SalesForce: Query objects a user has read permission for - salesforce

How can I Query all Accounts a given user has read permission for?
I tried the following but, returned the error "semi join sub selects can only query id fields, cannot use: 'RecordId'"
User u = new User();
Account[] account = [SELECT Name FROM Account a
FROM UserRecordAccess
WHERE RecordId = :a.Id
AND UserId = :u
AND HasReadAccess = true
The code is being executed as part of a scheduled batch job run as system so use of "with sharing" is not applicable.

The salesforce documentation says that RecordID is a picklist field which seems odd. If it is a picklist field that might explain why it does not work in a subquery.
You could try building a set of RecordIDs first and then using this to filter the Account query.
Set<ID> sRecordIDs = [SELECT RecordID FROM UserRecordAccess WHERE UserId = :u AND HasReadAccess = True];
Account[] accs =[SELECT ID,Name FROM Account WHERE Id in :sRecordIDs];
This might fall over governor limits if the number of records in UserRecordAccess is high.

If you are only looking to do this for Account you could try this:
User u = new User();
list<Account> accs = [select Id, Name from Account where Id in (select AccountId from AccountShare where UserOrGroupId = :u.Id) or OwnerId = :u.Id];
That should give you all of the account records that the user has access to or owns. In the general case each sObject has its own 'Share' sObject that represents visibility against it, unless it is degenerate in some way (i.e. it is the detail in a master-detail).


__r.Name from Account is empty

In APEX class we have SOQL:
Case carrierList= [SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Current_Quoted_By_Carrier__c, Current_Quoted_By_Carrier__r.Name, Quoted_By_Carrier__c, Quoted_By_Carrier__r.Name FROM Case WHERE Id = :con.Id];
When we run SOQL in Workbench or Developer Console for specific recordId the Name is populated, but in APEX SOQL returns record Id, but no Name (DEBUG|Quoted by Carrier Name = null).
Case.Quoted_By_Carrier__c is a lookup on Account.
Check to make sure the profile has access to the account record and that the profile has read permissions on the account name field.

Get Contact Emails of Currently Active Account as List

Given: A Salesforce user is viewing an account page.
Desired Output: All Emails of Contacts related to the Account currently viewed as a List object.
My code:
SELECT Email FROM Contact WHERE Id IN (SELECT ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE AccountId = ApexPages.CurrentPage.getParameters().get('id'))
This does not retrieve any results. When using a fixed number instead of ApexPages.CurrentPage.getParameters().get('id'), the Emails are correctly returned.
I'm sort of new to Apex. Could anyone point out what I am doing wrong?
To achieve the desired output you need to use SOQL variable injection.
You can do this by creating a variable first and then referencing the variable inside the SOQL using : and the variable name:
String theAccountId = ApexPages.CurrentPage.getParameters().get('id');
List<Contact> theContacts = [SELECT Email FROM Contact WHERE Id IN (SELECT ContactId FROM AccountContactRelation WHERE AccountId = :theAccountId)];
You can use a static query with a bind variable to retrieve the correct results.
Additionally, the Contact object contains an AccountId field of its own. Therefore, depending on your setup, you may be able to eliminate your subquery. You may also want to filter out Email fields that are empty, since Email is not a required field.
The complete result could look something like this:
String accountId = ApexPages.CurrentPage.getParameters().get('id');
List<Contact> accountContactsEmailList = [
Email != ''
AND AccountId = :accountId
for (Contact contact : accountContactsEmailList) {

Salesforce SOQL query to retrieve related accounts for an contact

I would like to retrieve the related account for an contact resource from saleforce API. I have tried the below query to retrieve account which has contact Id. But not able to get my requirement.
Anyone , please help.
You are actually trying to correlate Id from Contact object and Id from Account object. You can use the relations :
select, from contact where email=''
You are trying to retrieve Account for Contact. You have Email id based on you want Account details.
If you want to Account id then use AccountID field also in your Query:
Your query will like this:
List<Contact> contactList = [Select id, name, AccountID
from contact where Email = ''];
for(Contact con : contactList) {
System.debug('Account id : ' + con.AccountID);

Salesforce SOQL Filter by child relationship

I have the following simple query which shows I can access the field I want to filter by:
SELECT Id, Name, (SELECT HC4__IsSearchableExternally__c FROM Contacts)
FROM Account
However, what I really want to do is return only the Id and Name properties for Accounts that have at least one Contact where HC4__IsSearchableExternally__c is true. Is this possible to do with a Salesforce query?
Basically, I want to do something like the following (nonfunctional query):
FROM Account
WHERE (SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM Contacts WHERE HC4__IsSearchableExternally__c = true) > 0
Thanks for any help you can provide!
You can do this with a semi-join, e.g:
select id, name from account
where id in (select accountId from contact where HC4__IsSearchableExternally__c = true)

Soql query to get all related contacts of an account in an opportunity

i have SOQL query which queries for some records based on a where condition.
select id, name, ... <other fields> from opportunity where eventname__c='Test Event'
i also need to get the related contact details for the account in the opportunity. ie i need to add the email ids of contact who all are part of the account in the opportunity.
For each opportunity, i need to get all the contacts emailids who are associated with the account in opportunity.
I cant really figure out how to approach this.
referring the documentation i can get the contact info of a account using the query
FROM Contacts
FROM Account
How can i use this along with opportunity?
The problem is that you are trying to traverse up from opportunity to its parent (account) and then back down to the children (contacts).
I think you will have to do it in two stages, e.g. roughly like:
id[] accountids = new id[]{};
for (opportunity opp : [select accountid from opportunity where eventname__c='Test Event'])
accountids.add (opp.accountid);
account[] acclist = [select name, (select email from contacts) from account where id in :accountIds];
