Fastest way to read from database table in cluster environment - database

What would be a best approach to read from very big database table in clustered environment.
Lets say we need to read huge DB table as fast as we can and then send this data to jms queue. And we would like to avoid the same data to be read since it will require processing, so preferably no intersections. And this application to be deployed in jboss cluster so nodes should some how to communicate.
So in one node case - non clustered environment I just can have one process reading the table.
In two node case - this reading should be some how coordinated to avoid the same data to be read by both nodes... Three nodes etc...
There is no knowledge on how many nodes would be in target environment, nodes can communicate using db table or jboss cache
So it is clear that read in blocks or pages per process will give maximum performance.
And it would be easy task in simple java multi threading environment since we know how many threads would be reading and it easy math how to divide in pages and assign read of page to a single thread.
But in unknown how many nodes scenario there should be some protocol between nodes to communicate and optimize reading.

As you have to keep huge DB data distributed I'd suggest you to take a look into some kind of distributed hash tables. I used GemFire in one of enterprise project with the same requirements and it's well-proven. But you always have a limit of max DB connections so you can't grow limitless.


How to synchronize distributed system data across cassandra clusters

Hypothetically speaking, I plan to build a distributed system with cassandra as the database. The system will run on multiple servers say server A,B,C,D,E etc. Each server will have Cassandra instance and all servers will form a cluster.
In my hypothetical distributed system, X number of the total servers should process user requests. eg, 3 of servers A,B,C,D,E should process request from user uA. Each application should update its Cassandra instance with the exact copy of data. Eg if user uA sends a message to user uB, each application should update its database with the exact copy of the message sent and to who and as expected, Cassandra should take over from that point to ensure all nodes are up-to date.
How do I configure Cassandra to make sure Cassandra first checks all copies inserted into the database are exactly the same before updating all other nodes
Psst: kindly keep explanations as simple as possible. Am new to Cassandra, crossing over from MySQL. Thank you in advance
Every time a change happens in Cassandra, it is communicated to all relevant nodes (Nodes that have a replica of the data). But sometimes that doesn't happen either because a node is down or too busy, the network fails, etc.
What you are asking is how to get consistency out of Cassandra, or in other terms, how to make a change and guarantee that the next read has the most up to date information.
In Cassandra you choose the consistency in each query you make, therefore you can have consistent data if you want to. There are multiple consistency options but normally you would only use:
ONE - Only one node has to get or accept the change. This means fast reads/writes, but low consistency (If you write to A, someone can read from B while it was not updated).
QUORUM - 51% of your nodes must get or accept the change. This means not as fast reads and writes, but you get FULL consistency IF you use it in BOTH reads and writes. That's because if more than half of your nodes have your data after you inserted/updated/deleted, then, when reading from more than half your nodes, at least one node will have the most recent information, which would be the one to be delivered. (If you have 3 nodes ABC and you write to A and B, someone can read from C but also from A or B, meaning it will always get the most up to date information).
Cassandra knows what is the most up to date information because every change has a timestamp and the most recent wins.
You also have other options such as ALL, which is NOT RECOMMENDED because it requires all nodes to be up and available. If a node is unnavailable, your system is down.
Cassandra Documentation (Consistency)

MPI how to send and receive SQLite database

I have a big SQLite database to process, so I would like to use MPI for parallelization to accelerate the speed. What I want to do is sending a database from root to every slave, and sending the modified databases to root after slave add some table into it. I want to use MPI_Type_create_struct to create a datatype to store database, but the database is too complicated. IS there any other way to handle this situation? Thank you in advance!
I recently dealt with a similar problem - I have a large MPI application that uses SQLite as a configuration store. Handling multi-process writes is a challenge with an embedded SQL database. My experience with this involves a massively parallel application (running up to 65,535 ranks) with a shared filesystem.
Based on the FAQ from SQLite and some experience with database engines, there are a few ways to approach this problem. I am making the assumption that you are operating with a shared distributed file system, and multiple separate computers (a standard HPC cluster setup).
Since SQLite will block when multiple processes write to the database (but not read), reads will most likely not be an issue. Each process can run multiple SELECT commands at the same time without issue.
The challenge will be in the writing. Disk I/O is several orders of magnitude slower than computation, so generally this will be the bottleneck. Having said that, network communication may also be a significant slowdown, so how you approach the problem really depends on where the weakest link of your running environment will be.
If you have a fast network and slow disk speed, or if you want to implement this in the most straightforward way possible, your best bet is to have a single MPI rank in charge of writing to the database. Your compute processes would independently run SELECT commands until computation was complete, then send the new data to the MPI database process. The database control process would then write the new data to disk. I would not try to send the structure of the database across the network, rather I would send the data that should be written, along with (possibly) a flag that would identify what table/insert query the data should be written with. This technique is sort of similar to how a RDBMS works - while RDBMS servers do support concurrent writes, there is a "central" process in control of the ordering of write operations.
One thing to note is that if a process writes to the SQLite database, the file is locked for all processes that are trying to read or write to it. You will need to either handle the SQLITE_BUSY return code in your worker processes, register a callback to handle this, change the busy behavior, or use an alternate technique. In my application, I found that loading the database as an in-memory database, ( for the readers provided a good workaround. Readers access the in-memory database, but sent results to the controlling process for writes. The downside is that you will have multiple copies of the database in memory.
Another option that might be less network intensive is to do the reads concurrently and have each worker process write out to their own file. You could write out to separate SQLite database files, or even export something like CSV (depending on the complexity of the data). When writes are complete, you would then have a single process merge the individual files into a single result database file - see How can I merge many SQLite databases?. This method has its own issues, but depending on where your bottlenecks are and how the system as a whole is laid out, this technique may work.
Finally, you might consider reading from the SQLite database and saving the data to a proper distributed file format, such as HDF5 (or using MPI IO). Once the computation is done, it would be pretty straightforward to write a script that would create a new SQLite database from this foreign file format.

Spark: run InputFormat as singleton

I'm trying to integrate a key-value database to Spark and have some questions.
I'm a Spark beginner, have read a lot and run some samples but nothing too
I'm using a small hdfs cluster to store incoming messages in a database.
The cluster has 5 nodes, and the data is split into 5 partitions. Each
partition is stored in a separate database file. Each node can therefore process
its own partition of the data.
The Problem:
The interface to the database software is based on JNI, the database itself is
implemented in C. For technical reasons, the database software can maintain
only one active connection at a time. There can be only one JVM process which
is connected to the Database.
Because of this limitation, reading from and writing to the database must go
through the same JVM process.
(Background info: the database is embedded into the process. It's file based,
and only one process can open it at a time. I could let it run in a separate
process, but that would be slower because of the IPC overhead. My application
will perform many full table scans. Additional writes will be batched and are
not time-critical.)
The Solution:
I have a few ideas in my mind how to solve this, but i don't know if they work
well with Spark.
Maybe it's possible to magically configure Spark to only have one instance of my
proprietary InputFormat per node.
If my InputFormat is used for the first time, it starts a separate thread
which will create the database connection. This thread will then continue
as a daemon and will live as long as the JVM lives. This will only work
if there's just one JVM per node. If Spark starts multiple JVMs on the
same node then each would start its own database thread, which would not
Move my database connection to a separate JVM process per node, and my
InputFormat then uses IPC to connect to this process. As i said, i'd like to avoid this.
Or maybe you have another, better idea?
My favourite solution would be #1, followed closely by #2.
Thanks for any comment and answer!
I believe the best option here is to connect to your DB from driver, not from executors. This part of the system anyway would be a bottleneck.
Have you thought of queueing (buffer) then using spark streaming to dequeue and use your output format to write.
If data from your DB fits into RAM memory of your spark-driver you can load it there as a collection and then parallelize it to an RDD

Peer to peer replication of local databases

I have a program in C that monitors traffic and records the URLs visited by the user. Currently, I am maintaining this in a hash table. My key is the src-IP address and the result is a data-structure with a linked list of URLs. I am currently maintaining 50k to 100k records in a hash table. When the user logs out, the record can get deleted.
The program independently runs on a Active-Standby pair. I want to replicate this database to another machine in case my primary machine crashes (the 2 systems act as Client and Server) and continue recording stuff associated with the user.
The hard way is to write code for sending this information to the peer and on the peer system to receive and store. The issue is, it will add lots of code (and bugs!). To do data-replication and data-store, here are a few prereqs:
I want data-record replication between these machines. I am NOT looking at adding another machine/cluster unless required.
Prefer library so that query is quick. If not another process on the same machine to which I can IPC.
Add, update and delete operations should be supported.
In memory database a must.
Support multiple such databases with different keys.
Something that has publish/subscribe.
Resync capability if the backup dies and comes back again.
Interface should be in C
Possible options I looked at were zookeeper, redis, memcached, sql-lite, berkeley-db.
Zookeeper - Needs odd number of systems for tie-break. Not suitable for 1 to 1.
Redis - Looks to fit my requirements with hiredis for C interface. Separate process though.
Memcached - I don't have any caching requirements.
Sql-lite - Embedded database with C interface
Berkeley-DB - Embedded database for better scale.
So, Redis, Sql-lite and Berkeley-DB look like my options to go forward. Appreciate any help/thoughts on the DBs I should research more for my requirements. Or if there are any other DBs I should research? I apologize if my question is very generic. If the question does not belong here, please point me to the right forum.

How to split DB2 load files by node on ETL server?

I'm building a DB2 "Infosphere" data warehouse and am expecting to have 8-16 nodes or partitions.
Since I'll be loading from 130-300 million rows a day, and my load process is also my recovery process - I want the loads to be as fast as possible. I'm not surprised to find this tip in the IBM "infocenter" documentation:
"Better performance can be expected if the database partitions participating in the distribution process are different from the loading database partitions, since there is less contention for CPU cycles."
I'd prefer not to dedicate an expensive DB2 node just to splitting load files by hashkey - since my ETL servers are so cheap (we use python, not a licensed commercial product). Plus, since I rely on archived loads for recovery - I may have to convert them in case we add nodes to the database. I'd like that also done on an ETL server. Note - I believe DataStage also performs this task on the ETL server rather than through DB2.
Can anyone suggest how our python ETL process can efficiently use the same hashing algorithm and mapping tables that DB2 will use? And other tips?
First of all:
You do not need to pre-split the data inside your ETL process. The LOAD utility will handle splitting the data for you. Your python process can either write the data to load to a flat file or write directly to a pipe (that the LOAD utility reads from). In almost every case, it is easier to let the database handle partitioning the data for you.
The InfoCenter comment about the splitters taking up CPU cycles is probably not something you need to worry about. This generally applies only in extreme situations, where there are many more database partitions (i.e., when you need to have multiple processes splitting the data) and when CPU utilization on the database nodes is very high.
From a LOAD perspective, the amount of time you'll save by having pre-split data is negligible. The limiting factor when loading data is writing the data out to disk – not partitioning it. If reloading data is your primary method of recovery, then I wouldn't worry too much about this.
If all of this does not convince you and you really want to go down the path of having your ETL process split the data, DB2 does provide an API (in C) that applications can call to handle this: db2GetDistMap() and db2GetRowPartNum(). You may be able to write a native python module to handle this.
These are most useful in cases where an application is using SQL to INSERT rows into the table (as opposed to using the LOAD utility), and spawns multiple threads to write data to each partition independently (i.e., each thread is doing the transformation and loading in parallel). If you can't parallelize the transformation portion, then don't bother with this.
Obviously, there are a lot of variables, so YMMV.
