Access a website globally which is running nicely in LAN - silverlight

I have developed an application (website) which is running in LAN nicely.
My application is built using Silverlight and I have published that website in IIS and I can access that application nicely in LAN through following LINK.
Now I require to access that application globally all over the word from any PC through INTERNET so for that, what configuration I have to use?

You may want to redirect your port 80 to LAN IP via router/modem settings.


rails server successfully, but can't access in mobile

Iam able to access rails app in all systems with in network, but unable to access in mobiles.
I started app like below
rails s -b ip
Double check if your mobile is in the same network of your server. You can do this either by pinging your mobile device (if it support ping) or doing a network scan using tools like nmap or take a look at your router to see where is your device. If you want to allow all access, the binding ip should be

Setting up angular project with puphpet, creating a virtual host

I recently started using VM's for development but I lack skills on setting up virtual hosts and using apache/nginx.
So I have a project now in two parts. Backend is created with Laravel and frontend with AngularJS. I'm using Apache in my VM.
I managed to set up virtual host for the backend with no problems. Now I'm having troubles on setting up a virtual host for AngularJS. I know I can run it with gulp serve, which in my case hosts it at localhost:9001. But that means I can access it in my virtual machine with that url. How can I access it from my machine? If my virtual machine url is, shouldn't I be able to access it from Right now it just says:
This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
You probably need to open up the port in the firewall section.

Localhost and Ionic View

I am testing in my browser using Ionic Serve and I am also connecting to a RESTful WCF Service running on a Localhost. I want to be able to connect to that service using the Ionic View App. Is it possible to connect to a local host with an external device like using Ionic view app on my device or do I need to host my service differently?
computer and device on same network
goto computer command prompt and run this command ipconfig
you will get internet ip address like e.g:
now move to your device set http://
please like if answer really helpfull
There are tools available, but most easy way will be this:
Make sure both computer and mobile are on same network.
Run server on localhost, and in client side code replace localhost with the IP address of your system where you are making api calls. For example localhost/api/login with
Now your mobile will be getting response from server running on your system.

How to access XBAP Application from Internet

I'm new to WPF Web Application.
I've created a test application and exported it to C:\Test Application with publish.htm file created.
I'm able to run the application on my PC but I'm unable to configure Windows Firewall so that application can be accessed from internet.
I've configured port forwarding on my broadband router to forward port 8080 to my laptop's port 80
I'm stucked here
Amit Saraf
Acoording to this article on technet you may install iis on w7hbs. I would advice you to do so, configure it and add a site for your xbap to publish, deploy it here. How to install IIS is described in the link. In w7 and windows server 2008+ IIS is "included" in features/roles. Remember to also configure your windows firewall! Try telneting your ip and port to see if you get through(also a feature btw!).
Another example is apache, but I've never used it to host xbap applications before. Maybe someone else has experience with that(linux-mono people :) )
Hope it helps!

Silverlight 5 In browser trusted application

i am Working on Silverlight5 Application. We have to Open one Exe from Client Pc. As We try with In Browser Trusted Application and it's work within the Localhost but we try to using IP address instead of Localhost then again application unable to open Exe.
We try to sign Application with Test Certificate and install in Trusted Root Certification Authorities And Trusted Publisher
Now it was working with Localhost as well as IP address but within a My Pc but Not working in Network Pc.
Please Suggest me, what things i am missing or what i have to do
i am got my question's answer, the problem with the test certificate,when i am using a actual certificate (from verisign) my application is working as per our expectation, it's open a exe from client machine.
