finding a file in unix using wildcards in file name - file

I have few files in a folder with name pattern in which one of the section is variable.
So the third section (numeric) in above three file names changes everyday.
Now, I have a script which does some tasks on the file data. However, before doing the work, I want to check whether the file exists or not and then do the task:
if(file exist) then
//do this
I wrote the below code using wildcard '*' in numeric section:
export mydir=/myprog/mydata
if[find $mydir/*.xyz]; then
# my tasks here
However, it is not working and giving below error:
[find: not found [No such file or directory]
Using -f instead of find does not work as well:
if[-f $mydir/*.xyz]; then
# my tasks here
What am I doing wrong here ? I am using korn shell.
Thanks for reading!

for i in*.xyz ; do
# use $i here ...

I was not using spaces before the unix keywords...
For e.g. "if[-f" should actually be " if [ -f" with spaces before and after the bracket.


bash array of file locations - how to find last updated file?

Have an array of files built from a locate command that I need to cycle through and figure out the latest and print the latest. We have a property file called randomname-properties.txt that is in multiple locations and is sometimes called randomname-properties.txt.bak or randomname-properties.txt.old. Example is below
Directory structure
#Builds list of all files
PropLoc=(`locate randomname-properties.txt`)
#Parse list and remove older file
for i in ${PropLoc[#]} ; do
if [ ${PropLoc[0]} -ot ${PropLoc[1]} ] ; then
echo "Removing ${PropLoc[0]} from the list as it is older"
#Below should rebuild the array while removing the older element
PropLoc=( "${PropLoc[#]/$PropLoc[0]}" )
echo "Latest file found is ${PropLoc[#]}"
Overall this isn't working. It currently appears that it doesn't even go into the loop as the first two files have the same timestamp of last year (doesn't appear to deconflict down past the day for things older than a year). Any thoughts on how to get this to work properly? Thank you
You can use ls -t, which will sort the files by modification time. The first line will then be the newest file.
newest=$(ls -t "${PropLoc[#]}" | head -n 1)
This should work as long as none of the filenames contain newlines.
Don't forget to quote your variables in case they contain whitespace or wildcard characters.
Without parsing the output of ls:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while read -r -d '' file; do
if [ "$file" -nt "$latest" ]; then
done < <(locate --null randomname-properties.txt)
printf 'Latest file found is %s\n' "$latest"

Echoing an array containing elements with spaces as an argument to another command

I am writing a little script that outputs a list of duplicate files in the directory, ie. pairs of XXX.jpg and XXX (1).jpg. I want to use the output of this script as an argument to a command, namely ql (quicklook) so I can look through all such images (to verify they are indeed duplicate images, or just filenames). For instance, I can do `ql (' which will allow me to look through all the files 'XXX (1).jpg'; but I want to include in that list also the original 'XXX.jpg' files.
Here is my script so far:
for file in *\(*; do
dups+=( "${file}" )
breakdown=( $file )
if [ -e "$dupfile" ]; then
dups+=( "$dupfile" )
echo ${dups[#]}
As far as building an array of the required filenames goes, it works. But when it comes to invoking something like ql $(./, the command gets confused by the filenames with spaces. It will attempt to open 'XXX' as a file, and then '(1).jpg' as another file. So the question is, how can I echo this array such that filenames with spaces are recognised as such by the command I pass it to?
I have tried changing line 3 to:
dups+=( "'$file'" )
dups+=( "${file/ /\ }" )
Both to no avail.
You can't pass arrays from one process to another. All you are doing is writing a space-separated sequence of file names to standard output, and the unquoted command substitution in ql $(./ fails for the same reason you need an array in the first place: word-splitting does not distinguish between spaces in file names and spaces between file names.
I would recommend defining a function, rather than a script, and have that function populate a global array that you can access directly after the function has been called.
get_dups () {
for file in *\(*; do
dups+=( "$file" )
read -a breakdown <<< "$file" # safer way to split the name into parts
if [ -e "$dupfile" ]; then
dups+=( "$dupfile" )
ql "${dups[#]}"

Script for renameing special characters files and directories

I am looking for a script to rename files and directories that have special characters in them.
My files:
?rip?ev <- Directory
- Juhendid ?rip?evaks.doc <- Document
- ?rip?ev 2 <- Subdirectory
-- t?ts?.xml <- Subdirectory file
They need to be like this:
ripev <- Directory
- Juhendid ripevaks.doc <- Document
- ripev 2 <- Subdirectory
-- tts.xml <- Subdirectory file
I need to change the files and the folders so that the filetype stays the same as it is for example .doc and .xml wont be lost. Last time I did it with rename it lost every filetype and the files were moved to mother directory in this case ?rip?ev directory and subdirectories were empty. Everything was located under the mother directory /home/samba/.
So in this case I need just to rename the question mark in the file name and directory name, but not to move it anywhere else or lose any other character or the filetype. I have been looking around google for a answer but haven't found one. I know it can be done with find and rename, but haven't been able to over come the complexity of the script. Can anyone help me please?
You can just do something like this
find -name '*\?*' -exec bash -c 'echo mv -iv "$0" "${0//\?/}"' {} \;
Note the echo before the mv so you can see what it does before actually changing anything. Otherwise above:
searches for ? in the name (? is equivalent to a single char version of * so needs to be escaped)
executes a bash command passing the {} as the first argument (since there is no script name it's $0 instead of $1)
${0//\?/} performs parameter expansion in bash replacing all occurrences of ? with nothing.
Note also that file types do not depend on the name in linux, but this should not change any file extension unless they contain ?.
Also this will rename symlinks as well if they contain ? (not clear whether or not that was expected from question).
I usually do this kind of thing in Perl:
sub procdir {
chdir #_[0];
for (<*>) {
my $oldname = $_;
rename($oldname, $_) if s/\?//g;
procdir($_) if -d;
chdir "..";

Unique file names in a directory in unix

I have a capture file in a directory in which some logs are being written in a file
now there is a script in which when its size becomes exactly 1.6Gb then it clears itself and prepares files in below format in same directory-
Now i want to pick all these files in a script one by one and want to perform some actions.
my script is-
today=`date +%d_%m_%y`
grep -E '^IPaddress|^Node' /var/rawcap/word.cap.COB2T* | awk '{print $3}' >> snmp$today.txt
sort -u snmp$today.txt > snmp_final_$today.txt
so, what should i write to pick all file names of above mentioned format one by one as i will place this script in crontab,but i don't want to read main word.cap file as that is being edited.
As per your comment:
Thanks, this is working but i have a small issue in this. There are
some files which are bzipped i.e. word.cap.COB2T_1390213719.bz2, so i
dont want these files in list, so what should be done?
You could add a condition inside the loop:
for file in word.cap.COB2T*; do
if [[ "$file" != *.bz2 ]]; then
# Do something here
echo ${file};

Check whether files in a file list exist in a certain directory

The runtime arguments are as follows: $1 is the path to the file containing the list of files
$2 is the path to the directory containing the files
What I want to do is check that each file listed in $1 exists in the $2 directory
I'm thinking something like:
for f in 'cat $1'
then echo '$f exists in $2'
else echo '$f is missing in $2' sleep 5 exit
As you can see, I want it so that if any of the files listed in $1 don't exist in $2 directory, the script states this then closes. The only part I can't get my head around is the (FILEEXISTSIN$2DIRECTORY) part. I know that you can do [ -e $f ], but I don't know how you can make sure its checking that it exists in the $2 directory.
Edit: Thinking further upon this, perhaps I could use nested for loops?
If your specified input file contains a newline-separated list of files to check, then the following solution (using a while read loop) is robust enough to handle file names with spaces properly.
Generally, you should never make use of a loop of the form for i in $(command), and instead opt for a while loop. See for more details.
while read -r file; do
if [[ -e "$2/$file" ]]; then
echo "$f exists in $2"
echo "$f does not exist in $2"
sleep 5
exit 1
done < "$1"
Since you're dealing with a list of file names without spaces in the names (because the $(cat $1) notation will split things up like that), it is relatively straight forward:
for file in $(cat $1)
if [ -e "$2/$file" ]
then echo "$file exists in $2"
else echo "$file is missing in $2"; sleep 5; exit 1
Basically, use the built-in string concatenation facilities to build the full path to the file, and use the test or [ operator to check the files existence.
The complexities arise if you have to deal with arbitrary file names, especially if one of the arbitrary characters in an arbitrary file name can be the newline character. Suffice to say, they complicate the issue sufficiently that I won't deal with it unless you say you need it dealt with, and even then, I'll negotiate on whether newlines in names need to be handled. The double-quoted variable expansion is a key part of the strategy for dealing with it. The other part of the problem is how to get the file names accurately into a variable.
