How to convert <node/> to <node></node> with libxml (converting empty elements to start-end tag pairs) - c

While generating an XML content, I get an empty node <node/>, and I want it to be <node></node>. (Since <node></node> is the correct form of c14n, the progress called "converting empty elements to start-end tag pairs")
How should I convert it?
There's a way hinted by Jim Garrison(Thank you) to do this,
by using xmlBufferCreate, xmlSaveToBuffer, xmlSaveDoc, xmlSaveClose
with xmlSaveOption: XML_SAVE_NO_EMPTY

Take a look at the libxml2 documentation, specifically xmlSaveOption value XML_SAVE_NO_EMPTY

I found another way which is easier when the nodes are generated under control, by simply giving value "" to the node.


In XDocReport, how to handle null value?

Is there a way to handle null value for a field in XDocReport? or do I need to manipulate it on my own? example:
if (thisVar == null)
context.put("sampleText", "");
context.put("sampleText", thisVar);
or is there an option in docx quick parts?
I found this line in the error message of XDocReport. However I could not understand where to apply this, in the template or in the code.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to
something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default
value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use [#if
myOptionalVar??]when-present[#else]when-missing[/#if]. (These only
cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression,
use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (
In docx, append ?if_exists to the field name
you may also append !
Please refer to this link for those who uses freemarker. How to check if a variable exists in a FreeMarker template?

How to select a single item in protractor

Usually in protractor you can select singular element with:
Occasionally you get something like this:
which potentially has more than one element. What's the correct way to select an index from a locator that locates multiple elements, and still contain the protractor's methods for sending Keys?
You can get an indexed element from an array returned with
// Get the 5th element matching the .dfdf css selector
If you want to get the first element then
Try this one. It will work:
I don't know why xpath is so much underestimated but you can solve thousands of problems with it, including this one
let elem = element(by.xpath('(//div//a)[3]'))
You can specify the number of element to use. Keep in mind the numbers start from 1, not 0 as usually in js

Get a Done list with doxygen

It is well known how to obtain a TODO list in Doxygen, typing:
\todo Item one
\todo Item two
and so on, but when something has been done, how to keep track of this?
If I have done item two I don't want to remove it, I want to mark it as done:
\todo Item ono
\done Item two
How do I do this?
I dug around in the Doxygen documentation and stumbled over the \xrefitem. It's supposed to be:
A generalization of commands such as \todo and \bug. It can be used to
create user-defined text sections which are automatically
cross-referenced between the place of occurrence and a related page,
which will be generated. On the related page all sections of the same
type will be collected.
The first argument is an identifier uniquely representing the
type of the section. The second argument is a quoted string
representing the heading of the section under which text passed as the
fourth argument is put. The third argument (list title) is used as the
title for the related page containing all items with the same key. The
keys "todo", "test", "bug" and "deprecated" are predefined.
So you could specify a new alias, e.g. "done" in your Doxyfile:
ALIASES += "done=\xrefitem done \"Implemented TODOs\" \"Implemented
TODOs\" "
And in your code you should be able to use the new "done" tag like all the others:
/// \done fixed broken function
According to the doxygen manual there is no such "inverse" of the \todo command. Perhaps you can just keep the \todo and mark it manually as done, somehow.
Unfortunately doxygen's Markdown doesn't seem to support strikethrough (unlike Stack Overflow's, obviously), that would otherwise have been a good and common choice. Perhaps you can set it up using custom styling and spans.

libxml xmlNodePtr to raw xml string?

Given a valid, arbitrary xmlNodePtr, I would like the string representation of that node, including the tag, attributes, and children in the same form (recursive).
FWIW, my scenario is I am using PerformXPathQuery to get a block of data from within an existing document. I need to get the results of the query, which has nested XML elements in it, as the raw string, so I can insert it into a text field.
These seems like a simple task, however I cannot find an easy way. Writing an xmlDocPtr to file must do this, however, I cannot see a handy method that will do the same thing to an arbitrary node in the tree, and return it in memory.
I hope I am just going blind from the brown-on-brown documentation color scheme at
Is xmlNodeDump (or xmlNodeDumpOutput) what you are looking for?
My code I used to dump a node to a string. It's objectiv-c so just change your output as needed.
xmlBufferPtr buffer = xmlBufferCreate();
int size = xmlNodeDump(buffer, myXMLDoc, myXMLNode, 0, 1);
NSLog(#"%d", size);
NSLog(#"%s", buffer->content);
Don't forget to free your buffer again.
One way you could do it definitely is to create a new document, then use xmlDocCopyNode to copy the node into it and serialize it.

unterminated string literal error in salesforce

I am trying to get a value from salesforce class into a javascript variable. I am able to get the value if its a single line value, but if its multiline textarea it gives a unterminated string literal error
caseUpdate.Description = "{!ac__c.C_Info__c}";
After googling for sometime i came to know we can have a workaround for this by having a hidden field and using DOM storing it using the document.getElement.Id. But i am calling this code on a button click so i would not be able to create a input text or hidden field value.
Any body who can provide an way to do it?
You should just be able to use the standard Salesforce JSENCODE() function if you are using OnClick Javascript in a button. This will escape any characters for you.
See the documentation.
It is because of line breaks. merge fields are rendered unescaped into the output stream meaning that CRLFs push into a new line and break javascript strings. Either use the div/input trick or use Apex to replace \r\n's in the field with <br/> or whatever best suits the purpose. Also keep in mind that " will also terminate your JS string.
The easiest way is to just include a function in your extension and then you can use it across board
public String FixNewLine(String s) {
if (s != null) return s.replaceAll('\r\n', '<br/>').replaceAll('"', '\\"');
return null;
I had the same issue but was able to fix it! The trick is the JSENCODE function. Its basically {!JSENCODE(Obj.Field)}"; So you are replacing your merge field with this function and nesting the merge field itself within the function. In my scenario I ended up with opptyObj.Description="{!JSENCODE(Case.Description)}"; as my total syntax. First calling upon my set object and field, and then the merge data to populate it.
