Using Styles in merged ResourceDictonaries in Silverlight 5 - silverlight

I've got a bunch of styles in my app.xaml and they are all being used just fine in my pages within my SL5 app. I'd like to move these styles to multiple resource dictionaries to make it more manageable and consumable.
First I copied a style to a new resource dictionary in the /Styles/ButtonStyles.xaml page in my project... a snippet looks like this:
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<Style x:Key="RegistrationsRolloverImage" TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="Template">...</Setter>
<Style x:Key="FinancialLedgerRolloverImage" TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="Template">...</Setter>
Next I added the following to my App.xaml:
<ResourceDictionary x:Key="MergedStyles">
<ResourceDictionary Source="Styles/ButtonStyles.xaml" />
It forced me to add a x:key to the ResourceDictionary tag as I kept getting a build error. Now it builds, but the buttons that use the style aren't getting the style. In fact I'm getting a JS error that it can't find a style with the name of the two styles in my resource dictionary. They work just fine if they are in the App.xaml, but not if they are in seperate resource dictionary. I reflected the generated DLL and can see the styles/buttonstyles.xaml in the DLL.
At a loss... and can't figure out what's wrong. Ideas?

Are they within the same project? Try something more like this in your app.xaml;
<ResourceDictionary Source="/YourResDictionaryContaining.Proj.Name;component/Styles/ButtonStyles.xaml" />
I have to do this to have consolidation of resourcedict's stored in one project, and then add that to the app.xaml of each other project to make them available globally. Currently I run about 6 Resource Dicts acros 20 projects in the same solution this way and it works great.

In the full App.xaml sample you want use "local" resources.
But when you have "local" resources and you want to merge a resource directory the systax a little bit different.
Try it like this:
<Application ...>
<vm:ViewModelLocator x:Key="Locator" d:IsDataSource="True" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="Styles/ButtonStyles.xaml" />
<Style x:Key="BaseTextBlock" TargetType="TextBlock">


xaml ResourceDictionary inside User Control Library

how is it possible to define a ResourceDictionary inside a User Control Library and access them via Xaml-Code.
I've created something like this:
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<Style x:Key="NormalStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Control}">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Black" />
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="12" />
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="Arial" />
<Setter Property="FontStyle" Value="Normal" />
And now I want to use this "NormalStyle" with a Control
Style="{StaticResource NormalStyle}"
But Visual Studio says "The resource "NormalStyle" could not be resolved."
Did i miss or forget something?
Thanks for helping me
You will have to include or merge your ResourceDictionary with UserControl.Resources like below. Here in Source give path to your ResourceDictionary.
<ResourceDictionary Source="MyResourceDictionary.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="MyResourceDictionary.xaml"/>
Then you can use the resources in the dictionary inside your UserControl
Style="{StaticResource NormalStyle}"
Please add style reference in App.xamal therfore so that it loads when you run the application.
When you add any external resource file you need to add it in App.xamal to get it's reference in your app else you need to manually add reference to every xamal form to access style and templates
This is how you going to add it in App.xamal using MergedDictionaries than where ever you refer any style in you application it will have it's reference
Styles that define common aspects of the platform look and feel
Required by Visual Studio project and item templates
<ResourceDictionary Source="Common/CommonStyles.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Project/Common/CommonStyles.xaml"/>
Hope that helps
Alright, so I got it half to work. Inside my UserControlLibrary i made a new Xaml-File "UIStandards", where put all my Styles into. Now in my Main Project, i want to have access to these Styles and I think i should use a MergedDictionary.
What i did was this:
<Application x:Class="MentorPlusClientWindowsWPF.App"
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/CrossProjectUserControls;component/UIStandards.xaml" />
As you can see, i referenced the UISTandards.xaml but inside a UserControl inside my MainProject, none of my Styles can be found.
Any solutions?

Style based on StaticResource previously defined is not found at runtime

I'm using Telerik's RadControls for WPF with implicit styling. The following style is defined in Themes/Windows8/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.xaml:
<Style TargetType="telerikRibbonView:RadRibbonView" x:Key="RadRibbonViewStyle">
My own styles and the Telerik default ones get merged like this in the assembly Lib.Windows.Controls in the folder Themes:
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<ResourceDictionary Source="Windows8/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="MyTheme/TelerikCustomizations.xaml" />
<!-- avoid optimization -->
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Rectangle}" />
And in TelerikCustomizations.xaml I define the following (empty, for testing purposes) style:
<Style x:Key="MyThemeRadRibbonViewStyle" TargetType="{x:Type telerik:RadRibbonView}" BasedOn="{StaticResource ResourceKey=RadRibbonViewStyle}" />
Which results in the following exception at runtime:
'Provide value on 'System.Windows.Markup.StaticResourceHolder' threw an exception.' Line number '4' and line position '42'.
{"Cannot find resource named 'RadRibbonViewStyle'. Resource names are case sensitive."}
Which led me to the following debugging statements in MyView.xaml.cs:
public ShellView()
var baseStyle = FindResource("RadRibbonViewStyle");
var inherited = FindResource("MyThemeRadRibbonViewStyle");
Now the thing is: The exception is thrown on the second FindResource call. With the exact same message. However the RadRibbonViewStyle is clearly found in the first line of the constructor.
If it matters, the merged dictionary is actually merged in App.xaml a second time.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I can't figure out what.
<Application x:Class="TestClient.App"
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Lib.Windows.Controls;component/Themes/MyTheme.xaml" />
<!-- added to avoid optimization -->
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Rectangle}" />
App.xaml.cs does not overwrite the constructor. In fact it does not do anything.
If I merge the Telerik dictionaries in TelerikCustomizations.xaml instead of merging them in yet another dictionary (MyTheme.xaml), the exception disappears.
However, I'd still like to know why this happens.
You need to merge in the Windows8/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.xaml in your MyTheme/TelerikCustomizations.xaml
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<ResourceDictionary Source="Windows8/Telerik.Windows.Controls.RibbonView.xaml" />
<Style x:Key="MyThemeRadRibbonViewStyle" TargetType="{x:Type telerik:RadRibbonView}" BasedOn="{StaticResource ResourceKey=RadRibbonViewStyle}" />
And now you can use/merge this dictionary wherever you want.
You need to do this because StaticResource is not working between "sister" MergedDictionaries so you cannot reference a resource which was merged on the same level because the StaticResource looks only backwards to the direct parents:
From MSDN:
XAML resource references within a particular resource dictionary must
reference a resource that has already been defined with a key, and
that resource must appear lexically before the resource reference.
Forward references cannot be resolved by a XAML resource reference
But when using MergedDictionaries:
In the resource-lookup sequence, a MergedDictionaries dictionary is
checked only after a check of all the keyed resources of the
ResourceDictionary that declared MergedDictionaries.

How can I import a deep hierarchy of merged dictionaries with 1 ResourceDictionary?

I am attempting to merge in dictionaries from a dependent class library project, but the resource keys can't be found. Note: I am using this Connect bug workaround from Microsoft which is supposed to allow the framework to search deep enough to find the nested resources. This does not appear to be working.
Example of Failure
<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyApplication.ControlLibrary;component/ResourceDictionaries/ResourceLibrary.xaml" />
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Line}" /> <!-- workaround from MS to allow for this -->
<Main:AppBootstrapper x:Key="bootstrapper" /> <!-- CaliburnMicro bootstrapper, unsure if this is relevant -->
Inside ResourceLibrary.xaml
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="" xmlns:x="">
<ResourceDictionary Source="DefaultColorTheme.xaml" />
<!-- ...snip... -->
<ResourceDictionary Source="TransitionControl.xaml" />
When doing this, it cannot find the resource keys. If I merge each dictionary in manually from that class library, it works fine. This, IMO, begins to defeat the purpose of abstracting resources out to an external assembly.
Example of Success
<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyApplication.ControlLibrary;component/ResourceDictionaries/DefaultColorTheme.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyApplication.ControlLibrary;component/ResourceDictionaries/Images.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="/MyApplication.ControlLibrary;component/ResourceDictionaries/FontIcons.xaml" />
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Line}" />
<Main:AppBootstrapper x:Key="bootstrapper" />
Have I placed the dummy implicit style in the wrong place? Something isn't adding up here. Thanks for looking.
I've learned this the hard way by playing around with it for 3 days.
do not make really deep structures. Have a main dictionary that is just using other dictionaries. The app is not supposed to access anything from the others.
But the crucial thing is to reference them in the right order. it wont work if you load a RD where one of it's contents use something from another one that is not already loaded. The order is truly crucial.
Using WPF Inspector will help you a lot since it makes it possible to track everything donw in an WPF app.

How to apply theme in component designer just like that in application project designer implicitly?

Say i had a theme file Button.xaml for standard button.
By merged in application resource dictionary it can implicitly applied in application project designer.
But after i move Button.xaml to component project, the component project designer can not implicitly apply the theme file.
How can i make that theme file works implicitly in component project ?
the Themes.xaml as follow
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/StyleLibrary;component/Themes/Shared.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/StyleLibrary;component/Themes/Button.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/StyleLibrary;component/Themes/ComboBox.xaml" />
<Application x:Class="ButtonStyleTest.App"
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/StyleLibrary;component/Themes.xaml"/>
If i use merged Theme.xaml, the Button look normal in designer, but failed in runtime.
But if i merge Button.xaml, ComboBox one by one, it look normal for both design and runtime.
New example.
Say that you have a Library called StyleLibrary.
In this Library you have a ResourceDictionary called Button.xaml which looks like this
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Button}" >
<Setter Property="Width" Value="75" />
<Setter Property="Height" Value="23" />
In the Application we then add a reference to StyleLibrary and in App.xaml we add this.
<Application x:Class="ButtonStyleTest.App"
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/StyleLibrary;component/Button.xaml"/>
This style will apply in the Application and in the Libraries both in runtime and in designer.
To the left is my MainWindow. Is has one Button of its own, and then a UserControl from TestLibrary that has two Buttons. To the right is a Window from TestLibrary which contains one UserControl from TestLibrary, all Buttons seem to have the style applied.

WPF resource merged to Application.Resources but not resolved at runtime

I have a brush that is part of a ResourceDictionary that is merged to Application.Resources.
But for some reason it's not resolved at runtime when a style is being applied to one of the controls. However, if I call Application.Current.FindResource("BrushName") from the Immediate Window at the time when exception is thrown, the resource is found.
Am I missing something? Isn't WPF supposed to try to look for the resource in the app's resources?
The application is quite big, so I can't post all actual code but here's the way the resources are merged and used:
<ResourceDictionary ...>
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="BrushName" Color="#12345678" />
<ResourceDictionary ...>
<Style x:Key="SomeStyle">
<Setter Property="SomeProperty" Value="{StaticResource BrushName}" />
<Application ...>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Brushes.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="SomeStyles.xaml" />
</Application ...>
And then some control might use the style using the resource like this:
Style={StaticResource SomeStyle}
It seems to happen to menus and controls that are created in code. Can it be related to those controls and menus not being parts of any window's visual tree?
Your SomeStyle.xaml dictionary needs to reference Brushes.xaml dictionary directly, like so:
<ResourceDictionary ...>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Brushes.xaml" />
<Style x:Key="SomeStyle">
<Setter Property="SomeProperty" Value="{StaticResource BrushName}" />
StaticResources only search up the tree of the current dictionary, so you need to pass in any resources that it needs to reference.
Are you using DynamicResource in the XAML mark up extension?
Your xaml should be {DynamicResource brushName} not {StaticResource brushName}
