Drupal 7 - Display a Block in shadowbox? - drupal-7

How to display a block in shadow box?
I have used this
My link
when i click this it is not displaying in shadow box....
What is the problem

If the anchor is following the href content, which then implies Shadowbox was ignored, then the problem is either Shadowbox is not installed correctly or initialized via Shadowbox.init(); in the Head Section.
If all you see is the dimming background, then either the correct Shadowbox Player is not installed or the content is not at the specified href location.


how do I create a totally different header in a mobile media query? I want to omit some elements from the header that were in the full sized version

I have an element in my header of the full sized version of my webpage. However, in the mobile version I want to omit this element and keep the navigation li's centered.
How can I achieve this?
When I put display:none on the element I want to omit, it still behaves as though the elemennt is there, but just not displaying

Draft.js <Editor/> won't react if clicking on 'blank space'.

If you click on the first line, the editor cursor will show, but if you click on blank space below, nothing will happen.
I've tried to set min-height to height, now it is acting correctly regarding this issue, but the content is not auto-resizable anymore.
Yes. The problem is that the part of the editor that's contentEditable is only one line right now, here's a screenshot to illustrate which part of the editor is the dom node with contentEditable set to true.
Instead, if you want to make the area of the editable interface larger, you need to style .public-DraftEditor-content
I've forked the sandbox to show this
That fixes the issue.

Appgyver: How to use Ionic Icons or images in super-navbar?

I am trying to use navigation images on left as well right of <super-navbar> but it is stated in the official documentation, that only text is supported in super-navbar buttons. But there must be some way around to do this. Below is my code, where I want to place images instead of text:
<super-navbar-button side="left" id="hamburger" onclick="supersonic.ui.drawers.open()">Menu</super-navbar-button>
<super-navbar-button side="right">Search</super-navbar-button>
Instead of "menu" text I want to have hamburger type icon or png image at least. Same for search text.
This can be accomplished right now by removing the <super-navbar> section and writing your own html header.
If you look in the layout file for your project there is an import statement as you mentioned:
<link rel="import" href="/components/supersonic/components/import.html">
There is a section that states:
* #name super-navbar-button
* When used inside theelement, creates a button that will be displayed on the navigation bar. Only text content is supported for the button title.
Support for icons has been requested. You can subscribe to their github to get notifications of issues. https://github.com/AppGyver/steroids
One work around to be able to keep using <super-navbar> and have icons is to use something like this which will render as ≡
<super-navbar-button ng-click="toggleMenuDrawer()">
They have a good forum on Muut as well. This issue is most likely related to trying to add icons in the <super-navbar>. I experienced a disappearing navbar after trying to add markup: <i class="icon super-search"></i>
It works in the main content area, but makes the navbar behave differently when nested in a <super> element.

responsive content positioned incorrectly on first load

My website content loads further down the page than expected on initial load.
The name and other content appear in the middle of the page, instead of the top.
If I grab the browser corner, and resize the window - even slightly - the content pops back to the top of the page.
I'm unsure of what's causing this.
I've tested on Chrome/Safari/FF on Mac Desktop
The response is normal on a tablet or smartphone
The page is at http://www.mac-works.com/dev/MG/mark3
Notice on first load, Michael's name is in the middle of the page, but if you grab the lower corner and move - everything pops to the top where it's supposed to be
I'm aware there are a number of other posts about responsive content, I've reviewed more than 20, but none seem to address the content not loading properly on first load, but correcting when the browser is resized.
It turns out it was the var marg_top = Math.abs function. Intially set to /2 - I changed it to /8 moved the content up towards the top.
So, if you're using floating content with javascript - make sure you're familiar with the math.abs function.
Math.abs in javascript

IE display with absolute positioned div

I'm having a display problem with an absolute positioned div in IE6 + IE7
I'm trying to display a drop down menu. this drop down menu is positioned absolute.
now as soon as there's another element below this menu that has position: relative, the absolute positioned drop down menu is displayed behind it.
this only happens in IE7 and 6 as mentioned above.
any ideas on how to fix this?
The css property z-index is there to let you define what object should be displayed "on top". Define z-indexes for all elements in quest (only drop-down should also work I think).
EDIT (based on provided code):
The element to give the z-index property to is "the topmost element with a position attribute that the overlapped div is not part of. In terms of your sample, give the z-index to menu_container or add it to header and give header position: relative (I like the latter option better because it is less likely to break with future changes of your html).
As for an explanation why this is so, in IE6 and IE7 things work as follows: currently absolute_div is above everything inside menu_container, but menu_container is below relative_div, so absolute_div is too. The reason that header doesn't participate in this story is that if no position attribute is given, what is displayed in front and what is in the back is calculated differently.
