SQL Server 2012 Import CSV to mapped Columns - sql-server

I'm currently trying to import about 10000 rows (from a CSV file) into an existing table.
I only have 1 column which I'm trying to import, but in my table I have a another column called TypeId which I need to set to a static value i.e. 99E05902-1F68-4B1A-BC66-A143BFF19E37.
So I need something like
INSERT INTO TABLE ([Name], [TypeId])
Values (#Name (CSV value), "99E05902-1F68-4B1A-BC66-A143BFF19E37")
Any examples would be great.

As mentioned above import the data into a temporary table and then insert the value into the actual table
DECLARE #TempTable TABLE (Name nvarchar(max))
FROM ‘C:\YourFilePath\file.csv’
INSERT INTO TABLE ([Name], [TypeId])
Select Name,'99E05902-1F68-4B1A-BC66-A143BFF19E37' from #TempTable

If you are ready to use a tool to do this you can use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard. You can start the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard from the Start menu, from SQL Server Management Studio, from SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), or at the command prompt.
You can map the destination and source column very easily using this tool. Later on if u wish to update the other column you can do using code.


copy results of a view query into azure sql

I'm trying to create historic data for my company; previously i asked how to copy a table with a timestamp into the same mssql database. realistically, it dawned on me that what i really need to do is the following
1) log onto my local mssql box
2) run a query of a view (select * from view_whatever)
3) copy the results of the query and add a timestamp into another database, hosted using azure SQL
if i were doing this from the same database to another table, i'd something like this:
INSERT INTO Hst_Opportunities
SELECT OppName, Oppvalue, #copyDate AS copyDate
FROM dbo.opportunities
the from part is what im struggling with - how do i copy cross server and database when the source database is MSSQL and the target is Azure SQL?
Based on my test, it appears you could create a linked server on your local box and insert the data using four part name:
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver #server = N'SQLAZURE', #srvproduct=N'sqlazure', #provider=N'SQLNCLI', #datasrc=N'NAME.database.windows.net', #catalog=N'TestDb'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin #rmtsrvname=N'SQLAZURE',#useself=N'False',#locallogin=NULL,#rmtuser=N'USERNAME',#rmtpassword='Password'
INSERT INTO [SQLAZURE].[TestDb].[Schema].[Table]
,#copyDate AS copyDate
FROM [Localdb].[Schema].[View];

Store images on temporary table

I'm trying to store/pull some images on a temporary table on SQL Server 2012.
For example, a user drops/creates a QR code for an invoice on
The image is called
I would like to "pull" or store this image in SQL Server 2012 and then reference it with an invoice number so I can use it on a custom report with SSRS.
Is this possible?
CREATE TABLE #temp(id INT identity,img IMAGE)
SET #pic=(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\InvoiceImg\QR_312784.jpeg ', SINGLE_BLOB) AS pic)
INSERT INTO #temp(img) VALUES(#pic)

Audit trigger in sql azure

I added a trigger to the table to copy the inserted data to an audit table.
I got all the column names of the table from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
I used "SELECT * INTO #INSERTED FROM INSERTED" to copy inserted data to a temporary table.
Then used the following dynamic query to get the data from temporary table for each column.
SET #sqlText = N'SELECT ' + #ColName + ' FROM #INSERTED'
where #ColName is the column name.
It was working fine with sql server 2008.
Now we moved to sql azure. select into is not supported in sql azure. I cannot create a temporary table and then use insert on it, as my table contains over 70 columns and also, I cannot use INSERTED table for a dynamic query.
So, please suggest any solution\workaround for it.
SQL Azure V11 doesn't support select into. Please upgrade your server to SQL DB v12 and you should be able to do this.

SSIS 2008 - import xml file contents into sql server

I want to take a series of xml files and pull the xml of the file into a table in the database. I have a for each file enumerator, then an xml task to pull out the dtd and put the contents in a variable. Now that I have the file name and the contents in a variable, I need to insert both pieces of data into the database.
My table to store the data looks like this:
create table Import_Files
SequenceId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
FileName varchar(200) NOT NULL,
FileXml xml NOT NULL,
Created datetime DEFAULT(GETDATE()) NOT NULL,
Processed bit DEFAULT(0) NOT NULL
My Stored procedure:
#FileName varchar(200),
#FileXml xml
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
--Add new record
INSERT INTO Import_Files
([FileName], FileXml)
(#FileName, #FileXml)
I can't get it to work because hte xml data type isn't available in my execute sql task. Any ideas on how to make this work?
I would look at the import column transformation. It allows you to import the contents of a file for each row in a dataflow. The data source would simply be a listing of each file and any other column level meta data you need.
This would probably be more performant then doing a row by row insert from a spro
More info on setting this up here:
Have you tried using a string datatype?
As sugested earlier change the proc to accept a string datatype varchar(max) and do a convert to xml in the proc if you must store it in an xml column
Instead of using an Execute SQL Task, I would use an XML Source - generate all the fields you wanted into columns and then just pass those into the database table using an OLE DB Destination. This way you don't have to even use your stored procedure since SSIS already would do these inserts for you and it would recognize your xml type.
I had to use a Script task and call the sproc through code.

Paste into SQL Server table via Management Studio 2005 and keep line endings

I cannot get this to work. I have opened a SQL Server Express table in SQL Server Management Studio 2005. When I try to paste a multiline text snippet into an NTEXT field it gets truncated to only include the first line.
In Access these kind of things works, what should i do?
Rewrite it as an UPDATE or INSERT INTO statement. String literals can span multiple lines:
declare #t table (d varchar(10))
insert into #t values ('a
We have had the same issue.
You can either use and insert statement
INSERT INTO TABLE (Col1,..., Coln)
SELECT Val1,...,
Or use Access with linked tables to insert the values with multi lines.
