google-app-engine eclipse policyutil.getKeyStore illegalarguementexception can't start debug environment - google-app-engine

I can't seem to start my development environment for gae on eclipse anymore. Once I start it it goes to the debug view with source not found for the PolicyUtil.getKeyStore with an illegalarguementexception. Has anyone else had this problem? I've tried deleting my run configs but no luck.
Any help is much appreciated. Here's the stack trace:
{Daemon Thread [Thread-1] (Suspended (exception IllegalArgumentException))
PolicyUtil.getKeyStore(URL, String, String, String, String, Debug) line: 65
PolicyFile.init(URL, PolicyFile$PolicyInfo) line: 635
PolicyFile.access$400(PolicyFile, URL, PolicyFile$PolicyInfo) line: 266
PolicyFile$ line: 546
AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction<T>) line: not available [native method]
PolicyFile.initPolicyFile(String, String, PolicyFile$PolicyInfo) line: 519
PolicyFile.initPolicyFile(PolicyFile$PolicyInfo, URL) line: 505
PolicyFile.init(URL) line: 464
PolicyFile.<init>() line: 309
NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Constructor, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 39
DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Object[]) line: 27
Constructor<T>.newInstance(Object...) line: 513
Class<T>.newInstance0() line: 355
Class<T>.newInstance() line: 308
Policy.getPolicyNoCheck() line: 167
ProtectionDomain.implies(Permission) line: 224
AccessControlContext.checkPermission(Permission) line: 352
AccessController.checkPermission(Permission) line: 546
SecurityManager.checkPermission(Permission) line: 532
Policy.getPolicy() line: 133
SecurityManagerInstaller.install(URL...) line: 81
DevAppServerFactory.createDevAppServer(File, File, File, String, int, boolean, boolean, Map<String,Object>) line: 136
DevAppServerFactory.createDevAppServer(File, File, File, String, int, boolean) line: 78
DevAppServerFactory.createDevAppServer(File, String, int) line: 52
DevAppServerMain$StartAction.apply() line: 175
Parser$ParseResult.applyArgs() line: 48
DevAppServerMain.<init>(String[]) line: 128
DevAppServerMain.main(String[]) line: 104}
I went on and downloaded the latest for GAE and the eclipse plugin hoping that would fix it but no luck.

Fixed - My workspace was corrupt. I created a new workspace folder and had to import my project and settings.


Sagemaker - UnkownServiceError for Session

I am trying to run a simple model in sagemaker.
When trying to run the following code I keep getting this error.
It is a very simple code that I saw in some tutorials and in sagemaker examples that are included in the Jupiter notebook.
Does anyone know what should I do to make it work?
import sagemaker
sess = sagemaker.Session()
UnknownServiceError Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_11350/ in <cell line: 3>()
1 import sagemaker
----> 3 sess = sagemaker.Session()
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sagemaker/ in __init__(self, boto_session, sagemaker_client, sagemaker_runtime_client, sagemaker_featurestore_runtime_client, default_bucket, settings, sagemaker_metrics_client)
131 self.settings = settings
--> 133 self._initialize(
134 boto_session=boto_session,
135 sagemaker_client=sagemaker_client,
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sagemaker/ in _initialize(self, boto_session, sagemaker_client, sagemaker_runtime_client, sagemaker_featurestore_runtime_client, sagemaker_metrics_client)
183 self.sagemaker_metrics_client = sagemaker_metrics_client
184 else:
--> 185 self.sagemaker_metrics_client = self.boto_session.client("sagemaker-metrics")
186 prepend_user_agent(self.sagemaker_metrics_client)
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/boto3/ in client(self, service_name, region_name, api_version, use_ssl, verify, endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token, config)
298 """
--> 299 return self._session.create_client(
300 service_name,
301 region_name=region_name,
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/ in create_client(self, service_name, region_name, api_version, use_ssl, verify, endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token, config)
868 retryhandler, translate, response_parser_factory,
869 exceptions_factory, config_store)
--> 870 client = client_creator.create_client(
871 service_name=service_name, region_name=region_name,
872 is_secure=use_ssl, endpoint_url=endpoint_url, verify=verify,
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/ in create_client(self, service_name, region_name, is_secure, endpoint_url, verify, credentials, scoped_config, api_version, client_config)
85 'choose-service-name', service_name=service_name)
86 service_name = first_non_none_response(responses, default=service_name)
---> 87 service_model = self._load_service_model(service_name, api_version)
88 cls = self._create_client_class(service_name, service_model)
89 region_name, client_config = self._normalize_fips_region(
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/ in _load_service_model(self, service_name, api_version)
153 def _load_service_model(self, service_name, api_version=None):
--> 154 json_model = self._loader.load_service_model(service_name, 'service-2',
155 api_version=api_version)
156 service_model = ServiceModel(json_model, service_name=service_name)
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/ in _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs)
130 if key in self._cache:
131 return self._cache[key]
--> 132 data = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
133 self._cache[key] = data
134 return data
~/anaconda3/envs/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/botocore/ in load_service_model(self, service_name, type_name, api_version)
375 known_services = self.list_available_services(type_name)
376 if service_name not in known_services:
--> 377 raise UnknownServiceError(
378 service_name=service_name,
379 known_service_names=', '.join(sorted(known_services)))
UnknownServiceError: Unknown service: 'sagemaker-metrics'. Valid service names are: accessanalyzer, account, acm, acm-pca, alexaforbusiness, amp, amplify, amplifybackend, amplifyuibuilder, apigateway, apigatewaymanagementapi, apigatewayv2, appconfig, appconfigdata, appflow, appintegrations, application-autoscaling, application-insights, applicationcostprofiler, appmesh, apprunner, appstream, appsync, athena, auditmanager, autoscaling, autoscaling-plans, backup, backup-gateway, batch, braket, budgets, ce, chime, chime-sdk-identity, chime-sdk-meetings, chime-sdk-messaging, cloud9, cloudcontrol, clouddirectory, cloudformation, cloudfront, cloudhsm, cloudhsmv2, cloudsearch, cloudsearchdomain, cloudtrail, cloudwatch, codeartifact, codebuild, codecommit, codedeploy, codeguru-reviewer, codeguruprofiler, codepipeline, codestar, codestar-connections, codestar-notifications, cognito-identity, cognito-idp, cognito-sync, comprehend, comprehendmedical, compute-optimizer, config, connect, connect-contact-lens, connectparticipant, cur, customer-profiles, databrew, dataexchange, datapipeline, datasync, dax, detective, devicefarm, devops-guru, directconnect, discovery, dlm, dms, docdb, drs, ds, dynamodb, dynamodbstreams, ebs, ec2, ec2-instance-connect, ecr, ecr-public, ecs, efs, eks, elastic-inference, elasticache, elasticbeanstalk, elastictranscoder, elb, elbv2, emr, emr-containers, es, events, evidently, finspace, finspace-data, firehose, fis, fms, forecast, forecastquery, frauddetector, fsx, gamelift, glacier, globalaccelerator, glue, grafana, greengrass, greengrassv2, groundstation, guardduty, health, healthlake, honeycode, iam, identitystore, imagebuilder, importexport, inspector, inspector2, iot, iot-data, iot-jobs-data, iot1click-devices, iot1click-projects, iotanalytics, iotdeviceadvisor, iotevents, iotevents-data, iotfleethub, iotsecuretunneling, iotsitewise, iotthingsgraph, iottwinmaker, iotwireless, ivs, kafka, kafkaconnect, kendra, keyspaces, kinesis, kinesis-video-archived-media, kinesis-video-media, kinesis-video-signaling, kinesisanalytics, kinesisanalyticsv2, kinesisvideo, kms, lakeformation, lambda, lex-models, lex-runtime, lexv2-models, lexv2-runtime, license-manager, lightsail, location, logs, lookoutequipment, lookoutmetrics, lookoutvision, machinelearning, macie, macie2, managedblockchain, marketplace-catalog, marketplace-entitlement, marketplacecommerceanalytics, mediaconnect, mediaconvert, medialive, mediapackage, mediapackage-vod, mediastore, mediastore-data, mediatailor, memorydb, meteringmarketplace, mgh, mgn, migration-hub-refactor-spaces, migrationhub-config, migrationhubstrategy, mobile, mq, mturk, mwaa, neptune, network-firewall, networkmanager, nimble, opensearch, opsworks, opsworkscm, organizations, outposts, panorama, personalize, personalize-events, personalize-runtime, pi, pinpoint, pinpoint-email, pinpoint-sms-voice, polly, pricing, proton, qldb, qldb-session, quicksight, ram, rbin, rds, rds-data, redshift, redshift-data, rekognition, resiliencehub, resource-groups, resourcegroupstaggingapi, robomaker, route53, route53-recovery-cluster, route53-recovery-control-config, route53-recovery-readiness, route53domains, route53resolver, rum, s3, s3control, s3outposts, sagemaker, sagemaker-a2i-runtime, sagemaker-edge, sagemaker-featurestore-runtime, sagemaker-runtime, savingsplans, schemas, sdb, secretsmanager, securityhub, serverlessrepo, service-quotas, servicecatalog, servicecatalog-appregistry, servicediscovery, ses, sesv2, shield, signer, sms, sms-voice, snow-device-management, snowball, sns, sqs, ssm, ssm-contacts, ssm-incidents, sso, sso-admin, sso-oidc, stepfunctions, storagegateway, sts, support, swf, synthetics, textract, timestream-query, timestream-write, transcribe, transfer, translate, voice-id, waf, waf-regional, wafv2, wellarchitected, wisdom, workdocs, worklink, workmail, workmailmessageflow, workspaces, workspaces-web, xray
I was trying to update some libraries like sagemaker, boto, boto3, but nothing seems to help.
I came across the same issue trying to run a machine learning tutorial by AWS in a notebook instance. What I had to do was update sagemaker within the notebook instance like so:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install sagemaker -U
Hopefully this fixes your problem :)
I had the same issue, running
pip install sagemaker -U
solved it for me. Similar to the following issue: Sagemaker Studio UnkownServiceError for Session

Declare a queue with x-max-length programmatically using Rabbitmq-c

I am implementing a RPC function for my C application , and try to programmatically declare a queue which limits maximum number of pending messages, after reading the declaration of amqp_table_entry_t and amqp_field_value_t in amqp.h , here's my minimal code sample :
int default_channel_id = 1;
int passive = 0;
int durable = 1;
int exclusive = 0;
int auto_delete = 0;
amqp_table_entry_t *q_arg_n_elms = malloc(sizeof(amqp_table_entry_t));
*q_arg_n_elms = (amqp_table_entry_t) {.key = amqp_cstring_bytes("x-max-length"),
.value = {.kind = AMQP_FIELD_KIND_U32, .value = {.u32 = 234 }}};
amqp_table_t q_arg_table = {.num_entries=1, .entries=q_arg_n_elms};
amqp_queue_declare( conn, default_channel_id, amqp_cstring_bytes("my_queue_123"),
passive, durable, exclusive, auto_delete, q_arg_table );
amqp_rpc_reply_t _reply = amqp_get_rpc_reply(conn);
The code above always returns AMQP_RESPONSE_LIBRARY_EXCEPTION in the object of amqp_rpc_reply_t, with error message a socket error occurred , I don't see any active connection triggered by this code in web management UI of the RabbitMQ. so I think rabbitmq-c library doesn't establish a connection and just reply with error.
However everything works perfectly when I replace the argument q_arg_table with default amqp_empty_table (which means no argument).
Here are my questions :
Where can I find the code which filter the invalid key of the queue argument ? according to this article , x-max-length should be correct argument key for limiting number of messages in a queue , but I cannot figure out why the library still reports error.
Is there any example that demonstrates how to properly set up amqp_table_t passing in amqp_queue_declare(...) ?
Development environment :
RabbitMQ v3.2.4
rabbitmq-c v0.11.0
Appreciate any feedback , thanks for reading.
According to the server log rabbit#myhostname-sasl.log, RabbitMQ broker accepted a new connection, found decode error on receiving frame, then close connection immediately. I haven't figured out the Erlang implementation but the root cause is likely the decoding error on the table argument when declaring the queue.
131 =CRASH REPORT==== 18-May-2022::16:05:46 ===
132 crasher:
133 initial call: rabbit_reader:init/2
134 pid: <0.23706.1>
135 registered_name: []
136 exception error: no function clause matching
137 rabbit_binary_parser:parse_field_value(<<105,0,0,1,44>>) (src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl, line 53)
138 in function rabbit_binary_parser:parse_table/1 (src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl, line 44)
139 in call from rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1:decode_method_fields/2 (src/rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1.erl, line 791)
140 in call from rabbit_command_assembler:process/2 (src/rabbit_command_assembler.erl, line 85)
141 in call from rabbit_reader:process_frame/3 (src/rabbit_reader.erl, line 688)
142 in call from rabbit_reader:handle_input/3 (src/rabbit_reader.erl, line 738)
143 in call from rabbit_reader:recvloop/2 (src/rabbit_reader.erl, line 292)
144 in call from rabbit_reader:run/1 (src/rabbit_reader.erl, line 273)
145 ancestors: [<0.23704.1>,rabbit_tcp_client_sup,rabbit_sup,<0.145.0>]
146 messages: [{'EXIT',#Port<0.31561>,normal}]
147 links: [<0.23704.1>]
148 dictionary: [{{channel,1},
149 {<0.23720.1>,{method,rabbit_framing_amqp_0_9_1}}},
150 {{ch_pid,<0.23720.1>},{1,#Ref<>}}]
151 trap_exit: true
152 status: running
153 heap_size: 2586
154 stack_size: 27
155 reductions: 2849
156 neighbours:
RabbitMQ may not support unsigned integers as table values.
Instead try using a signed 32 or 64-bit number (e.g., .value = {.kind = AMQP_FIELD_KIND_I32, .value = {.i32 = 234 }}).
Also the RabbitMQ server logs may contain additional debugging information that can help understand errors like this as well as the amqp_error_string2 function can be used to translate error-code into an error-string.

NoSuchEntityException: An error occurred (NoSuchEntity) when calling the GetRole operation: The user with name <name> cannot be found

Call to get_execution_role() from notebook instance fails with the error message NoSuchEntityException: An error occurred (NoSuchEntity) when calling the GetRole operation: The user with name <name> cannot be found.
Stack trace:
NoSuchEntityExceptionTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-1e2d3f162cfe> in <module>()
5 sagemaker_session = sagemaker.Session()
----> 7 role = get_execution_role()
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow_p27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagemaker/session.pyc in get_execution_role(sagemaker_session)
871 if not sagemaker_session:
872 sagemaker_session = Session()
--> 873 arn = sagemaker_session.get_caller_identity_arn()
875 if 'role' in arn:
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow_p27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sagemaker/session.pyc in get_caller_identity_arn(self)
701 # Call IAM to get the role's path
702 role_name = role[role.rfind('/') + 1:]
--> 703 role = self.boto_session.client('iam').get_role(RoleName=role_name)['Role']['Arn']
705 return role
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow_p27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/botocore/client.pyc in _api_call(self, *args, **kwargs)
312 "%s() only accepts keyword arguments." % py_operation_name)
313 # The "self" in this scope is referring to the BaseClient.
--> 314 return self._make_api_call(operation_name, kwargs)
316 _api_call.__name__ = str(py_operation_name)
/home/ec2-user/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow_p27/lib/python2.7/site-packages/botocore/client.pyc in _make_api_call(self, operation_name, api_params)
610 error_code = parsed_response.get("Error", {}).get("Code")
611 error_class = self.exceptions.from_code(error_code)
--> 612 raise error_class(parsed_response, operation_name)
613 else:
614 return parsed_response
NoSuchEntityException: An error occurred (NoSuchEntity) when calling the GetRole operation: The user with name <name> cannot be found.
However using boto client directly to get info about the role succeeds. This works fine:
response = client.get_role(
Turns out this is some weird bug that goes away if you stop and start the notebook instance.
I have shutdown and run again the notebook and it works.
PD: I have to run again the code to make effect.

Why is Logger crashing my Google Apps JSP?

I'm running Google Apps locally via eclipse. I connect to http://localhost:8888/ and sometimes Eclipse will throw an exception from this line 374 in AccessControlContext.class:
throw new AccessControlException("access denied "+perm, perm);
Here is the stack trace:
Thread [299085#qtp-12256262-2] (Suspended (exception AccessControlException))
AccessControlContext.checkPermission(Permission) line: 374
AccessController.checkPermission(Permission) line: 546
DevAppServerFactory$CustomSecurityManager(SecurityManager).checkPermission(Permission) line: 532
DevAppServerFactory$CustomSecurityManager.checkPermission(Permission) line: 289
DevAppServerFactory$CustomSecurityManager(SecurityManager).checkPackageAccess(String) line: 1512
Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(String, boolean) line: 298
Launcher$AppClassLoader(ClassLoader).loadClass(String) line: 247
ResourceBundle$RBClassLoader.loadClass(String) line: 435
ResourceBundle$Control.newBundle(String, Locale, String, ClassLoader, boolean) line: 2289
ResourceBundle.loadBundle(CacheKey, List<String>, Control, boolean) line: 1364
ResourceBundle.findBundle(CacheKey, List<Locale>, List<String>, int, Control, ResourceBundle) line: 1328
ResourceBundle.findBundle(CacheKey, List<Locale>, List<String>, int, Control, ResourceBundle) line: 1282
ResourceBundle.findBundle(CacheKey, List<Locale>, List<String>, int, Control, ResourceBundle) line: 1282
ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(String, Locale, ClassLoader, ResourceBundle$Control) line: 1224
ResourceBundle.getBundle(String) line: 705
Level.getLocalizedName() line: 223
SimpleFormatter.format(LogRecord) line: 64
ConsoleHandler(StreamHandler).publish(LogRecord) line: 179
ConsoleHandler.publish(LogRecord) line: 88
Logger.log(LogRecord) line: 478
Logger.doLog(LogRecord) line: 500
Logger.log(Level, String) line: 523
Logger.warning(String) line: 1026
I'm calling just this:
and log is initialized like so:
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MyServletName.class.getName());
What is breaking?
Try using this line instead. I normally use something similar to the following line when I write GAE code:
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MyServletName.class.getSimpleName());
So, use getSimpleName() instead of getName(). Read java.lang.Class javadoc on getName() and getSimpleName(). The former probably appends an 'L' character to the end of the class type name, while the latter does not possess this (in your situation, undesirable) behaviour.
Also, consider using Guice Injection for the class's Logger object.

MSVCRT: Where is the implement (source code) of sin, cos et al?

I wonder where the implemention of basic trigonometric functions can be found in the Visual C++ CRT.
Find in files for "sin" in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\crt shows the definition in math.h but nothing more (except a mention in the EXPORTS section of some def file).
To the best of my knowledge, sin is not a keyword that the compiler translates itself to machine code. So there must be an implementation somewhere, even if that implementation boils down to some straight assembly code.
What am I missing here? Where'z teh codez?
EDIT: Obviously, I was not clear enough: I'm looking for the source code, not compiled lib or dll
It's in MSVCR90.DLL:
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC90.CRT_...>dumpbin /exports msvcr90.dll | findstr sin
74 48 0007ABA0 _CIasin = __CIasin
84 52 0007B5C0 _CIsin = __CIsin
85 53 0007AF38 _CIsinh = __CIsinh
159 9D 000236AB __get_flsindex = ___get_flsindex
160 9E 000236AB __get_tlsindex = ___get_flsindex
177 AF 0007CE73 __libm_sse2_asin = ___libm_sse2_asin
178 B0 0007D2C1 __libm_sse2_asinf = ___libm_sse2_asinf
192 BE 0007FE7C __libm_sse2_sin = ___libm_sse2_sin
193 BF 00080039 __libm_sse2_sinf = ___libm_sse2_sinf
696 2B7 0002E27A _mbsinc = __mbsinc
697 2B8 0002E24E _mbsinc_l = __mbsinc_l
1211 4BA 0007AB60 asin = _asin
1349 544 0007B580 sin = _sin
1350 545 0007AF20 sinh = _sinh
The source isn't provided. The library supplying the functions in the CRT source provided seems to be in crt\src\intel\mt_lib\tran.lib:
C:\...\crt\src\intel\mt_lib> lib /list tran.lib
: : :
: : :
It's in libc. If you are building statically, its in libc.lib. If you are building dynamically, then its in msvcrt.dll
