copy SVN modified files including directory to a another directory - file

I have a list of files in my current working copy that have been modified locally. There are about 50 files that have been changed.
I am using the following command to copy files that have been modified in subversion to a folder called /backup. Is there a way to do this but maintain the directories they are in? So it would do something similar to exporting a SVN diff of files. For example if I changed a file called /usr/lib/SPL/RFC.php then it would copy the usr/lib/SPL directory to backup also.
cp `svn st | ack '^M' | cut -b 8-` backup

It looks strange, but it is really easy to copy files with tar. E.g.
tar -cf - $( svn st | ack '^M' | cut -b 8- ) |
tar -C /backup -xf -

Why not create a patch of your changes? That way you have one file containing all of your changes which you can timestamp in the name - something like 2012-05-28-17-30-00-UnitTestChanges.patch, one per day.
Then you can roll up your changes to a fresh checkout once you're ready, and then commit them.
FYI: Subversion 1.8 should have checkpointing / shelving (which is what you seem to want to do), but that's a long way off, and might only be added in Subversion 1.9.


How can I insert Files into a zip file using Lua

I am writing a script in Lua 5.1 for use with a game engine (EDGE).
I need my script to copy about 20 files into a .miz file (which is really a zipped folder with a set structure) and navigate that structure and copy those files in from a non-zipped folder on the hard drive.
Because Windows 11 it the future I need to use NanaZip rather than 7z which isn't W11 supported.
However, all the examples I've found are for using LUA to zip up files, not insert non-zipped files INTO a zip file without unzipping it.
Is this even possible?
Similar to #koyaanisqatsi I tried it with 7z. You didn't comment on our question on why 7z should be avoided nor whether you are even allowed to use os.execute, but it should provide a good starting point:
os.execute("7z a yourFile.png")
Where a is the flag for Add.
See the manual for other flags like compression:
Windows 11 also have tar that have the option r and u
D:\temp>tar h
tar(bsdtar): manipulate archive files
First option must be a mode specifier:
-c Create -r Add/Replace -t List -u Update -x Extract
Common Options:
-b # Use # 512-byte records per I/O block
-f <filename> Location of archive (default \\.\tape0)
-v Verbose
-w Interactive
Create: tar -c [options] [<file> | <dir> | #<archive> | -C <dir> ]
<file>, <dir> add these items to archive
-z, -j, -J, --lzma Compress archive with gzip/bzip2/xz/lzma
--format {ustar|pax|cpio|shar} Select archive format
--exclude <pattern> Skip files that match pattern
-C <dir> Change to <dir> before processing remaining files
#<archive> Add entries from <archive> to output
List: tar -t [options] [<patterns>]
<patterns> If specified, list only entries that match
Extract: tar -x [options] [<patterns>]
<patterns> If specified, extract only entries that match
-k Keep (don't overwrite) existing files
-m Don't restore modification times
-O Write entries to stdout, don't restore to disk
-p Restore permissions (including ACLs, owner, file flags)
bsdtar 3.5.2 - libarchive 3.5.2 zlib/1.2.5.f-ipp bz2lib/1.0.6
( Above cmd.exe was opened from Lua with: os.execute('cmd') )
You can extract a ZIP with it but not creating one as far as i know.
(tar -xf
But is it a Problem for you to use TAR instead of ZIP?

How do I create a crontab job in unix that will move all files in my home directory to another directory at a specific time/date?

Hello I'm new to Unix and I am trying to create a crontab job that moves all the files I have in my home directory where the name contains the letter f followed by a digit 1,3 or 7 to a directory called backups, on the 12th of April and November at 9:30 PM.
This is my home directory: flhome list1 stmnpgs
arsenal.pass flhome2 list2 test.c
assignment foreachScript1 list2.c testdir
availisting.csv funxdir local.cshrc testfile
backups funxdir2 local.login tmp.test
backups1 homlnk local.profile train
biglist lab4 myfile treat
biglist.c lab5 myfile2 trick
biglist2 lab6 Myhome.list tricking
CFiles.tar.Z lab7 myinfo.fl troll
clssnotes.txt lab8 myList typescript
delfh lec3 names.txt workdir
If anyone could help me out with this it'd be much appreciated!
Firstly home rolling a backup solution for work, professional or college, is usually a bad idea because the stakes of an error are potentially very high and local backups obviously have the possibility of being lost by whatever causes the original files to be inaccessible.
However it's a worthwhile exercise to show how you would do it in cron as it's a frequent type of task and it would provide you some cover while looking for a better solution.
Your date specification can be safely done as one cron entry as only the day of the year varies, if both the minute of the day and the day of the year (or the day of week) changed you would need two entries.
# M H DoM MoY DoW
30 21 12 4,10 * BACKUPDIR=~/backups; ds=$(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M\%S); mkdir -p $BACKUPDIR; find ~/* -type d -prune -o -type f -name f\*\[137\] -exec mv {} $BACKUPDIR/{}.$ds \;
The find command is told to look at all entries in your home directory that do not start with a . ("visible" files), if they are directories to ignore them (do not descend the directory tree) and if they are files that start with an f to move them (not copy them) to the $BACKUPDIR. If you wanted any file containing an f instead the find pattern would be \*f\*\[137\]
Above we define two variables for the backup dir and a datestamp (the \ before the % are because it is is a special character to cron).
The file globbing patterns * and [] are similarly escaped because they are shell special and we want to pass them to the find command.
The reason to use a timestamp is that moving or copying files frequently causes unintentional overwriting of files so if the backup directory path does not contain a date stamp then the target file name should.
Lastly it might be better to use a tar command to create a compressed date stamped archive that you can easily copy elsewhere, a local backup directory is asking for trouble, particularly if nested underneath the directory you are working in.
eg: Something like
backup_file=~/backups/backup.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).tar.gz
tar czf $backup_file $(find ~/* -type d -prune -o -type f -name f\*\[137\] -print)
# <Commands to copy the file elsewhere here>
# You should then copy this file elsewhere (another system) or email it to yourself (after possibly encrypting it)

How to check which files are being ignored because of .hgignore?

I'm quite often concerned that my hgignore file may be excluding important files. For example I just noticed that I was excluding all .exe files which excluded some little executable tools which should be kept with the source. It was a simple change to include them but makes me worried that the rules could have un-intended consequences.
Is there a way to view a list of all the files which are not being tracked due to the .hgignore file? Just so I can periodically review the list to check I'm happy with it.
The command hg status -i does exactly that.
#Jon beat me to the punch with the right answer, but its worth nothing that along with status -i, there is:
hg status -m (only modified files)
hg status -a (only files that were added)
hg status -r (only files that were removed)
hg status -d (only files that were deleted)
hg status -u (all non-tracked files)
hg status -c (files with no changes, ie. "clean")
hg status -A (all files, ie, everything)
If you want to do manual inspection on the file names, then use the -i/--ignored flag to status:
$ hg status -i
I ignored file.exe
If you want the file names alone, then use -n/--no-status to suppress the I status code printed in front of each filename:
$ hg status -n -i
ignored file.exe
If you need to process the files with xargs, then use the -0/--print0 flag in addition:
$ hg status -n -0 | xargs -0 touch
That will take care of handling spaces correctly — with using -0, there is a risk that you'll end up treating ignored file.exe as two files: ignored and file.exe since shells normally split on spaces.
The above commands show you untracked files matching .hgignore. If you want to solve the related problem of finding tracked files matching .hgignore, then you need to use a fileset query. That looks like this:
$ hg locate "set:hgignore()"
You can use filesets with all commands that operate on files, so you can for example do:
$ hg forget "set:hgignore()"
to schedule the files found for removal (with a copy left behind in your working copy).
Yes, it is Possible.
If You're using smth like TortoiseHg, You can select what files You wanna see.
Here's a sample

How to create patch for a new file?

I know to create a patch for an existing file is easy:
diff -aru oldFile newFile 2>&1 | tee myPatch.patch
But what to do, if i want to create a patch for a totally new file? Assume my file is residing in a folder called TestDir. Earlier TestDir did not have a file called entirelyNewfile.c, but now it is having the same.
How to create a patch for entirelyNewfile.c? The idea is, the patch should get properly applied to the specs and generate the RPM build. With BUILD dir having this new file.
Just to add: if i try to take diff between the two directories, one having the new file and the other missing the same, to create the patch, it generates an error saying that file is only present in one folder
Add -N to the diff arguments.
diff /dev/null <newfile>
Will create a patch for your newfile.
The easiest way to do this that I know is to put all the files under version control (if they aren't already). I prefer Git, but something similar could be done in any other version control system:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial state"
<do your edits here>
git add .
git commit -m "new state"
git diff HEAD^1

Mercurial, stop versioning cache directory but keep directory

I have a CakePHP project under Mercurial version control. Right now all the files in the app/tmp directory are being versioned, which are always changing.
I do not want to version control these files.
I know I can stop by running hg forget app/tmp/*
But this will also forget the file structure. Which I want to keep.
Now I know that Mercurial doesn't version directories, just files, but the CakePHP folks were also smart enough to put an empty file called empty in every empty directory (I am guessing for this reason).
So what I want to do is tell Mercurial to forget every file under app/tmp except files whos name is exactly empty.
What would the command be for this?
Well, if nothing else works, you can always just ask Mercurial to forget everything, and then revert empty before committing:
Here's how I reproduced it, first create initial repo:
hg init
md app
md app\tmp
echo a>app\empty
echo a>app\tmp\empty
hg commit -m "initial" -A
Then add some files we later want to get rid of:
echo a >app\tmp\test1.txt
echo a >app\tmp\test2.txt
hg commit -m "adding" -A
Then forget the files we don't want:
hg forget app\tmp\*
hg status <-- will show all 3 files
hg revert app\tmp\empty
hg status <-- now empty is gone
echo glob:app/tmp>.hgignore
hg commit -m "ignored" -A
Note that all .hgignore does is to prevent Mercurial from discovering new files during addremove or commit -A, if you have explicitly tracked files that match your ignore filter, Mercurial will still track changes to those files.
In other words, even though I asked Mercurial to ignore app/tmp above, the file empty inside will not be ignored, or removed, since I have explicitly asked Mercurial to track it.
At least theoretically (I don't have time to try it right now), pattern matching should work with the hg forget command. So, you could do something like hg forget -X empty while in the directory (-X means "exclude").
You may want to consider using .hgignore, of course.
Since you only need to do it once I'd just do this:
find app/tmp -type f | grep -v empty | xargs hg forget
hg commit
from then on just put this in your `.hgignore'
Mercurial has built-in support for globbing and regexes, as explained in the relevant chapter in the mercurial book. The python regex implementation is used.
This should work for you:
hg forget "re:app/tmp/.*(?<!/empty)$"
