Commiting a google web app project to github - google-app-engine

I have a google web application project that I want to host on github. I'm familiar with the basics of github. I have committed simple java projects. But how do I commit a google web project so that a user can just import the project from github and its created.
Do I just commit all of the source code. Then anyone who wants to import the project just creates a new project and re-imports the code from github into his/her newly created project ?

You should commit all the source code project folder like:
One potential user will:
Clone the source folder from github.
Select Add existing, from the GAE Sdk dashboard, specifying the cloned source folder.


I would like to publish images, env public folder link & react app

I have recently created my react portfolio website, and would like to publish it for free using github pages, or any other free domain. I don't know how to do so, as I have multiple things. I have my public folder will my projects images, and I also have my .env file with hidden information. How can I do this all?
Did you tried GitHub Pages?
All that you need to do is to create repo with your's github nickname and commit all your changes into this repo. Not sure about .env file and GitHub Pages, needs some research.
GitHub Pages -

How to deploy entire React JS project files to Github for collaboration

I'm currently working on a React App in visual studio code. However I need my friend to also work on the same project. I deployed it successfully to github but of course it only uploads the static build folder. How do I get the entire project across to my friend so he can work on it?
Follow this instruction link in their documentation on how to add an existing project to github. Or even simpler, VSCode has a built in "Publish to Github" command, use it. Make sure you don't ignore anything you don't want in the .gitignore file. You don't need to upload the static build folder though, ignore it in the .gitignore file. Your friend can build the project himself.
Open the Github repository settings and look for something called "Manage access". There you can see an option where you can invite a collaborator. That way your friend will have write access to the repo and can push change to the code.
Told him to clone the repo and accept the invite -> done.

Adding React app to existing folder on GitHub

I have a group of projects that I've been compiling on Github as part of the Frontend Mentor challenges -
These are all stored in the same folder locally on my PC and every time I add a folder, VS Code recognises this and queues that folder up to be committed and then pushed to the Github folder.
I've just created a new React App via create-react-app and have added that to my folder locally on my PC and I now want to add it to the folder on Github, but VS Code is not recognising it as a new folder and won't let me commit, and then push changes.
Does anybody know how I could do this? Are there settings I need to change in the React project?
I've run npm build on my React project, if that makes any difference, but I've not changed or added anything new other than the initial create react app.
It's probably a simple answer but I'm a novice when it comes to React/Github.
Here is a screenshot of my folder structure

How to host a sample React Application in Sharepoint online?

created a sample react application which is running in localhost:3000. Now i need to host the same react application in sharepoint online. Any solutions to this.
Please check the steps in the blog below:
Build And Deploy The Client Side Web Part (SPFx) In SharePoint Online
1) Once you are done with the your local development, we need to configure a CDN path where we can host our files.
Go to the config > write-manifests.json file.
Here, enter your CDN path. It should be a path that can be accessible by the end users. It could be Azure or SharePoint or any thing else.
Modify it as below (sample code) and save the file:
"$schema": "",
"cdnBasePath": ""
2) Now, you need to generate the files to be deployed.
For that run the below command:
gulp bundle –-ship
After this is done, you will find the a temp > deploy folder inside your solution as below:
Once this is generated, upload all the files inside the deploy folder to your CDN or Site Assets (as in our case). This task can also automated using advanced gulp tasks.
3) Now, we will create spapp file to be uploaded to app catalog.
For that, run the below command:
gulp package-solution –-ship
This will generate an sppkg file inside sharepoint folder as below:
Upload it to the app catalog. SharePoint will show you a popup and ask you to trust the client-side solution to deploy.
Click Deploy.
After that, you can add it like you add an App in a SharePoint site.

Deploying Google App Engine and Slim3 code

I am developing a GAE app and using Slim3 for persistence. I've created the model and the metamodel. When I try to deploy the app to GAE I get the following error when I run the app.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The meta data of the model(com.principalmvl.lojackmykids.meta.ContactMeta) is not found.
at org.slim3.datastore.DatastoreUtil.createModelMeta(
at org.slim3.datastore.DatastoreUtil.getModelMeta(
I looked at the lib directory under the WEB-INF directory and I see the generated .CLASS files.
What is the issue? Is there something I need to do on the import or a configuration so that GAE sees this classs?
I believe the issue is in the Eclipse project. I recreated a new project and copied all of my servlets and meta data models and it worked. I killed the other project since it seemed to be corrupt.
