Ordering 2d/3d object behind other element - wpf

As you can see in the link, I have two elements: first is image element which is taken from camera (using EmguCV) and the other one is viewport3d which renders 3d object. I also include 2d object (see the rectangle).
When I run my program I see this.
Yes indeed, the object (hand) will be ordered in front of the image.
The question is how to order 2d/3d object behind the hand object? Is it possible to do it using single camera? Just like this one.
Thanks in advance for your answers.

There are two ways of doing it.
Use kinect depth map to find the distance of hand from camera.
Do image processing to detect hand and it's distance.
I think it will be difficult to directly blend WPF UI with camera image.
Try RenderTargetBitmap


How should I add animation in this case?

I've modeled using helixtoolkit which is done in a wpf user control library and hosted on ElementHost. I decided to do this because my model is fairly simple (just a stick element with lineVisual3d and bunch of small spheres).
Now I want to animate it and everything I find related to animation seems too complicated for what I'm trying to accomplish. I've seen storyboard being suggested as well as transform methods.
What I have is a 3D line connected by a bunch of points3D and I want to translate them only by a series of values at a fixed time increment.
I did this in a 2D graph using a timer for winform and even a forloop did the trick.
However, I'm not sure how to do the same for a 3D line element. I was thinking that since I have a simple structure simply redrawing it would suffice.
But my problem is I want to add a slider which acts in pretty much the same way as a video player, it will increment itself as the animation runs, I want to also be able to freeze it at any point in time and use the slider to go to any point in time much like how a video player works.
My biggest question here is how do I use a slider to control the animation. Again, this animation will simply be a bunch of values that I want to translate the stick element by(a series of points).
I've already got the values but I want to add an animation for these values at every increment while being able to control it using a slider.
--I will post any code if necessary, not posting any right now because I dont know what would help explain the question better
You can use TranslationTransform3D and apply the transform onto the 3D Model

How to render a VisualElement to a Vector Based Image?

I am working on a Chart Control,
I need to implement the Chart Snapshot feature for capturing a vector based image in high quality of Curves and Texts, in any requested size.
Can anyone suggest me any solution or a pointer to resolve this problem.
Any kind of help in deeply appreciated.
If you have to save your image in a vector format you can using tracing. Potrace is an open source bitmap-to-vector tracer library (but considers that bitmap tracing is imperfect). Also considers that wpf is linked closely with XAML, a vector graphics markup languages, so you may want convert raster graphics to XAML (though Charles Petzold you can't embed a bitmap in a XAML file)
If you need to draw a vector image you can use the Shape element that provides a base class for shape elements, such as Ellipse, Polygon, and Rectangle; and add the shape as Panel child. If you are dealing with thousands of shape I suggest to use the DrawingVisual class, a visual object that can be used to render vector graphics on the screen, and its RenderOpen method.
To zoom you have to work with transformations, in particular ScaleTrasnform and apply the transformation to your panel or to your shapes.
Hope this help.
You can take a look at XamlToy but I have not already try it.

Attaching 2D objects to 3D objects in WPF

I have a Viewport3D object containing a scene of hierarchical Model3D objects (grouped in Model3DGroups).
I need to "attach" 2D objects to 3D elements in the scene.
I read some articles on 3D projection but I couldn't fully understand how to apply my WPF scene data to those solutions.
What is the proper way to do that? I also tried Petzold.Media3D library but I didn't understand how to use it...
I think you are looking for the Viewport2DVisual3D class. It allows you to render any Visual2D into the 3D space.
Searching the web for more info on this class will give you examples and videos explaining how it works.
Anyway, if you are doing any WPF 3D you also need to know about the Helix Toolkit - an awesome (free) WPF 3D toolkit.
It has two classes added recently that might also be relevant to what you are doing:
BillboardVisual3D (quad that always faces camera) and
TextBillboardVisual3D (text that always faces camera).
There are useful if you want to make some 2D image that must always face towards the 3D camera.

How to build the following visual

I am not a real designer and I would like to know if anyone have an idea how can I build the following visual :
The idea is to get 2 rings where inside I will draw secific number of pie represented as "Interactive shape or button". Base on the number of shape, they should cover the whole circle.
In addition to that, I need to be able to interact with each pie shape, and inside and oustide edge of those shape should be a perfect arc based on the circle diameter.
As I am not a perfect designer, how can I represent this visual ?
I was thinking of using a custom panel but then how to draw each panel shape in order that they gets perfect inside and ouside arc and offer interactivity with each of them ?
Thanks for your help
I would appreciate samples as well
Theres actually a Silverlight tutorial on making something exactly like this.
If you didnt want to use that, you could always do it in javascript. Here's an example using Rapheal js
I would recommend looking into WPF Geometry and how you can create custom controls (such as the Circular Gauge Custom Control over on CodeProject) using said Geometry.
I've never created a control quite like what your suggesting, but I would image you would define some form of area that can contain children and style it so that it forms the circular shape you want. Then, adding interactive regions should be as simple as adding controls to standard containers.
Here's a link to a "generic radial panel that can be used to host any items" which subclasses Panel.

WPF: How to replace 3D object in Viewport3D with its image?

In my WPF application I want to add multiple 3D objects from xaml files. But if more objects I'm having in viewport3D performance of my application becomes worse with every object I add.
As I can only work with only one 3D object at the same time I thought that maybe I can replace 3D objects that I'm not using with their images and when I try to interact with some of these unused objects image is replaced back with its original 3D object.
Any suggestions on how I can get this bitmap from 3D object?
Do you need to be able to do it dynamically? If not, you can render the object, take a screenshot and then save the relevant part as a bitmap.
If you do need to be able to do it dynamically, you can render the 3D object once and the save the view as a RenderTargetBitmap and then use that in future. E.g. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/103184/How-to-Render-Bitmap-or-to-Print-a-Visual-in-WPF.aspx
In either case, the bitmap can then be applied to a simple square as a texture.
