tracking affiliates in mixpanel - affiliate

Trying to use mixpanel to set up a basic affiliate tracking system.
No problem setting up referral links and tracking events through the segmentation system, however I want to be able to attribute a certain event to a refferer even if the event is triggered in a later session (e.g the classic 30 day cookie for a standard affiliate program).
Anyone know how to go about doing this?

It sounds like you want a super property.

Building on raylu's answer you certainly want a super property: How do I set a property every time?
For affiliates you likely want to only count the first affiliate so you want to use register_once:


CakePHP - Best way to persist application state?

I have an app that tracks and displays various stats for a local athletic league. One of my requirements is to be able to break down stats by game type, league id and location id. The user picks a value for each of those 3 items and then goes off to view various stats with the 3 variables stored in a session. This works fine, but my problem is that users can't link back to whatever stats they were viewing. I know I can extend the life of the session, but I'd rather pass the state of those 3 variables around in the URL so I can have the ability to link back to any specific stats page with any or none of those 3 variables defined.
Query strings seem like an obvious way to do this, but I can't tell if there's any way for me to 'automatically' append the query string to all links generated in the app, or if I manually need to go through and add the querystring parameters wherever I generate a link or do a redirect. That seems like the brute force approach and I feel like there must be a better way to do this sort of persistence that I'm missing. Any help appreciated!
For a number of reasons (linking, SEO...etc), use a URL, not sessions/cookies. And instead of IDs, use slugs instead:
I'm sure there are many different ways to keep the url vars consistent across the board, but the way I can think to do it would be the following:
You can use Cake's route functionality to set each item to a variable and make nice looking URLs
In your AppController's beforeFilter(), set the Session of each item (type, league, location)
Make a custom MyHtmlHelper
in it, check if your Session for each contains data, and if it does, append to every link that needs it (could use only for specific controllers, actions...etc)
I hope there's a simpler way, but that's all I could think of offhand.

Create many passes from the app - iphone passbook

I have an application where i have to issue a gift cupon kind of a thing when the user reaches a certain score say 'x'.
I want to create a coupon with a unique QRcode, at the time the user reaches the score 'x' so that he can download it on his iphone and use it. Once it is used , the cupon should be invalidated. this applies to any user using the application. Meaning a coupon is created once the score is reached and deleted or invalidated once it is used.
I'm not able to figure out how to create a cupon everytime any user reaches the score. Ofcourse, i did go through a lot of documentations and links like I also tried using pass-source but the valid account requires you to pay minimum about 8$.
As suggested in raywenderlich tutorials, i can create passes but thats not created through the application.
Also i didn't see any method where we can be notified when a user uses his issued coupon so that we can invalidate it.
Am i missing something here?
"Using" a QR code on a coupon means it is scanned by something else. That something else has to take responsibility to report the activity back to you, so you could then update the pass with an "Expired" flag in your database, re-sign and rebuild the pass, issue the push notification so that it would eventually update on the device. You'd also probably want that scanner-thingie to check with you to see that the code is valid before accepting it. So, yeah, not Apple's problem.

Whitelisting Foreign Keys

How are folks generally handling the whitelisting of foreign key values? Let's ignore the use case of an associated user record which brings an additional set of issues and stick to a fairly benign scenario: A Task belongs to a Project. When I create the task, I want to create it with its project_id value, but I don't want that value to be editable. The property is passed by a hidden field in the shared form.
I know I could just unset that property in the controller before calling save() in the edit action, but I was wondering whether anyone had a better solution. I've used/tried several, but all are laborious or less "universal" than I'd like.
Does anyone have a solution that they really like to solve this particular problem?
I handle this manually as well. The process is something like this.
Load object and show the edit screen to the user.
When user submits, take the primary ID and load the object again. Check ownership.
Have a whitelist of user editable fields, loop through those keys and populate your new object, leave everything else alone.
You could move this into some kind of before save hook or behavior I would say. But this seems the best practice with the RoR feature (we all know what happened in GitHub)

Help Required on track active directory changes

I am going to write a small software to track active directory changes. I need an expert opinion from you. I want to display information about What ( with before and after values), When, Where and Who of any change in AD.
I am going to implement this by one of the following way
1. Change Notification Control
2. DirSync Control
Both of these method give us the attribute that are changed and we can compare new values with some dump in SQL Server to get old values.
My problem is how can I find “Who” has made this change. I have tried but there is no attribute “LastModifiedBy” in active directory. Please give your opinion how can I track who has made this change.
--Faisal Iqbal
My company uses ActiveRoles from Quest. No one actually makes changes directly to AD; all changes are done through ActiveRoles so we have that type of auditing (and a lot more benefits.)
Is there any reason you can't use AD Auditing?

CakePHP: Updating a session variable after save

I have a User object that, upon successful authentication, is tucked into the session (sans security info) for easy recall and for determining whether we have an authenticated user or anonymous session. There are several paths by which the user can alter some or all of his or her information and I'd like to keep that session value up to date. The obvious answer is to update the value in the afterSave() callback, but that, of course, violates MVC.
Is there another way of capturing every change in one place so that I don't have to drop session writes all over the place? I can't think of anything, nor have I been able to find any other ideas. Am I the only person trying to do something like this?
Final Solution: I marked neilcrookes' response as the answer, frankly, because there doesn't seem to be the better way. Since this way violates my OCD senses, though, I took a slightly different path. I decided to have my User::authenticate() method return the authenticated user object to the caller so it can do whatever it wants with it. One of the things that the callers "want" to do is to drop that value in the session. It's redundancy, but it's very, very limited. In my mind, that felt better than accessing the session from the model (though it's certainly a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario).
//in users controller
if ($this->User->save()) {
$this->Session->setFlash[.. etc]
And for the record, I do not agree with the answer of neilcrooks, but I will refrain from feeding the troll.
Some might disagree but I'd screw MVC, do it in Model::afterSave() and use $_SESSION - test for the session before writing to it, in case it's not started for example you are saving against the model in a shell or something.
MVC is a general pattern - a guideline, you can bang your head against it trying to figure out how to achieve something that doesn't quite fit, or just do it another way and move onto to something more important.
Bring on the flames.
after save
Use Like this
$this->Session->write('Auth.User.mmid', $kinde['Kindle']['id']);
You should be able to just use AppController to create the necessary callback(s) that keep your session data up to date. So, for instance, you could have your User model afterSave() set a property called changed to true. Then in your AppController->afterFilter() you check that property and update the session data as necessary.
Alternatively, you could write a component through which to update your user info and also your session data. Then any controller that needs to change user info just needs to include that component.
There's no need to write redundant code or break MVC.
