Confusion with the format of the http request header values? - c

According to rfc2616 in the section 3.11 the format of entity tag is the following:
entity-tag = [ weak ] opaque-tag
weak = "W/"
opaque-tag = quoted-string
And in the examples given for the condition "If-match" in section 14.24 in rfc2616 are the following:
If-Match: "xyzzy"
If-Match: "xyzzy", "r2d2xxxx", "c3piozzzz"
If-Match: *
I'm doing a project in c, where I'll parse the http requests from different clients. The web server is also written c, and from the webserver I can get the request headers and values as const char*and I parse them. But my confusion is that where the value in the header "If-match" will be similar to "xyzzy, r2d2xxxx ,c3piozzzz" or will it be similar to ""xyzzy", "r2d2xxxx", "c3piozzzz""? Do you know which one is right? And will there surely be space between each etags in the If-Match header value if it has a list of entities? I mean will the format be the following type?
If-Match: "one-entity-tag",[space]"second-entity-tag",[space]"third-entity-tag"
There is no description of the format of the If-Match header value if it has a list of etags. rfc2616 only gives an example(which I showed above) of it. Is that example reliable?

You can trust the spec and the examples: the double quote is really part of the ETag.


How to set a context variable with dot in name?

I am trying to add a context data variable (CDV), which has a dot in its name. According to Adobe site this is correct:
s.contextData['myco.rsid'] = 'value'
Unfortunately, after calling s.t() the variable is split into two or more:
Context Variables
rsid: value
How can I set the variable and prevent splitting it into pieces?
You are setting it properly already. If you are referring to what you see in the request URL, that's how the Adobe library sends it. In your example, "myco" is a namespace, and "rsid" is a variable in that namespace. And you can have other variables in that namespace. For example if you have
s.contextData['myco.rsid1'] = 'value';
s.contextData['myco.rsid2'] = 'value';
You would see in the AA request URL (just showing the relevant part):
I assume you are asking because you want to more easily parse/qa AA collection request URLs from the browser network tab, extension, or some unit tester? There is no way to force AA to not behave like this when using dot syntax (namespaces) in your variables.
But, there isn't anything particularly special about using namespaces for your contextData variables; it's just there for your own organization if you choose. So if you want all variables to be "top level" and show full names in the request URL, then do not use dot syntax.
If you want to still have some measure of organization/hierarchy, I suggest you instead use an underscore _ :
s.contextData['myco_rsid1'] = 'value';
s.contextData['myco_rsid2'] = 'value';
Which will give you:
Side Note: You cannot do full object/dot notation syntax with s.contextData, e.g.
s.contextData = {
foo:'bar', // <--- this will properly parse
myco:{ // this will not properly parse
rsid:'value' //
} //
AA library does not parse this correctly; it just loops through top level properties of contextData when building the request URL. So if you do full object syntax like above, you will end up with:
foo would be okay, but you end up with just myco with "[object Object]" as the recorded value. Why Adobe didn't allow for full object syntax and just JSON.stringify(s.contextData) ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Object id is missing in Django framework when posted from AngularJS MongoDB

I am posting the following object
skillName : "Professional Skills"
_id : {$oid: "5adf23946ab671bf6cb36aff"}
to the DjangoService given below:
def saveSubjectView(request): #this service will add & update Subject
if request.method == 'POST':
stream = StringIO(request.body)
subject = JSONParser().parse(stream)
print("The subejct is ")
serializedsubject = json.loads(json_util.dumps(subject))
The output that I am getting is
'skillType': { u'_id': { }, u'skillName': u'Professional Skills'}
The ObjectId posted from the front end (AngularJS) is not printed in the service. I know that I can fix it by removing the $oid while posting from the AngularJS application. But I would like to know why this is not happening. I have searched the documents and I couldn't get a proper reply. May be the keywords I used are wrong. Keywords used are : "JSON serialisation of ObjectId", "$oid json serialization using Django".
The complete object I am posting to the Django service is given below:
Exactly. $oid or anything prefixed with $ is an internal format and reserved, so you cannot post field names. The convention is from MongoDB Extended JSON where such prefixes are used to identify the BSON Type for proper conversion, and used as a serializable transport since these "types" are not supported in basic JSON.
So the solution is to actually use the bson.json_util to "deserialize" the JSON string right from the start:
from bson import json_util
# serializedsubject = json.loads(json_util.dumps(subject))
serializedsubject = json_util.loads(request.body) # correct usage
Or more succinctly self contained:
input = '{ "skillName" : "Professional Skills" ,"_id" : { "$oid": "5adf23946ab671bf6cb36aff"} }'
{u'skillName': u'Professional Skills', u'_id': ObjectId('5adf23946ab671bf6cb36aff')}
This correctly casts objects from any keys notated with the Extended JSON Syntax to their correct BSON Type, as also supported in the driver functions. And naturally the driver will then convert back to BSON when sending to MongoDB.
If for some reason your request.body contains anything other than a "string" which is valid for input to the function, then it is up to your code to convert it to that point. But there should be no need to "parse to JSON" and then "stringify" again just to input to the function.
NOTE: If you have not already done so within your JavaScript client side of the application, there is also the bson package available. This would allow where such Extended JSON is "received" from the server the translation into the BSON Types as JavaScript Objects, and of course then the serialization of such objects back into the Extended JSON Format.
This would in fact be recommended where "type" information needs to be maintained with the data transmitted and kept between client and server.

CakePHP i18n __ function returns array

I'm running into a problem with the __ function, and I'm not sure whether it's a bug in Cake (3.2.8), Aura\Intl, or my code. I've tried the same thing in Cake 1.3, and it works as I expect it to, but it's possible that my expectations are simply that way because that's how it worked in 1.3. :-)
When I am building my menus, I use things like __('Teams'), but I also have pages that use things like __n('Team', 'Teams', count($player->teams)). The i18n shell extracts these into the default.pot separately, so when I translate it to French, it's like this:
msgid "Teams"
msgstr "Équipe"
msgid "Team"
msgid_plural "Teams"
msgstr[0] "Équipe"
msgstr[1] "Équipes"
If I call __('Team'), I correctly get 'Équipe' returned, and if I call __n('Team', 'Teams', $x), I correctly get 'Équipe' or 'Équipes' returned, depending on the value of $x. But if I call __('Teams') I get back
[0] => Équipe
[1] => Équipes
This is the case even if I eliminate the msgid "Teams" section, leaving only the plural definition.
In Cake 1.3, __('Teams') would simply return 'Équipes'. (Don't know what it might do in 2.x, as I skipped over that entirely.) So, whose bug is this?
You have two Teams message IDs. The problem is that the CakePHP message file parser stores the messages in a key => value fashion, where the message ID is used as the key, resulting in the Teams messages for msgid_plural to override the Teams message from the preceding msgid.
Since gettext seems to be able to handle this, I'd say that it's at least a missing feature (which might be intentional), however it might even be a bug, I can't tell for sure (but I'd tend towards bug). For clarification, open an issue over at GitHub.
To (temporarily) workaround this issue you could use contexts.
Duplicate message definition
This is problematic:
msgid "Teams" <- same string
msgstr "Équipe"
msgid "Team"
msgid_plural "Teams" <- same string
The first means you have or are expecting to have __('Teams') in the application code, which expects to return a string.
The second scenario is going to create ambiguous data when the po file is parsed. The class responsible for converting po files to the array format is the PoFileParser, which contains these lines:
$messages[$singular] = $translation; // <- a string
$messages[$key] = $plurals; // <- an array
Where $messages is the array used to lookup translations, indexed by the translation key.
So, the reason for the observed behavior is because this code:
is going to look for $messages['Teams']
This code:
__n('Team', 'Teams', 2);
is going to look for $messages['Teams'][<index>], and the $messages array is going to contain the parsed data from the plural translation only, which overwrote the "singular" version of the string as it was earlier in the file.
The code-level solution is to ensure that all msgid and msgid_plural keys are unique (since they are essentially, the same thing).
Bad translation definition
You may well find at some point in the future that translations like __('Teams') are very problematic, depending on how that loose word is being used, they are an indicator of bad translation definitions.
To give an example, CakePHP used to have translations of this form in baked output:
sprintf(__('Invalid %s', true), 'Team');
Which was later changed to:
__('Invalid Team', true)
Because the translation of Invalid %s can change depending on what %s is - so can the translation of %s.

Rabbitmq-c Library: How to get 'method' returned by the broker

I'm using the rabbitmq-c library to connect to a RabbitMQ server (GNU/Linux build environment).
At one point when I use "amqp_channel_open(...)", I'm getting an error from the server which I want to debug.
I call "amqp_get_rpc_reply(...)" as per the examples. It returns an amqp_rpc_reply_t which I assign to a variable "my_reply".
my_reply.reply_type is AMQP_RESPONSE_SERVER_EXCEPTION, which is why I think it's an error from the server.
HOWEVER, here are the docs for the amqp_rpc_reply_t type.
For my_reply.reply: "in case of AMQP_RESPONSE_SERVER_EXCEPTION this field will be set to the method returned from the broker"
So my_reply.reply is an amqp_method_t in this case. But when I look at the docs for amqp_method_t, it has two fields: id ("the method id number", ??) and decoded.
For decoded, it's a void *:
"pointer to the decoded method, cast to the appropriate type to use"
I am stuck at this point, because I have no idea what to cast **decoded* to. It should be some kind of data structure containing the information returned by the server (the AMQP method), but I can't find any reference to what type I should cast it to.
[Edited for clarity]
I dug around a bit in the examples, and found something helpful.
When my_reply.reply_type is AMQP_RESPONSE_SERVER_EXCEPTION, the field contains one of the AMQP_xxxxxx_METHOD constants which are defined by macros in amqp_framing.h - see here and scroll down a bit.
Each of these method IDs has an associated type which follows the same naming convention - e.g. for AMQP_CONNECTION_CLOSE_METHOD (which I was getting) there is amqp_connection_close_t. See here for a list of data structures / types.
Knowing which type to cast my_reply.reply.decoded to, it's pretty easy to then extract the useful information - e.g. (from examples, assuming is AMQP_CONNECTION_CLOSE_METHOD):
amqp_connection_close_t *m = (amqp_connection_close_t *)my_reply.reply.decoded;
printf( "Server connection error %d, message: %.*s\n",
(int) m->reply_text.len,
(char *) m->reply_text.bytes);

How does validate Email Fields?

I'm trying to store email addresses in from another service that allows invalid email addresses to be specified. If one of those bad invalid email addresses is sent to via their Web Services API, will prevent the record from saving with an INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS error code.
I can't find any documentation on how to disable validation on Email fields, so it looks like I'll need to validate them in my integration and pull out those that fail. Does anyone know the validation process uses to determine if an email address is valid? All I have right now is a Regex, but I'd like it to match's process.
EDIT: For reference, here is my Regex (I'm using C#/.NET):
Summary: we're using the following .NET RegEx:
const string SFEmailRegExPattern = #"^[A-Z0-9._%-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$";
If you can believe SF's own documentation then:
For the local part of the email address we accept the following characters. The local part is anything before the # sign.
Note: The character dot . is supported; provided that it is not the first or last character in the local-part
For the domain part of the email address we accept. The domain part is anything after the # in an email address:
0-9 and A-Z and a-z and dash -
A couple of people have coded this up as a Java regex as:
String pat = '[a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\!\\#\\$\\%\\&\\*\\/\\=\\?\\^\\_\\+\\-\\`\\{\\|\\}\\~\'._%+-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9\\-.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]+';
although to me this looks like it fails to reject an email that starts with a "." so isn't perfect.
I don't know how is validating email addresses, but since you are using .NET I'd suggest you to consider an email validation component like our EmailVerify.NET, which is 100% compliant with the current IETF standards (RFC 1123, RFC 2821, RFC 2822, RFC 3490, RFC 3696, RFC 4291, RFC 5321, RFC 5322 and RFC 5336) and does not suffer from ReDoS: if needed, it even checks the DNS records of the email domain under test, its SMTP availability, validates the related mailbox and can even tell if the target mail exchanger is a catch-all or if it is a disposable/free email address provider.
I don't know what uses (and I don't think there's any way for you to find out), but \b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b from here is a commmon one and should work for most of the cases.
I've looked previously and not been able to find a definitive answer on exactly which rules SFDC applies to the native "Email" field type. The quickest path to success that I would suggest would be this:
in your initial data integration from the external application, map the email field that you describe into a new (non-email, just text 255) custom field in SFDC.
if this is a one-time dataload, run a separate process that, for every row in SFDC with this custom field populated, attempts to copy the contents of this custom field to the native email field. If any row fails with the email validation error, you just skip it. Then you can decide what to do with the non-compliant addresses.
if this is an ongoing integration, it may be better to do something like attempt to insert new rows one-at-a-time via WS API, and if the email validation exception is thrown, you catch it and either insert the record without an email address, store the bad email in a different field (like a custom field called "non-compliant email address"), or skip the row altogether (if bad emails == bad record).
Hope that helps.
Apex has native Pattern and Matcher classes, based on java.
You can validate your email addresses in Apex code, using your RegEx expression as a string
String emailPattern = {your regex expression);
Boolean validEmail = pattern.match(emailPattern, emailAddress);
You can't definitely create common regex for salesforce email, due to inconsistency of their own requirements.
The one rule is about to give possibilities to put IP address after the local part. Example -> email#
The second is about do not allow digits in top-level domain.
For example: test#test.com1
So, they are mutually excluded.
But as I understood the email address with IP after the local part is more important and commonly used comparing with numbers in top-level domain.
Here is some examples of valid/invalid emails for salesforce.
あいうえお (Joe Smith)
As result of above, the final regex is:
Here is a regular expression based on this help page + a lot of experimenting in Salesforce:
See this Demo. It gives the same validation result as Salesforce for all the values I could think of testing - copied below - any counter examples are welcome...
************* VALID *************
************* INVALID *************
" "
"very.(),:;<>[]\".VERY.\"very#\\ \"very\".unusual"
