Silverlight Data Binding to Collection within Collection - silverlight

Hopefully someone can help me out with this. I am creating a Silverlight app which is used for editing images. A user has a project which contain layers which contain elements. (Elements are text and image elements).
I have a class which represents the project. It contains an ObservableCollection<Layer> and each Layer has an ObservableCollection<Element>. Element is an abstract class. There is a TextElement and ImageElement class which inherit from Element.
My problem is the UI never gets updated when I change an element inside the collection. I am using INotifyPropertyChanged on all my properties and I am catching CollectionChanged on the collections but still no go. The CollectionChanged event for ObservableCollection<Element> never gets hit on an update of one of its elements.
This is the code I had originally had:
void Elements_CollectionChanged(object sender, System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
If anyone can help I would be very grateful.

ObservableCollection<> publishes CollectionChanged when items are added or removed, but it does NOT do so when an item inside the collection changes.
In order to get around this, you could subscribe to the CollectionChanged event and then subscribe to the INotifyPropertyChanged of added elements inside the CollectionChanged handler:
elementCollection.CollectionChanged += (s, a) =>
foreach (Element element in a.NewItems)
element.PropertyChanged += ElementChanged;
Then you can update the UI within the ElementChanged method.


Master-detail: How to fetch a control from a template inside the "detail" ContentControl?

I have a ListView (on the 'master' side) whose selection drives a ContentControl's Content property (on the 'detail' side). The ContentControl's visual tree comes from either of two DataTemplate resources that use DataType to choose which detail view to render based on what is selected in the ListView.
That part works fine.
The part I'm struggling with is that there is a particular control inside (one of) the templates that I need to obtain a reference to whenever it changes (e.g. the template selected changes or the ListView selection changes such that the instance of the control is recreated.)
In my ListView.SelectionChanged event handler, I find the ContentControl has not yet been updated with its new visual tree, so initially it's empty on the first selection, and for subsequent selections its visual tree matches the old selection instead of the new one.
I've tried delaying my code by scheduling on the Dispatcher with a priority as low as DispatcherPriority.Loaded, which works for the first selection but on subsequent selections my code still runs before the visual tree is updated.
Is there a better event I should be hooking to run whenever the ContentControl's visual tree is changed to reflect a changed data-bound value to its Content property?
Extra info: the reason I need to reach into the expanded DataTemplate is that I need to effectively set my view model's IList SelectedItems property to a DataGrid control's SelectedItems property. Since DataGrid.SelectedItems is not a dependency property, I have to do this manually in code.
The fix required a combination of techniques. For the first selection that populates the visual tree, I needed to handle ContentControl.OnApplyTemplate() which is only a virtual method rather than an event. I derived from it and exposed it as an event:
public class ContentControlWithEvents : ContentControl
public event EventHandler? TemplateApplied;
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
this.TemplateApplied?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
In the XAML I used the above class rather than ContentControl:
Content="{Binding SelectedAccount}"
TemplateApplied="BankingSelectedAccountPresenter_TemplateApplied" />
Then I handle the event like this:
void BankingSelectedAccountPresenter_TemplateApplied(object sender, EventArgs e) => this.UpdateSelectedTransactions();
private void UpdateSelectedTransactions()
if (this.MyListView.SelectedItem?.GetType() is Type type)
DataTemplateKey key = new(type);
var accountTemplate = (DataTemplate?)this.FindResource(key);
if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(this.BankingSelectedAccountPresenter) > 0)
ContentPresenter? presenter = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(this.BankingSelectedAccountPresenter, 0) as ContentPresenter;
var transactionDataGrid = (DataGrid?)accountTemplate.FindName("TransactionDataGrid", presenter);
this.ViewModel.Document.SelectedTransactions = transactionDataGrid?.SelectedItems;
Note the GetChildrenCount check that avoids an exception thrown from GetChild later if there are no children yet. We'll need that for later.
The TemplateApplied event is raised only once -- when the ContentControl is first given its ContentPresenter child. We still the UpdateSelectedTransactions method to run when the ListView in the 'master' part of the view changes selection:
void BankingPanelAccountList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) => this.UpdateSelectedTransactions();
On initial startup, SelectionChanged is raised first, and we skip this one with the GetChildrenCount check. Then TemplateApplied is raised and we use the current selection to find the right template and search for the control we need. Later when the selection changes, the first event is raised again and re-triggers our logic.
The last trick is we must call ContentPresenter.ApplyTemplate() to force the template selection to be updated before we search for the child control. Without that, this code may still run before the template is updated based on the type of item selected in the ListView.

How to listen to CollectionChanged event and execute some method

My viewmodel has two Collections, one is MainCollection and other is DerivedCollection. They are displayed using a control, so that when user interacts with the mouse, items can be added or removed from MainCollection, and DerivedCollection should be refreshed accordingly.
The first part (updating MainCollection) happens automatically via data-binding, but I don' know how can I hook RefreshDerivedCollection method to MainCollection.PropertyChanged event.
Both collections and the method live in the same viewmodel.
You can subscribe to MainCollection.CollectionChanged and refresh derived collection there:
MainCollection.CollectionChanged += this.OnMainCollectionChanged;
void OnMainCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
// TODO: Handle main collection change here.

How do I get the UIElement when Collection changes?

I have a wpf Treeview which has a dynamic itemssource. The User can add and remove items at runtime.
I'm missing an event which gives me the currently added UIElement that was added to the treeviews itemsSource. So I guess I need to switch to OnCollectionChanged.
This is what I have:
// MyItemViewModel is a viewmodel for a TreeViewItem
// MyCollection is bound to hte Treeview's ItemsSource
public class MyCollection : ObservableCollection<MyItemViewModel>
protected override void OnCollectionChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.Action)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
// i like to have the UIelement which was added to the collection
// (e.NewItems contains the FrameworkElement's DataContext)
Im following MVVM, as good as I can, and don't want to hold any view elements in the viewmodel.
I like to have an event that is fired when an item is added, which provides the new added UIElement in its sender or EventArgs.
I already tried ItemContainerGenerator class, but it's not useful inside a viewmodel since it requires already a UIElement Control.
You seem to be looking at this problem from the wrong direction... in MVVM, you can pretty much forget about the UI for the most part. So, instead of thinking how to get hold of the item that the user added into the collection control in the UI, think about accessing the data object that you added to the data collection in the view model that is data bound to the UI collection control in response to an ICommand that was initiated by the user.
So to me, it sounds like you need to implement an ICommand that is connected to a Button in the UI, where you add the new item into the data bound collection rather than any event. In this way, you'll always know the state of all of your data items.

how to add\remove multiple items from one listview to another in MVVM using wpf?

I have two listviews. One of left handside and another on right hand side. I have two buttons to add and remove items from the two listviews.
LHSListview is bound to List and RHSListview is bound to List. Column class has two variables 'order' and 'Id'.
when I click on the add button all the selected items from LHSListview must move to RHSListview. And vice versa when clicked on remove button.
This is what I am trying to do on the click of add button
var list1 = new ArrayList(lstAllFields.SelectedItems);
foreach (var item in list1)
But this throws an error on lstAllFields.Items.Remove(item); this line saying "Operation is not valid while ItemsSource is in use. Access and modify elements with ItemsControl.ItemsSource instead."
You mentioned you're using MVVM, so you probably know that you shouldn't be changing the items from the ListViews inside the view. What you should do is modify the collection you are bound to in the ViewModel.
Problem is it's kind of tricky to get the multiple selections in MVVM, because the SelectedItems property isn't a Dependency Property.
There are 2 ways to achieve what you're after, both support MVVM:
The shorter and easier way is to listen to the Button_Click in the View's CodeBehind, create a new list of the selected items and pass it to the VM to do the logic of adding and removing items.
So a short version would look like this:
Code Behind:
private void MyButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
List<MyObject> mySelectedItems = new List<MyObject>();
foreach (MyObject item in listview1.SelectedItems)
(this.DataContext as MainVM).MoveMethod(mySelectedItems);
View Model (in my class I called it MainVM)
public void MoveMethod(List<MyObject> selected)
foreach (var item in selected)
That's it. Just remember, the List1 and List2 (which are the ItemSource's that ListView1 and ListView2 bind to, must be ObservableCollection to see the update in the UI.
I promised a longer option too, for that see the great 3-part blog post on the subject:
MVVM and Multiple Selection – Part I
MVVM and Multiple Selection – Part II
MVVM and Multiple Selection – Part III

Event handler that will be called when an item is added in a listbox

Is there an event handler that will be called when an item is added in a listbox in WPF?
The problem is that the INotifyCollectionChanged interface which contains the event handler is explicitly implemented, which means you have to first cast the ItemCollection before the event handler can be used:
public MyWindow()
((INotifyCollectionChanged)mListBox.Items).CollectionChanged +=
private void mListBox_CollectionChanged(object sender,
NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
// scroll the new item into view
Josh's advice about the observable collection should also be considered.
Take a different approach. Create an ObservableCollection (which does have such an event) and set the ItemsSource of the ListBox to this collection. In other words, in WPF you should think about the problem differently. The control isn't necessarily what is being modified ... the collection behind it is.
Based on your comment to Mitch's answer which indicates your binding source is actually an XML document, I suggest looking into hooking up to the XObject.Changed event of the XML document/element/etc. This will give you change information about the XML structure itself - not the ItemCollection which is an implementation detail you shouldn't need to consider. For example, ItemCollection (or any INotifyCollectionChanged) doesn't guarantee an individual event for every change. As you noted, sometimes you'll just get a generic reset notification.
