Which piece of code is more efficient? - c

For initialising all the elements of a 100×100 two-dimensional array, we can do it in two ways:
Method 1:
int a[100][100];
for(i=0; i<100; i++){
for(j=0; j<100; j++){
a[i][j] = 10;
Method 2:
int a[100][100];
for(j=0; j<100; j++){
for(i=0; i<100; i++){
a[i][j] = 10;
Now my question is which of the method is more efficient and why?

The first method, since that will access the array sequentially.
C stores 2-dimensional arrays in row-major order, meaning that a[i][j] will be adjacent to a[i][j+1] but not adjacent to a[i+1][j].
Yet another way to say the same thing (that generalizes to >2 dimensions) is that the rightmost index is adjacent in memory. Or that incrementing an index means that you have to jump past all the dimensions to the right of the index you're incrementing.

The C11 standard, section indicates that arrays are stored row-major. This means that the first method is accessing memory sequentially, while the second one not. Depending on your CPU's caching mechanism, RAM access mechanism and the dimensions of the array, either could be faster. Generally though, I would say the first method is faster.

When you declare an array like int a[100][100] its memory is laid out the same that if you declared int a[10000] which means that you can access all you cells successively if you just iterate on a.
The standard indicate that the array are stored by rows, which means your first hundred cells in memory will be a[0][0] to a[0][99] then a[1][0] to a[1][99].
On most CPUs, the first method will be faster since the CPU will be able to load (most of) your array into the CPU cache and therefore accessing it quickly. Note that this may vary between different CPUs.

I would suspect both loops to be the same speed, and in fact for the generated code to be identical. Unless the array is volatile, the compiler has the freedom to switch the loops, and it should switch them to whichever order is better for the target machine.

It depends whether the language you are using is a row-major or a column-major. Anything in the memory is laid out always in one dimensional manner, so all the 2D stuff also get converted in 1D way.
Now note that there are two ways to do so.
i*(no. of elements in a row) + j
where i is the row no. and j is the column no.
i*(no. of elements in a column) + j
where i is the column number and j is the row number.
So here first one is a row-major way of converting 2D array into 1D way and second one is a column major way. Languages like C/C++ are row-major so they follow the first way.
Now observe that in the first way, you have point, (0,0) and (1,0) very very far depending upon the number of elements in the row, but (0,0) and (0,1) are adjacent.
So as a final answer, your question depends on programming language whether it is a row-major programming language or column-major.
In C/C++ as they are row-major so the first one will be faster.


Dynamically indexing an array in C

Is it possible to create arrays based of their index as in
int x = 4;
int y = 5;
int someNr = 123;
int foo[x][y] = someNr;
dynamically/on the run, without creating foo[0...3][0...4]?
If not, is there a data structure that allow me to do something similar to this in C?
As written your code make no sense at all. You need foo to be declared somewhere and then you can index into it with foo[x][y] = someNr;. But you cant just make foo spring into existence which is what it looks like you are trying to do.
Either create foo with correct sizes (only you can say what they are) int foo[16][16]; for example or use a different data structure.
In C++ you could do a map<pair<int, int>, int>
Variable Length Arrays
Even if x and y were replaced by constants, you could not initialize the array using the notation shown. You'd need to use:
int fixed[3][4] = { someNr };
or similar (extra braces, perhaps; more values perhaps). You can, however, declare/define variable length arrays (VLA), but you cannot initialize them at all. So, you could write:
int x = 4;
int y = 5;
int someNr = 123;
int foo[x][y];
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
foo[i][j] = someNr + i * (x + 1) + j;
Obviously, you can't use x and y as indexes without writing (or reading) outside the bounds of the array. The onus is on you to ensure that there is enough space on the stack for the values chosen as the limits on the arrays (it won't be a problem at 3x4; it might be at 300x400 though, and will be at 3000x4000). You can also use dynamic allocation of VLAs to handle bigger matrices.
VLA support is mandatory in C99, optional in C11 and C18, and non-existent in strict C90.
Sparse arrays
If what you want is 'sparse array support', there is no built-in facility in C that will assist you. You have to devise (or find) code that will handle that for you. It can certainly be done; Fortran programmers used to have to do it quite often in the bad old days when megabytes of memory were a luxury and MIPS meant millions of instruction per second and people were happy when their computer could do double-digit MIPS (and the Fortran 90 standard was still years in the future).
You'll need to devise a structure and a set of functions to handle the sparse array. You will probably need to decide whether you have values in every row, or whether you only record the data in some rows. You'll need a function to assign a value to a cell, and another to retrieve the value from a cell. You'll need to think what the value is when there is no explicit entry. (The thinking probably isn't hard. The default value is usually zero, but an infinity or a NaN (not a number) might be appropriate, depending on context.) You'd also need a function to allocate the base structure (would you specify the maximum sizes?) and another to release it.
Most efficient way to create a dynamic index of an array is to create an empty array of the same data type that the array to index is holding.
Let's imagine we are using integers in sake of simplicity. You can then stretch the concept to any other data type.
The ideal index depth will depend on the length of the data to index and will be somewhere close to the length of the data.
Let's say you have 1 million 64 bit integers in the array to index.
First of all you should order the data and eliminate duplicates. That's something easy to achieve by using qsort() (the quick sort C built in function) and some remove duplicate function such as
uint64_t remove_dupes(char *unord_arr, char *ord_arr, uint64_t arr_size)
uint64_t i, j=0;
for (i=1;i<arr_size;i++)
if ( strcmp(unord_arr[i], unord_arr[i-1]) != 0 ){
if ( i == arr_size-1 ){
return j;
Adapt the code above to your needs, you should free() the unordered array when the function finishes ordering it to the ordered array. The function above is very fast, it will return zero entries when the array to order contains one element, but that's probably something you can live with.
Once the data is ordered and unique, create an index with a length close to that of the data. It does not need to be of an exact length, although pledging to powers of 10 will make everything easier, in case of integers.
uint64_t* idx = calloc(pow(10, indexdepth), sizeof(uint64_t));
This will create an empty index array.
Then populate the index. Traverse your array to index just once and every time you detect a change in the number of significant figures (same as index depth) to the left add the position where that new number was detected.
If you choose an indexdepth of 2 you will have 10² = 100 possible values in your index, typically going from 0 to 99.
When you detect that some number starts by 10 (103456), you add an entry to the index, let's say that 103456 was detected at position 733, your index entry would be:
index[10] = 733;
Next entry begining by 11 should be added in the next index slot, let's say that first number beginning by 11 is found at position 2023
index[11] = 2023;
And so on.
When you later need to find some number in your original array storing 1 million entries, you don't have to iterate the whole array, you just need to check where in your index the first number starting by the first two significant digits is stored. Entry index[10] tells you where the first number starting by 10 is stored. You can then iterate forward until you find your match.
In my example I employed a small index, thus the average number of iterations that you will need to perform will be 1000000/100 = 10000
If you enlarge your index to somewhere close the length of the data the number of iterations will tend to 1, making any search blazing fast.
What I like to do is to create some simple algorithm that tells me what's the ideal depth of the index after knowing the type and length of the data to index.
Please, note that in the example that I have posed, 64 bit numbers are indexed by their first index depth significant figures, thus 10 and 100001 will be stored in the same index segment. That's not a problem on its own, nonetheless each master has his small book of secrets. Treating numbers as a fixed length hexadecimal string can help keeping a strict numerical order.
You don't have to change the base though, you could consider 10 to be 0000010 to keep it in the 00 index segment and keep base 10 numbers ordered, using different numerical bases is nonetheless trivial in C, which is of great help for this task.
As you make your index depth become larger, the amount of entries per index segment will be reduced
Please, do note that programming, especially lower level like C consists in comprehending the tradeof between CPU cycles and memory use in great part.
Creating the proposed index is a way to reduce the number of CPU cycles required to locate a value at the cost of using more memory as the index becomes larger. This is nonetheless the way to go nowadays, as masive amounts of memory are cheap.
As SSDs' speed become closer to that of RAM, using files to store indexes is to be taken on account. Nevertheless modern OSs tend to load in RAM as much as they can, thus using files would end up in something similar from a performance point of view.

Which sequence is more effective in Assembly language?

I have 2 C sequences which both multiply two matrices.
Sequence 1:
int A[M][N], B[N][P], C[M][P], i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
for (j = 0; j < P; j++)
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)
C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
Sequence 2:
int A[M][N], B[N][P], C[M][P], i, j, k;
for (i = M - 1; i >= 0; i--)
for (j = P - 1; j >= 0; j--)
for (k = N - 1; k >= 0; k--)
C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j];
My question is: which of them is more efficient when translated in Assembly language?
I'm pretty sure that the second one can be written using the loop instruction, while the first one can be written using inc/jl.
First, you should understand that source code does not dictate what the assembly language is. The C standard allows a compiler to transform a program in any way as long as the resulting observable behavior (defined by the standard) remains the same. (The observable behavior is largely the output to files and devices, interactive input and output, and accesses to special volatile objects.)
Compilers take advantage of this rule to optimize your program. If the results of your loop are the same in either direction, then, in the best compilers, writing the loop in one direction or another has no consequence. The compiler analyzes the source code and sees that the effect of the loop is merely to perform a set of operations whose order does not matter. It represents the loop and the operations within it abstractly and later generates the best assembly code it can.
If the arrays in your example are large, then the time it takes the compiler to execute the loop control instructions is irrelevant. In typical systems, it takes dozens of CPU cycles or more to fetch a value from memory. With large arrays, the bottleneck in your example code will be fetching data from memory. The CPU will be forced to wait for this data, and it will easily complete any loop control or array address arithmetic instructions while it is waiting for data from memory.
Typical systems deal with the slow memory problem by including some fast memory, called cache. Often, there is very fast cache built into the core of the processor itself, plus some fast cache on the chip with the processor, and there are may other levels of cache. Memory in cache is organized into lines, which are segments of consecutive data from memory. Thus, one cache line may contain eight consecutive int objects. When the processor needs data that is not already in cache, an entire cache line is fetched from memory. Because of this, you can avoid the memory delay by using eight consecutive int objects. When you read the first one (or even before—the processor may predict your read and start fetching it ahead of time), all eight will be ready from memory. So your program will only have to wait for the first one. When it goes to use the second through the eight, they will already be in cache, where they are immediately available to the processor.
Unfortunately, array multiplication is notoriously bad for caches. Although your loop traverses the rows of array A (using A[i][k] where k is the fastest-varying index as your code is written), it traverses the columns of B (using B[k][j]). So consecutive iterations of your loop use consecutive elements of A but not consecutive elements of B. If the arrays are large, your program will end up waiting for elements from B to be fetched from memory. And, if you change the code to use consecutive elements from B, then it no longer uses consecutive elements from A.
With array multiplication, a typical way to deal with this problem is to split the array multiplication into smaller blocks, doing only a portion at a time, perhaps 8×8 blocks. This works because the cache can hold multiple lines at a time. If you arrange the work so that one 8×8 block from B (e.g., all the elements with a row number from 16 to 23 and a column number from 32 to 39) is used repeatedly for a while, then it can remain in cache, with all its data immediately available. This sort of rearrangement of work can speed up your program tremendously, making it many times faster. It is a much larger improvement than merely changing the direction of your loops can provide.
Some compilers can see that your loops on i, j, and k can be interchanged, and they may try to reorganize them if there is some benefit. Few compilers can break up the routines into blocks as I describe above. Also, the compiler can rearrange the work in your example only because you show A, B, and C declared as separate arrays. If these were not visible to the compiler but were instead passed as pointers to a function that was performing matrix multiplication, the compiler would not be able to see that A, B, and C point to separate arrays. In this case, it cannot know that the order of the loops does not matter. If the function were passed a C that points to the same array as A, the function would be overwriting some of its input while calculating outputs, and so the loop directions would matter.
There are a variety of matrix multiplication libraries that use the blocking technique and others to perform matrix multiplication efficiently.

Correct Subscript Ordering for Two Dimensional Arrays

I am talking about a zero-indexed matrix of integers denoted by a pointer to pointer, i.e.
int **mat;
Then what is the correct way to represent the mat[m][n] element? Is it
or is it
Also, visually speaking, between m and n, which one is the row index or which one is the column index? Or do terms like row and column make any sense here? I am sure I have some conceptual gap here, and some help will be great.
The expression
is parsed as
which is equivalent to
(*(mat + m))[n]
which is in turn equivalent to
*(*(mat + m) + n)
so your initial guess is correct.
As for which of these mean rows and which of these mean columns - in some sense, this is up to you to decide. You're the one creating the array and you can assign it any semantics that you'd like.
On the other hand, if you create a 2D array like this:
int mat[A][B];
then in memory this will be laid out as
[0, 0][0, 1][0, 2]...[0, B-1][1, 0][1, 1][1, 2]... ... [A-1][B-1]
Because of locality of reference, if you read across this in the order shown above (do all of mat[0], then all of mat[1], etc.) than it is to iterate in the reverse order (do mat[0][0], then mat[1][0], then mat[2][0], etc.). In that sense, it's common to treat 2D arrays as having the first component select a row and the second select a column, since that more naturally aligns with how the memory is laid out.

Which ordering of nested loops for iterating over a 2D array is more efficient [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does the order of the loops affect performance when iterating over a 2D array?
(7 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Which of the following orderings of nested loops to iterate over a 2D array is more efficient in terms of time (cache performance)? Why?
int a[100][100];
for(i=0; i<100; i++)
for(j=0; j<100; j++)
a[i][j] = 10;
for(i=0; i<100; i++)
for(j=0; j<100; j++)
a[j][i] = 10;
The first method is slightly better, as the cells being assigned to lays next to each other.
First method:
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] ....
^1st assignment
^2nd assignment
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] ....
^101st assignment
Second method:
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] ....
^1st assignment
^101st assignment
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] ....
^2nd assignment
For array[100][100] - they are both the same, if the L1 cache is larger then 100*100*sizeof(int) == 10000*sizeof(int) == [usually] 40000. Note in Sandy Bridge - 100*100 integers should be enough elements to see a difference, since the L1 cache is only 32k.
Compilers will probably optimize this code all the same
Assuming no compiler optimizations, and matrix does not fit in L1 cache - the first code is better due to cache performance [usually]. Every time an element is not found in cache - you get a cache miss - and need to go to the RAM or L2 cache [which are much slower]. Taking elements from RAM to cache [cache fill] is done in blocks [usually 8/16 bytes] - so in the first code, you get at most miss rate of 1/4 [assuming 16 bytes cache block, 4 bytes ints] while in the second code it is unbounded, and can be even 1. In the second code snap - elements that were already in cache [inserted in the cache fill for the adjacent elements] - were taken out, and you get a redundant cache miss.
This is closely related to the principle of locality, which is the general assumption used when implementing the cache system. The first code follows this principle while the second doesn't - so cache performance of the first will be better of those of the second.
For all cache implementations I am aware of - the first will be not worse then the second. They might be the same - if there is no cache at all or all the array fits in cache completely - or due to compiler optimization.
This sort of micro-optimization is platform-dependent so you'll need to profile the code in order to be able to draw a reasonable conclusion.
In your second snippet, the change in j in each iteration produces a pattern with low spatial locality. Remember that behind the scenes, an array reference computes:
( ((y) * (row->width)) + (x) )
Consider a simplified L1 cache that has enough space for only 50 rows of our array. For the first 50 iterations, you will pay the unavoidable cost for 50 cache misses, but then what happens? For each iteration from 50 to 99, you will still cache miss and have to fetch from L2 (and/or RAM, etc). Then, x changes to 1 and y starts over, leading to another cache miss because the first row of your array has been evicted from the cache, and so forth.
The first snippet does not have this problem. It accesses the array in row-major order, which achieves better locality - you only have to pay for cache misses at most once (if a row of your array is not present in the cache at the time the loop starts) per row.
That being said, this is a very architecture-dependent question, so you would have to take into consideration the specifics (L1 cache size, cache line size, etc.) to draw a conclusion. You should also measure both ways and keep track of hardware events to have concrete data to draw conclusions from.
Considering C++ is row major, I believe first method is going to be a bit faster. In memory a 2D array is represented in a Single dimension array and performance depends in accessing it either using row major or column major
This is a classic problem about cache line bouncing
In most time the first one is better, but I think the exactly answer is: IT DEPENDS, different architecture maybe different result.
In second method, Cache miss, because the cache stores contigous data.
hence the first method is efficient than second method.
In your case (fill all array 1 value), that will be faster:
for(j = 0; j < 100 * 100; j++){
a[j] = 10;
and you could still treat a as 2 dimensional array.
As Binyamin Sharet mentioned, you could do it if your a is declared that way:
int **a = new int*[100];
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
a[i] = new int[100];
In general, better locality (noticed by most of responders) is only the first advantage for loop #1 performance.
The second (but related) advantage, is that for loops like #1 - compiler is normally capable to efficiently auto-vectorize the code with stride-1 memory access pattern (stride-1 means there is contiguous access to array elements one by one in every next iteration).
On the contrary, for loops like #2, auto-vectorizations will not normally work fine, because there is no consecutive stride-1 iterative access to contiguos blocks in memory.
Well, my answer is general. For very simple loops exactly like #1 or #2, there could be even simpler aggressive compiler optimizations used (grading any difference) and also compiler will normally be able to auto-vectorize #2 with stride-1 for outer loop (especially with #pragma simd or similar).
First option is better as we can store a[i] in a temp variable inside first loop and then lookup for j index in that. In this sense it can be said as cached variable.

Most efficient way to calculate the exponential of each element of a matrix

I'm migrating from Matlab to C + GSL and I would like to know what's the most efficient way to calculate the matrix B for which:
B[i][j] = exp(A[i][j])
where i in [0, Ny] and j in [0, Nx].
Notice that this is different from matrix exponential:
B = exp(A)
which can be accomplished with some unstable/unsupported code in GSL (linalg.h).
I've just found the brute force solution (couple of 'for' loops), but is there any smarter way to do it?
Results from the solution post of Drew Hall
All the results are from a 1024x1024 for(for) loop in which in each iteration two double values (a complex number) are assigned. The time is the averaged time over 100 executions.
Results when taking into account the {Row,Column}-Major mode to store the matrix:
226.56 ms when looping over the row in the inner loop in Row-Major mode (case 1).
223.22 ms when looping over the column in the inner loop in Row-Major mode (case 2).
224.60 ms when using the gsl_matrix_complex_set function provided by GSL (case 3).
Source code for case 1:
for(i=0; i<Nx; i++)
for(j=0; j<Ny; j++)
/* Operations to obtain c_value (including exponentiation) */
matrix[2*(i*s_tda + j)] = GSL_REAL(c_value);
matrix[2*(i*s_tda + j)+1] = GSL_IMAG(c_value);
Source code for case 2:
for(i=0; i<Nx; i++)
for(j=0; j<Ny; j++)
/* Operations to obtain c_value (including exponentiation) */
matrix->data[2*(j*s_tda + i)] = GSL_REAL(c_value);
matrix->data[2*(j*s_tda + i)+1] = GSL_IMAG(c_value);
Source code for case 3:
for(i=0; i<Nx; i++)
for(j=0; j<Ny; j++)
/* Operations to obtain c_value (including exponentiation) */
gsl_matrix_complex_set(matrix, i, j, c_value);
There's no way to avoid iterating over all the elements and calling exp() or equivalent on each one. But there are faster and slower ways to iterate.
In particular, your goal should be to mimimize cache misses. Find out if your data is stored in row-major or column-major order, and be sure to arrange your loops such that the inner loop iterates over elements stored contiguously in memory, and the outer loop takes the big stride to the next row (if row major) or column (if column major). Although this seems trivial, it can make a HUGE difference in performance (depending on the size of your matrix).
Once you've handled the cache, your next goal is to remove loop overhead. The first step (if your matrix API supports it) is to go from nested loops (M & N bounds) to a single loop iterating over the underlying data (MN bound). You'll need to get a raw pointer to the underlying memory block (that is, a double rather than a double**) to do this.
Finally, throw in some loop unrolling (that is, do 8 or 16 elements for each iteration of the loop) to further reduce the loop overhead, and that's probably about as quick as you can make it. You'll probably need a final switch statement with fall-through to clean up the remainder elements (for when your array size % block size != 0).
No, unless there's some strange mathematical quirk I haven't heard of, you pretty much just have to loop through the elements with two for loops.
If you just want to apply exp to an array of numbers, there's really no shortcut. You gotta call it (Nx * Ny) times. If some of the matrix elements are simple, like 0, or there are repeated elements, some memoization could help.
However, if what you really want is a matrix exponential (which is very useful), the algorithm we rely on is DGPADM. It's in Fortran, but you can use f2c to convert it to C. Here's the paper on it.
Since the contents of the loop haven't been shown, the bit that calculates the c_value we don't know if the performance of the code is limited by memory bandwidth or limited by CPU. The only way to know for sure is to use a profiler, and a sophisticated one at that. It needs to be able to measure memory latency, i.e. the amount of time the CPU has been idle waiting for data to arrive from RAM.
If you are limited by memory bandwidth, there's not a lot you can do once you're accessing memory sequentially. The CPU and memory work best when data is fetched sequentially. Random accesses hit the throughput as data is more likely to have to be fetched into cache from RAM. You could always try getting faster RAM.
If you're limited by CPU then there are a few more options available to you. Using SIMD is one option, as is hand coding the floating point code (C/C++ compiler aren't great at FPU code for many reasons). If this were me, and the code in the inner loop allows for it, I'd have two pointers into the array, one at the start and a second 4/5ths of the way through it. Each iteration, a SIMD operation would be performed using the first pointer and scalar FPU operations using the second pointer so that each iteration of the loop does five values. Then, I'd interleave the SIMD instructions with the FPU instructions to mitigate latency costs. This shouldn't affect your caches since (at least on the Pentium) the MMU can stream up to four data streams simultaneously (i.e. prefetch data for you without any prompting or special instructions).
