Can Neo4j handle traversal with more than 60,000 nodes? - database

I'm working with a quite big Neo4J setup with more than 60,000 nodes. Each node has about 4~5 properties and a simple parent->child relationship. When working with those 60,000 nodes, specially in queries that are expensive and repetitive, i'm getting various 500 HTTP errors through Neo4J's REST interface.
After going through the logs, i found that Java heap space was the problem. I cranked up the 512 MB limit to 2048 MB but it's still giving me 500. If i set the heap to something like 3GB or 4GB, neo4j doesn't even start. I'm testing this on a quite good laptop (i5, 4GB RAM) and i really want to know if this is a configuration problem or if the application will perform ok on my server (an Amazon Extra-Large High-CPU instance). Is there some sort of caching that can help me get things faster? Basically, i'm iterating over the entire network of nodes multiple times.
I'm running two queries. The first is:
start referrer=node(3) match path=referrer-[*1..1]->referral return referral
Which is done to discover the nodes which are Tier 1 for the Referrer #3. Then, i have to discover all nodes from all his tiers, returning the node, nodes from the first tier and then the tier number.
start referrer=node(3) match path=referrer-[*1..1]->firsttier-[*0..]->referral return referral, firsttier, length(path)
It works perfectly and it's quite fast. However, i'm doing this for ALL the nodes in my network. I'm running both queries (and applying business logic with them) inside a for loop. The loop runs 60,000 times.
Right now i'm testing this on my laptop, however, this "task" has been prepared for distributed processing, since i made everything with ZeroMQ. The for loop sends messages to workers and workers make the queries.

60,000 nodes is small for Neo4j -- it can go up to 32 billion+ -- but you need to increase the heap size in the config.
However, you probably want to limit the number of nodes you return over REST and page them.
Or you might consider returning all the IDs, caching them in your app or something like Redis, and then doing a multi-get with Cypher on the IDs. This way you aren't running the query every time.


Snowflake as backend for high demand API

My team and I have been using Snowflake daily for the past eight months to transform/enrich our data (with DBT) and make it available in other tools.
While the platform seems great for heavy/long running queries on large datasets and powering analytics tools such as Metabase and Mode, it just doesnt seem to behave well in cases where we need to run really small queries (grab me one line of table A) behind a high demand API, what I mean by that is that SF sometimes takes as much as 100ms or even 300ms on a XLARGE-2XLARGE warehouse to fetch one row in a fairly small table (200k computed records/aggregates), that added up to the network latency makes for a very poor setup when we want to use it as a backend to power a high demand analytics API.
We've tested multiple setups with Nodejs + Fastify, as well as Python + Fastapi, with connection pooling (10-20-50-100)/without connection pooling (one connection per request, not ideal at all), deployed in same AWS region as our SF deployment, yet we werent able to sustain something close to 50-100 Requests/sec with 1s latency (acceptable), but rather we were only able to get 10-20 Requests/sec with as high as 15-30s latency. Both languages/frameworks behave well on their own, or even with just acquiring/releasing connections, what actually takes the longest and demands a lot of IO is the actual running of queries and waiting for a response. We've yet to try a Golang setup, but it all seems to boil down to how quick Snowflake can return results for such queries.
We'd really like to use Snowflake as database to power a read-only REST API that is expected to have something like 300 requests/second, while trying to have response times in the neighborhood 1s. (But are also ready to accept that it was just not meant for that)
Is anyone using Snowflake in a similar setup? What is the best tool/config to get the most out of Snowflake in such conditions? Should we spin up many servers and hope that we'll get to a decent request rate? Or should we just copy transformed data over to something like Postgres to be able to have better response times?
I don't claim to be the authoritative answer on this, so people can feel free to correct me, but:
At the end of the day, you're trying to use Snowflake for something it's not optimized for. First, I'm going to run SELECT 1; to demonstrate the lower-bound of latency you can ever expect to receive. The result takes 40ms to return. Looking at the breakdown that is 21ms for the query compiler and 19ms to execute it. The compiler is designed to come up with really smart ways to process huge complex queries; not to compile small simple queries quickly.
After it has its query plan it must find worker node(s) to execute it on. A virtual warehouse is a collection of worker nodes (servers/cloud VMs), with each VW size being a function of how many worker nodes it has, not necessarily the VM size of each worker (e.g. EC2 instance size). So now the compiled query gets sent off to a different machine to be run where a worker process is spun up. Similar to the query planner, the worker process is not likely optimized to run small queries quickly, so the spin-up and tear-down of that process might be involved (at least relative to say a PostgreSQL worker process).
Putting my SELECT 1; example aside in favor of a "real" query, let's talk caching. First, Snowflake does not buffer tables in memory the same way a typical RDBS does. RAM is reserved for computation resources. This makes sense since in traditional usage you're dealing with tables many GBs to TBs in size, so there would be no point since a typical LRU cache would purge that data before it was ever accessed again anyways. This means that a trip to an SSD disk must occur. This is where your performance will start to depend on how homogeneous/heterogeneous your API queries are. If you're lucky you get a cache hit on SSD, otherwise its off to S3 to get your tables. Table files are not redundantly cached across all worker nodes, so while the query planner will make an attempt to schedule a computation on a node most likely to have the needed files in cache, there is no guarantee that a subsequent query will benefit from the cache resulting from the first query if it is assigned to a different worker node. The likeliness of this happening increases if you're firing 100s of queries at the VM/second.
Lastly, and this could be the bulk of your problem but have saved it for last since I am the least certain on it. A small query can run on a subset of the workers in a virtual warehouse. In this case the VH can run concurrent queries with different queries on different nodes. BUT, I am not sure if a given worker node can process more than one query at once. In that case, your concurrency will be limited by the number of nodes in the VH, e.g. a VH with 10 worker nodes can at most run 10 queries in parallel, and what you're seeing are queries piling up at the query planner stage while it waits for worker nodes to free up.
maybe for this type of workload , the new SF feature Search Optimization Service could help you speeding up performances ( ).
I have to agree with #Danny C - that Snowflake is NOT designed for very low (sub-second) latency on single queries.
To demonstrate this consider the following SQL statements (which you can execute yourself):
create or replace table customer as
select *
limit 500000;
-- Execution time 840ms
create or replace table customer_ten as
select *
limit 10;
-- Execution time 431ms
I just ran this on an XSMALL warehouse and it demonstrates currently (November 2022) Snowflake can copy a HALF MILLION ROWS in 840 milliseconds - but takes 431 ms to copy just 10 rows.
Why is Snowflake so slow compared (for example) to Oracle 11g on premises:
Well - here's what Snowflake has do complete:
Compile the query and produce an efficient execution plan (plans are not currently cached as they often lead to a sub-optimal plan being executed on data which has significantly increased in volume)
Resume a virtual warehouse (if suspended)
Execute the query and write results to cloud storage
Synchronously replicate the data to two other data centres (typically a few miles apart)
Return OK to the user
Oracle on the other hands needs to:
Compile the query (if the query plan is not already cached)
Execute the query
Write results to local disk
If you REALLY want sub-second query performance on SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE on Snowflake - it's coming soon. Just check out Snowflake Unistore and Hybrid Tables Explained
Hope this helps.

When to definitely use SOLR over Lucene in a Sitecore 7 build?

My client does not have the budget to setup and maintain a SOLR server to use in their production environment. If I understand the Sitecore 7 Content Search API correctly, it is not a big deal to configure things to use Lucene instead. For the most part the configuration will be similar and the code will be the same, and a SOLR server can be swapped in later.
The site build has
faceted search page
listing components on landing and on other pages that will leverage the Content Search API
buckets with custom facets
The site has around 5,000 pages and components not including media library items. Are there any concerns about simply using Lucene?
The main question is, when, during your architecture or design phase do you know that you should definitely choose SOLR over Lucene? What are the major signs that lead you recommend that?
I think if you are dealing with a customer on a limited budget then Lucene will work perfectly well and perform excellently for the scale of things you are doing. All the things you mention are fully supported by the implementation in Lucene.
In a Sitecore scenario I would begin to consider Solr if:
You need to index a large number of items - id say 50 thousand upwards - Lucene is happy with these sorts of number but Solr has improved query caching and is designed for these large numbers of items.
The resilience of the search tier is of maximum business importance (ie the site is purely driven by search) - Solr provides a more robust replication/sharding and failover system with SolrCloud.
Re-purposing of the search tier in other application is important (non Sitecore) - Solr is a search application so can be accessed over HTTP with XML/JSON etc which makes integration with external systems easier.
You need some specific additional feature of Solr that Lucene doesn't have.
.. but as you say if you want swap out Lucene for Solr at a later phase, we have worked hard to make sure that the process as simple as possible. Worth noting a few points here:
While your LINQ queries will stay the same your configuration will be slightly different and will need attention to port across.
The understanding of how Solr works as an application and how the schema works is important to know but there are some great books and a wealth of knowledge out there.
Solr has slightly different (newer) analyzers and scoring mechanisms so your search results may be slightly different (sometimes customers can get alarmed by this :P)
.. but I think these are things you can build up to over time and assess with the customer. Im sure there are more points here and others can chime in if they think of them. Hope this helps :)
Stephen pretty much covered the question - but I just wanted to add another scenario. You need to take into account the server setup in your production environment. If you are going to be using multiple content delivery servers behind a load balancer I would consider Solr from the start, as trying to make sure that the Lucene index on each delivery server is synchronized 100% of the time can be painful.
I would recommend planning an escape plan from Lucene as early as you start thinking about multiple CDs and here is why:
A) Each server has to maintain its own index copy:
Any unexpected restart might cause a few documents not to be added to the index on the one box, making indexes different from server to server.
That would lead to same page showing differently by CDs
Each server must perform index updates - use CPU & disk space; response rate drops after publish operation is over =/
According to security guide, CDs should have Sitecore Shell UI removed, so index cannot be easily rebuilt from Control Panel =\
B) Lucene is not designed for large volumes of content. Each search operation does roughly following:
Create an array with size equal to total number of documents in the index
If document matches search, set flag in the array
While this works like a charm for low sized indexes (~10K elements), huge performance degradation is produced once the volume of content grows.
The allocated array ends in Large Object Heap that is not compacted by default, thereby gets fragmented fast.
Perform search for 100K documents -> huge array created in memory
Perform one more search in another thread -> one more huge array created
Update index -> now 100K + 10 documents
The first operation was completed; LOH has space for 100K array
Seach triggered again -> 100K+10 array is to be created; freed memory 'hole' is not large enough, so more RAM is requested.
w3wp.exe process keeps on consuming more and more RAM
This is the common case for Analytics Aggregation as an index is being populated by multiple threads at once.
You'll see a lot of RAM used after a while on the processing instance.
C) Last Lucene.NET release was done 5 years ago.
Whereas SOLR is actively being developed.
The sooner you'll make the switch to SOLR, the easier it would be.

Issue with reading data from Apache cassandra

I have some trouble using apache cassandra. I have been trying to solve this problem for several weeks now.
This is my setup. I have 2 computers running apache cassandra(lets call the computer C1 and Computer C2), I create a keyspace with replication factor 2. This is so that each computer has a local copy of the data.
I have a program that reads a fairly large amount of data say about 500MB.
Scenario 1)
Say only computer C1 has cassandra is running, I run the read program on computer C1 then this read occurs with half a minute to a minute.
Scenario 2)
I now start the cassandra instance on the computer C2 and run the read program on computer C1 again- it now takes a very long time to complete in the order of 20 minutes.
I am not sure why this is happening. The read consistency is set to "One"
Expected performance
Ideally the read program on both computers C1 and C2 has to complete fast. This should be possible as both computers have a local copy of the data.
Can anyone please point me in the right direction? I really appreciate the help,
Update: Network Usage
This may not mean much, but I monitored the internet connection using nethogs and when both cassandra nodes are up, and I read the database, bandwidth is used by cassandra to communicate with the other node - presumably this is read repairs occuring in the background as I've used the read consistency level 'One' and in my case the closest node with the required data is the local computer's cassandra instance (all nodes have all the data) - so the source of data should be from the local computer...
Update: SQLTransentExceptions: TimedOutException()
When both nodes are up, the program that reads the database, however, has several SQLTransentExceptions: TimedOutException(). I use the default timeout of 10 sec. But that raises a question of why the SQL statements are timing out, when all data retrieval should be from the local instance. Also, the same SQL code runs fine, if only one node is up.
There is no such thing as a read consistency of "ANY" (that only applies to writes). The lowest read consistency is ONE. You need to check what your read consistency really is.
Perhaps your configuration is setup in such a way that a read requires data from both servers to be fetched (if both are up), and fetching data from C2 to C1 is really slow.
Force set your read consistency level to "ONE".
You appear to have a token collision, which in your case translates to both nodes owning 100% of the keys. What you need to do is reassign one of the nodes such that it owns half the tokens. Use nodetool move (use token 85070591730234615865843651857942052864) followed by nodetool cleanup.
The slow speeds most likely are from the high network latency, which when multiplied across all your transactions (with some subset actually timing out) result in a correspondingly large job time. Many client libraries use auto node discovery to learn about new or downed nodes, then round robin requests across available nodes. So even though you're only telling it about localhost, it's probably learning about the other node on its own.
In any distributed computing environment where nodes must communicate, network latency and reliability are a huge factor and must be dealt with.

Advice on using a web server as a cache

I'd like advice on the following design. Is it reasonable? Is it stupid/insane?
We have some distributed calculations that work on chunks of data that are sometimes up to 50Mb in size.
Because the calculations take a long time, we like to parallelize the calculations on a small grid (around 20 nodes)
We "produce" around 10000 of these "chunks" of binary data each day - and want to keep them around for up to a year... Most of the items aren't 50Mb in size though, so the total daily space requirement is more around 5Gb... But we'd like to keep stuff around for as long as possible, (a year or more)... But hey, you can get 2TB hard disks nowadays.
Although we'd like to keep the data around, this is essentially a "cache". It's not the end of the world if we lose data - it just has to get recalculated, which just takes some time (an hour or two).
We need to be able to efficiently get a list of all "chunks" that were produced on a particular day.
We often need to, from a support point of view, delete all chunks created on a particular day or remove all chunks created within the last hour.
We're a Windows shop - we can't easily switch to Linux/some other OS.
We use SQLServer for existing database requirements.
However, it's a large and reasonably bureaucratic company that has some policies that limit our options: for example, conventional database space using SQLServer is charged internally at extremely expensive prices. Allocating 2 terabytes of SQL Server space is prohibitively expensive. This is mainly because our SQLServer instances are backed up, archived for 7 years, etc. etc. But we don't need this "gold-plated" functionality because we can just recreate the stuff if it goes missing. At heart, it's just a cache, that can be recreated on demand.
Running our own SQLServer instance on a machine that we maintain is not allowed (all SQLServer instances must be managed by a separate group).
We do have fairly small transactional requirement: if a process that was producing a chunk dies halfway through, we'd like to be able to detect such "failed" transactions.
I'm thinking of the following solution, mainly because it seems like it would be very simple to implement:
We run a web server on top of a windows filesystem (NTFS)
Clients "save" and "load" files by using HTTP requests, and when processes need to send blobs to each other, they just pass the URLs.
Filenames are allocated using GUIDS - but have a directory for each date. So all of the files created on 12th November 2010 would go in a directory called "20101112" or something like that. This way, by getting a "directory" for a date we can find all of the files produced for that date using normal file copy operations.
Indexing is done by a traditional SQL Server table, with a "URL" column instead of a "varbinary(max)" column.
To preserve the transactional requirement, a process that is creating a blob only inserts the corresponding "index" row into the SQL Server table after it has successfully finished uploading the file to the web server. So if it fails or crashes halfway, such a file "doesn't exist" yet because the corresponding row used to find it does not exist in the SQL server table(s).
I like the fact that the large chunks of data can be produced and consumed over a TCP socket.
In summary, we implement "blobs" on top of SQL Server much the same way that they are implemented internally - but in a way that does not use very much actual space on an actual SQL server instance.
So my questions are:
Does this sound reasonable. Is it insane?
How well do you think that would work on top of a typical windows NT filesystem? - (5000 files per "dated" directory, several hundred directories, one for each day). There would eventually be many hundreds of thousands of files, (but not too many directly underneath any one particular directory). Would we start to have to worry about hard disk fragmentation etc?
What about if 20 processes are all, via the one web server, trying to write 20 different "chunks" at the same time - would that start thrashing the disk?
What web server would be the best to use? It needs to be rock solid, runs on windows, able to handle lots of concurrent users.
As you might have guessed, outside of the corporate limitations, I would probably set up a SQLServer instance and just have a table with a "varbinary(max)" column... But given that is not an option, how well do you think this would work?
This is all somewhat out of my usual scope so I freely admit I'm a bit of a Noob in this department. Maybe this is an appalling design... but it seems like it would be very simple to understand how it works, and to maintain and support it.
Your reasons behind the design are insane, but they're not yours :)
NTFS can handle what you're trying to do. This shouldn't be much of a problem. Yes, you might eventually have fragmentation problems if you run low on disk space, but make sure that you have copious amounts of space and you shouldn't have a problem. If you're a Windows shop, just use IIS.
I really don't think you will have much of a problem with this architecture. Just keep it simple like you're doing and things should be fine.

How is MapReduce a good method to analyse http server logs?

I've been looking at MapReduce for a while, and it seems to be a very good way to implement fault-tolerant distributed computing. I read a lot of papers and articles on that topic, installed Hadoop on an array of virtual machines, and did some very interesting tests. I really think I understand the Map and Reduce steps.
But here is my problem : I can't figure out how it can help with http server logs analysis.
My understanding is that big companies (Facebook for instance) use MapReduce for the purpose of computing their http logs in order to speed up the process of extracting audience statistics out of these. The company I work for, while smaller than Facebook, has a big volume of web logs to compute everyday (100Go growing between 5 and 10 percent every month). Right now we process these logs on a single server, and it works just fine. But distributing the computing jobs instantly come to mind as a soon-to-be useful optimization.
Here are the questions I can't answer right now, any help would be greatly appreciated :
Can the MapReduce concept really be applied to weblogs analysis ?
Is MapReduce the most clever way of doing it ?
How would you split the web log files between the various computing instances ?
Thank you.
Can the MapReduce concept really be applied to weblogs analysis ?
You can split your hudge logfile into chunks of say 10,000 or 1,000,000 lines (whatever is a good chunk for your type of logfile - for apache logfiles I'd go for a larger number), feed them to some mappers that would extract something specific (like Browser,IP Address, ..., Username, ... ) from each log line, then reduce by counting the number of times each one appeared (simplified):,FireFox x.x,username1,FireFox x.x,username1,FireFox y.y,username1,IE 7.0,username1
You can extract browsers, ignoring version, using a map operation to get this list:
Then reduce to get this :
Is MapReduce the most clever way of doing it ?
It's clever, but you would need to be very big in order to gain any benefit... Splitting PETABYTES of logs.
To do this kind of thing, I would prefer to use Message Queues, and a consistent storage engine (like a database), with processing clients that pull work from the queues, perform the job, and push results to another queue, with jobs not being executed in some timeframe made available for others to process. These clients would be small programs that do something specific.
You could start with 1 client, and expand to 1000... You could even have a client that runs as a screensaver on all the PCs on a LAN, and run 8 clients on your 8-core servers, 2 on your dual core PCs...
With Pull: You could have 100 or 10 clients working, multicore machines could have multiple clients running, and whatever a client finishes would be available for the next step. And you don't need to do any hashing or assignment for the work to be done. It's 100% dynamic.
How would you split the web log files between the various computing instances ?
By number of elements or lines if it's a text-based logfile.
In order to test MapReduce, I'd like to suggest that you play with Hadoop.
Can the MapReduce concept really be applied to weblogs analysis ?
Sure. What sort of data are you storing?
Is MapReduce the most clever way of doing it ?
It would allow you to query across many commodity machines at once, so yes it can be useful. Alternatively, you could try Sharding.
How would you split the web log files between the various computing instances ?
Generally you would distribute your data using a consistent hashing algorithm, so you can easily add more instances later. You should hash by whatever would be your primary key in an ordinary database. It could be a user id, an ip address, referer, page, advert; whatever is the topic of your logging.
