How to share data resources between widgets in GWT - google-app-engine

I am using GWT and AppEngine for a project. I would like to know how can I share data (ArrayList objects)between widgets, so I could centralize the logic and reduce the number of RPC calls to the server.
I have thought of two ways, but I don't know which is better:
1) When I instantiate the widget, I pass the ArrayList object as a parameter, although I don't know how to do that because the widget gets instantiated with :
ThisAppShell shell = GWT.create(ThisAppShell.class);
2) By using a mechanism like eventBus
When the user loads the application,after the login process is complete, I would like to download a list of employees which should be available for all widgets. This should all be done in the onModuleLoad() method. I would like to download them all at startup because I would like to implement some sort of caching mechanism. For example, I want to have 2 ArrayList instances:
- emplListOnStart which is populated when the application is loading
- emplListChanges, an array on which the user will make modifications from inside widgets.
After the user has finished making the changes (he presses the "Save" button), the two arrays will be compared, the differences will be saved in appengine (via RPC) and also updated in emplListOnStart.
This is the code for the EntryPoint class:
public class ThisApp implements EntryPoint {
ThisAppShell shell = GWT.create(ThisAppShell.class);
LoginServiceAsync loginService = GWT.create(LoginService.class);
private ArrayList<Employee> emplListOnStart;
private ArrayList<Employee> emplListChanges;
public void onModuleLoad() {
loginService.isAuthenticated(new AsyncCallback<UserDto>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onSuccess(UserDto result) {
//Here I should load the emplListOnStart list;
shell.getLogoutLink().addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
loginService.logout(new AsyncCallback() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
public void onSuccess(Object result) {
//Here the user will get logged out
And here is the code for the widget:
public class ThisAppShell extends Composite {
private static ThisAppShellUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
interface ThisAppShellUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, ThisAppShell> {
Anchor logout_link;
StackLayoutPanel stackLPanel;
TabLayoutPanel tabLPanel;
public ThisAppShell() {
public void initializeWidget() {
stackLPanel.add(new HTML("Manage empl."), new HTML("Employees"), 30);
stackLPanel.add(new HTML("Manage Dept."), new HTML("Departments"), 30);
// Add a home tab
HTML homeText = new HTML("This is the home tab");
tabLPanel.add(homeText, "Home");
// Add a tab
HTML moreInfo = new HTML("This is the more info tab");
tabLPanel.add(moreInfo, "More info");
// Return the content
public Anchor getLogoutLink() {
return logout_link;
Is this possible, or how could this be done better?
Thank you.

I think there are two ways to do it:
Create a setter on your widget to set your ArrayList instances (setData()). You can then call this function in the onSuccess method of your loginService.
Inject the singleton instance of a global EventBus into your widget (using i.e. gin/guice) and fire an event containing your data. In the widget you have to attach an EventHandler for the specific event (i.e. LoadEmplListEvent).
I think both solutions are fine to use.
Solution one creates a tighter coupling to your widget but is easier to implement and I think you should take this route if you only have a small number of widgets where you work
with the data.
Solution is a cleaner approach because it de-couples your widgets from the rest. You fire the event the data in your onSuccess method once and you don't care about the widgets.
The widgets that are interested in the data will make sure that they handle the event appropriately (by handling the event). I guess if you have a lot of widgets that have to deal with the data the second approach is the one to go for.


How can I initialize a Prism module without View and ViewModel for working with EventAggregator?

I am writing an application using Prism that contains three modules. First one has a view to configure a "Person", second one is a service that generates that "Person" and third one is the visualization of all people. These three modules communicate with EventAggregator system. But I have problems with the messages on the service one.
In this service module I only have the service implementation and the module definition.
This service is a people manager that receives a message from EventAggregator, creates a "Person" with a task and send a message to the third module with this "Person".
private List<Person> people = new();
public PeopleControllerService(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, ICommonParametersService commonParameters)
this._eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
this._commonParameters = commonParameters;
private void GeneratePerson()
Person newPerson = new(this._commonParameters.DefaultPersonTask);
Module definition:
private PeopleControllerService moduleController;
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
IEventAggregator eventAggregator = containerProvider.Resolve<IEventAggregator>();
ICommonParametersService commonParametersService = containerProvider.Resolve<ICommonParametersService>();
this.moduleController = new(eventAggregator, commonParametersService);
public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
The problem is that when I send the "GeneratePersonEvent" message it never reaches the PeopleControllerService and the "GeneratePerson" method is never executed.
I've tried using a view and a viewModel, programming the service in the viewModel and assigning the view to a dummy and hidden region in the app and I've verified that it works that way.
Modified module definition:
public void OnInitialized(IContainerProvider containerProvider)
IRegionManager regionManager = containerProvider.Resolve<IRegionManager>();
regionManager.RequestNavigate(RegionNames.DummyRegion, "PeopleController");
public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
How can I use the EventAggregator without using a dummy view? Do I have to add something in the "RegisterTypes" method? I've tried with:
public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
but it doesn't work either.
I've checked this post: Can I get EventAggregator Subscribe Message without view, viewmodel in prism?, and there it says that it is possible, but doesn't describe how to implement.
Most of the time you want exactly one instance of a service, and you have to tell the container:
public void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
Also, you want your service to implement an interface so that you can pass different implementations to the consumers of your service, the most obvious case is your tests.
You need to actually create the instance of your service, too. Normally, you inject it into some consumer, but if it's completely decoupled and only talks through the event aggregator, you have to create the instance manually:
// in App.xaml.cs
protected override void OnInitialized()
Hint: if the service implements an interface, the application doesn't need to personally know the controller module.

How to test a MessageBox in wpf?

I'm going to do some unit tests and I am struggling with a MessageBox. I have a MessageBox that is showing a text and an "Ok" button in my code. When I trying to unit test the method that contains the MessageBox.Show("Text"), it pops up in the unit test, too, and I have to click "Ok" before it can pass through, which is a bad.
Does anyone know how to go around it? I think I need some kind of code that fakes this MessageBox and clicking "Ok", but I dont know how to do this. I'm a junior programmer, so please explain it as easy as you can ;) and gladly with some code examples.
This is my code for the MessageBox:
public void GetPopUpWithErrorMessage()
MessageBox.Show("Error Message", "text",
I just realised that Fluent Assertions is used in the project. Does anyone know how to implement that in the test code? is it the same way as #thatguy showed?
You have to create a service that implements an interface that you can mock in your tests.
public interface IMessageBoxService
void ShowMessageBox(string title, string message);
public class MessageBoxService : IMessageBoxService
public void ShowMessageBox(string title, string message)
MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButton.OK);
In the class where you use it, you would pass this service by its interface, e.g. in the constructor, so the class only knows its contract, but not its implementation.
public class MyClass
private IMessageBoxService _messageBoxService;
public MyClass(IMessageBoxService messageBoxService)
_messageBoxService = messageBoxService;
public void GetPopUpWithErrorMessage()
_messageBoxService.ShowMessageBox("text", "Error Message");
In the test class, you need to use a mocking framework like Moq that creates a mock object from an interface, which is just a stub that you can use to inject the behavior for any method or property that you use in your test.
In this example using NUnit and Moq, messageBoxService is created as a mock object that implements the IMessageBoxService interface. All methods do nothing unless you specify what they should do or return via Setup, but that is another topic. The last line shows how you could check if a sepcific method on the mock was invoked during the test.
public class MyClassTest
public void MyTest()
var messageBoxService = Mock.Of<IMessageBoxService>();
var myClass = new MyClass(messageBoxService);
// ...your test code.
// Checks if the "ShowMessageBox" method in the service was called with any strings
Mock.Get(messageBoxService).Verify(mock => mock.ShowMessageBox(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>()));
Creating a service and an interface is not just useful for mocking, but also for separating view and logic, as you can extract the calling of a message box to a service which has an implementation hidden behind an interface. Moreover you can easily implement dependency injection via constructors.

Wicket - Inter-session communication or Create new Request(Cycle) manually

I have some wicket panel store in a static Hashmap from different sessions, i want to do some like if some panel notifies the map, then the map notifies all other panel.
for example:
public class PanelMap{
private static Map<Long, List<MyPanel>> map = new HashMap<Long, List<MyPanel>>();
public static void subscribe(Long id, MyPanel panel){
if (!map.containsKey(id)){
map.put(id, new ArrayList<MyPanel>());
public static void notify(Long id, String notification){
if (map.containsKey(id)){
List<MyPanel> panels = map.get(id);
for(MyPanel panel : panels){
In Panel, newNotification(String notification) i want to send request to server and refresh my panel in browser.
public void String newNotification(String notification){
// do some business logic depends on notification
i've made some search among wicket behavior source files and about i found in AbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior i tried to make my own onRequest method inside my wicket panel as follows
private void onMyRequest(){
AjaxRequestTarget target = ((WebApplication)getApplication()).newAjaxRequestTarget(getPage());
target.add( _some_wicket_components_ );
but all i did is some Ajax error in Wicket Ajax Debug about
Wicket.Ajax.Call.processComponent: Component with id _containerdiv_ was not found while trying to perform markup update.
ERROR: Cannot find element with id: _someComponentIdOnPanel_
(those components are exist)
How could i send my own request to server (or how can i get valid AjaxRequestTarget to update my components? )
Update: I need inter-session communication.
To update panels on different user's sessions, you obviously can't use the current AjaxRequestTarget as this in a way represents a single communication between the server and the requesting user of which another user's Browser has no way of knowing. (Very very basically spoken)
You could either use an AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior to poll for updates. This would generate new AjaxRequestTarget for every user at regular intervals that you can use to attach changed panels to. It's a very basic and simple implementation that will most likely impact your systems performance and generate quite some traffic.
The other way would be to use something like Atmosphere, which is supported by Wicket-Atmosphere (quickstart can be found here) and has some examples over at the, but that's all I know about this.
Use Wicket event bus system. Have a look to the "Wicket events infrastructure" chapter of the free Wicket guide.
First you need to create one class to encapsulate the notification and the AjaxRequestTarget and pass them using the events infrastructure.
private class Notification {
private String message;
private AjaxRequestTarget target;
... constructor, getters, setters...
Then the panels that want to recive the event have to override onEvent method, something like this:
public void onEvent(IEvent<?> event) {
if (event.getPayload() instanceof Notification) {
Notification notification = (Notification) event.getPayload();
... do whatever you want before updating the panel ...
// Update the panel
All the components will recive all the events that are send using Wicket events infrastructure. So you can send the event from any other panel using one method like this
protected void sendMessage(String message, AjaxRequestTarget target) {
send(getSession(), Broadcast.BREADTH, new Notification(message, target));
Remember that if you want to update the components using AJAX, you need to set setOutputMarkupId(true). And if it's a component that can be hidden and you want to make it visible using AJAX, then you need to set setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true).

Using Castle.Windsor with Windows Forms Applications

Up until this point, I have been learning IoC/DI with Castle.Windsor using ASP.NET MVC, but I have a side project that is being done in Windows Forms, and I was wondering if there is an effective way to use it for that.
My problem is in the creation of forms, services, etc. In ASP.NET MVC, there is a sort of 'Activator' that does this under the hood, but this isn't the case in Windows Forms. I have to create a new Form like var form = new fclsMain();, so a Form like ..
class fclsMain : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private readonly ISomeRepository<SomeClass> someRepository;
fclsMain(ISomeRepository<SomeClass> someRepository)
this.someRepository = someRepository;
Falls kind of short. I would basically have to do ...
var form = new fclsMain(IoC.Resolve<ISomeRepository<SomeClass>);
Which as I have had pointed out in at least three of my questions isn't smart, because it's supposedly not the 'correct' usage of IoC.
So how do I work with Castle.Windsor and Windows Forms? Is there some way to design a Form Activator or something? I'm really lost, if I can't make a static IoC container that I can resolve from, what can I do?
Here you are doing something that are not very "Dependency Injection"...
var form = new fclsMain(IoC.Resolve<ISomeRepository<SomeClass>);
The "new" is the problem...
You have to call
var form = IoC.Resolve<fcls>();
the form of type fcls must be correctly configured via Fluent Registration API o
In order to use the same Castle container throughout your entire application, create a static class like:
public static class CastleContainer {
private static IWindsorContainer container;
public static IWindsorContainer Instance {
get {
if (container == null) {
container = new WindsorContainer();
return container;
// exposing a setter alleviates some common component testing problems
set { container = value; }
// shortcut to make your life easier :)
public static T Resolve<T>() {
return Instance.Resolve<T>();
public static void Dispose() {
if (container != null)
container = null;
Then register/install all your components in the Main() method. You can also hook into the application shutdown event to call Dispose() (although this isn't critical).
Castle actually uses a Windows Forms app in their quick-start guide.
The pattern I showed above is a variant of the service locator, which some people refer to as an anti-pattern. It has a bad reputation because, among other reasons, it liters your code base with references to Windsor. Ideally, you should only have a single call to container.Resolve<...>() to create your root form. All other services & forms are injected via constructors.
Realistically, you'll probably need a few more calls to Resolve, especially if you don't want to load every single corner of the application at startup. In the web world, the best practice is to hand off the container to the web framework. In the Windows Forms world you'll need to implement your own service locator, like above. (Yes, handing the container to the ASP.NET MVC framework is still a service locator pattern).
I've edited the above code example so that the static container is injectable; no resources are tied up in a static context. If you do end up creating your own service locator, you might also want to create a test utility like this one to make testing easier.
public static class TestUtilities
public static IContainer CreateContainer(Action<IContainer> extraConfig = null)
var container = new WindsorContainer();
// 1. Setup common mocks to override prod configuration
// 2. Setup specific mocks, when provided
if (extraConfig != null)
// 3. Configure container with production installers
CastleContainer.Instance = container;
return container;
This makes a shortcut for creating a new container that looks a lot like the production version, but with some services replaced with mocks. Some example tests might look like:
public void SubComponentWorksGreat()
using (var container = TestUtilities.CreateContainer())
var subComponent = container.Resolve<SubComponent>();
// test it...
public void SubComponentWorksGreatWithMocks()
var repoMock = new Mock<IRepository>();
using (var container = TestUtilities.CreateContainer(c =>
var subComponent = container.Resolve<SubComponent>();
// test it with all IRepository instances mocked...
One last note. Creating a full container for every test can get expensive. Another option is to create the full container but only using nested containers for the actual tests.
You don't "have to" new-up a form, as you've said.
I use WinForms and never call "new FormName()". It's always a dependency itself. Otherwise I'd have to stuff the constructor full of service locator calls.
I might use a ServiceLocator (as in another answer) BUT only at the very top level.
For example I have a Command pattern implemented to intercept toolbar buttons.
Looks something like this:
public void Handle(string commandName)
var command = IoC.Resolve<ICommand>(RegisteredCommands[commandName]);
Then, in a simplified case, this is the kind of code written everywhere else:
public class ShowOptionsCommand : Command, ICommand
private readonly IOptionsView _optionsView;
public ShowOptionsCommand(IOptionsView optionsView)
_optionsView = optionsView;
public void Execute()
Yes, I use a "service locator" but you will hardly ever see it.
That's important to me, because having service locator calls all throughout the code (eg in every class) defeats some of the point of using dependency inversion of control & needs extra work to be testable etc

Run code on UI thread without control object present

I currently trying to write a component where some parts of it should run on the UI thread (explanation would be to long).
So the easiest way would be to pass a control to it, and use InvokeRequired/Invoke on it.
But I don't think that it is a good design to pass a control reference to a "data/background"-component, so I'm searching for a way to run code on the UI thread without the need of having a control available.
Something like Application.Dispatcher.Invoke in WPF...
any ideas,
There's a better, more abstract way to do this that works on both WinForms and WPF:
System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current.Post(theMethod, state);
This works because WindowsForms installs a WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext object as the current sync context. WPF does something similar, installing it's own specialized synchronization context (DispatcherSynchronizationContext).
.Post corresponds to control.BeginInvoke, and .Send corresponds to control.Invoke.
First, in your form constructor, keep a class-scoped reference to the SynchronizationContext.Current object (which is in fact a WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext).
public partial class MyForm : Form {
private SynchronizationContext syncContext;
public MyForm() {
this.syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
Then, anywhere within your class, use this context to send messages to the UI:
public partial class MyForm : Form {
public void DoStuff() {
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
// worker thread starts
// invoke UI from here
this.syncContext.Send(() =>
this.myButton.Text = "Updated from worker thread");
// continue background work
this.syncContext.Send(() => {
this.myText1.Text = "Updated from worker thread";
this.myText2.Text = "Updated from worker thread";
// continue background work
You will need the following extension methods to work with lambda expressions:
You are right, it is not good to pass controls to threads. Winforms controls are single-threaded, passing them to multiple threads can cause race conditions or break your UI. Instead, you should make your thread's features available to the UI and let it call the thread when the UI is good and ready. If you want to have background threads trigger UI changes, expose a background event and subscribe to it from the UI. The thread can fire off events whenever it wants and the UI can respond to them when it is able to.
Creating this bidirectional communication between threads that does not block the UI thread is a lot of work. Here is a highly abbreviated example using a BackgroundWorker class:
public class MyBackgroundThread : BackgroundWorker
public event EventHandler<ClassToPassToUI> IWantTheUIToDoSomething;
public MyStatus TheUIWantsToKnowThis { get { whatever... } }
public void TheUIWantsMeToDoSomething()
// Do something...
protected override void OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
// This is called when the thread is started
while (!CancellationPending)
// The UI will set IWantTheUIToDoSomething when it is ready to do things.
if ((IWantTheUIToDoSomething != null) && IHaveUIData())
IWantTheUIToDoSomething( this, new ClassToPassToUI(uiData) );
public partial class MyUIClass : Form
MyBackgroundThread backgroundThread;
delegate void ChangeUICallback(object sender, ClassToPassToUI uiData);
public MyUIClass
backgroundThread = new MyBackgroundThread();
// Do this when you're ready for requests from background threads:
backgroundThread.IWantTheUIToDoSomething += new EventHandler<ClassToPassToUI>(SomeoneWantsToChangeTheUI);
// This will run MyBackgroundThread.OnDoWork in a background thread:
private void UserClickedAButtonOrSomething(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Really this should be done in the background thread,
// it is here as an example of calling a background task from the UI.
if (backgroundThread.TheUIWantsToKnowThis == MyStatus.ThreadIsInAStateToHandleUserRequests)
// The UI can change the UI as well, this will not need marshalling.
SomeoneWantsToChangeTheUI( this, new ClassToPassToUI(localData) );
void SomeoneWantsToChangeTheUI(object sender, ClassToPassToUI uiData)
if (InvokeRequired)
// A background thread wants to change the UI.
if (iAmInAStateWhereTheUICanBeChanged)
var callback = new ChangeUICallback(SomeoneWantsToChangeTheUI);
Invoke(callback, new object[] { sender, uiData });
// This is on the UI thread, either because it was called from the UI or was marshalled.
Put the UI manipulation in a method on the form to be manipulated and pass a delegate to the code that runs on the background thread, à la APM. You don't have to use params object p, you can strongly type it to suit your own purposes. This is just a simple generic sample.
delegate UiSafeCall(delegate d, params object p);
void SomeUiSafeCall(delegate d, params object p)
if (InvokeRequired)
//do stuff to UI
This approach is predicated on the fact that a delegate refers to a method on a particular instance; by making the implementation a method of the form, you bring the form into scope as this. The following is semantically identical.
delegate UiSafeCall(delegate d, params object p);
void SomeUiSafeCall(delegate d, params object p)
if (this.InvokeRequired)
//do stuff to UI
What about passing a System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke? That way you can avoid passing a Control.
