Windows Live ID/Live connect, how to get current logged in user's email - windows-live-id

First, I am using Live connect, as documents says live id will be obsolete
When a user log in my site with Live connect, I want to get the email address which he/she input when he log in.
I can not find a way to get such information, it's so weird.
From /me URL, i can get user's name, id, local and so on, but can not get email address.
Could somebody help me?

Success by add scope wl.emails


Is there any way to get information about user login?

Is there a way to use the MYOB API to get the user login my.MYOB account information, get the login name and password in the picture below, can not write dead, if you can not get this information, then how to assign X-myobapi-CFTOKEN Give her, do you need to write death in the program?
Is there any way to get information about user login?

Get appengine account email from token

I have a little appengine app running for me and my friends and forgot the email address I created it with (I still know the password though). While I can't log into the admin interface I still have the ~/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens file and can still deploy code to it from the commandline.
Is there any way to find the email address this way? I checked the documentation but I didn't find any way to programatically get the email address that owns the app. I also looked for how to get user info from the google user API with the access_token from the file but only got "invalid access" errors.
Is there anyway to find out the email address that I used to create the app based on the access_token?
it IS possible to get the user email from a token but ONLY if its scopes included a scope that has access to the user email. see:
however dont get excited yet as on your case its very unlikely that your token would have it unless you had specifically added a scope like to the scopes when you got that refresh token originally.
No, there's no way to get an email address from an oauth token, even your own.

Unable to retrieve domain_public user information via directory api

I have several clients. All of them are able to retrieve their domain_public user information via directory api using their own credential. Then, one of the client always return a resource not found error even the account is valid. However, when I tried with an admin user with admin_view, everything work fine. Only domain_public viewType return error. Anybody have this issue?
Please confirm that contact sharing is enabled for the domain:
As well as for the user they are attempting to retrieve:

Gadget OAuth2 from OpenID Authentication

I am updating my app to OAuth2 and have few questions.
Email address is the user id in our application.
As explained in the old docs for openid association with the user id in our app, we were showing a popup storing the open_social_id in the database and creating a temp session key. After the user was successfully associated, we were adding the open_social_id next to the user id looking at the temp session key. This was/is working fine.
But with oauth2, since we get the email address (From Contacts Scope of the current user who is logged in), I am trying to figure out how to authenticate this at my server? Should I accompany email address with open_social_id and rely on open_social_id everytime in the future? Is this the right way?
Or should I add OAuth2 proxy at my server to allow access with the right scope.
You don't have to change too much.
In the old setup, you displayed a popup that passed through openId to get the user's identity and e-mail address.
In the new setup, you show a popup that does an OAUTH2 dance to get the user's identity and e-mail address.
Because the scopes are pre-authorized, the end user will not see the consent screen and from a end user's perspective, nothing really changes.

What is the Mirror API endpoint for account information so I can get a user's account timezone?

When a user authorizes with my Glassware they provide these permissions to my software:
Although it isn't lining up in the image, the more info is from the top "basic information about your account" permission. It mentions timezone which I would like to access to customize global event time stamps for display to people who don't grok GMT.
I am surprised I can't find the endpoint for this anywhere in the docs.
Anyone know where this might be, or is this a UI bug in the permissions dialog and really we can't see that information? Or perhaps is this only available to trusted partners like NYT and CNN, etc, and not to mere explorers.
I already tried variations on the timeline GET endpoint:
But substituting in various version of user/users and account/accounts and adding in the user id for a registered user, which I can get through this bit of Java code:
String userId = AuthUtil.getUserId(req);
Any help appreciated!
(Note: I won't give credit to anyone suggesting I get the user's location and use a Google API to reverse look up their location's timezone--see the issue tracker for problems with that approach not to mention I want the timezone the user set in their account not where they are)
The more information screen is coming from the scope: with a token approved for this scope, you can send authorized requests to the userinfo endpoint:
Authorization: Bearer <OAUTH_2_TOKEN>
However, you will only be able to retrieve the timezone information if the user set it in their profile and allowed sharing.
In Java, retrieving this information is done with the OAuth2 API.
