How should I return the result of a binary-operation function in a C library? - c

I'm working on a C library, and part of it deals with some mathematical types and manipulating them. Each type has a factory constructor/destructor function that allocates and frees them dynamically. For example:
/* Example type, but illustrates situation very well. */
typdef struct {
float x;
float y;
float z;
} Vector3D;
/* Constructor */
Vector* Vector3D_new(float x, float y, float z) {
Vector3D* vector = (Vector3D*) malloc(sizeof(Vector3D));
/* Initialization code here...*/
return vector;
/* Destructor */
void Vector3D_destroy(Vector3D* vector) {
Nice & simple, and also alleviates the loads of proper initialization for a user.
Now my main concern is how to handle functions that operate upon these types (specifically how to return the result values.) Almost every binary operation will result in a new instance of the same type, and therefore, I need to consider how to give this back to the user. I could just return things by value, but passing around pointers would be preferred, since it is faster, compatible with the construct/destructor methods, and doesn't leave as much burden on the user.
Currently I have it implemented by having functions dynamically allocate the result, and then return a pointer to it:
/* Perform an operation, and dynamically return resultant vector */
Vector3D* addVectors(Vector3D* a, Vector3D* b) {
Vector3D* c = Vector3D_new(
a->x + b->x,
a->y + b->y,
a->z + b->z);
return c;
By returning the value directly to the user, it has the advantage of being able to be chained (e.g. to be passed directly into another function as a parameter), such as:
/* Given three Vector3D*s : a, b, & c */
float dot = dotProduct(crossProduct(a, addVectors(b, c));
But given the current method, this would result in a memory leak, since the result of addVectors() would be passed directly to crossProduct(), and the user wouldn't have a chance to free() it (and the same thing with crossProduct()'s result that is passed into dotProduct()). To make this work, a person would have to make a pointer to hold the value(s), use that, and then free() it via said pointer.
Vector3D* d = addVectors(b, c);
Vector3D* e = crossProduct(a, d);
float dot = dotProduct(e);
This works but is much less intuitive, and loses the chaining effect I so desire.
Another possibility is to have the operation functions take 3 arguments; two for the operands, and one to store the result in, but again not very intuitive.
My question is then: What are some elegant & productive ways of working with dynamic memory in binary operations? As a bonus, a solution that has been used in a real world library would be pretty cool. Any ideas? :)

In addition to the memory-leak you mentioned there are a few other problems with your current system:
Allocating to the heap is significantly slower than plain stack operations.
Every allocation will also need to be free()d, meaning every instance will require at least 2 function invocations, where as just using a stack based design would require none.
Since memory has to be manually managed it leaves much more room for memory leaks.
Memory allocations can fail! A stack based system would alleviate this.
Using pointers would require dereferencing. This is slower than direct access, and requires more (perhaps, sloppy) sytax.
In addition to this, many compilers cache the memory used for a program's stack, and can provide signifigant improvements over the heap (which is almost never cached (if possible!))
In short, simply relying on the stack for everything would be best, not only for performance, but also maintenence and clean code. The only thing to remember is that the stack is finite, and it could also be easy to go crazy. Use the stack for short term data (a binary operation result in this case), and the heap for heavier long term data.
I hope this helps! :)
Note: Much of the info in this answer is thanks to #Justin.

Allocating inside the operator isn't as convenient as it may seem.
This is mostly because you don't have garbage collection, and also because you have to worry about failed allocations.
Consider this code:
Vector3D *v1,*v2,*v3;
Vector3d v4 = addVectors(v1,multiplyVectors(v2,v3));
Seems nice.
But what happens with the vector returned from multiplyVectors? A memory leak.
And what happens if allocation fails? A crash in some other function.
I'd go for addition in-place:
void addVectors(Vector3D *target, const Vector3D *src);
This is equivalent to target += src;.

I would do as simple as
Vector3D addVectors(Vector3D a, Vector3D b) {
Vector3D c;
c.x = a.x + b.x;
c.y = a.y + b.y;
c.z = a.z + b.z;
return c;
If the caller really needs it on the heap, he can copy it by himself.


Struct variable passed by value vs. passed by pointer to a function

Let's say I have the following structure:
typedef struct s_tuple{
double x;
double y;
double z;
double w;
} t_tuple;
Let's say I have the two following functions:
t_tuple tuple_sub_values(t_tuple a, t_tuple b)
a.x -= b.x;
a.y -= b.y;
a.z -= b.z;
a.w -= b.w;
return (a);
t_tuple tuple_sub_pointers(t_tuple *a, t_tuple *b)
t_tuple c;
c.x = a->x - b->x;
c.y = a->y - b->y;
c.z = a->z - b->z;
c.w = a->w - b->w;
return (c);
Will there be a performance difference between the functions ? Is one of these better than the other ?
Basically, what are the pros and cons of passing by value vs. passing by pointer when all of the structure elements are called ?
Edit: Completely changed my structure and functions to give a more precise example
I found this post that is related to my question but is for C++:,reference%20parameters%20than%20value%20parameters.
Context: My structures are not huge in this example, but I am coding a ray-tracer and some structs of size around 100B can be called millions of times so I'd like to try to optimize these calls. My structs are kind of imbricated so it would be a mess to copy them here, this is why I tried to ask my question on a kind of general example.
Getting to the core of the question: for optimal arg-passing/value-returning performance, you basically want to follow the ABI of your platform to try and make sure that things are in registers and stay in registers. If they aren't in registers and or cannot stay in registers, then passing larger-than-pointer-size data by pointer will likely save some copying (unless the copying would need to be done in the callee anyway: void pass_copy(struct large x){ use(&x); } could actually be a small bit better for codegen than void pass_copy2(struct large const*x){ struct large cpy=*x; use(&cpy);
The concrete rules for e.g., the sysv x86-64 ABI are a bit complicated (see the chapter on calling conventions).
But a short version might be: args/return-vals go through registers as long as their type is "simple enough" and appropriate argument passing registers are available (6 for integer vals and 6 for doubles). Structs of up to two eightbytes can go through registers (as arguments or a return value) provided they're "simple enough".
Supposing your doubles are already loaded in registers (or aren't aggregated into t_tuples that you could point the callee to), the most efficient way to pass them on x86-64 SysV ABI would be individually or via structs of two doubles each, but you'd still need to return them via memory because the ABI can only accommodate two-double retvals with registers, not 4-double retvals. If you returned a fourdouble, the compiler would stack-alloc memory in the caller, and pass a pointer to it as a hidden first argument and then return a pointer to the allocated memory (under the covers). A more flexible approach would be to not return such a large aggregate but instead explicitly pass a pointer to a struct-to-be-filled. That way the struct can be anywhere you want it (rather then auto-alloced on the stack by the compiler).
So something like
void tuple_sub_values(t_tuple *retval,
t_twodoubles a0, t_twodoubles a1,
t_twodoubles b0, t_twodoubles b1);
would a better API for avoiding memory spillage on x86-64 SysV ABI (Linux, MacOS, BSDs...).
If your measurements show the codesize savings / performance boost to be worth it for you, you could wrap it in an inline function that'd do the struct-splitting.
When it comes to performance, that will most likely be implementation specific for reasons going far away from this post, but most likely we're talking about microseconds at the worst case. Now when it comes to the pros and cons:
Passing by value will only give you a copy of that struct, and modifications will be local only. In other words, your function will receive an entirely new copy of the struct, and it will only be able to modify that copy.
In contrast, passing by reference gives you the ability to modify the given struct directly from the function, and is often seen when multiple values need to be returned from a function.
It's entirely up to you to choose which one works for your case. But to add some extra help:
Passing by reference will reduce the function call overhead because you won't have to copy 32 bytes from scratch to the new function. It will also help significantly if you're planning to keep memory footprint low, if you plan to call the function multiple times. Why? Because instead of creating multiple different structs for those calls, you simply tell every call to reuse the same struct. Which is mainly seen in games, where structs may be thousands of bytes large.

In C, how would I choose whether to return a struct or a pointer to a struct?

Working on my C muscle lately and looking through the many libraries I've been working with its certainly gave me a good idea of what is good practice. One thing that I have NOT seen is a function that returns a struct:
something_t make_something() { ... }
From what I've absorbed this is the "right" way of doing this:
something_t *make_something() { ... }
void destroy_something(something_t *object) { ... }
The architecture in code snippet 2 is FAR more popular than snippet 1. So now I ask, why would I ever return a struct directly, as in snippet 1? What differences should I take into account when I'm choosing between the two options?
Furthermore, how does this option compare?
void make_something(something_t *object)
When something_t is small (read: copying it is about as cheap as copying a pointer) and you want it to be stack-allocated by default:
something_t make_something(void);
something_t stack_thing = make_something();
something_t *heap_thing = malloc(sizeof *heap_thing);
*heap_thing = make_something();
When something_t is large or you want it to be heap-allocated:
something_t *make_something(void);
something_t *heap_thing = make_something();
Regardless of the size of something_t, and if you don’t care where it’s allocated:
void make_something(something_t *);
something_t stack_thing;
something_t *heap_thing = malloc(sizeof *heap_thing);
This is almost always about ABI stability. Binary stability between versions of the library. In the cases where it is not, it is sometimes about having dynamically sized structs. Rarely it is about extremely large structs or performance.
It is exceedingly rare that allocating a struct on the heap and returning it is nearly as fast as returning it by-value. The struct would have to be huge.
Really, speed is not the reason behind technique 2, return-by-pointer, instead of return-by-value.
Technique 2 exists for ABI stability. If you have a struct and your next version of the library adds another 20 fields to it, consumers of your previous version of the library are binary compatible if they are handed pre-constructed pointers. The extra data beyond the end of the struct they know about is something they don't have to know about.
If you return it on the stack, the caller is allocating the memory for it, and they must agree with you on how big it is. If your library updated since they last rebuilt, you are going to trash the stack.
Technique 2 also permits you to hide extra data both before and after the pointer you return (which versions appending data to the end of the struct is a variant of). You could end the structure with a variable sized array, or prepend the pointer with some extra data, or both.
If you want stack-allocated structs in a stable ABI, almost all functions that talk to the struct need to be passed version information.
something_t make_something(unsigned library_version) { ... }
where library_version is used by the library to determine what version of something_t it is expected to return and it changes how much of the stack it manipulates. This isn't possible using standard C, but
void make_something(something_t* here) { ... }
is. In this case, something_t might have a version field as its first element (or a size field), and you would require that it be populated prior to calling make_something.
Other library code taking a something_t would then query the version field to determine what version of something_t they are working with.
As a rule of thumb, you should never pass struct objects by value. In practice, it will be fine to do so as long as they are smaller or equal to the maximum size that your CPU can handle in a single instruction. But stylistically, one typically avoids it even then. If you never pass structs by value you can later on add members to the struct and it won't affect performance.
I think that void make_something(something_t *object) is the most common way to use structures in C. You leave the allocation to the caller. It is efficient but not pretty.
However, object-oriented C programs use something_t *make_something() since they are built with the concept of opaque type, which forces you to use pointers. Whether the returned pointer points at dynamic memory or something else depends on the implementation. OO with opaque type is often one of the most elegant and best ways to design more complex C programs, but sadly, few C programmers know/care about it.
Some pros of the first approach:
Less code to write.
More idiomatic for the use case of returning multiple values.
Works on systems that don't have dynamic allocation.
Probably faster for small or smallish objects.
No memory leak due to forgetting to free.
Some cons:
If the object is large (say, a megabyte) , may cause stack overflow, or may be slow if compilers don't optimize it well.
May surprise people who learned C in the 1970s when this was not possible, and haven't kept up to date.
Does not work with objects that contain a pointer to a part of themself.
I'm somewhat surprised.
The difference is that example 1 creates a structure on the stack, example 2 creates it on the heap. In C, or C++ code which is effectively C, it's idiomatic and convenient to create most objects on the heap. In C++ it is not, mostly they go on the stack. The reason is that if you create an object on the stack, the destructor is called automatically, if you create it on the heap, it must be called explicitly.So it's a lot easier to ensure there are no memory leaks and to handle exceptions is everything goes on the stack. In C, the destructor must be called explictly anyway, and there's no concept of a special destructor function (you have destructors, of course, but they are just normal functions with names like destroy_myobject()).
Now the exception in C++ is for low-level container objects, e.g. vectors, trees, hash maps and so on. These do retain heap members, and they have destructors. Now most memory-heavy objects consist of a few immediate data members giving sizes, ids, tags and so on, and then the rest of the information in STL structures, maybe a vector of pixel data or a map of English word / value pairs. So most of the data is in fact on the heap, even in C++.
And modern C++ is designed so that this pattern
class big
std::vector<double> observations; // thousands of observations
int station_x; // a bit of data associated with them
int station_y;
std::string station_name;
big retrieveobservations(int a, int b, int c)
big answer;
// lots of code to fill in the structure here
return answer;
void high_level()
big myobservations = retriveobservations(1, 2, 3);
Will compile to pretty efficient code. The large observation member won't generate unnecessary makework copies.
Unlike some other languages (like Python), C does not have the concept of a tuple. For example, the following is legal in Python:
def foo():
return 1,2
x,y = foo()
print x, y
The function foo returns two values as a tuple, which are assigned to x and y.
Since C doesn't have the concept of a tuple, it's inconvenient to return multiple values from a function. One way around this is to define a structure to hold the values, and then return the structure, like this:
typedef struct { int x, y; } stPoint;
stPoint foo( void )
stPoint point = { 1, 2 };
return point;
int main( void )
stPoint point = foo();
printf( "%d %d\n", point.x, point.y );
This is but one example where you might see a function return a structure.

Pointers and execution speed

Some blogs and sites were talking about pointers are beneficial one of the causes was because the "execution speed" will be better in a program with pointers than without pointers. The thing I can work out is that:
Dereferencing a single location requires two (or more) memory accesses (depending on number of indirection). Which will increase the execution time, compared to if it was used directly.
Passing a pointer to a large datatype to a function, like a structure can be beneficial, as only the address of the structure/union is getting copied and it's not getting passed by value. Therefore it should be faster in this case.
For example just by force introducing pointers without any need as:
int a, b, *p, *q, c, *d;
p = &a;
q = &b;
d = &c
// get values in a, b
*d = *p + *q; // why the heck this would be faster
c = a + b; // than this code?
I checked the assembler output using gcc -S -masm=intel file.c The pointer version has a lot of loading memory and storing for the dereferences than the direct method.
Am I missing something?
Note: The question is not related to just the code. The code is just an example. Not considering compiler optimizations.
I think your conclusions are basically right. The author did not mean that using more pointers will always speed up all code. That's obviously nonsense.
But there are times when it is faster to pass a pointer to data instead of copying that data.
As you pointed out: Passing a pointer to a large datatype to a function; here the structure is an int, so it's hardly large. BTW: I guess gcc will optimize away the pointer accesses when you use -O2.
Apart from that your understanding is correct.
You are right in your example - that code would run slower. One place where it can be faster is when making a function call:
void foo( Object Obj );
void bar( const Object * pObj );
void main()
Object theObject;
foo( theObject ); // Creates a copy of theObject which is then used in the function.
bar( &theObject ); // Creates a copy of the memory address only, then the function references the original object within.
bar is faster as we don't need to copy the entire object (assuming the object is more than just a base data type). Most people would use a reference rather than a pointer in this instance, however.
void foobar( const Object & Obj );
Mark Byers is absolutely right. You cannot judge the power of pointers in such simple program.They are used to optimize the memory management and faster execution of programs where there are excessive use of data structures and references are done through addresses.
Consider when you start a program it takes some time in loading but with efficient use of pointers and skills if the program loads even 1 second earlier that's a large accomplishment.

when to free pointer in C and how to know if it is freed

I am new in C, trying to figure out about memory allocation in C that I kinda confused
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct
int a;
} struct1_t;
int main()
funct1(); //init pointer
return 1;
int funct2(struct1_t *ptr2struct)
printf("print a is %d\n",ptr2struct->a);
printf("value of ptr in funct2 is %p\n", ptr2struct);
return 1; //success
int funct1(){
struct1_t *ptr2struct = NULL;
ptr2struct = malloc(sizeof(*ptr2struct));
ptr2struct->a = 5;
printf("value of ptr before used is %p", ptr2struct);
if (funct2(ptr2struct) == 0) {
goto error;
printf("value of ptr in funct1 after freed is is %p\n", ptr2struct);
return 1;
if(ptr2struct) free(ptr2struct);
return 0;
I have funct 1 that calls funct 2, and after using the allocated pointer in funct1, I try to free the pointer. And I create a case where if the return value in funct2 is not 1, then try again to free the pointer.
My question is below
which practice is better, if I should free the memory in funct2 (after I pass it) or in funct1 (after I finish getting the return value of funct1)
The second thing is whether this is correct to make a goto error, and error:
if(ptr2struct) free(ptr2struct);
My third question is , how do I check if the allocated value is already freed or not? because after getting the return value, I free the pointer, but if I print it, it shows the same location with the allocated one (so not a null pointer).
Calling free() on a pointer doesn't change it, only marks memory as free. Your pointer will still point to the same location which will contain the same value, but that value can now get overwritten at any time, so you should never use a pointer after it is freed. To ensure that, it is a good idea to always set the pointer to NULL after free'ing it.
1) Should I free it in the calling function or in the called function?
I try to do the free-ing in the same function that does the malloc-ing. This keeps the memory-management concerns in one place and also gives better separation of concerns, since the called function in this case can also work with pointers that have not been malloc-ed or use the same pointer twice (if you want to do that).
2) Is it correct to do a "goto error"?
Yes! By jumping to a single place at the end of the function you avoid having to duplicate the resource-releasing code. This is a common pattern and isn't that bad since the "goto" is just serving as a kind of "return" statement and isn't doing any of its really tricky and evil stuff it is more known for.
//in the middle of the function, whenever you would have a return statement
// instead do
return_value = something;
goto DONE;
//resorce management code all in one spot
return return_value;
C++, on the other hand, has a neat way to do this kind of resource management. Since destructors are deterministically called right before a function exits they can be used to neatly package this king of resource management. They call this technique RAII
Another way other languages have to deal with this is finally blocks.
3) Can I see if a pointer has already been freed?
Sadly, you can't. What some people do is setting the pointer variable value to NULL after freeing it. It doesn't hurt (since its old value shouldn't be used after being freed anyway) and it has the nice property that freeing a null pointer is specified to be a no-op.
However, doing so is not foolproof. Be careful about having other variables aliasing the same pointer since they will still contain the old value, that is now a dangerous dangling pointer.
My question is below
which practice is better, if I should free the memory in funct2 (after I pass it) or in funct1 (after I finish getting the return value of funct1)
This is an "ownership" question. Who owns the allocated memory. Typically, this has to be decided based on the design of your program. For example, the only purpose of func1() could be to only allocate memory. That is, in your implementation, func1() is the function for memory allocation and then the "calling" function uses the memory. In that case, the ownership to free the memory is with the caller of func1 and NOT with func1().
The second thing is whether this is correct to make a goto error, and error:
The use of "goto" is generally frowned about. It causes mess in the code that could just be easily avoided. However, I say "generally". There are cases where goto can be quiet handy and useful. For example, in big systems, configuration of the system is a big step. Now, imagine you call a single Config() function for the system which allocates memory for its different data structures at different points in the function like
...some config code...
if ( a specific feature is enabled)
f1 = allocateMemory();
level = 1;
....some more code....
if ( another feature is enabled)
f2 = allocateMemory();
level = 2;
....some more codee....
if ( another feature is enabled)
f3 = allocateMemor();
level =3;
/*some error happens */
goto level_3;
In this case, you can use goto and elegantly free only that much memory that was allocated till the point the configuration failed.
However, suffice to say in your example goto is easily avoidable and should be avoided.
My third question is , how do I check if the allocated value is already freed or not? because after getting the return value, I free the pointer, but if I print it, it shows the same location with the allocated one (so not a null pointer).
Easy. Set the freed memory as NULL. The other advantage, apart from the one mentioned by MK, is that passing NULL pointer to free will cause a NOP i.e. no operation is performed. This will also help you avoid any double delete problems.
What i am about to share are my own development practices in C. They are by NO mean the ONLY way to organize yourself. I am just outlining a way not the way.
Okay, so, in many ways "C" is a loose language, so a lot of discipline and strictness comes from oneself as a developer. I've been developing in "C" for more than 20 years professionally, I've only very rarely have I had to fix any production-grade software that I have developed. While quite a bit of the success may be attributed to experience, a fair chunk of it is rooted in consistent practice.
I follow a set of development practices, which are quite extensive, and deal with everything as trivial as tabs to naming conventions and what not. I will limit my self to what I do about dealing with structures in general and there memory management in particular.
If I have a structure that's used throughout the software, I write create/destroy; init/done type functions for it:
struct foo * init_foo();
void done_foo(struct foo *);
and allocate and de-allocate the structure in these functions.
If I manipulate a structure elements directly all over the program then don't typedef it. I take the pain of using the struct keyword in each declaration so that I know it's a structure. This is sufficient where the pain threshold is NOT so much that I would get annoyed by it. :-)
If I find that the structure is acting VERY much like an object then I choose to manipulate the structure elements STRICTLY through an opaque API; then I define its interface through set/get type functions for each element, I create a 'forward declaration' in the header file used by every other part of the program, create a an opaque typedef to the pointer of the structure, and only declare the actual structure in the structure API implementation file.
struct foo;
typedef struct foo foo_t;
void set_e1(foo_t f, int e1);
int get_ei(foo_t f);
int set_buf(foo_t f, const char *buf);
char * get_buf_byref(foo_t f)
char * get_buf_byval(foo_t f, char *dest, size_t *dlen);
#include <foo.h>
struct foo {
int e1;
char *buf;
void set_e1(foo_t f, int e1) {
f->e1 = e1;
int get_ei(foo_t f) { return f->e1; }
void set_buf(foo_t f, const char *buf) {
if ( f->buf ) free ( f->buf );
f->buf = strdup(buf);
char *get_buf_byref(foo_t f) { return f->buf; }
char *get_buf_byval(foo_t f, char **dest, size_t *dlen) {
*dlen = snprintf(*dest, (*dlen) - 1, "%s", f->buf); /* copy at most dlen-1 bytes */
return *dest;
If the related structures are very complicated you may even want to implement function pointers right into a base structure and then provide actual manipulators in particular extensions of that structure.
You will see a strong similarity between the approach i've outlined above and object oriented programming. It is meant to be that ...
If you keep your interfaces clean like this, whether or not you have to set instance variables to NULL all over the place won't matter. The code will, hopefully, yield itself to a tighter structure where silly mistakes are less likely.
Hope this helps.
I know this is answered but, I wanted to give my input. As far as I understand, when you call a function with parameters such as here (the pointer), the parameters are pushed to the stack(FILO).
Therefore the pointer passed to the function will be automagically popped off the stack but not freeing the pointer in funct1(). Therefore you would need to free the pointer in funct1() Correct me if I am wrong.

Function needs its own array for workspace - best practices?

Suppose that the function
void foo(int n, double x[])
sorts the n-vector x, does some operations on x, and then restores the original ordering to x before returning. So internally, foo needs some temporary storage, e.g., at least an n-vector of integers so that it store the original ordering.
What's the best way to handle this temporary storage? I can think of two obvious approaches:
foo declares its own workspace by declaring an internal array, i.e., at the top of foo we have
int temp[n];
in the main calling routine, dynamically allocate the n-vector of ints once and pass in the storage at each call to a version of foo that accepts the temporary storage as a 3rd arg, i.e.,
double *temp = malloc(n*sizeof(double));
foo(n, x, temp);
I'm worried that option 1 is inefficient (the function foo will get called many times with the same n), and option 2 is just plain ugly, since I have to carry around this temporary storage so that it's always available wherever I happen to need a call to foo(n,x).
Are there other more elegant options?
If you end up using option 2 – that is, the function uses memory that is allocated elsewhere – use proper encapsulation.
In a nutshell, don’t pass in a raw array, pass in a context object which has matching init and release functions.
Then the user must still pass in the context and properly set it up and tear it down but the details are hidden from her and she doesn’t care about the details of the allocation. This is a common pattern in C.
typedef struct {
double* storage;
} foo_context;
void foo_context_init(foo_context*, int n);
void foo_context_free(foo_context*);
void foo(foo_context* context, int n, double x[]);
Now, for a very simple case this is clearly a tremendous overhead and I agree with Oli that option 1 called for.
Option 1 is clearly the cleanest (because it's completely encapsulated). So go with Option 1 until profiling has determined that this is a bottleneck.
#R's comment below is correct; this could blow your stack if n is large. The pre-C99 "encapsulated" method would be to malloc the local array, rather than putting it on the stack.
On most architectures option 1 is very efficient since it allocates memory on the stack and is typically an add to the stack and/or frame pointer. Just be careful not to make n too large.
As Oli said in his answer the best is to have the function being autonomous about this temporary array. A single allocation is not going to cost a lot unless that function is called in a very fast loop... so get it right first, then profile and then decide if it's worth doing an optimization.
That said in a few cases after profiling and when the temp data structure needed was a bit more complex that a single int array I adopted the following approach:
void foo(int n, ... other parameters ...)
static int *temp_array, temp_array_size;
if (n > temp_array_size)
/* The temp array we have is not big enough, increase it */
temp_array = realloc(temp_array, n*sizeof(int));
if (!temp_array) abort("Out of memory");
temp_array_size = n;
... use temp_array ...
note that using a static array rules out for example multithreading or recursion and this should be clearly stated in the documentation.
