the database does not exist)
(EDIT 1 start ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)
A third image was added with this edit - The SECOND image shows that the if/then/else statement will not work. The 3rd image shows that the database CFPT is not in the database list (left side of image) and the select statement was run (top highlighed code) and the results of that select (bottom red circle)
How do I get the if/then/else statement to work? (Because the THEN will not run if the conditions are not favorable shall-we-say)
(for some reason the red wavy lines are not showing up - they should be but they aren't - hmmm)
(EDIT 1 end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)
(EDIT 2 start ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)
In relation to this question - trying to segregate commands that would normally fail but will not be attempted to be executed unless conditions are just right..... (see 4th image below) I'm segregating some commands with an IF statement (IF 1=2) but SQL Server is going into that IF statement even though the condition is false. Why is that?
(EDIT 2 end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////)
Try this ...
create database CFPT
use master
drop database CFPT
The GO command is a batch terminator, it separates the command to create the database from the command to use it.
See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188037.aspx
What is the use of GO in SQL Server Management Studio & Transact SQL?
I'm developing Pentaho job to get data from BigQuery and insert into SQL Server. The job is quite simple as you can see below but during insert to a SQL Server table process in thrown 'Data truncation' error. Then I checked max length for this column. It is just 64 while in database it is nvarchar(500). Moreover that I want to know how is look like then for error records I log into text file. You can see it below. I've spent for 3 days with this problem but still not get an answer yet. Please do guide me.
What I have done so far
String cut step to sub string
String Operation step to trim
put left function in SELECT statement
put REGEXP_REPLACE(uuid, ' ', '') which remove spaces in SELECT statement.
All I have done getting the same error.
Pentaho job
Error records in text file
I have been solved this problem. It is my stupid mistake. I just recreate table and put more number for length of that column.
My case
post_name nvarchar(50) -> nvarchar(150)
I Think That My Question Is Simple.
How Can I Find That My Query Is Running From Where
( Where is The Location of the Script File itself ) ?
Edit :
Thank You For Your Answer.
I Need To Import a XML File Using my TSQL Script File And i want to Keep Them Together,
so Wherever Someone try to run the TSQL script file, it must knows the current directory of itself to know where is the XML file and then import it. Thank Again !
You need a well known location where you can place XML files for the server to load. This could be a share on the SQL Server machine, or on a file server which the SQL Server service account has permissions to read from.
You then need a comment like this at the top of your script:
--Make sure you've placed the accompanying XML file on \\RemoteMachine\UploadShare
--Otherwise, expect this script to produce errors
Change \\RemoteMachine\UploadShare to match the well known location you've selected. Optionally, have the comment followed by 30-40 blank lines (or more comments), so that it's obvious to anyone running it that they might need to read what's there.
Then, write the rest of your script based on that presumption.
I Found A Solution to my problem that's simpler !
You Know I Just Import My XML File To A Temp Table for once.
Then I Write a Select Query for That Temp Table That Contains my imported Data Like This :
" SELECT 'INSERT INTO MyTable VALUES (' + Col1 + ', ' + Col2 + ')' FROM MyImportedTable "
And Now I Have Many Insert Commands For Each One Of My Imported Records.
And I Save All of the Insert Commands in My Script. And So I Just Need My Script File Everywhere I Go.
Is there way to get file from windows xp command prompt? I tried to run xp_cmdshell 'type [path to file]' but then when i insert theese data into other file and renaming it to file.exe (that is executable) it does not work. Any suggestions how to get file contents in such way that i can use it?
You could use BULK INSERT on the file and treat the file as a table with one row and one column. This should allow you to read the file directly into a VARBINARY field Like this:
BULK INSERT FileRead FROM [FilePath]
This requires SQL Server to have access to the file you are trying to read. It sounds like you are trying to "acquire" executables from a server you do not have access to? :-)