Microsoft SQL Data Sync Agent: Server and Database - sql-server

I'm struggling with Microsoft SQL Data Sync Agent, which I need to setup the windows Azure platform.
In the ms sql data sync agent preview, the "Ping Sync Service" is successfully executed.
My windows firewall is allowing ingoing via port 1433.
The problem is, when I want to "Register":
First, I'm not sure that I enter the correct "Server" and "Database" names.
Second, I'm not sure whether I should use "SQL" or "Windows" Authentication
Third, how do I ensure that the Client Sync Agent has appropriate rights to the database?
Among alot of other trials, my best guess is:
Server " .\SQLEXPRESS"
Database "SiteSqlServer"
but still I get the following 2 error messages:
1) Unable to connect to the Database. PLease check if service account has connectivity, credentials and permissions to connect. Server: "XXX\SQLEXPRESS". Database: "SiteSqlServer".
2) Connection faild. Please check database credentials along with permissions for Microsoft SQL Data Sync Windows service logon account to connect to database with specified credentials.
Other reasons for failure:
Windows Azure SQL databases have to be added on the SQL Data Sync portal.
SQL Server databases lower than SQL Server 2005 SP2 are not supported on the SQL Data Sync.
I'm using: dotnetnuke CMS system and Microsoft webmatrix.
Any idea on how to proceed from here is warmly welcomed!

It seems you are trying to sync SQL Azure with SQL Express which is not supported and not tested. That's why when you try as described above you get that error. Based on my experiences there are issues using with SQL Express and SQL DataSync and SQL Express is not listed helow:
There are a few articles on internet where a few folks who went ahead and hacked the system to work with some vers'on of SQL Express so you are your own if you wish to try further. An article I found is here:


Error SQL71624: The permission 'CONNECT' is not valid for the target object 'guest' in Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12

I have a SQL database created and I am trying to deploy/move that database to the Azure Cloud by using the Deploy Database to SQL Azure Wizard in SQL Server Management Studio. But I have ran into an error after trying to deploy it. I am using the SQL Authentication to log in with my credentials. I also tried installing the Data Migration Application.
The error is:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
One or more unsupported elements were found in the schema used as part of a data package.
Error SQL71624: The permission 'CONNECT' is not valid for the target object 'guest' in Microsoft Azure SQL Database v12.
I don't understand what this error means and also I don't understand why this error is happening. I looked on the internet for possible solutions but could not find any information. Please help me.
SQL Azure and regular SQL Server aren't entirely compatible.
One of the things that is enabled on regular SQL Server is the guest login. This login allows connection to instance, with a default database of master. Once connected, the user can switch to a different database (use [thedatabase]) if they have the authority to do so.
But in SQL Azure, you connect directly to a single database, and can't switch databases on the connection. So the guest account has no function.
On your source instance (the one you want to migrate), you can revoke this ability so that the wizard won't try to migrate it. Execute revoke connect from guest on your on premise instance.

Access Denied when Remotely Accessing SSIS SQL Server Integration Services

Mystery of the Day:
I have two users who access SQL Server Integration Services remotely from their local machines. User 1 successfully connects using the Integration Service server type in SSMS. User 2 gets this error:
Note that 2005 is mentioned in the error, tho user 2 does not have 2005 installed. Both User 2 and the server are running 2014. Both users have the same persmissions on the remote server, and both are admins on the server. User 2 also gets this error when connecting to SSIS on the server, however, she is able to connect successfully when running SSMS as an administrator on the server. Here are some things that we've already tried:
Confirmed that User 2 is using a lower version of SQL than the version on the server.
Matched both users SSMS permissions to each other.
Added User 2 to the server's DCOM.
Restarted SSIS service on the server.
And this:
We suspect there may be a version issue between local and remote installations, but not sure what to check in that regard. There many similar posts to our issue, but we have combed through without success. Hoping someone can help here.
Thank you.
I changed the default logon of the SQL Server Integration Services 15.0 service to be the NT account on the VM I was given and was able to connect to Integration Services after a service restart.

How can I use an Active Directory login in Microsoft Access linked to SQL Server?

We have a client who uses MS Access to manipulate data in their SQL Server DB. I know that we can set up SQL Server to authenticate using Active Directory. If we set this up, can they use their AD logins to connect to SQL Server through Access? How?
I tried Googling this, but to no avail. Any links or direction would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Also, please direct me to the correct place, if I should ask this question elsewhere.
Yes this should be pretty straight forward. You can use Windows Authentication to connect to sql server.
When establishing ODBC connection from your Client, The Wizard for connection configuration to SQL Server takes you to a page which gives you options to choose how you want to connect to SQL SERVER. There you can choose to use Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication. You can choose the Windows Authentication Option.
Now when a client tries to connect to the SQL Server their windows credentials will be used to authenticate the user. And obviously if they are on a network their AD Account will Authenticate them.
See below a snapshot from ODBC Data Source Administrator wizard when configuring connection to sql server.

SQL Server 2008 Linked Server Security

From server1, I've created a connection to a remote server (server2) with the Linked Server facilities. Both servers are on the same domain. When I log to server1 I can successfully execute my stored procedures from SQL Server Management Studio but when I execute my stored procedures from my browser application I get the following error on server 2.
Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 58.
Login failed for user 'sa'. An attempt to login using SQL authentication failed.
Server is configured for Windows authentication only.
I've searched the Internet and Stackoverflow for solutions but I'm not sure what's the best way to solve this issue. I'm sure it involves adding/changing database security settings but I'm unsure where to make these changes.
Thanks in advance.
Right-click the server in Enterprise Manager, select properties, goto Security, and change to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
Mixed mode is required if you want to use sa or any other sql-account for authentication. However i believe that the recommended way is to keep the server at Windows authentication mode, and use domain accounts for authentication. The sa-account is the quick and dirty way.
If you have the exact same security setup on both servers, the link between them should work if you select "Be made using the login's current security context" in the linked server properties. That way, the account will be "inherited" in the connection to the linked server.
Check under Security - Logins on each of the server so that the same account is added to both servers. Also check the properties of both entries, under Server Roles you can try to add the sysadmin-role to make sure the accounts will have access to all databases on the server. You should however limit this access in live environments :)

Connecting to remote SQL Server

I have installed SQL Server 2005, the SQL Server instance name is SOSO, the machine name is HERO, I tried to connect from another computer using SQL Server Management Studio:
Server name: HERO\SOSO
Authentication: Windows Authentication
But I didn't succeed.
SQL Server is enabled to be connected remotely.
So what is the problem?
Windows Authentication uses the Active directory user from the connecting machine to authenticate with the database. Does it have the right permissions to access the database? Maybe try authenticating with a SQL Server database user first. Maybe you've created a SA user on installation, try connecting with that.
But as the other replies also tell, first check network / firewall connection and please provide us with the error message.
