Version tolerant XML Serialization - wpf

Reader C# project need to persists ~POCO to file. But we are at our debut and changes occurs quite often. Our soft is already used (persisted) by few customers.
I prefer to use XML over anything for many reasons.
I checked many many xml serialization libs.
Many libs stores the specific type and version. I don’t need that.
Many libs do not give us the possibility to serialize by ourself: ie we need an interface to custom load/save data (I see many advantages **)
Some libs forces us to have empty constructor
Some libs only manage public properties
Some libs have many limitations on types (do not support Dictionary, …)
** (advantages of an interface to load/save data)
Easier to manage many versions
Enable to do hardcoded conversion if required (class x -> class y, … )
Easier to not retain old code
I strongly think that for my needs we would better served by using the old way: a bit like deserializing in C++. I think we would be better served by something that would enable us to just add fields and fields name manually instead of using Attributes.
Kind of:
void XmlDeserialize(XmlReader xmlReader)
xmlReader.Load((n)=>Version(n)); // or just: _version = xmlReader.LoadInt("Version");
if (Version ==2)
If (version == 3)
The closest I have found to fit my needs was: DataContractSerializer that supports IExtensibleDataObject, but it is a pain and ass to use.
I question myself if I’m not wrong everywhere? It’s impossible I’m the only one with that need (or this vision). Why is nobody writing any lib for that, and did I miss something somewhere ?
What I think wrongly ? What do you recommend ?

Do you have to use XML reader.load for this? It is WAY easier to create the business objects that represent your XML data, and then deserialize the object, like below (sorry I only found my version of this):
Public Shared Function ReadFromString(ByVal theString As String, ByVal encoding As System.Text.Encoding, ByVal prohibitDTD As Boolean) As T
Dim theReturn As T = Nothing
Dim s As System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer
s = New System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(T))
Dim theBytes As Byte() = encoding.GetBytes(theString)
Using ms As New IO.MemoryStream(theBytes)
Using sTr As New StreamReader(ms, encoding)
Dim sttng As New XmlReaderSettings
'sttng.ProhibitDtd = prohibitDTD
If Not prohibitDTD Then
sttng.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore
sttng.XmlResolver = Nothing
sttng.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Prohibit
End If
Using r As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(sTr, sttng)
theReturn = CType(s.Deserialize(r), T)
End Using
End Using
End Using
Return theReturn
End Function
You can event get rid of the xmlreadersettings and the encoding if you like. But this way you could keep different business objects for each version you have? Additionally, if you're only adding (and not changing/deleting) objects, you can still use the most recent business object for all versions, and just ignore the missing fields.

I finally decided to use XmlSerialization like this
usage but I hate to be forced to create default constructor and not being able to serialize members (private or public).
I also decided to use ProtoContract when very high speed is necessary.
But my preferred one is DataContractSerializer where it offer xml format (easier to debug), no default constructor needed and can serialize any members.


What ORM can I use for Access 2007 - 2010? I'm after WPF binding to the tables etc

I've a legacy database that all sites have, it describes specific content in a number of catagory/subcatagory/child item format. Until now, adding/editing the content is either manual work in the tables OR raw sql Windows Forms tool (I built when I started out in the job!).
I would like Entity Framework style drag, drop, bind and run coding ability with WPF 4.5 and .net 4.5.
I hesitate to use NHibernate as EF5 is very simple to get going with, I understand Nhibernate is more work (albeit a faster ORM). Are there alternatives that work well? I'm trying to avoid too much manual setup, if possible. The editor isn't a mandatory project and I can't justify lots of extra work on it - but it would make my job easier for the next 2 years if a nice version of it was put together.
All the argument against Access I know really well :) - swapping this isn't an option for at least a year.
Having searched the StackOverflow site, I don't see too many questions asking for this, but apologies if I've missed a good one!
Update: I think I should refine my question slightly as really what I needed to get at what code generation so that I don't need to hand build all the classes for the Access database. From what I can see, Dapper's work is around efficiency but is distinct from generating code. Coming from a entity framework mindset, I can see where I've conjoined the tasks somewhat in my thinking :). So apart from boil my own - does anyone know a good code gen for use with Access. This I can marry to Dapper :).
You can't use Entity Framework, because it doesn't work with Access databases.
It's possible to use NHibernate with MS Access, although NH doesn't support Access out of the box.
You need NHibernate.JetDriver from NHContrib and here are example settings for the NH config file.
If I recall it correctly, NH Contrib needs to be compiled against the exact NH version you're using, so you probably need to download the source code and compile it by yourself.
As an alternative, you can use one of the many micro-ORMs, for example Stack Overflow's own Dapper.
Dapper is DB agnostic, so it can connect to everything including Access. Quote from the official site:
Will dapper work with my db provider?
Dapper has no DB specific implementation details, it works across all .net ado providers
including sqlite, sqlce, firebird, oracle, MySQL and SQL Server
The disadvantage is that because Dapper is DB agnostic, you have to implement some advanved stuff yourself, like paging.
IMO Dapper is in the "fairly easy to run quickly catagory".
Take a look at this:
(complete demo project here)
using System;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using Dapper;
namespace DapperExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var con = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=test.mdb"))
var list = con.Query<Product>("select * from products");
Console.WriteLine("map to a strongly typed list:");
foreach (var item in list)
Console.WriteLine(item.ProductNumber + " : " + item.Description);
var list2 = con.Query("select * from products");
Console.WriteLine("map to a list of dynamic objects:");
foreach (var item in list2)
Console.WriteLine(item.ProductNumber + " : " + item.Description);
public class Product
public string ProductNumber { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
There are two different queries in this example code.
The first one maps to a strongly typed list, e.g. the result is an IEnumerable<Product>. Of course it needs a Product class that it can map to.
The second query returns an IEnumerable<Dynamic> (>= .NET 4.0) which means that the properties are evaluated on the fly and you don't need to define a class before, but the disadvantage is that you lose type safety (and IntelliSense).
My personal opinion is that the missing type safety is a deal breaker for me (I prefer the first query syntax), but maybe this is something for you.
Hate to resurrect an old thread but I recently did a WPF project using PetaPoco, a micro-ORM, with MS Access so I thought I'd share my implementation.
To add MS Access support to PetaPoco, you just need to add a couple of bits of code:
First add an AccessDatabaseType class. All of the DataBaseType classes are at the end of the PetaPoco.cs file. Just add the new class after SqlServerDatabaseType.
class AccessDatabaseType : DatabaseType
public override object ExecuteInsert(Database db, IDbCommand cmd, string PrimaryKeyName)
return db.ExecuteScalar<object>("SELECT ###IDENTITY AS NewID;");
Next, modify PetaPoco.Internal.DatabaseType.Resolve() to support the AccessDatabaseType. (This code assumes you are using the Jet OLEDB provider)
public static DatabaseType Resolve(string TypeName, string ProviderName)
if (ProviderName.IndexOf("Oledb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
return Singleton<AccessDatabaseType>.Instance;
// Assume SQL Server
return Singleton<SqlServerDatabaseType>.Instance;
Finally, to instantiate PetaPoco use this:
Db = New PetaPoco.Database("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\db.mdb", "System.Data.Oledb")
PetaPoco assumes your primary keys are autonumber/identity fields. If you have a PK that's not an autonumber or you have a composite PK, you'll need to implement your own insert & save logic.
I didn't need paging in my application so I didn't implement it.
We are using
Jet Entity Framework Provider. That way we can easily port to another database later.
It does not have all the limitations mentioned above and works great.
Tortuga Chain fully supports Access.

How to determine if a database has been altered for Access, SQL, Oracle or File Systems

At the company I work for all applications pull information from that database, I have decided to write a detailed answer to answer how different databases can let the user know they have been altered. I will answer for the following types:
File systems (Files and folders)
Why I have done this?...... The company I work for have many different databases and applications that use these databases. However the applications spend a lot of time within the database checking to see if the data has been changed. I have complied this list to show how certain databases/files can use different tools to let an application know it has been changed. So an event can be fired off. This will hopefully reduce computing power and speed up the applications.
Please edit as you seem fit. If you need any other information a comment would be great. I am still in the process of adding the Oracle database solution and editing the Access and SQL.
Access and FileSystems/Files
For the access point I have used a SystemFileWatcher. This keeps an eye on the database and if it has been modified it will run the code to get the new data from the database. This means that the application is not constantly going in to the database and grabbing new data when it is not needed.
The FileSystemWatcher can run different code from the events such as name changed, moved or modified. I only need to use the modified. I have got the database path from an XML File I am using which means it is not hard coded and can be changed from the xml file and the watcher will watch else where.
Protected Overrides Sub OnStart(ByVal args() As String)
Dim g1 As New FileSystemWatcher()
g1.Path = GetSingleNode(XmlFileName, "data/G1Path")
g1.NotifyFilter = (NotifyFilters.LastAccess Or NotifyFilters.LastWrite Or NotifyFilters.FileName Or NotifyFilters.DirectoryName)
g1.Filter = GetSingleNode(XmlFileName, "data/G1Filter")
AddHandler g1.Changed, AddressOf OnChanged
g1.EnableRaisingEvents = True
Dim g2 As New FileSystemWatcher()
g2.Path = GetSingleNode(XmlFileName, "data/G2Path")
g2.NotifyFilter = (NotifyFilters.LastAccess Or NotifyFilters.LastWrite Or NotifyFilters.FileName Or NotifyFilters.DirectoryName)
g2.Filter = GetSingleNode(XmlFileName, "data/G2Filter")
AddHandler g2.Changed, AddressOf OnChanged
g2.EnableRaisingEvents = True
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnStop()
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetSingleNode(ByVal xmlPath As String, ByVal nodeLocation As String) As String
Dim xpathDoc As New XPathDocument(xmlPath) 'gets the nodes from the XML file ready to be put in to the network path/variables
Dim xmlNav As XPathNavigator = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator()
Return xmlNav.SelectSingleNode(nodeLocation).Value
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
After this I simply have an on changed function. Hope this helps anyone that needs it.
For the file path and system paths the code above is very similar just using different paths and filters to get the certain types or names of files. This will then run the code if these have been changed/modified. If anybody would like code for this please write a comment and I can supply some.
SQL Databases
In the SQL databases there are multiple ways of checking to see if the data has been changed. I will reference a few MSDN Pages along with another question to provide information to these. However the way I used was slightly different as I didn't have a service broker running and no queues were enabled on my SQL databases.
Is there something like the FileSystemWatcher for Sql Server Tables?
However the way I used was by using a checksum and a timer and checking the checksum on a loop to see if the database was changed. As the 'hash' always changes if the data is changed:
My Code:
'Within main to get the first checksum value ready to be comapred with at a later date. These are global variables
Dim newdata As DataTable = SQLMethods.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString1, "SELECT CHECKSUM_AGG(BINARY_CHECKSUM(*)) FROM Alarms")
checksum = newdata.Rows(0).Item(0)
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim newdata As DataTable = SQLMethods.ExecuteReader(ConnectionString1, "SELECT CHECKSUM_AGG(BINARY_CHECKSUM(*)) FROM Alarms")
checksumNew = newdata.Rows(0).Item(0)
If checksum <> checksumNew Then
checksum = checksumNew
End If
End Sub
As you can see if they do match the checksum is changed to match so the next time it happens they will be the same unless the database is indeed changed. I have stopped and then restarted the time to avoid confusion of the message box, however the message box is used for debugging purposes as an event could be fired here or what ever code was wanting to happen if the database was changed.
After doing research I have not been able to implement this solution in my own application but hopefully it will provide info to other users. In Oracle there is something called OracleDependencyClass which provides an application a notification if the chosen data has been modified. I will supply some hyper-links that have some examples and the basics of how to use these in the hope someone doesn't need to mirror my own research.
Developing Applications with Database Change Notification
OracleDependency Class
Oracle® Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide - OracleDependency Class(2)
Example of using the class in C# and VB.NET
If these pages don't help there are plenty of other webpages that you can access if you either search for "oracle dependency", "OracleDependency Class" and "Database Change Notification".

Dapper Correct Object / Aggregate Mapping

I have recently started evaluating Dapper as a potential replacement for EF, since I was not too pleased with the SQL that was being generated and wanted more control over it. I have a question regarding mapping a complex object in my domain model. Let's say I have an object called Provider, Provider can contain several properties of type IEnumerable that should only be accessed by going through the parent provider object (i.e. aggregate root). I have seen similar posts that have explained using the QueryMultiple and a Map extension method but was wondering how if I wanted to write a method that would bring back the entire object graph eager loaded, if Dapper would be able to do this in one fell swoop or if it needed to be done piece-meal. As an example lets say that my object looked something like the following:
public AggregateRoot
public int Id {get;set;}
...//simple properties
public IEnumerable<Foo> Foos
public IEnumerable<Bar> Bars
public IEnumerable<FooBar> FooBars
public SomeOtherEntity Entity
Is there a straightforward way of populating the entire object graph using Dapper?
I have a similar situation. I made my sql return flat, so that all the sub objects come back. Then I use the Query<> to map the full set. I'm not sure how big your sets are.
So something like this:
var cnn = sqlconnection();
var results = cnn.Query<AggregateRoot,Foo,Bars,FooBar,someOtherEntity,AggregateRoot>("sqlsomething"
ar.Foo = f;
ar.Bars = b;
ar.FooBar = fb;
ar.someotherentity = soe;
return ar;
So the last object in the Query tag is the return object. For the SplitOn, you have to think of the return as a flat array that the mapping will run though. You would pick the first return value for each new object so that the new mapping would start there.
select ID,fooid, foo1,foo2,BarName,barsomething,foobarid foobaritem1,foobaritem2 from blah
The spliton would be "ID,fooid,BarName,foobarid". As it ran over the return set, it will map the properties that it can find in each object.
I hope that this helps, and that your return set is not too big to return flat.

Creating New Array with Class Object in GWT

I would like to create a new array with a given type from a class object in GWT.
What I mean is I would like to emulate the functionality of
java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(Class<?> componentClass, int size)
The reason I need this to occur is that I have a library which occasionally needs to do the following:
Class<?> cls = array.getClass();
Class<?> cmp = cls.getComponentType();
This works if I pass it an array class normally, but I can't dynamically create a new array from some arbitrary component type.
I am well aware of GWT's lack of reflection; I understand this. However, this seems feasible even given GWT's limited reflection. The reason I believe this is that in the implementation, there exists an inaccessible static method for creating a class object for an array.
Similarly, I understand the array methods to just be type-safe wrappers around JavaScript arrays, and so should be easily hackable, even if JSNI is required.
In reality, the more important thing would be getting the class object, I can work around not being able to make new arrays.
If you are cool with creating a seed array of the correct type, you can use jsni along with some knowledge of super-super-source to create arrays WITHOUT copying through ArrayList (I avoid java.util overhead like the plague):
public static native <T> T[] newArray(T[] seed, int length)
return[Ljava/lang/Object;I)(seed, length);
Where seed is a zero-length array of the correct type you want, and length is the length you want (although, in production mode, arrays don't really have upper bounds, it makes the [].length field work correctly).
The package is a set of core utilities used in the compiler for base emulation, and can be found in gwt-dev!com/google/gwt/dev/jjs/intrinsic/com/google/gwt/lang.
You can only use these classes through jsni calls, and only in production gwt code (use if GWT.isProdMode()). In general, if you only access the classes in super-source code, you are guaranteed to never leak references to classes that only exist in compiled javascript.
if (GWT.isProdMode()){
return newArray(seed, length);
return Array.newInstance(seed.getComponentType(), length);
Note, you'll probably need to super-source the java.lang.reflect.Array class to avoid gwt compiler error, which suggests you'll want to put your native helper method there. However, I can't help you more than this, as it would overstep the bounds of my work contract.
The way that I did a similar thing was to pass an empty, 0 length array to the constructor of the object that will want to create the array from.
public class Foo extends Bar<Baz> {
public Foo()
super(new Baz[0]);
public abstract class Baz<T>
private T[] emptyArray;
public Baz(T[] emptyArray)
this.emptyArray = emptyArray;
In this case the Bar class can't directly create new T[10], but we can do this:
ArrayList<T> al = new ArrayList<T>();
// add the items you want etc
T[] theArray = al.toArray(emptyArray);
And you get your array in a typesafe way (otherwise in your call super(new Baz[0]); will cause a compiler error).
I had to do something similar, I found it was possible using the Guava library's ObjectArrays class. Instead of the class object it requires a reference to an existing array.
T[] newArray = ObjectArrays.newArray(oldArray, oldArray.length);
For implementing an array concatenation method, I also stepped into the issue of missing Array.newInstance-method.
It's still not implemented, but if you have an existing array you can use
Arrays.copyOf(T[] original, int newLength)

Designing a generic DB utility class

Time and again I find myself creating a database utility class which has multiple functions which all do almost the same thing but treat the result set slightly differently.
For example, consider a Java class which has many functions which all look like this:
public void doSomeDatabaseOperation() {
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mydriver", "user", "pass");
try {
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT whatever FROM table"); // query will be different each time
while ( {
// handle result set - differently each time
} catch (Exception e) {
// handle
} finally {
Now imagine a class with 20 of these functions.
As you can see, tons of boilerplate (opening a connection, try-finally block), and the only thing that changes would be the query and the way you handle the result set. This type of code occurs in many languages (considering you're not using an ORM).
How do you manage your DB utility classes so as to reduce code duplication? What does a typical DB utility class look like in your language/framework?
The way I have done in one of my project is that I followed what Spring does with JDBC template and came up with a Query framework. Basically create a common class which can take select statement or pl/sql calls and bind parameters. If the query returns resultset, also pass the Rowmapper. This rowmapper object will be called by the framework to convert each row into an object of any kind.
Example -
Query execute = new Query("{any select or pl/sql}",
// Inputs and Outputs are for bind variables.
new SQL.Inputs(Integer.class, ...),
// Outputs is only meaningful for PL/SQL since the
// ResultSetMetaData should be used to obtain queried columns.
new SQL.Outputs(String.class));
If you want the rowmapper -
Query execute = new Query("{any select or pl/sql}",
// Inputs and Outputs are for bind variables.
new SQL.Inputs(Integer.class, ...),
// Outputs is only meaningful for PL/SQL since the
// ResultSetMetaData should be used to obtain queried columns.
new SQL.Outputs(String.class), new RowMapper() {
public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
Actor actor = new Actor();
return actor;
Finally a Row class is the output which will have list of objects if you have passed the RowMapper -
for (Row r : execute.query(conn, id)) {
// Handle the rows
You can go fancy and use Templates so that type safety is guaranteed.
Sounds like you could make use of a Template Method pattern here. That would allow you to define the common steps (and default implementations of them, where applicable) that all subclasses will take to perform the action. Then subclasses need only override the steps which differ: SQL query, DB-field-to-object-field mapping, etc.
When using .net, the Data Access Application Block is in fairly widespread use to provide support for the following:
The [data access] application block
was designed to achieve the following
Encapsulate the logic used to perform
the most common data access tasks.
Eliminate common coding errors, such
as failing to close connections.
Relieve developers of the need to
write duplicated code for common data
access tasks.
Reduce the need for
custom code.
Incorporate best
practices for data access, as
described in the .NET Data Access
Architecture Guide.
Ensure that, as
far as possible, the application block
functions work with different types of
Ensure that applications
written for one type of database are,
in terms of data access, the same as
applications written for another type
of database.
There are plenty of examples and tutorials of usage too: a google search will find,, and others.
