Math.h library functions in assembly x86? [duplicate] - c

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How does C compute sin() and other math functions?
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Closed 3 years ago.
I tried to convert C code that is written under Linux (fedora 9) to assembly x86 code, however, I have problem in a Math.h functions. The functions in this library such as ceil, floor, log, log10, pow are undefined in the assembly x86. Can you please help me to solve this problem?

Most library functions won't be defined in assembly language, at least not in the sense of the addition operator directly mapping to the ADD instruction. If you want to re-write the library in assembly, you'll have to implement the function using whatever capabilities that your processor has available. Most library functions will require a separate assembly language subroutine, not just a single operation. The easiest way to approach this is to get the individual library subroutines working in isolation, then incorporate them into the larger program.
You can compile the C code and examine the disassembled output, but beware of compiler optimizations that can make the output hard for a human to follow.
May I ask what the purpose is behind this task? Since a compiler is essentially a C to assembly-language translator, there's rarely a need to do this by hand. Is this homework?

The best way to find out what these functions do is to take a look at their implementation in glibc's source. It should give you clear enough insight. Another way would be to take a look at the disassembly of found in /usr/lib/.


Why does glibc library use assembly

I am looking at this page:
that goes into explanation about how glibc does system calls. In one of the examples the code is examined and it is shown, that the last instruction glibc does to actually do a system call (meaning the interrupt to the cpu) is written in assembly.... So why is part of glibc in assembly? Is there some sort of advantage by writing that small part in assembly?
Also, the shared libraries during runtime are already compiled to machine code correct?
So why would there be any advantage using two different languages before compilation? Thank you.
The answer is super simple - since C doesn't cover system calls (because it doesn't cover any physical hardware in general, and prefers to express itself in terms of abstract machine), there is no C construct glibc can use to perform system call.
One could argue that compiler could provide a sort of intrinsic to do that, but since in Linux glibc is actually part of the compiler suit of tools (in contains CRT as well) there is really no need for it, glibc can do the job.
Also, last, but not the least, in modern CPUs syscall is usually not an interrupt. Instead, it's a specific instruction (syscall in x86_64).
I want to address this piece of your question:
Also, the shared libraries during runtime are already compiled to machine code correct?
So why would there be any advantage using two different languages before compilation?
SergeyA correctly points out that there isn't any C construct (even with all of GCC's extensions) that will cause the compiler to emit a syscall instruction. That's not the only thing that the C library is supposed to do that simply can't be written purely in C: the implementations of setjmp and longjmp, makecontext and setcontext, the "entry point" code that calls main, the "trampoline" that you return to when you return from a signal handler, and several other low-level bits all require a little bit of hand-written assembly. (Exercise: what do they all have in common?)
But there's another reason to mix assembly language into a program mostly written in C. This is one of the several implementations of memcpy for x86-64 in glibc. It is 3100 lines of hand-written assembly language and preprocessor macros. What it does could be expressed in four lines of C. Why would anyone go to that much trouble? Speed. Compilers are always getting closer, but they haven't yet quite managed to beat the human brain when it comes to squeezing every last possible cycle out of a critical innermost loop. (It is worth mentioning that in early 2018 the glibc devs spent a bunch of time replacing hand-written assembly implementations of math.h functions with C, because the compilers have caught up on those, and C is ever so much more maintainable.)
And yet a third answer, which isn't particularly relevant to glibc but comes up a bunch elsewhere, is that maybe you have two different languages in your program because each of them is better at part of your problem. The statistical language R is mostly implemented in C, but a bunch of its mathematical primitives are (or were, I haven't checked in a while) written in FORTRAN, because FORTRAN is still the language that numerical computation wizards think in. Both C and FORTRAN get compiled to machine code, and in principle you could rewrite all the FORTRAN in C, but nobody wants to.

How do I use C libraries in assembler?

I want to know how to write a text editor in assembler. But modern operating systems require C libraries, particularly for their windowing systems. I found this page, which has helped me a lot.
But I wonder if there are details I should know. I know enough assembler to write programs that will use windows in Linux using GTK+, but I want to be able to understand what I have to send to a function for it to be a valid input, so that it will be easier to make use of all C libraries. For interfacing between C and x86 assembler, I know what can be learned from this page, and little else.
One of the most instructive ways to learn how to call C from assembler is to:
Write a C program that calls the C function of interest
Compile it, and look at the assembly listing (gcc -S)
This approach makes it easy to experiment by starting with something that is already known to work. You can change the C source and see how the generated code changes, and you can start with the generated code and modify it yourself.
push parameter on the stack
call the function
clear the stack
The links you have in your question show all these steps.
The OS may define the calling standard (it pretty well must define the standard for invoking system calls), in which case you need only find where that is documents and read it closely.

How does C code call assembly code (e.g. optimized strlen)?

I always read things about how certain functions within the C programming language are optimized by being written in assembly. Let me apologize if that sentence sounds a little misguided.
So, I'll put it clearly: How is it that when you call some functions like strlen on UNIX/C systems, the actual function you're calling is written in assembly? Can you write assembly right into C programs somehow or is it an external call situation? Is it part of the C standard to be able to do this, or is it an operating system specific thing?
The C standard dictates what each library function must do rather than how it is implemented.
Almost all known implementations of C are compiled into machine language. It is up to the implementers of the C compiler/library how they choose to implement functions like strlen. They could choose to implement it in C and compile it to an object, or they could choose to write it in assembly and assemble it to an object. Or they could implement it some other way. It doesn't matter so long as you get the right effect and result when you call strlen.
Now, as it happens, many C toolsets do allow you to write inline assembly, but that is absolutely not part of the standard. Any such facilties have to be included as extensions to the C standard.
At the end of the road compiled programs and programs in assembly are all machine language, so they can call each other. The way this is done is by having the assembly code use the same calling conventions (way to prepare for a call, prepare parameters and such) as the program written in C. An overview of popular calling conventions for x86 processors can be found here.
Many (most?) C compilers do happen to support inline assembly, though it's not part of the standard. That said, there's no strict need for a compiler to support any such thing.
First, recognize that assembly is mostly just human (semi-)readable machine code, and that C ends up as machine code anyway.
"Calling" a C function just generates a set of instructions that prepare registers, the stack, and/or some other machine-dependent mechanism according to some established calling convention, and then jumps to the start of the called function.
A block of assembly code can conform to the appropriate calling convention, and thus generate a blob of machine code that another blob of machine code that was originally written in C is able to call. The reverse is, of course, also possible.
The details of the calling convention, the assembly process, and the linking process (to link the assembly-generated object file with the C-generated object file) may all vary wildly between platforms, compilers, and linkers. A good assembly tutorial for your platform of choice will probably cover such details.
I happen to like the x86-centric PC Assembly Tutorial, which specifically addresses interfacing assembly and C code.
When C code is compiled by gcc, it's first compiled to assembler instructions, which are then again compiled to a binary, machine-executable file. You can see the generated assembler instructions by specifying -S, as in gcc file.c -S.
Assembler code just passes the first stage of C-to-assembler compilation and is then indistinguishable from code compiled from C.
One way to do it is to use inline assembler. That means you can write assembler code directly into your C code. The specific syntax is compiler-specific. For example, see GCC syntax and MS Visual C++ syntax.
You can write inline assembly in your C code. The syntax for this is highly compiler specific but the asm keyword is ususally used. Look into inline assembly for more information.

Why do I have to explicitly link with libm? [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why do you have to link the math library in C?
When I write a program that uses functions from the math.h library, why is it that I have to explicitly link to libm even though they are part of the C standard library?
For instance, when I want to use the sin() function I need to #include <math.h> but I also need to pass -lm to GCC. But for any other library from the standard library, I don't have to do that. Why the difference?
In the old days, linkers were slow and separating the mostly unused math code from the rest made the compilation process go faster. The difference is not so great today, so you can add the -lm option to your default compiler configuration.
Note that the header <math.h> (or any other header) does not contain code. It contains information about the code, specifically how to call functions. The code itself is in a library. I mean, your program does not use the "<math.h> library", it uses the math library and uses the prototypes declared in the <math.h> header.
It's the same reason you have to explicitly link to libpthread on most implementations. When something new and scary is added to the standard library, it usually first gets implemented as a separate add-on library that overrides some of the symbols in the old standard library implementation with versions that conform to the new requirements, while also adding lots of new interfaces. I wouldn't be surprised if some historical implementations had separate versions of printf in libm for floating point printing, with a "light" version in the main libc lacking floating point. This kind of implementation is actually mentioned and encouraged for tiny systems in the ISO C rationale document, if I remember correctly.
Of course in the long-term, separating the standard library out like this leads to a lot more problems than benefits. The worst part is probably the increased load time and memory usage for dynamic-linked programs.
Actually, the reason you normally don't need to link against libm for most math functions is that these are inlined by your compiler. Your program would fail to link on a platform where this is not the case.

matlab in C C++ and C C++ in matlab [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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It seems that are several ways to call matlab in C C++ and to call C C++ in matlab. While I try to list them here, please point it out If I miss something.
To call C C++ in matlab, there are also two methods. The first one is to call functions in C shared libraries. The second one is to build C C++ code into binary MEX-files, which will be called from the MATLAB command line. For the first method, are the C shared libraries are just general ones, i.e. without change to their C code for matlab and compiled from general C compiler like gcc?
To call matlab code in C C++, there are two methods available. The first one is Matlab engine. The second one is to use MATLAB Compiler mcc to create C or C++ shared libraries from your MATLAB code.
Besides matlab and C C++ can communicate via writing and reading data to and from some file (e.g. mat file, text file).
Having more than one ways to accomplish each of the goals here, could you tell me what cases are best for using which of them? i.e. calling functions in C shared libraries VS building C C++ code into binary MEX-files, Matlab engine VS compiling Matlab code into C C++ shared library.
Thanks and regards!
I only have expreience with calling C or C++ functions from MATLAB. It looks to me like the only difference between calling functions in a shared library and calling functions from a MEX file is that with a shared library, you have to call the function with 'calllib' which is a command line type function and MEX functions allow you to call functions as if they are built-in functions so the interface is a little cleaner.
My suggestion is to use MEX files if
You are using C++ (you may have to write a wrapper to use a C++ in a shared library)
You are using MATLAB as the glue for a large number of optimized C or C++ routines. You'll want to be able to call them cleanly.
Use shared library if
You already have an existing C library that can be used without modification.
You only need a small number of calls to C functions.
Really, it comes down to the interface. I personally prefer the MEX file route because it provides the cleanest interface from MATLAB to your C or C++ function. You can call it like just another function with standard MATLAB types. With a shared library, you may have to do some data formatting before calling the library function
I think the methods you've named are correct (it's been a while since I've used them)
The matlab C-compiler isn't really special; it is possible to use different compilers. See link list of supported compilers. This does not include gcc, but MS Visual studio is included. You'll run into issues when linking with the supplied libraries.
Basically: calling matlab from C is something you'd do if you need a tight interface; for instance if you want to synchronise 2 tools, or your S-function (simulink) requires additional information. But then, such a file is propably called by Matlab/simulink in the first place.
Calling c from matlab is what you want to do if you write your own S-functions or extensions to matlab.
The choice between C and C++ is yours; if you start from a blank sheet I suggest you use C++; you don't need to use the complete functionality but it allows more freedom. Also more libraries tend to be available for C++ nowadays.
C is the language of choice if you need to migrate to very different environments; i.e. to compile C to DSPs for instance. Or if you have got legacy code in C to start from. Mixing C and C++ is possible, but a can be a bit cumbersome; I'm sure you'll find topics on StackOverflow on this subject alone.
