passing values between silverlight applications - silverlight

I have created a Silverlight Business Application which runs as my main silverlight page. For each hyperlink button on my "menu" I launch another Silverlight Application which is created as a different project in Visual Studio. These are non-Business Applications.
Everything is working well. However I'm trying to pass a value from my main SL application to the SL application inside.
I have been googling a lot and cannot find an answer.
As I understand the InitParam is used between ASP and SL, and not between SL apps.
Since the App config is launched for the first SL app and the app config for the second application in never lauched, I'm not able to use that (thats at least my understanding)
The value I want to pass is the login name and role, which is possible to get from webcontext in the Silverlight Business application, but I'm unable to get webcontext in the non-Business application which run inside.
This is how I launch my SL app inside the main SL app:
public Customers()
this.Title = ApplicationStrings.CustomersPageTitle;
if (WebContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Users") || WebContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Administrators"))
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(client_OpenReadCompleted);
client.OpenReadAsync(new Uri("customers.xap", UriKind.Relative));
void client_OpenReadCompleted(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
string appManifest = new StreamReader(Application.GetResourceStream(new StreamResourceInfo(e.Result, null),
new Uri("AppManifest.xaml", UriKind.Relative)).Stream).ReadToEnd();
XElement deploymentRoot = XDocument.Parse(appManifest).Root;
List<XElement> deploymentParts =
(from assemblyParts in deploymentRoot.Elements().Elements() select assemblyParts).ToList();
Assembly asm = null;
AssemblyPart asmPart = new AssemblyPart();
foreach (XElement xElement in deploymentParts)
string source = xElement.Attribute("Source").Value;
StreamResourceInfo streamInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(new StreamResourceInfo(e.Result, "application/binary"), new Uri(source, UriKind.Relative));
if (source == "customers.dll")
asm = asmPart.Load(streamInfo.Stream);
UIElement myData = asm.CreateInstance("customers.MainPage") as UIElement;

i agree with ChrisF ,I think that Prism or MEF can resolve you problem.
any way,do some search on the web and look for these two classes:
good luck


Cefsharp Winform shows images blurred

Tools used : .net framework 4.7.2, Windows 7 x64, Visual Studio 2019
I'm creating a Cefsharp Winform browser.
It works as an simple GUI for my core app.
The problem stands on the fact that the pictures are very blurred.
If i use firefox/chrome the pictures are high quality and clean.
My Form1.cs :
public ChromiumWebBrowser browser;
public void InitBrowser()
CefSharpSettings.WcfEnabled = true;
var settings = new CefSettings();
//Absolute path to your applications executable
settings.BrowserSubprocessPath = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;
Cef.Initialize(new CefSettings());
browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser("https://localhost:5001")
MenuHandler = new CustomMenuHandler()
browser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
public Form1()
the debug_.log :
[0529/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled
[0529/] Failed to read DnsConfig.
What's wrong with this code?

How to get user group using TFS API in MVC
He can't get group name belong to a user using WPF base on TeamProjectPicker instant:
private void BtnConnectClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var tpp = new TeamProjectPicker(TeamProjectPickerMode.NoProject, false);
if (tpp.SelectedTeamProjectCollection == null) return;
_tfs = tpp.SelectedTeamProjectCollection;
_css = (ICommonStructureService)_tfs.GetService<ICommonStructureService>();
_gss = (IGroupSecurityService)_tfs.GetService<IGroupSecurityService>();
var allSids = _gss.ReadIdentity(SearchFactor.AccountName,
"Project Collection Valid Users", QueryMembership.Expanded);
listAllUsers.ItemsSource = _gss.ReadIdentities(SearchFactor.Sid, allSids.Members,
QueryMembership.None).Where(a => a.Type == IdentityType.WindowsUser
|| a.Type == IdentityType.WindowsGroup);
listProjects.ItemsSource = _css.ListAllProjects();
I can't do it when implement this function on MVC
You will need to implement your own Project Picker or supply the project collection uri directly to the TfsTeamProjectCollectionfactory.GetProjectCollection method. See the documentation here.
To create your own Project Picker, you can use the TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer to connect to a TFS instance. See the documentation here. Then you can query all the Team Project Collections and the underlying Team Projects from there. See the following piece of documentation for more information.

Image loading from localhost is not working on silverlight

I making simple silverlight application.
I need to access and use an image from localhost,
I write down my code like this
Book4.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("http://localhost/test/book2.png", UriKind.Absolute));
It doesn't make any errors, but It can't load any image.
//P.S. I didn't use asp. It is OOB app.
* EDITED: To include additional content for the question.
public void changeValue_book()
if (empty_book[3] == true && book_index == 3)
empty_book[3] = false;
Book4.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Book3.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Book3.Source = null;
Book3.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("http://localhost/test/book1.png", UriKind.Absolute));
//Book3.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Resource/책1.png", UriKind.Relative));
else if (empty_book[4] == true && book_index == 4)
empty_book[4] = false;
Book5.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Book4.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Book4.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("http://localhost/test/book2.png", UriKind.Absolute));
else if (empty_book[5] == true && book_index == 5)
If you're able to access the expected image from your web browser when you navigate to http://localhost/test/book2.png then try the following:
Uri uri = new Uri("http://localhost/test/book2.png", UriKind.Absolute);
ImageSource imageSource = new BitmapImage(uri);
Book4.Source = imageSource;
If you're images reside on http://localhost/test/yourimagename.png, but your Silverlight application is hosted within an https:// or from the Filesystem you will not be able to load the images at all. The Silverlight Image class and MediaElement class for progressive downloads (media, images, ASX, etc.) are not allowed Cross-scheme access.
Please see this link for more details:
Maybe it is clientaccesspolicy.xml problem. When the address of the site where SL is loaded is different from address where you want download data from, than it can be blocked. That clientaccesspolicy.xml file also must specify that SL can go deeper into subdirs. (here is some example).
Now I realize, that this problem would throw some cross domain policy error...
Either way, check that too, just to be sure.

silverlight 4, dynamically loading xap modules

I know that it is possible to load xap modules dynamically using Prism or MEF framework. However, I'd like not to use those frameworks; instead load my xap files manually. So, I created the following class (adapted from internet):
public class XapLoader
public event XapLoadedEventHandler Completed;
private string _xapName;
public XapLoader(string xapName)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(xapName))
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid module name!");
_xapName = xapName;
public void Begin()
Uri uri = new Uri(_xapName, UriKind.Relative);
if (uri != null)
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.OpenReadCompleted += onXapLoadingResponse;
private void onXapLoadingResponse(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e)
if ((e.Error == null) && (e.Cancelled == false))
if (Completed != null)
XapLoadedEventArgs args = new XapLoadedEventArgs();
args.Error = e.Error;
args.Cancelled = e.Cancelled;
Completed(this, args);
private void initXap(Stream stream)
string appManifest = new StreamReader(Application.GetResourceStream(
new StreamResourceInfo(stream, null), new Uri("AppManifest.xaml",
XElement deploy = XDocument.Parse(appManifest).Root;
List<XElement> parts = (from assemblyParts in deploy.Elements().Elements()
select assemblyParts).ToList();
foreach (XElement xe in parts)
string source = xe.Attribute("Source").Value;
AssemblyPart asmPart = new AssemblyPart();
StreamResourceInfo streamInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(
new StreamResourceInfo(stream, "application/binary"),
new Uri(source, UriKind.Relative));
public delegate void XapLoadedEventHandler(object sender, XapLoadedEventArgs e);
public class XapLoadedEventArgs : EventArgs
public Exception Error { get; set; }
public bool Cancelled { get; set; }
The above code works fine; I can load any xap the following way:
XapLoader xapLoader = new XapLoader("Sales.xap");
xapLoader.Completed += new XapLoadedEventHandler(xapLoader_Completed);
Now, I have a UserControl called InvoiceView in the Sales.xap project, so I would like to instantiate the class. In the current project (Main.xap) I added reference to Sales.xap project, however, since I load it manually I set "Copy Local = False". But when executed, the following code throws TypeLoadException:
Sales.InvoiceView view = new Sales.InvoiceView();
It seems the code can't find InvoiceView class. But I checked that XapLoader's initXap() method was successfully executed. So why the code can't find InvoiceView class? Can someone help me with this problem?
This is based on the asker's self-answer below, rather than the question.
If you delete a project/module the output DLLs/XAP files do hang around. If you click the "show all files" button you will see some these left-over output files in your clientbin, bin and obj folders of related projects.
You can delete them individually from the project, or, when in doubt, search for all BIN and OBJ (e.g. using desktop explorer) and delete all those folders. The BIN/CLIENTBIN/OBJ folders will be recreated when needed (this the job that the "clean" option in Visual Studio should have done!)
Hope this helps.
Ok, I found the cause. The above code works. After creating a new silverlight project (Sales.xap) I happened to compile my solution once. Then I deleted App class in the Sales.xap and renamed default MainPage class to SalesView. However, no matter how many times I compile my solution, Visual Studio's development web server was loading the first version of Sales.xap (where from?), so my code couldn't find SalesView. In my host Asp.Net project I set development server's port to a different port number, and the problem gone. So the problem was with Visual Studio's development server. Apparently it is keeping compiled xap files in some temporary folder, and doesn't always update those xap files when source code changed.
What I do to avoid such problems when executing freshly compiled Silverlight is clear the browser cache, chrome even has a clear silverlight cache ;)
this XAP Cache phenomena is often due to the visual studio embedded web server (ASP.NET Development Server).
Just stop the occurence of this server and the cache will be cleared.
Start again your project and the latest build of your xap is called.

Is it possible to show/hide UserControls within a Silverlight XAP file from JavaScript?

I've created a Silverlight project that produces [something].xap file to package a few silverlight UserControls. I would like to manipulate that .xap file through the use of javascript in the browser to show and hide user controls based upon java script events.
Is it possible to do this?
If so any sample could or links to documentation would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Here's my solution...not sure if it's the "best-practices" way...comments????
In the App class within my Silverlight application I have the following code:
private Page _page = null;
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
_page = new Page();
this.RootVisual = _page;
HtmlPage.RegisterScriptableObject("App", this);
Also to the App class I add a [ScriptableMember] to be called from JavaScript
public void ShowTeamSearch(Guid ctxId, Guid teamId)
_page.ShowTeamSearcher(ctxId, teamId);
The Page class is the default one that get's created within the Silverlight Control project, it really doesn't have any UI or logic, it's just used to swap in/out the views.
Login oLogin;
TeamSearcher oSearcher;
public Page()
oLogin = new Login();
oSearcher = new TeamSearcher();
oLogin.Visibility = Visibility;
Also a method is added to show/hide the views...this could/will probably get more advanced/robust with animations etc...but this shows the basic idea:
public void ShowTeamSearcher(Guid ctxId, Guid teamId)
oSearcher.UserTeamId = teamId;
oSearcher.UserContextId = ctxId;
Then to invoke this in the JavaScript after assigning the id of oXaml to the instance of the silverlight host.
var slControl = document.getElementById('oXaml');
slControl.Content.App.ShowTeamSearch(sessionId, teamId);
This seems to work and isn't all that bad of a solution, but there might be something better...thoughts?
Here is a my collections of my links for this subject.
Javascript communication to
Silverlight 2.0
and JavaScript Interop Basics
