SQL Server Analysis Services, update OLAP dimensions from relational database - sql-server

I have OLAP analysis services related with relational database.when the data updated or changed in relational database I must make process operation manually in my project(project to build the OLAP from relational database) to push the new data in OLAP.
I want every change in relational database to affect the OLAP automatically.
Thanks in advance

This is called: "Proactive Caching feature in SQL Server Analysis Services"
Assuming that you are using Sql Server 2005 or later version this article help you:
Configure Proactive Caching feature in SQL Server Analysis Services 2005
To know more: What is and how does it work the Proactive Caching
In case you still have doubts, here another article:
Implement Proactive Caching in SQL Server Analysis Services SSAS
Hope it help

We use a SQL CLR proc call to the ADOMD to issue the XMLA command.


what is the best way to migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle database

I have two remote databases, Oracle 19c and SQL Server 19. In my redhat linux, I have to read SQL Server table and write it to Oracle.
I wrote a Python code to read data from SQL Server and insert it to Oracle database. But, I think it is so slow. Since, the table has about 16 million records.
I search a lot and see this post:
It said that Oracle Transparent Gateway makes it possible to run a procedure for migrating data from extra database to Oracle in little time.
I can access to Oracle database using terminal and don't have any graphical accesses.
Would you please guide me if Oracle Transparent Gateway is the best way to migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle database, how to install Oracle Transparent Gateway and use it? If not, what is the best way?
Any help is really appreciated.
One solution would be to work from SQL Developer.
You can download SQL Developer for free from https://www.oracle.com/tools/downloads/sqldev-downloads.html
SQL Developer provides a "migration workbench" that supports SQL Server.
The data migration can be done online or offline.
Online causes the table data to be moved by SQL Developer when you have completed the necessary information in the wizard; Offline causes SQL Developer to generate scripts after you have completed the necessary information in the wizard, and you must later run those scripts if you want to move the data. (Online moves are convenient for moving small data sets; offline moves are useful for moving large volumes of data.)

SQL Server CDC on premise to AWS

Could anyone advise me how can sync data between SQL Server on premise to AWS using CDC or change tracking. I'm not sure,can I use SSIS for integration?
Thank you
The canonical AWS method for SQL Server-to-cloud CDC is Database Migration Services, it works with both self-managed SQL Server instances and RDS instances of SQL Server. Be aware it has some limitations and prerequisites for your SQL Server, so do an assessment up front that your scenario is applicable.
If you can't meet the prerequisites or constraints above, you can also consider using the popular open source tool Debezium, especially if you have to have a lot of custom hooks before or after the CDC, since it posts all the changes to a Kafka topic.
SSIS is an acceptable tool if you're only doing batch-level updates and don't need near-realtime replication and you want to fully control the synchronization, but there is a lot of overhead to developing and maintaining those types of packages. I wouldn't recommend it.

SQL Server data migration / replication

I wondered if I could ask for fellow Stack Overflow users for their advice? I have a scenario where we have multiple SQL Server databases with the same schema and we'd like to create a centralised database containing the data from each of the databases but with a stripe to differentiate the source of the data.
The centralised database would also be on SQL Server and would need updating in real or near real-time.
There are plenty of options available such as SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server's Service Broker or possibly Microsoft Sync Framework and others too.
What's technology would you suggest to achieve this? If you're doing this successfully, would you mind sharing your experience?
Thank you in advance.

Is there a definitive list for the differences between the current version of SQL Azure and SQL Server 2008?

I am a relative newbie when it comes to SQL Azure!! I was wondering if there was a definitive list somewhere regarding what is and is not supported by SQL Azure in regards to SQL Server 2008? I have had a look through google but I've noticed some of the blog posts are missing things which I have found through my own testing:
For example, quite a lot is summarised in this blog entry http://www.keepitsimpleandfast.com/2009/12/main-differences-between-sql-azure-and.html
Common Language Runtime (CLR)
Database file placement
Database mirroring
Distributed queries
Distributed transactions
Filegroup management
Global temporary tables
Spatial data and indexes
SQL Server configuration options
SQL Server Service Broker
System tables
Trace Flags
which is a repeat of the MSDN page http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff394115.aspx
I've noticed from my own testing that the following seem to have issues when migrating from SQL Server 2008 to the Azure:
XML Types (the msdn does mention large custom types - I guess it may include this?? even if the data schema is really small?)
Multi-part views
I've been using SQL Azure Migration Wizard v3.1.8 to migrate local databases into the cloud.
I was wondering if anyone could point to a list or give me any information till when these features are likely to be included in SQL Azure.
If you can get a hold of the February issue of SQL Server Magazine, there are two articles (I believe) that outline what Azure supports in relation to SQL Server 2008.
I was at an Azure training yesterday where it was confirmed that XML schemas are not supported. You may also find the e-clinic here https://www.microsoftelearning.com/eLearning/courseDetail.aspx?courseId=168190&tab=overview useful.
This document is a little more detailed than the links you listed. It's dated September 2009 but I believe is still mostly accurate.
One key paragraph from this document is:
Analysis Services, Replication, Reporting Services, and Service Broker are not currently provided as services on the SQL Azure.

Replicating between SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Compact Edition

Can it be done and if so, how?
You can also check out Sync Services for Sql Server and Compact edition. The benefit of Sync Services is that you don't need a replication server or IIS and you can also sync between compact edition databases. This method involves writing a fair bit more code and is fairly involved, but I'd recommend looking into it as a lightweight service.
You can use Merge Replication. Theres a tutorial here SQL Server Compact 3.5 How-to Tutorials (Number 5).
Certainly replication is possible, as is Sync Services if you're not afraid to get your hands dirty. It depends on the details of what you need:
Sometimes-connected application wanting to have a read-only cache: Sync Services
Sometimes-connected application wanting to have part or full update ability: Sync Services
Remote site with multiple workstations needing read/write access to data: replication if you can get a secure network connection that's stable enough, otherwise look at extending Syn Services to work with SQL Express (or full SQL Server) based on the sample here: Sync using SQL Express
If you just want a SQL CE database and you're working with a SQL 2008 server then the wizard in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 will do all the work for you, you need only add 1 line of code to it if you want bi-directional support. If you can't upgrade then it will take more work with SQL 2005, and it's only reliable if you have at least SP2.
I'm in the middle of a project that requires multiple sites to have a sub-set of data in an environment where each site may lose it's connection to the head office at times, we've managed to get Sync Services to work with SQL 2008 at the head office and SQL Express 2008 at each site with full change tracking (2008 feature) and it's working great. It does require a reasonable amount of code (C# and SQL), so we've used some pretty smart templates to help. Be aware that.
Perhaps you could refine your question with more details?
Because of budget constraints I think it will have to beta-tester's approch,i tried following the guide and cant seem to get it working. Before I spend time getting it to work, I just confrim, Replicating between SqlServer 2005 and Compact Edition is something that can be done?
I just confrim, Replicating between
SqlServer 2005 and Compact Edition is
something that can be done?
Yes it can definately be done using either Merge Replication or Sync Services
