Parallel processing in linux - c

I'm not sure how to go about handling asynchronous tasks in a program I am writing and I'm hoping someone more experienced can at least point me in the right direction.
I'm running Angstrom Linux on an embedded ARM processor. My program controls several servos through exposed hardware PWM and a camera over PTP. Additionally it is socket daemon which takes commands from an arbitrary client (Android in this instance). The camera PTP is slow, and I don't want to wait around for it to finish its task because the rest of the program needs to be responsive.
I've tried threads, but any problems in the camera thread seems to kill the whole process. Ideally I want to send the camera off on its own to do its thing and when it is finished let the main function know. Is this an appropriate forking technique or have I implemented threading improperly?
Additionally, I would like to stay away from large secondary libraries to avoid any more cross compiling issues then I already have. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Your problem sounds like a classic case for multiple processes, communicating with inter-process communications (IPC) of some sort.
The camera should have its own process, and if that process dies, the main process should not have a problem. You could even have the init(8) process manage the camera process; that can automatically restart the process if it dies for any reason.
You could set up a named pipe permanently, and then the camera process could re-open it any time it restarts after failure.
Here is some documentation about named pipes:
I found this from the Wikipedia page:
I searched StackOverflow and found a discussion of named pipes vs. sockets:
IPC performance: Named Pipe vs Socket

Take the basic method of steveha's answer but skip the init(8) and named pipes.
fork() a child containing your camera code and communicate through regular pipes or domain sockets. Code a signal handler for SIGCHLD in the parent.If the child dies interrogate the reasons why with the return code from wait(). If it died on its own then cleanup and restart it; if it ended normally do what is appropriate in that case. Communicate with the child through whichever IPC you end up choosing. This give you more control over the child than init and domain sockets or pipes, in particular, will make it easier to set up and communicate between parent and child than messing with the funky semantics of FIFOs.
Of course, if there is really problems with the camera code all you have really done is make the failures somewhat more manageable by not taking down the whole program. Ideally you should get the camera code to work flawlessly if that is within your power.

I've tried threads, but any problems in the camera thread seems to kill the whole process.
When you say kill the whole process, what actually happens?
I put it to you that you are better off debugging the above problem, than trying to wrap the bug away in a forked process. You would rather have a reliable system including a reliable camera, than a reliable core system with an unreliable camera.


setting up IPC between unrelated processes

I would like to inject a shared library into a process (I'm using ptrace() to do that part) and then be able to get output from the shared library back into the debugger I'm writing using some form of IPC. My instinct is to use a pipe, but the only real requirements are:
I don't want to store anything on the filesystem to facilitate the communication as it will only last as long as the debugger is running.
I want a portable Unix solution (so Unix-standard syscalls would be ideal).
The problem I'm running into is that as far as I can see, if I call pipe() in the debugger, there is no way to pass the "sending" end of the pipe to the target process, and vice versa with the receiving end. I could set up shared memory, but I think that would require creating a file somewhere so I could reference the memory segment from both processes. How do other debuggers capture output when they attach to a process after it has already begun running?
I assume that you are in need of a debugging system for your business logic code (I mean application). From my experience, this kind of problem is tackled with below explained system design. (My experience is in C++, I think the same must hold good for the C based system also.)
Have a logger system (a separate process). This will contain - logger manager and the logging code - which will take the responsibility of dumping the log into hard disk.
Each application instance (process running in Unix) will communicate to this process with sockets. So you can have your own messaging protocol and communicate with the logger system with socket based communication.
Later, for each of this application - have a switch which can switch off/on the log.So that you can have a tool - to send signal to this process to switch on/off the message logging.
At a high level, this is the most generic way to develop a logging system. In case you need any information - Do comment it. I will try to answer.
Using better search terms showed me this question is a dup of these guys:
Can I share a file descriptor to another process on linux or are they local to the process?
Can I open a socket and pass it to another process in Linux
How to use sendmsg() to send a file-descriptor via sockets between 2 processes?
The top answers were what I was looking for. You can use a Unix-domain socket to hand a file descriptor off to a different process. This could work either from debugger to library or vice versa, but is probably easier to do from debugger to library because the debugger can write the socket's address into the target process while it injects the library.
However, once I pass the socket's address into the target process, I might as well just use the socket itself instead of using a pipe in addition.

Any possible solution to capture process entry/exit?

I Would like to capture the process entry, exit and maintain a log for the entire system (probably a daemon process).
One approach was to read /proc file system periodically and maintain the list, as I do not see the possibility to register inotify for /proc. Also, for desktop applications, I could get the help of dbus, and whenever client registers to desktop, I can capture.
But for non-desktop applications, I don't know how to go ahead apart from reading /proc periodically.
Kindly provide suggestions.
You mentioned /proc, so I'm going to assume you've got a linux system there.
Install the acct package. The lastcomm command shows all processes executed and their run duration, which is what you're asking for. Have your program "tail" /var/log/account/pacct (you'll find its structure described in acct(5)) and voila. It's just notification on termination, though. To detect start-ups, you'll need to dig through the system process table periodically, if that's what you really need.
Maybe the safer way to move is to create a SuperProcess that acts as a parent and forks children. Everytime a child process stops the father can find it. That is just a thought in case that architecture fits your needs.
Of course, if the parent process is not doable then you must go to the kernel.
If you want to log really all process entry and exits, you'll need to hook into kernel. Which means modifying the kernel or at least writing a kernel module. The "linux security modules" will certainly allow hooking into entry, but I am not sure whether it's possible to hook into exit.
If you can live with occasional exit slipping past (if the binary is linked statically or somehow avoids your environment setting), there is a simple option by preloading a library.
Linux dynamic linker has a feature, that if environment variable LD_PRELOAD (see this question) names a shared library, it will force-load that library into the starting process. So you can create a library, that will in it's static initialization tell the daemon that a process has started and do it so that the process will find out when the process exits.
Static initialization is easiest done by creating a global object with constructor in C++. The dynamic linker will ensure the static constructor will run when the library is loaded.
It will also try to make the corresponding destructor to run when the process exits, so you could simply log the process in the constructor and destructor. But it won't work if the process dies of signal 9 (KILL) and I am not sure what other signals will do.
So instead you should have a daemon and in the constructor tell the daemon about process start and make sure it will notice when the process exits on it's own. One option that comes to mind is opening a unix-domain socket to the daemon and leave it open. Kernel will close it when the process dies and the daemon will notice. You should take some precautions to use high descriptor number for the socket, since some processes may assume the low descriptor numbers (3, 4, 5) are free and dup2 to them. And don't forget to allow more filedescriptors for the daemon and for the system in general.
Note that just polling the /proc filesystem you would probably miss the great number of processes that only live for split second. There are really many of them on unix.
Here is an outline of the solution that we came up with.
We created a program that read a configuration file of all possible applications that the system is able to monitor. This program read the configuration file and through a command line interface you was able to start or stop programs. The program itself stored a table in shared memory that marked applications as running or not. A interface that anybody could access could get the status of these programs. This program also had an alarm system that could either email/page or set off an alarm.
This solution does not require any changes to the kernel and is therefore a less painful solution.
Hope this helps.

Linux automatically restarting application on crash - Daemons

I have an system running embedded linux and it is critical that it runs continuously. Basically it is a process for communicating to sensors and relaying that data to database and web client.
If a crash occurs, how do I restart the application automatically?
Also, there are several threads doing polling(eg sockets & uart communications). How do I ensure none of the threads get hung up or exit unexpectedly? Is there an easy to use watchdog that is threading friendly?
You can seamlessly restart your process as it dies with fork and waitpid as described in this answer. It does not cost any significant resources, since the OS will share the memory pages.
Which leaves only the problem of detecting a hung process. You can use any of the solutions pointed out by Michael Aaron Safyan for this, but a yet easier solution would be to use the alarm syscall repeatedly, having the signal terminate the process (use sigaction accordingly). As long as you keep calling alarm (i.e. as long as your program is running) it will keep running. Once you don't, the signal will fire.
That way, no extra programs needed, and only portable POSIX stuff used.
The gist of it is:
You need to detect if the program is still running and not hung.
You need to (re)start the program if the program is not running or is hung.
There are a number of different ways to do #1, but two that come to mind are:
Listening on a UNIX domain socket, to handle status requests. An external application can then inquire as to whether the application is still ok. If it gets no response within some timeout period, then it can be assumed that the application being queried has deadlocked or is dead.
Periodically touching a file with a preselected path. An external application can look a the timestamp for the file, and if it is stale, then it can assume that the appliation is dead or deadlocked.
With respect to #2, killing the previous PID and using fork+exec to launch a new process is typical. You might also consider making your application that runs "continuously", into an application that runs once, but then use "cron" or some other application to continuously rerun that single-run application.
Unfortunately, watchdog timers and getting out of deadlock are non-trivial issues. I don't know of any generic way to do it, and the few that I've seen are pretty ugly and not 100% bug-free. However, tsan can help detect potential deadlock scenarios and other threading issues with static analysis.
You could create a CRON job to check if the process is running with start-stop-daemon from time to time.
use this script for running your application
while ! /path/to/program #This will wait for the program to exit successfully.
echo “restarting” # Else it will restart.
you can also put this script on your /etc/init.d/ in other to start as daemon

Is a server an infinite loop running as a background process?

Is a server essentially a background process running an infinite loop listening on a port? For example:
command = read(;
When I say server, I obviously am not referring to a physical server (computer). I am referring to a MySQL server, or Apache, etc.
Full disclosure - I haven't had time to poke through any source code. Actual code examples would be great!
That's more or less what server software generally does.
Usually it gets more complicated because the infinite loop "only" accepts the connection and each connection can often handle multiple "commands" (or whatever they are called in the used protocol), but the basic idea is roughly this.
There are three kinds of 'servers' - forking, threading and single threaded (non-blocking). All of them generally loop the way you show, the difference is what happens when there is something to be serviced.
A forking service is just that. For every request, fork() is invoked creating a new child process that handles the request, then exits (or remains alive, to handle subsequent requests, depending on the design).
A threading service is like a forking service, but instead of a whole new process, a new thread is created to serve the request. Like forks, sometimes threads stay around to handle subsequent requests. The difference in performance and footprint is simply the difference of threads vs forks. Depending on the memory usage that is not servicing a client (and prone to changing), its usually better to not clone the entire address space. The only added complexity here is synchronization.
A single process (aka single threaded) server will fork only once to daemonize. It will not spawn new threads, it will not spawn child processes. It will continue to poll() the socket to find out when the file descriptor is ready to receive data, or has data available to be processed. Data for each connection is kept in its own structure, identified by various states (writing, waiting for ACK, reading, closing, etc). This can be an extremely efficient design, if done properly. Instead of having multiple children or threads blocking while waiting to do work, you have a single process and event loop servicing requests as they are ready.
There are instances where single threaded services spawn multiple threads, however the additional threads aren't working on servicing incoming requests, one might (for instance) set up a local socket in a thread that allows an administrator to obtain a status of all connections.
A little googling for non blocking http server will yield some interesting hand rolled web servers written as code golf challenges.
In short, the difference is what happens once the endless loop is entered, not just the endless loop :)
In a matter of speaking, yes. A server is simply something that "loops forever" and serves. However, typically you'll find that "daemons" do things like open STDOUT and STDERR onto file handles or /dev/null along with double forks among other things. Your code is a very simplistic "server" in a sense.

are posix pipes lightweight?

In a linux application I'm using pipes to pass information between threads.
The idea behind using pipes is that I can wait for multiple pipes at once using poll(2). That works well in practice, and my threads are sleeping most of the time. They only wake up if there is something to do.
In user-space the pipes look just like two file-handles. Now I wonder how much resources such a pipes use on the OS side.
Btw: In my application I only send single bytes every now and then. Think about my pipes as simple message queues that allow me to wake-up receiving threads, tell them to send some status-data or to terminate.
No, I would not consider pipes "lightweight", but that doesn't necessarily mean they're the wrong answer for your application either.
Sending a byte over a pipe is going to require a minimum of 3 system calls (write,poll,read). Using an in-memory queue and pthread operations (mutex_lock, cond_signal) involves much less overhead. Open file descriptors definitely do consume kernel resources; that's why processes are typically limited to 256 open files by default (not that the limit can't be expanded where appropriate).
Still, the pipe/poll solution for inter-thread communication does have advantages too: particularly if you need to wait for input from a combination of sources (network + other threads).
As you are using Linux you can investigate and compare pipe performance with eventfd's. They are technically faster and lighter weight but you'll be very lucky to actually see the gains in practice.
Measure and you'll know. Full processes with pipes are sufficiently lightweight for lots of applications. Other applications require something lighter weight, like OS threads (pthreads being the popular choice for many Unix apps), or superlightweight, like a user-level threads package that never goes into kernel mode except to handle I/O. While the only way to know for sure is to measure, pipes are probably good enough for up to a few tens of threads, whereas you probably want user-level threads once you get to a few tens of thousands of threads. Exactly where the boundaries should be drawn using today's codes, I don't know. If I wanted to know, I would measure :-)
