What is the difference between a directory and a file with no extension? - file

On nearly all types of computers (if not all), folders have no extension. So I was wondering, what is the difference between a directory and a file with no extension? Don't they have the same name?

You cannot have a directory and a file of the same name (regardless of extension), just like you cannot have two files of the same name.
A directory is just a file, too.
The difference is that a directory can contain other files. It does not matter how it is called, it can have an extension (or two). What makes it a directory is that it was created as such.

Directory is a collection of files and folders.

difference between directory and File : A file is any kind of computer document and a directory is a computer document folder or filing cabinet.

directory is a collection of a the folders and files.
in the linux based system directories will be in blue colour and has the permissions stsrting with like --rwx-r--rwx and directories permisions start from the drwx--rwx for the owner and group and nothing guys do not need to recognize the directories and file.


Drive File Stream altering my file names to add (1) at the end of their names

I am writing a program using WinForms in C# which monitors my drive file stream files, and copies the files to a local directory, where the files can then be run locally off of the computer.
My issue I am having is that when I alter or replace the files in the drive file stream either through the desktop app or the browser, it will rename some files to add an additional (1) at the end of the name. This then messes with the files when I need to run them from the local directory on my computer, as it cannot locate these specific files anymore.
Does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks.

Why should Hashicorp Packer file provisioner use temp directory?

I wonder what are the benefits of indirect file upload within /tmp directory Packer file provisioner doc suggests?
It's reasonable to assume uploading file/directory to the destination place without any intermediates.
This is probably recommended because the /tmp directory on any machine will likely fit the requirements mentioned in the docs for the destination parameter:
This value must be a writable location and any parent directories must already exist.
The /tmp directory usually exists and is usually readable and writeable by any process on your machine, so it's a good suggestion as a standard destination folder.

Searching and Copying Files

The main objective is to Search the System for files and then copy them without using File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Need help building a program that searches the System [Windows] for all files with .docx, .doc & .pdf files and then copies them to another directory.
One of my colleagues sent me this code:
scan a directory to find files in c
This code searches for the files, how to I copy them to a specific directory?
Best regards,

How do I keep WZZIP from creating a zip that makes a folder when unzipped?

I'm looking at an automated process (utilizing a "DOS" .BAT file) that creates zip files with a simple command like...
wzzip [path][zip file name] [files to be zipped]
...but when a partner receives and unzips these files, it's creating a folder with the name of the zip file and putting the files inside it, and they need (well, or at least prefer) it to just extract the files to the "." folder.
Is there a way to get wzzip to use "." instead of creating an eponymous folder? The only thing I could see in the options list was to maybe hack something out of -r-p (even though I DON'T actually want it to recurse folders when zipping), but I was hoping there might be a better way.
The partner company is apparently running Linux, so while I see that wzunzip has an option to set the output folder that MIGHT override the default behavior, I'm not sure what the app they are using might allow.
Go to http://www.winzip.com/ and download the Winzip Command Line utilities. Install and use WZZIP.EXE.

batch script to find a particular folder in a drive

am a newbie to the batch script, i have many folders called LIB in my drive
say it can be as LIB_data,lib,lib_ac anything that starts with lib or LIB... i want to list all these directories and sort them in which they have created in the pc and copy the latest directory contents to BATCH_LATEST_LIB_FILES folder,that will be a new folder created by this batch file.i want this new folder to be created in the path where this batch file is present. please help me with a batch script.
You might look at FOR, DATE, TIME, SORT, IF, GOTO and XCOPY.
This site is a great resource for batch files.
