PaypalIpnConfig gives me a fatal error - cakephp

I have this code in my C:\xampp\htdocs\wifidrivescanportal\app\Plugin\PaypalIpn\View\Helper\PaypalHelper.php:
/** Paypal Helper part of the PayPal IPN plugin.
* #author Nick Baker
* #link
* #license MIT
class PaypalHelper extends AppHelper {
var $helpers = array('Html','Form');
* Setup the config based on the paypal_ipn_config in /Plugins/PaypalIpn/Config/paypal_ipn_config.php
function __construct(View $View, $settings = array()){
//if(App::import(array('type' => 'File', 'name' => 'PaypalIpn.PaypalIpnConfig', 'file' => APP_PATH . DS . 'Config' . DS . 'paypal_ipn_config.php'))) {
//if(App::import(array('type' => 'File', 'name' => 'PaypalIpn.PaypalIpnConfig', 'file' => '/PaypalIpn/Config/paypal_ipn_config.php'))) {
if(App::import(array('type' => 'File', 'name' => 'PaypalIpn.PaypalIpnConfig', 'file' => APP.'Plugin'.DS.'paypal_ipn'.DS.'libs'))) {
$this->config =& new PaypalIpnConfig();
else {
$this->config =& new PaypalIpnConfig();
parent::__construct($View, $settings);
* function button will create a complete form button to Pay Now, Donate, Add to Cart, or Subscribe using the paypal service.
* Configuration for the button is in /config/paypal_ip_config.php
* for this to work the option 'item_name' and 'amount' must be set in the array options or default config options.
* Example:
* $paypal->button('Pay Now', array('amount' => '12.00', 'item_name' => 'test item'));
* $paypal->button('Subscribe', array('type' => 'subscribe', 'amount' => '60.00', 'term' => 'month', 'period' => '2'));
* $paypal->button('Donate', array('type' => 'donate', 'amount' => '60.00'));
* $paypal->button('Add To Cart', array('type' => 'addtocart', 'amount' => '15.00'));
* $paypal->button('View Cart', array('type' => 'viewcart'));
* $paypal->button('Unsubscribe', array('type' => 'unsubscribe'));
* $paypal->button('Checkout', array(
* 'type' => 'cart',
* 'items' => array(
* array('item_name' => 'Item 1', 'amount' => '120', 'quantity' => 2, 'item_number' => '1234'),
* array('item_name' => 'Item 2', 'amount' => '50'),
* array('item_name' => 'Item 3', 'amount' => '80', 'quantity' => 3),
* )
* ));
* Test Example:
* $paypal->button('Pay Now', array('test' => true, 'amount' => '12.00', 'item_name' => 'test item'));
* #access public
* #param String $title takes the title of the paypal button (default "Pay Now" or "Subscribe" depending on option['type'])
* #param Array $options takes an options array defaults to (configuration in /config/paypal_ipn_config.php)
* helper_options:
* test: true|false switches default settings in /config/paypal_ipn_config.php between settings and testSettings
* type: 'paynow', 'addtocart', 'donate', 'unsubscribe', 'cart', or 'subscribe' (default 'paynow')
* You may pass in api name value pairs to be passed directly to the paypal form link. Refer to for a complete list.
* some paypal API examples:
* amount: float value
* notify_url: string url
* item_name: string name of product.
* etc...
function button($title = null, $options = array()){
$options = $title;
$title = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : null;
$defaults = (isset($options['test']) && $options['test']) ? $this->config->testSettings : $this->config->settings;
$options = array_merge($defaults, $options);
$options['type'] = (isset($options['type'])) ? $options['type'] : "paynow";
case 'subscribe': //Subscribe
$options['cmd'] = '_xclick-subscriptions';
$default_title = 'Subscribe';
$options['no_note'] = 1;
$options['no_shipping'] = 1;
$options['src'] = 1;
$options['sra'] = 1;
$options = $this->__subscriptionOptions($options);
case 'addtocart': //Add To Cart
$options['cmd'] = '_cart';
$options['add'] = '1';
$default_title = 'Add To Cart';
case 'viewcart': //View Cart
$options['cmd'] = '_cart';
$options['display'] = '1';
$default_title = 'View Cart';
case 'donate': //Doante
$options['cmd'] = '_donations';
$default_title = 'Donate';
case 'unsubscribe': //Unsubscribe
$options['cmd'] = '_subscr-find';
$options['alias'] = $options['business'];
$default_title = 'Unsubscribe';
case 'cart': //upload cart
$options['cmd'] = '_cart';
$options['upload'] = 1;
$default_title = 'Checkout';
$options = $this->__uploadCartOptions($options);
default: //Pay Now
$options['cmd'] = '_xclick';
$default_title = 'Pay Now';
$title = (empty($title)) ? $default_title : $title;
$retval = "<form action='{$options['server']}/cgi-bin/webscr' method='post'><div class='paypal-form'>";
foreach($options as $name => $value){
$retval .= $this->__hiddenNameValue($name, $value);
$retval .= $this->__submitButton($title);
return $retval;
* __hiddenNameValue constructs the name value pair in a hidden input html tag
* #access private
* #param String name is the name of the hidden html element.
* #param String value is the value of the hidden html element.
* #access private
* #return Html form button and close form
function __hiddenNameValue($name, $value){
return "<input type='hidden' name='$name' value='$value' />";
* __submitButton constructs the submit button from the provided text
* #param String text | text is the label of the submit button. Can use plain text or image url.
* #access private
* #return Html form button and close form
function __submitButton($text){
return "</div>" . $this->Form->end(array('label' => $text));
* __subscriptionOptions conversts human readable subscription terms
* into paypal terms if need be
* #access private
* #param array options | human readable options into paypal API options
* INT period //paypal api period of term, 2, 3, 1
* String term //paypal API term //month, year, day, week
* Float amount //paypal API amount to charge for perioud of term.
* #return array options
function __subscriptionOptions($options = array()){
//Period... every 1, 2, 3, etc.. Term
$options['p3'] = $options['period'];
//Mount billed
$options['a3'] = $options['amount'];
//Terms, Month(s), Day(s), Week(s), Year(s)
case 'month': $options['t3'] = 'M'; break;
case 'year': $options['t3'] = 'Y'; break;
case 'day': $options['t3'] = 'D'; break;
case 'week': $options['t3'] = 'W'; break;
default: $options['t3'] = $options['term'];
return $options;
* __uploadCartOptions converts an array of items into paypal friendly name/value pairs
* #access private
* #param array of options that will be returned with proper paypal friendly name/value pairs for items
* #return array options
function __uploadCartOptions($options = array()){
if(isset($options['items']) && is_array($options['items'])){
$count = 1;
foreach($options['items'] as $item){
foreach($item as $key => $value){
$options[$key.'_'.$count] = $value;
return $options;
but i am getting this error in my browswer:
Fatal error: Class 'PaypalIpnConfig' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\wifidrivescanportal\app\Plugin\PaypalIpn\View\Helper\PaypalHelper.php on line 23
line 23 is actually this line:
$this->config = new PaypalIpnConfig();
i dunno what's going on. even google cant provide me the answer.


write data to db in yii2

I have signup form which register a new user. But when i input data all fields exept one(username) saving in DB. I can't figure why. Help me.
here is my code from SignupForm
namespace app\modules\user\models;
use yii\base\Model;
use Yii;
* Signup form
class SignupForm extends Model
public $username;
public $email;
public $password;
public $verifyCode;
public function rules()
return [
['username', 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim'],
['username', 'required'],
['username', 'match', 'pattern' => '#^[\w_-]+$#i'],
['username', 'unique', 'targetClass' => User::className(), 'message' => 'This username has already been taken.'],
['username', 'string', 'min' => 2, 'max' => 255],
['email', 'filter', 'filter' => 'trim'],
['email', 'required'],
['email', 'email'],
['email', 'unique', 'targetClass' => User::className(), 'message' => 'This email address has already been taken.'],
['password', 'required'],
['password', 'string', 'min' => 6],
['verifyCode', 'captcha', 'captchaAction' => '/user/default/captcha'],
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'username' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_USERNAME'),
'email' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_EMAIL'),
'password' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_PASSWORD'),
'verifyCode' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_VERIFYCODE'),
* Signs user up.
* #return User|null the saved model or null if saving fails
public function signup()
if ($this->validate()) {
$user = new User();
$user->username = $this->username;
$user->email = $this->email;
$user->status = User::STATUS_WAIT;
if ($user->save()) {
Yii::$app->mailer->compose('#app/modules/user/mails/emailConfirm', ['user' => $user])
->setFrom([Yii::$app->params['supportEmail'] => Yii::$app->name])
->setSubject('Email confirmation for ' . Yii::$app->name)
return $user;
return null;
code from signup(view)
use yii\captcha\Captcha;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm;
/* #var $this yii\web\View */
/* #var $form yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm */
/* #var $model app\modules\user\models\SignupForm */
$this->title = Yii::t('app', 'TITLE_SIGNUP');
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title;
<div class="user-default-signup">
<h1><?= Yii::t('app', 'TITLE_SIGNUP') ?></h1>
<p>Please fill out the following fields to signup:</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-5">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'form-signup']); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'username') -> textInput() ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'email') -> textInput() ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'password')->passwordInput() ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'verifyCode')->widget(Captcha::className(), [
'captchaAction' => '/user/default/captcha',
'template' => '<div class="row"><div class="col-lg-3">{image}</div><div class="col-lg-6">{input}</div></div>',
]) ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton('Signup', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'name' => 'signup-button']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
code from DefaultController
public function actionSignup()
$model = new SignupForm();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
if ($user = $model->signup()) {
Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('success', 'Подтвердите ваш электронный адрес.');
return $this->goHome();
return $this->render('signup', [
'model' => $model,
code from User(model)
namespace app\modules\user\models;
use Yii;
use yii\base\NotSupportedException;
use yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior;
use yii\db\ActiveRecord;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\web\IdentityInterface;
* This is the model class for table "{{%user}}".
* #property integer $id
* #property integer $created_at
* #property integer $updated_at
* #property string $username
* #property string $auth_key
* #property string $email_confirm_token
* #property string $password_hash
* #property string $password_reset_token
* #property string $email
* #property integer $status
class User extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface
const SCENARIO_PROFILE = 'profile';
const STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
const STATUS_WAIT = 2;
public $id;
public $username;
public $password;
public $authKey;
public $accessToken;
public function rules()
return [
['username', 'required'],
['username', 'match', 'pattern' => '#^[\w_-]+$#i'],
['username', 'unique', 'targetClass' => self::className(), 'message' => 'This username has already been taken.'],
['username', 'string', 'min' => 2, 'max' => 255],
['email', 'required', 'except' => self::SCENARIO_PROFILE],
['email', 'email', 'except' => self::SCENARIO_PROFILE],
['email', 'unique', 'targetClass' => self::className(), 'except' => self::SCENARIO_PROFILE, 'message' => Yii::t('app', 'ERROR_EMAIL_EXISTS')],
['email', 'string', 'max' => 255, 'except' => self::SCENARIO_PROFILE],
['status', 'integer'],
['status', 'default', 'value' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE],
['status', 'in', 'range' => array_keys(self::getStatusesArray())],
public function attributeLabels()
return [
'id' => 'ID',
'created_at' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_CREATED'), //'Создан',
'updated_at' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_UPDATE'), //'Обновлён',
'username' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_USERNAME'), // 'Имя пользователя',
'email' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_EMAIL'), // 'Email',
'status' => Yii::t('app', 'USER_STATUS'), //'Статус',
public function scenarios()
return [
self::SCENARIO_DEFAULT => ['username', 'email', 'status'],
self::SCENARIO_PROFILE => ['email'],
public function behaviors()
return [
* #inheritdoc
public static function findIdentity($id)
return static::findOne(['id' => $id, 'status' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE]);
* #inheritdoc
public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)
throw new NotSupportedException('findIdentityByAccessToken is not implemented.');
* Finds user by username
* #param string $username
* #return static|null
public static function findByUsername($username)
return static::findOne(['username' => $username]);
* #inheritdoc
public function getId()
return $this->getPrimaryKey();
* #inheritdoc
public function getAuthKey()
return $this->auth_key;
* #inheritdoc
public function validateAuthKey($authKey)
return $this->getAuthKey() === $authKey;
* Validates password
* #param string $password password to validate
* #return boolean if password provided is valid for current user
public function validatePassword($password)
return Yii::$app->security->validatePassword($password, $this->password_hash);
public function getStatusName()
return ArrayHelper::getValue(self::getStatusesArray(), $this->status);
public static function getStatusesArray()
return [
self::STATUS_BLOCKED => 'Заблокирован',
self::STATUS_ACTIVE => 'Активен',
self::STATUS_WAIT => 'Ожидает подтверждения',
* #param string $password
public function setPassword($password)
$this->password_hash = Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash($password);
* Generates "remember me" authentication key
public function generateAuthKey()
$this->auth_key = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString();
public function beforeSave($insert)
if (parent::beforeSave($insert)) {
if ($insert) {
return true;
return false;
* Finds user by password reset token
* #param string $token password reset token
* #return static|null
public static function findByPasswordResetToken($token)
if (!static::isPasswordResetTokenValid($token)) {
return null;
return static::findOne([
'password_reset_token' => $token,
'status' => self::STATUS_ACTIVE,
* Finds out if password reset token is valid
* #param string $token password reset token
* #return boolean
public static function isPasswordResetTokenValid($token)
if (empty($token)) {
return false;
$expire = Yii::$app->params['user.passwordResetTokenExpire'];
$parts = explode('_', $token);
$timestamp = (int) end($parts);
return $timestamp + $expire >= time();
* Generates new password reset token
public function generatePasswordResetToken()
$this->password_reset_token = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString() . '_' . time();
* Removes password reset token
public function removePasswordResetToken()
$this->password_reset_token = null;
* #param string $email_confirm_token
* #return static|null
public static function findByEmailConfirmToken($email_confirm_token)
return static::findOne(['email_confirm_token' => $email_confirm_token, 'status' => self::STATUS_WAIT]);
* Generates email confirmation token
public function generateEmailConfirmToken()
$this->email_confirm_token = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString();
* Removes email confirmation token
public function removeEmailConfirmToken()
$this->email_confirm_token = null;
It's because you have got username attribute directly declared in User model here:
public $username;
Remove it so it can be mapped by ActiveRecord.
See the note in the guide about this.

Magento 2 adminhtml multiselect and showing selected options after save

How do I get the Magento2 Adminhtml Form with a Multiselect to select the saved options?
Here is my Adminhtml Form Class for reference.
namespace RussellAlbin\Blog\Block\Adminhtml\Post\Edit;
* Adminhtml blog post edit form
class Form extends \Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Form\Generic
* #var \RussellAlbin\Blog\Model\Category\Source\ListCategories
protected $_categories;
* #var \RussellAlbin\Blog\Model\Postcategory
protected $_postcategory;
* #var \Magento\Store\Model\System\Store
protected $_systemStore;
* #param \Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context
* #param \Magento\Framework\Registry $registry
* #param \Magento\Framework\Data\FormFactory $formFactory
* #param \Magento\Store\Model\System\Store $systemStore
* #param \RussellAlbin\Blog\Model\Category\Source\ListCategories $categories
* #param \RussellAlbin\Blog\Model\Postcategory $postcategory
* #param array $data
public function __construct(
\Magento\Backend\Block\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Framework\Registry $registry,
\Magento\Framework\Data\FormFactory $formFactory,
\Magento\Store\Model\System\Store $systemStore,
\RussellAlbin\Blog\Model\Category\Source\ListCategories $categories,
\RussellAlbin\Blog\Model\Postcategory $postcategory,
array $data = []
) {
$this->_categories = $categories;
$this->_systemStore = $systemStore;
$this->_postcategory = $postcategory;
parent::__construct($context, $registry, $formFactory, $data);
* Init form
* #return void
protected function _construct()
$this->setTitle(__('Blog Post Information'));
* Prepare form
* #return $this
protected function _prepareForm()
/** #var \RussellAlbin\Blog\Model\Post $model */
$model = $this->_coreRegistry->registry('blog_post');
/** #var \Magento\Framework\Data\Form $form */
$form = $this->_formFactory->create(
['data' => ['id' => 'edit_form', 'action' => $this->getData('action'), 'method' => 'post']]
$fieldset = $form->addFieldset(
['legend' => __('General Information'), 'class' => 'fieldset-wide']
if ($model->getPostId()) {
$fieldset->addField('post_id', 'hidden', ['name' => 'post_id']);
// Gather our existing categories
$currentCategories = $this->_getExistingCategories( $model );
// Get all the categories that in the database
$allCategories = $this->_categories->toOptionArray();
$field = $fieldset->addField(
'label' => __('Categories'),
'required' => true,
'name' => 'blog_categories',
'values' => $allCategories,
'value' => $currentCategories
return parent::_prepareForm();
* #param $model
* #return array
private function _getExistingCategories( $model )
// Get our collection
$existingCategories = $this->_postcategory->getCollection()
->addFieldToFilter('post_id', $model->getId());
// Setup our placeholder for the array of categories needed to set back on the value of the multiselect
$itemList = array();
foreach($existingCategories as $_item)
$itemList[] = $_item['category_id'];
return $itemList;
I looked back at some work I have done in Magento 1.x and I the only way I got this to work before was using javascript and the setAfterElementHtml to set the options that matched. I remember hating this method of getting it accomplished because it seemed like a work around.
I found the issue.
I did not have the values saved on the model.
// This is what shows it as selected on reload
$model->setData('blog_categories', $categories);
'name' => 'blog_categories[]',
'label' => __('Categories'),
'title' => __('Categories'),
'required' => true,
'values' => $optionArray,
'disabled' => false

Tried to use TinyMce in cakephp but it is not working

I tried to use the TinyMce plugin in cakephp but the editor is not loading but the helpers are. Even after extracting the files to the plugins folder and adding the codes in bootstrap.php file its not working.
App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper');
class TinymceHelper extends AppHelper {
// Take advantage of other helpers
public $helpers = array('Js', 'Html', 'Form');
// Check if the tiny_mce.js file has been added or not
public $_script = false;
* Adds the tiny_mce.js file and constructs the options
* #param string $fieldName Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname"
* #param array $tinyoptions Array of TinyMCE attributes for this textarea
* #return string JavaScript code to initialise the TinyMCE area
function _build($fieldName, $tinyoptions = array()){
// We don't want to add this every time, it's only needed once
$this->_script = true;
$this->Html->script('tiny_mce/tiny_mce', array('inline' => false));
// Ties the options to the field
$tinyoptions['mode'] = 'exact';
$tinyoptions['elements'] = $this->domId($fieldName);
// List the keys having a function
$value_arr = array();
$replace_keys = array();
foreach($tinyoptions as $key => &$value){
// Checks if the value starts with 'function ('
if(strpos($value, 'function(') === 0){
$value_arr[] = $value;
$value = '%' . $key . '%';
$replace_keys[] = '"' . $value . '"';
// Encode the array in json
$json = $this->Js->object($tinyoptions);
// Replace the functions
$json = str_replace($replace_keys, $value_arr, $json);
$this->Html->scriptStart(array('inline' => false));
echo 'tinyMCE.init(' . $json . ');';
* Creates a TinyMCE textarea.
* #param string $fieldName Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname"
* #param array $options Array of HTML attributes.
* #param array $tinyoptions Array of TinyMCE attributes for this textarea
* #param string $preset
* #return string An HTML textarea element with TinyMCE
function textarea($fieldName, $options = array(), $tinyoptions = array(), $preset = null){
// If a preset is defined
$preset_options = $this->preset($preset);
// If $preset_options && $tinyoptions are an array
if(is_array($preset_options) && is_array($tinyoptions)){
$tinyoptions = array_merge($preset_options, $tinyoptions);
$tinyoptions = $preset_options;
return $this->Form->textarea($fieldName, $options) . $this->_build($fieldName, $tinyoptions);
* Creates a TinyMCE textarea.
* #param string $fieldName Name of a field, like this "Modelname.fieldname"
* #param array $options Array of HTML attributes.
* #param array $tinyoptions Array of TinyMCE attributes for this textarea
* #return string An HTML textarea element with TinyMCE
function input($fieldName, $options = array(), $tinyoptions = array(), $preset = null){
// If a preset is defined
$preset_options = $this->preset($preset);
// If $preset_options && $tinyoptions are an array
if(is_array($preset_options) && is_array($tinyoptions)){
$tinyoptions = array_merge($preset_options, $tinyoptions);
$tinyoptions = $preset_options;
$options['type'] = 'textarea';
return $this->Form->input($fieldName, $options) . $this->_build($fieldName, $tinyoptions);
* Creates a preset for TinyOptions
* #param string $name
* #return array
private function preset($name){
// Full Feature
if($name == 'full'){
return array(
'theme' => 'advanced',
'plugins' => 'safari,pagebreak,style,layer,table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template',
'theme_advanced_buttons1' => 'save,newdocument,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,styleselect,formatselect,fontselect,fontsizeselect',
'theme_advanced_buttons2' => 'cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,|,search,replace,|,bullist,numlist,|,outdent,indent,blockquote,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,image,cleanup,help,code,|,insertdate,inserttime,preview,|,forecolor,backcolor',
'theme_advanced_buttons3' => 'tablecontrols,|,hr,removeformat,visualaid,|,sub,sup,|,charmap,emotions,iespell,media,advhr,|,print,|,ltr,rtl,|,fullscreen',
'theme_advanced_buttons4' => 'insertlayer,moveforward,movebackward,absolute,|,styleprops,|,cite,abbr,acronym,del,ins,attribs,|,visualchars,nonbreaking,template,pagebreak',
'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' => 'top',
'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' => 'left',
'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' => 'bottom',
'theme_advanced_resizing' => true,
'theme_advanced_resize_horizontal' => false,
'convert_fonts_to_spans' => true,
'file_browser_callback' => 'ckfinder_for_tiny_mce'
// Basic
if($name == 'basic'){
return array(
'theme' => 'advanced',
'plugins' => 'safari,advlink,paste',
'theme_advanced_buttons1' => 'code,|,copy,pastetext,|,bold,italic,underline,|,link,unlink,|,bullist,numlist',
'theme_advanced_buttons2' => '',
'theme_advanced_buttons3' => '',
'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' => 'top',
'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' => 'center',
'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' => 'none',
'theme_advanced_resizing' => false,
'theme_advanced_resize_horizontal' => false,
'convert_fonts_to_spans' => false
// Simple
if($name == 'simple'){
return array(
'theme' => 'simple',
// BBCode
if($name == 'bbcode'){
return array(
'theme' => 'advanced',
'plugins' => 'bbcode',
'theme_advanced_buttons1' => 'bold,italic,underline,undo,redo,link,unlink,image,forecolor,styleselect,removeformat,cleanup,code',
'theme_advanced_buttons2' => '',
'theme_advanced_buttons3' => '',
'theme_advanced_toolbar_location' => 'top',
'theme_advanced_toolbar_align' => 'left',
'theme_advanced_styles' => 'Code=codeStyle;Quote=quoteStyle',
'theme_advanced_statusbar_location' => 'bottom',
'theme_advanced_resizing' => true,
'theme_advanced_resize_horizontal' => false,
'entity_encoding' => 'raw',
'add_unload_trigger' => false,
'remove_linebreaks' => false,
'inline_styles' => false
return null;
I used the following codes in my view file:
echo $this->Html->script('/TinyMCE/js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js', array(
'inline' => false)); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
theme : "advanced",
mode : "textareas",
convert_urls : false,
theme_advanced_buttons1 : "bold,italic,underline,blockquote,separator,strikethrough,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright, justifyfull,bullist,numlist,undo,redo,link,unlink",
theme_advanced_buttons2: "",
theme_advanced_buttons3: "",
theme_advanced_buttons4: "",
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left"
I added this code in my controller:
public $helpers = array('Tinymce');
I have solved it... I just inserted it manually and the problem was in setting the path to the js file.

hook_block_view not passing information

I am trying to build my first custom module in Drupal 7. It is a block form for the user to search a DB table for customer information. I've created both the module and info files. My module appears under the modules and blocks section, but when I add the block to Content, the subject and content aren't being passed from my hook_block_view. So, instead of the form being displayed, it just shows the block title and body. Can someone tell me what I'm missing?
/** Implements hook_block_info().
function searchEngine_block_info(){
$blocks = array();
$blocks['searchEngine_form'] = array (
'info' => t("Applicant Search"),
return $blocks;
/** Implements hook_block_view().
function searchEngine_block_view($delta = ''){
$block = array();
switch($delta) {
case 'searchEngine_form':
$block['subject'] = t('Applicant Search');
$block['content'] = drupal_get_form('searchEngine_form');
return $block;
function searchEngine_form($form, &$form_state) {
$form['searchOptions'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t("Select how you would like to search for an applicant."),
'#default_value'=> variable_get("gwf", true),
'#options' => array(
'gwf' => "GWF".t(" Number"),
'email' => t("Email"),
'name' => t("Name"),
'phone_number' => t("Phone Number"),
$form['data'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfeild',
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Submit'),
return $form;
function searchEngine_submit($form, $form_state) {
if($form['searchOptions'] == "name"){
$name = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $form['data']);
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM tls_active_applicants WHERE first_name = '.$name['0'].' AND last_name = '.$name['1']);
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM tls_active_applicants WHERE '.$form['searchOptions'].' = '.$form['data']);
Passing a renderable array here is fine:
$block['content'] = drupal_get_form('searchEngine_form');
I've just tested your code and the form appears fine for me:
Now we know the code works it makes me wonder if it is just some css or something hiding it?
I would also install the devel module as it will help with debugging.
The you could use this code:
function searchEngine_block_view($delta = ''){
$block = array();
switch($delta) {
case 'searchEngine_form':
$block['subject'] = t('Applicant Search');
$form = drupal_get_form('test_form');
dpm($form); // call to dpm here to log if you are successfully getting the form at this point
$block['content'] = $form;
return $block;

ZF2 Dafault Database Session Storage

I am busy writing a DB Session module so I can quickly install it between multiple applications. The module will be loaded from the autoloader as the first module to be started. What I'm trying to accomplish is to change the default session container / session handler to be the default session handler for all modules and it should also be database hosted sessions. I've been strugling with zf2 session handler for quite a while now and the errors in the logs make 0 sense. So here what I have so far. A basic module with Module.php containing...
namespace DBSession;
use Zend\Mvc\ModuleRouteListener;
class Module {
public function onBootstrap($e) {
$eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener();
$config = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('Config');
$controller = $e->getTarget();
$controller->config = $config;
new \DBSession\Storage\DBStorage();
public function getConfig() {
return include __DIR__ . '/config/module.config.php';
public function getAutoloaderConfig() {
return array(
'Zend\Loader\ClassMapAutoloader' => array(
__DIR__ . '/autoload_classmap.php',
'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
'namespaces' => array(
__NAMESPACE__ => __DIR__ . '/src/' . __NAMESPACE__,
And the actual class that initiates the DB session handler.
namespace DBSession\Storage;
use Zend\Session\SaveHandler\DbTableGateway;
use Zend\Session\SaveHandler\DbTableGatewayOptions;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter;
use Zend\Session\SessionManager;
use Zend\Session\Container;
class DBStorage {
public function __construct() {
$dbAdapter = new Adapter(array(
'driver' => 'Mysqli',
'host' => 'localhost',
'dbname' => 'zf2_session',
'username' => 'zf2',
'password' => 'testme',
'options' => array(
'buffer_results' => true,
$tableGateway = new \Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway('session', $dbAdapter);
$gwOpts = new DbTableGatewayOptions();
$saveHandler = new DbTableGateway($tableGateway, $gwOpts);
$sessionManager = new SessionManager();
return Container::setDefaultManager($sessionManager);
When trying to create a session I see the following in the logs which I have 0 clue how to fix. This is starting to make me hate magic...
[29-Nov-2012 20:47:28 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend\Db\Sql\Exception\InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Not a valid magic property for this object' in /document_root/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Db/Sql/Select.php:764
Stack trace:
#0 /document_root/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Db/Sql/Select.php(163): Zend\Db\Sql\Select->__get('tableReadOnly')
#1 /document_root/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Db/Sql/Select.php(146): Zend\Db\Sql\Select->from('session')
#2 /document_root/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Db/Sql/Sql.php(65): Zend\Db\Sql\Select->__construct('session')
#3 /document_root/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Db/TableGateway/AbstractTableGateway.php(191): Zend\Db\Sql\Sql->select()
#4 /document_root/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Session/SaveHandler/DbTableGateway.php(134): Zend\Db\TableGateway\AbstractTableGateway->select(Array)
#5 [internal function]: Zend\Session\SaveHandler\DbTableGateway->write(' in /document_root/vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library/Zend/Db/Sql/Select.php on line 764
update :
zend framework >= 2.2, this issue is no more .
Old answer :
I have faced same issue on storing session into database , I have written initDbSession function inside basic module class \module\Application\Module.php
class Module
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
$eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener();
// session start from here
$this->initDbSession( $e );
* Store session into database
* #param type $e
private function initDbSession( MvcEvent $e )
// grab the config array
$serviceManager = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
$config = $serviceManager->get('config');
$dbAdapter = $serviceManager->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
/* some how this not works for me
$sessionOptions = new \Zend\Session\SaveHandler\DbTableGatewayOptions( null );
$sessionTableGateway = new \Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway('session', $dbAdapter);
$saveHandler = new \Zend\Session\SaveHandler\DbTableGateway($sessionTableGateway, $sessionOptions);
/* I written my own save handler , I am using mysql as database */
$saveHandler = new \My\Session\SaveHandler\Mysql( $config['db'] );
$sessionConfig = new \Zend\Session\Config\SessionConfig();
// pass the saveHandler to the sessionManager and start the session
$sessionManager = new \Zend\Session\SessionManager( $sessionConfig , NULL, $saveHandler );
// other function goes here ...
Here my config file , which is located in \config\autoload\global.php
return array(
'db' => array(
'driver' => 'Pdo',
'dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=zf2;host=localhost',
'driver_options' => array(
'buffer_results' => true
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'host' => 'localhost',
'dbname' => 'zf2',
'session' => array(
'remember_me_seconds' => 2419200,
'use_cookies' => true,
'cookie_httponly' => true,
'cookie_lifetime' => 2419200,
'gc_maxlifetime' => 2419200,
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
'Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter' => 'Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory'
Mysql Table structure is
CREATE TABLE `session` (
`name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`modified` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`lifetime` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
`data` TEXT NULL,
)COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB;
Custom Mysql save handler class is given below . I have written this class, because new Zend\Session\SaveHandler\DbTableGateway
not working on my server . My custom Mysql session save handler class written on \library\My\Session\SaveHandler\Mysql.php
namespace My\Session\SaveHandler;
use Zend\Session\SaveHandler\SaveHandlerInterface;
* Description of Mysql
* #author rab
class Mysql implements SaveHandlerInterface
* Session Save Path
* #var string
protected $sessionSavePath;
* Session Name
* #var string
protected $sessionName;
* Lifetime
* #var int
protected $lifetime;
* Constructor
public function __construct( $dbConfig )
$this->dbconn = mysql_connect(
if ( $this->dbconn ) {
return mysql_select_db($dbConfig['dbname'], $this->dbconn);
* Open the session
* #return bool
public function open( $savePath, $name )
$this->sessionSavePath = $savePath;
$this->sessionName = $name;
$this->lifetime = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
return true;
* Close the session
* #return bool
public function close()
return mysql_close($this->dbconn);
* Read the session
* #param int session id
* #return string string of the sessoin
public function read($id)
$id = mysql_real_escape_string($id);
$sql = "SELECT `data` FROM `session` " .
"WHERE id = '$id'";
if ( $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->dbconn)) {
if ( mysql_num_rows($result) ) {
$record = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
return $record['data'];
return '';
* Write the session
* #param int session id
* #param string data of the session
public function write($id, $data )
$data = (string) $data ;
$dbdata = array(
'modified' => time(),
'data' => mysql_real_escape_string( $data ) ,
$selectSql = "SELECT * FROM session
WHERE id = '$id' AND name = '{$this->sessionName}' ";
$rs = mysql_query( $selectSql, $this->dbconn );
if ( $rs = mysql_query( $selectSql , $this->dbconn)) {
if ( mysql_num_rows($rs) ) {
$updateSql = "UPDATE `session` SET
`modified`= '".$dbdata['modified'] . "' ,
`data`= '".$dbdata['data']. "'
WHERE id= '$id' AND name = '{$this->sessionName}' ";
mysql_query( $updateSql , $this->dbconn );
return true;
$dbdata['lifetime'] = $this->lifetime;
$dbdata['id'] = $id;
$dbdata['name'] = $this->sessionName;
$insertSql = "INSERT INTO session (". implode(',' , array_keys($dbdata)) .")"
."VALUES ('" . implode("','" , array_values( $dbdata )). "')";
return mysql_query( $insertSql, $this->dbconn);
* Destoroy the session
* #param int session id
* #return bool
public function destroy($id)
$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM `session` WHERE `id` = '%s'", $id);
return mysql_query($sql, $this->dbconn);
* Garbage Collector
* #param int life time (sec.)
* #return bool
public function gc( $maxlifetime )
$sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM `session` WHERE `modified` < '%s'",
mysql_real_escape_string(time() - $maxlifetime)
return mysql_query($sql, $this->dbconn);
Which saves my session values into db table . For more information you can check
After all of the fixes that have recently gone into ZF2 my original solution is now working without modification however, I have added a new composer module for anyone that wants to use it, it reduces the need to do it all manually.
Installation details are in the readme file on:
Enjoy and let me know if you have any issues.
Here's another similar solution:
How to use cookie in Zend Framework 2?
make sure you change this line:
With this one:
use Zend\Session\Container;
