SSRS Query execution failed for dataset - sql-server

Have just deployed my Project on to my reporting Server.
I have multiple datasets which are referencing views which exist on the db on that server.
When I try to go into any report part I am getting this message:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset 'dataset1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Can anyone help?

I enabled remote errors to pinpoint the problem.
I identified that a column in a particular dataset (one of my views) was throwing an error.
So using a tool "SQL Delta", I compared the development version of the database with the live version on the reporting server. I noticed that one of the views had an extra column on the development server, that was not on the live version of the db.
SQL Delta generated the script I needed to run to update the view on my live db.
I ran this script, re-ran the report, everything worked.

I encountered a similar error message. I was able to fix it without enabling remote errors.
In Report Builder 3.0, when I used the Run button to run the report, an error alert appeared, saying
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
[OK] [Details...]
Pressing the details button gave me a text box where I saw this text:
For more information about this error navigate to the report server
on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
I was confused and frustrated, because my report did not have a dataset named 'DataSet1'. I even opened the .rdl file in a text editor to be sure. After a while, I noticed that there was more text in the text box below what I could read. The full error message was:
For more information about this error navigate to the report server
on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
The execution failed for the shared data set 'CustomerDetailsDataSet'.
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
I did have a shared dataset named 'CustomerDetailsDataSet'. I opened the query (which was a full SQL query entered in text mode) in SQL Server Management Studio, and ran it there. I got error messages which clearly pointed to a certain table, where a column I had been using had been renamed and changed.
From that point, it was straightforward to modify my query so that it worked with the new column, then paste that modification into the shared dataset 'CustomerDetailsDataSet', and then nudge the report in Report Builder to recognise the change to the shared dataset.
After this fix, my reports no longer triggered this error.

Like many others here, I had the same error. In my case it was because the execute permission was denied on a stored procedure it used. It was resolved when the user associated with the data source was given that permission.

I experienced the same issue, it was related to security not being granted to part of the tables. review your user has access to the databases/ tables/views/functions etc used by the report.

The solution for me came from GShenanigan:
You'll need to check out your log files on the SSRS server for more detail. They'll be somewhere like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.DEV\Reporting Services\LogFiles\"
I was able to find a permissions problem on a database table referenced by the view that was not the same one as the where the view was. I had been focused on permissions on the view's database so this helped pinpoint where the error was.

I just dealt with this same issue. Make sure your query lists the full source name, using no shortcuts. Visual Studio can recognize the shortcuts, but your reporting services application may not be able to recognize which tables your data should be coming from. Hope that helps.

I had the similar issue showing the error
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on
the local server machine, or enable remote errors Query execution
failed for dataset 'PrintInvoice'.
1) The error may be with the dataset in some cases, you can always check if the dataset is populating the exact data you are expecting by going to the dataset properties and choosing 'Query Designer' and try 'Run', If you can successfully able to pull the fields you are expecting, then you can be sure that there isn't any problem with the dataset, which takes us to next solution.
2) Even though the error message says "Query Failed Execution for the dataset", another probable chances are with the datasource connection, make sure you have connected to the correct datasource that has the tables you need and you have permissions to access that datasource.

In my situation, I created a new SSRS report and new stored procedure for the dataset. I forgot to add the stored procedure to the database role that had permission to execute it. Once I added the permissions to SQL database role with EXECUTE, all was fine!
The error message encountered by the user was "An error occurred during client rendering. An error has occurred during report processing (rsProcessingAborted). Query execution failed for dataset "DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) For more information..."

Very grateful I found this great post. As for my case, the user executing the stored procedure did not have EXECUTE permissions. The solution was to grant EXECUTE permissions for the user within the stored procedure by adding below code to the end of the stored procedure.
GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.StoredProcNameHere TO UsernameRunningreports

I also had a very similar issue with a very similar error message. My issue was that the database could not be connected to. In our case, we have mirrored databases and the connection string did not specify the Failover Partner. So when the database couldn't connect, it never went to the mirror and was throwing this error. Once I specified the Failover Partner in the connection string for my datasource, it resolved the issue.

I ran into the same problem when working with SharePoint lists as the DataSource, and read the blogs above which were very helpful. I had made changes in both the DataSource and Data object names and query fields in Visual Studio and the query worked in visual Studio. I was able to deploy the report to SharePoint but when I tried to open it I received the same error.
I guessed that the issue was that I needed to redeploy both the DataSource and the DataSet to SharePoint so that that changes in the rendering tools were all synced.
I redeployed the DataSource, DataSet and the Report to sharePoint and it worked.
As one of the blogs stated, although visual studio allowed the changes I made in the dataset and datasource, if you have not set visual studio to automatically redeploy datasource and dataset when you deploy the report(which can be dangerous, because this can affect other reports which share these objects) this error can occur.
So, of course the fix is that in this case you have to redeploy datasource, dataset and Report to resolve the issue.

I was also facing the same issue - I checked below things to fix this issue,
If you have recently changed pointing database-name in data-source
then first check that all the store procedures for that report exist
on changed database.
If there are multiple sub reports on main report then make sure each
report individually running perfectly.
Also check security panel - user must have access to the databases/
tables/views/functions for that report.
Sometimes, we also need to check dataset1 - store procedure. As if you are trying to show the report with user1 and if this user doesn't have the access(rights) of provided (dataset1 database) database then it will throw the same error as above so must check the user have access of dbreader in SQL Server.
Also, if that store procedure contains some other database (Database2) like
Select * from XYZ inner join Database2..Table1 on ... where...
Then user must have the access of this database too.
Note: you can check log files on this path for more details,
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.SQLEXPRESS\Reporting Services

I got same error but this worked and solved my problem
If report is connected to Analysis server then give required permission to the user (who is accessing reporting server to view the the reports) in your model of analysis server.
To do this add user in roles of model or cube and deploy the model to your analysis server.

Using SSRS, Report Builder 3.0, MSSQL 2008 and query to an Oracle 11G database,
I found that the oracle stored procedure ran well, produced consistent results with no errors. When I tried bringing the data into SSRS, I got the error as listed in OP's query. I found that the data loaded and displayed only if I removed the parameters (not a good idea).
On Further examination, I found that under dataset properties>parameters I had set the start date to parameterName P_Start and parameter Value to #P_Start.
Adding the Parameter value as [#P_Start] cleared the problem, and the data loads well, with parameters in place.

This problem was caused by an orphaned SQL Login. I ran my favorite sp_fixusers script and the error was resolved. The suggestion above to look at the logs was a good one...and it led me to my answer.

This might be the permission issue for your view or store procedure

In addition to the above answers, it could be due to a missing SQL stored-procedure or SQL function. For example, this could be due to the function not migrating from a non-prod region to the production (prod) region.

Removing all comments from the Select Query fixed this for me. My dataset was working in the Preview but when I went to Design/Query Designer and and tried the query there I was getting ORA-01006;bind variable does not exist. After removing all comments from the select it worked.


SSRS Report fails when trying to run Oracle Stored Procedure

I have an issue whereby I can execute an SSRS report which calls an Oracle Stored Procedure in VS2017, but when I deploy to the SSRS Server and run, it returns the following message:-
• An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
o Query execution failed for dataset 'spTestSubDet'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
The dataset 'spTestSubDet' is the Oracle Stored Proc.
Some configuration details:-
Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2 Release - Production
SSRS version is 15.0.19528.0.
SQL Server version is 2014.
I can execute SQL code and Views against the Oracle server with the same DSN from the deployed report (without the oracle stored proc being present), so I know the DSN configuration is not the issue.
I have also check marked the "Use single transaction when processing the queries" box in the DS Properties.
I’m guessing that it might be some form of “Execute” permissions issue on Oracle, rather than the Report Server, where the Stored Proc is concerned.
As a developer, I don’t have any DBA permissions to interrogate how the SSRS Server is set up, or the Oracle DB, so any suggestions will have to be passed on to my ICT dept.
I also can't enable "remote errors" on the Report Server, but have requested that with the ICT dept.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Seems I got lucky with enabling “Remote Errors” on the report server and not personally having to restart the service.
I now have a more explicit error message from the SSRS report:-
“ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SPTESTSUBDET' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored”
As mentioned in my original post, the report works fine locally from VS2017, so I don’t know why it’s telling me when deployed and run from the server that there seems to be a problem with the SQL code:-
create or replace
onemain.sbceysubmitted sbceysub
sbceysub.STUD_ID = 167071
It’s as simple a test as I can put together and doesn’t use any parameters to complicate things.
I’m wondering if it might be a driver issue, though why it works locally and not on the server is baffling me.
I have Oracle Developer tools “ODAC v18.3.0” installed for VS2017.
The user in the referenced post below had what looked like to be the same problem, but it's not clear what version of the ODAC tools has been used to resolve the issue:-
Any thoughts/help greatly appreciated.
The easiest thing to do is check the log files. I bet this is a SQL exception and it is related to something wrong with the way you are calling the stored procedure or within the stored procedure itself. The log files reside on the SSRS instance at -> SQL SERVER INTALL DIR\MSSQL.15(OR OTHER SSRS VERSION DIR)\Reporting Service\Log Files. Log files for the SSRS manager and SSRS service are saved here. Open the log for the SSRS Service after you encounter the error search for "spTestSubDet" and you should see the detail of the exception that is causing your problems.

Snowflake SSRS ODBC error : No active warehouse selected in the current session. Select an active warehouse with the 'use warehouse' command

I'm using SSRS (SQL Server reporting services) to display reports, my datasource is Snowflake
I have installed the ODBC snowflake driver and configured it properly
Click here to view the ODBC configuration
I have created a shared datasource on the SSRS server (via Report manager) and put in my own credentials and the connection works fine
Click here to view the connection on the SSRS Server
I'm able to build the SSRS report without any issues, when I run the report, everything works fine, I can publish the report on the server and the report renders perfectly fine on the browser
The issue is when i go back to the report the next day, i'm presented with an error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset
'insert_name_of_my_dataset_here'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
ERROR [57P03] No active warehouse selected in the current session.
Select an active warehouse with the 'use warehouse' command.
So, this also means that the following doesn't work neither:
Cache refresh
The only thing that works is if I open my report in SSRS Report builder, I right-click EACH of my datasets ("each" is very important, it doesn't work if i don't do all of them), I run the queries manually for each of them, and then the "connection" or "session" is "re-activated" and the report runs fine, both locally AND on the server...note i do not have to re-publish the report on the server for it to run
Click here to view screenshots of my process
Steps I have taken to addresss the issue (that didn't yield any resolution):
I have tried putting the "use warehouse WAREHOUSE_NAME;" command before each dataset's SQL script, but Snowflake's API doesn't allow multiple SQL commands to be sent, so I already saw that this functionality was in the development pipeline for Snowflake and found this link: - this work was started in 2018 and the last update dates from Apr 2019 that says they are starting to address the JDBC mention for the ODBC driver yet
I have set the snowflake parameter client-session-keep-alive to true (, but according to the community portal: A similar "keep alive" parameter is not currently available for the ODBC driver. Instead, you could issue a dummy query every few hours to keep the connection alive. (
List item
I have tried to create a cache refresh plan or a snapshot schedule that creates a snapshot or caches the report every 3 hours, and it works for the first schedule, but fails with the error for the other ones
The only thing I didn't try is to have snowflake never close the connection and keep the warehouse in the "started" state indefinitely...but this would increase my cost, and i'm pretty sure it won't work since the session would end anyways after 4 hours...
Any assistance is welcome!
SSRS 2014
Snowflake X-small
ODBC-64 bit driver, installed from the
snowflake driver repository (tested with 32-bit also, but 64-bit is
the one that is visible to SSRS)
I faced the same kind of issue and fixed adding the corresponding role with the data warehouse.
In the data warehouse add role with USAGE.
Could it be related with the data warehouse name (in the ODBC settings)? Is there a typo? COSNUMER_WH or CONSUMER_WH?
I strongly recommend setting default "context" configurations for situations like this, setting default role, warehouse, database, and schema with commands such as this:

SQLE_NOT_PUBLIC_ID Sybase mobilink error

I am working on an ios project that has a Sybase (ultralite) database that is synchronized with a Sybase Sql Anywhere 12 database using mobilink.
Everything was properly, until i decided today to add some fields to the main database so that they synchronize to the main database.
I have updated the schema of the consolidated database from the main engine, then i have updated the schema of the remote database from the consolidated engine, and then i mapped the added fields together, and I deployed a new ultralite database.
Please note that it's not the first time I do a similar task, i always add fields, and sync databases..
after the update, when i synchronize using the blank ultralite database, mobilink will fail giving only this error: Synchronization Failed: -1305 (MOBILINK_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR) %1:201 %2: %3:0
I have researched Error Number 201 in sybase and it points to: SQLE_NOT_PUBLIC_ID
and in the sybase documentation the error's probably cause is:
"The option specified in the SET OPTION statement is PUBLIC only. You cannot define this option for any other user."
I have tried to redeploy, I have tried to move the engine to a windows pc, all give the same error.. and i have no clue where this SET OPTION statement came from and how can i solve it..
Any hints are appreciated!
The problem was just caused by small network timeout value while setting up mobilink parameters.
info.stream_parms = (char*) #"host=;port=3309;timeout=1"
i just changed the value from timeout=1 to timeout=300 and it worked!

There is one error when I am trying to move TFS report to a new server

I try to debug a problem related to tfs report,I don't know why and really need help.
Recently I export one report from the old tfs server and deploy to the new server, I also copy the store procedures which related to this report in the old server database to the new server database.
But the report just doesn't work. The error is as following, The report rdl file and store processors in new tfs server are exactly same like the old server, just didn't work for the new one.
An error occurred during client rendering.
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'.
(rsErrorExecutingCommand) Query (1, 16) Parser: The syntax for
'#TFS_Date' is incorrect.
First of all, I would suggest you to check your reporting service log files from below path,
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.SQLEXPRESS\Reporting Services\LogFiles
Usually the error messages here in log file shows us a perfect solution.
In your case, try to check that user has access to dataset1's database. (server database) by going to SQL Server Security tabs.
Also, check your store procedure. If you have joined with some other database's table then user must have access of that database too.
Note: This type of error messages you can find there in log file. So read it to solve the issue.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'

I am having to modify an old web project that us using classic asp. There are actually 2 different projects that are clones of each other, they just point to different databases.
I modified the code from the first project (asp, db, stored procs etc.) and it all works great.
I then copied all that code to the other project since they are clones. All works just fine there too. I can execute the stored procs in query analyzer and all the data comes back as expected and it shows up on the display asp pages.
When i hit the edit button on the page I get the "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'" and it shows the select part of the query in the error window.
I dont get anything about permissions etc.. If I view the page source the data is actually in there. I am really confused as to what is going on.
Anyone have any suggestions or things to look for.
This appears to be a permissions error based on the usual meanings of this error code.
I would manually log in to the database using the same credentials you have configured in your application's connection string. Then run the same query and see what happens.
