View + Sub Views in backbone/backbone-relational app - backbone.js

I've been learning a lot about backbone, backbone-relational and building web apps from reading through stackexchange - so first a thank you to the community.
Now, I am stuck at trying to understand this current issue involving nested models and sub views in what seems to me to be is a pretty common usecase.
I am trying to extend this tutorial to learn about backbone-relational, views/subviews and event handling by keepin track of "CheckIns" for each wine.
I have extended the server side to return appropriate JSON and backbone-relational model for checkIns like so:
window.CheckInModel = Backbone.RelationalModel.extend({
window.CheckInCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model : CheckInModel
And the Wine Model like so:
relations: [{
type: Backbone.HasMany,
relatedModel: 'CheckInModel',
collectionType: CheckInCollection,
I've created a CheckInListView and CheckInItemView (same as WineListView and WineListItemView) and use the WineView Render function to render the CheckIns like so:
render:function (eventName) {
console.log("wine View Render");
this.myCheckInListView = new CheckInListView({model: this.model.attributes.CheckIn});
return this;
I've also created a new function within wineview that creates a checkin and associated with the given event:
logcheckin: function (event){
var todate = new Date();
newCheckIn = new CheckInModel ({'Did':"true", 'dateOf': todate.toISOString()});
console.log ("Logcheckin - About to push newCheckIn onto Model.");
this.model.attributes.CheckIn.push (newCheckIn);
console.log ("Just pushed newCheckIn onto Model.");
Ok - if you haven't TL/DRed yet - This all seems to work fine from a UI perspective -ie. everything renders correctly and saves to the Db.
But I notice in the console that when I push a new CheckIn (between the console.logs above) the CheckInListView's Add binding gets called multiple times for wach button press - Which makes me think something is wrong with how I'm doing views or that I am not understanding something fundamental about event propagation.
Why is this happening ? Is it expected behavior ? Am I approaching what I am trying to do correctly ?
Thanks for reading if not your help.
Here are the relevant parts of the CheckinListView and CheckInList Item views that are bound to the add (and other) events.
window.CheckInListView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
this.model.bind("reset", this.render, this);
this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);
var self = this;
this.model.bind("add", function (CheckIn) {
console.log ("Adding to CheckInListView - a CheckIn List Item", CheckIn);
self.$el.append(new CheckInListItemView({model:CheckIn}).render().el);
close:function () {
window.CheckInListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
this.model.bind("change", this.render, this);
this.model.bind("destroy", this.close, this);
The comment about event binding and closing views were the right hints for debugging this.
1) I was not closing and unbinding the nested views properly which left some ghost event consumers even though there was nothing in the DOM
2) You only need to bind events if we want to do something only in the subview.
For Example - If I have checkbox in a subview I can bind a subview change event in the main view and handle the event there since the mainview has model there anyway. I don't know if this is the "right" way but it works for what I need to do. (mm.. spaghetti code tastes so good)
3) Struggling with this helped me think through the UX some more and helped me simplify UI.
4) I was trying to "save" calls to the server by nesting all the data into on JSON call. And if I were to re-do this - I would not nest the data at all but handle it on the back end by associating the wine ID with checkIn ID and then having a separate collection that gets populated with the collection once a task is selected - I thought this would not be a the preferred way but it seems to be the way that a lot of people.
Still welcome any thoughts on the "right" way questions above or if anyone can point to a tutorial that goes beyond the "simple backbone app"

I'm not sure about everything that's happening, but, I've run into the problem of events firing multiple times before. If you're rendering multiple models using the same view, there's a chance that they're all being bound to the same event.
Perhaps this answer might apply:
Cleaning views with backbone.js?
If not, you should respond to Edward M Smith's comment and show how your events are being bound.


How do you maintain view states with Marionette JS?

It seems that Marionette isn't designed to handle reusing views. What is an effective way to maintain view states (for all view types) since they're always being reconstructed?
My first thought was to capture state in the models, but I quickly parted with that idea as many views can reference the same model.
I did try reusing views in a couple of different fashions but wasn't confident what I was doing was correct. In each case, I felt like the Marionette methods I was overriding might break things (now and/or later).
I've found suggestions on how to accomplish this with pure Backbone, and also glanced at Giraffe which seems to handle state quite effectively, but I've yet to find a solution for Marionette.
An easy unsaved state system for getting data to the template is:
View.MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
serializeData: function() {
return _.merge(this.model.toJSON(), this.options.state.toJSON());
var view = new View.MyView({
model: model,
state: new Backbone.Model(),
With a little more advanced version you can use the model events too:
View.MyView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
initialize: function() {
var self = this;
this.options.state.on('change', function(event, data) {
if (_.isFunction(self[event])) {
Then in your controller:
view.options.state.trigger('change', 'functionName', 'someData');
You can track your view states by using a ViewModel.
Sam talks a bit about this here:

How to avoid duplicate code and logic in templates for similar views in Backbone.js

I am building an app using backbone.js and find myself with a view with a lot of conditional logic in the templating of the Model's View. The type property of the model is used to determine which html to render. I would like to avoid this logic if possible, because it is hard to read. There are a couple of ways that I think I could deal with this (Note that the actual templates I've got here are very much simplified):
1. Conditional Logic in Collection View rather than in Model View - Multiple Subviews
I could put the conditional logic that acts on each model's type into the Collection View:
var CollectionView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
this.collection.each(function(thing) {
if(thing.get("type") === "wotsit") {
this.$el.append(new WotsitView({ model: thing });
} else if(thing.get("type") === "oojamaflip") {
this.$el.append(new OojamaflipView({ model: thing });
}, this);
This way I could have each subview with a template method that had no logic in it, but rather just builds html.
var WotsitView = new Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template('<h2>{{ title }}</h2>');
var OojamaflipView = new Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template('<h3>{{ title }}</h3>');
The thing is, the things in the collection are all very similar. The events for each thing are likely to be the same or very similar and I can see there being a lot of code duplication. I really only want the actual template for these subviews to be different with everything else the same.
2. Conditional Logic in Model View - Multiple Template Methods
var ModelView = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function() {
if(this.model.get("type") ==== "wotsit") {
} else if(this.model.get("type") === "oojamaflip") {
wotsitTemplate: _.template('<h2>{{ title }}</h2>'),
oojamaflipTemplate: _.template('<h3>{{ title }}</h3>')
There is only one view for the model.
All of the events etc are handles in one view rather that being duplicated.
I actually quite like this way, but I would be very interested to hear some other peoples options on it.
Option #1 = polymorphism
Option #2 = switch statement
Switch statements are useful if you never (or rarely) have to add new types, but you might want to add new methods. Imagine you want to add a validate method to ModelView, which checks view input for that kind of model for correctness and reports the results to the user. With option #2, you'd just add one new method that switches on the model type (just like the render method) to handle validation.
Now let's assume we already have a render method and a validate method, and we want to handle a new type of model, a thingamajig. With option #2, you'd have to add logic to both render and validate. Now imagine we don't have just 2 methods, but 10 — option #2 gets real complicated real quick when you have to handle new types. But if we followed option #1, then no matter how many methods there were, we'd only have to create a new view in one place, and update CollectionView to map the new type to the new view.
Most of the time polymorphism (option #1) is the clean way to go. It lets you separate all logic specific to a given type and put it one place, making it easy to handle new types.
Keeping DRY
If you're worried with option #1 that you'll end up with a lot of duplicate code between all the views, don't forget that it's easy to make Views that inherit from other Backbone Views:
var ItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function() {
/* some common logic for all views */
var WotsitView = ItemView.extend({
template: _.template('<h2>{{ title }}</h2>')
var OojamaflipView = ItemView.extend({
template: _.template('<h3>{{ title }}</h3>')

Repopulating forms from in backbone

ive got a problem which im not sure how to bite.
Ive got a search form with a lots of filters. I store all current fitlers
in global namespage ie: window.NM.CurrentSearchParams = {} and i update the hash from filters. Each time the hash is updated, updating uri event is fired to
replate the with current params. Everything is workin here fine.
Now ive got a problem after entering page to deserialize and
update CurrentSearchParams with parameters. Thats fine also, but i would like
to forms to repopulate based on those params.
Ive got a little mess in code and not sure the best way to do it.
How to bind form population in different views to the parameters?
make the CurrentSearchParams a Backbone.Model so you can subscribe to change events on it.
NM.CurrentSearchParams = new Backbone.Model();
MyView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function(){
NM.CurrentSearchParams.on("change", this.doStuff, this);
doStuff: function(){
// do stuff here
close: function(){"change", this.doStuff, this);
Note the "close" method that I added. This is very important and you need to call this when your view is done and ready to be closed, or you will end up with a lot of memory leaks and events triggering on zombie view instances:

Backbone boilerplate Events

What is the best way to bind events to a Backbone boilerplate application? I've been trying to bind my events directly to the models associated with my views, in my views, but it doesn't seem to be working. I see within 'namespace.js', that there is an app key that extends Backbone.Events like so:
// Keep active application instances namespaced under an app object.
app: _.extend({}, Backbone.Events)
I don't fully understand how to use it...
I was able to get things working without the boilerplate, but it does provide some very cool functionality, so I'd love to be able to use it. Thanks!
the code I was using was with the underscore bind method like so:
this.module.bind('change', this.render);
But then, I realized that 'this.model' is returning undefined, and so this doesn't work. I really am not sure how the boilerplate wants me to reference my model from the view.
I'm not sure if it is a typo that you copied from your code or a typo you only entered here, but I believe this.module (which IS undefined) should be this.model, which you also must be sure to pass in when you instantiate your view, of course, as so:
myView = new BBView({model: myModel});
then you can say this.model.bind('change', this.render); or this.model.on('change', this.render); for the most recent version of Backbone
I frequently bind my views to change events on my models in this way.
As for extending Backbone.Events, the way I have used it is to create an independent "event aggregator" that will help connect events between different views on your page. Let's say for example you have some action on one view that needs to set off an action on another view. In this case, you can pass your event aggregator object as an option to each of your views when you instantiate them, so that they can both trigger events or bind to events on a common object (i.e. your event aggregator).
whatsUp = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events) // the aggregator
myFirstView = new FirstBBView ({whatsUp: whatsUp});
(the aggregator shows up as this.options.whatsUp inside the view)
mySecondView = new SecondBBView2 ({whatsUp: whatsUp});
inside FirstBBView:
this.options.whatsUp.bind('specialEvent', function(arg1,arg2) {
// do stuff
inside SecondBBView, when something important happens:
this.options.whatsUp.trigger('specialEvent', {arg1: 'some data', arg2: 'more data'});
For a great explanation, see this great article by Derick Bailey

Backbone Design

I'm just getting started with Backbone. I went through the first two PeepCode screencasts which were great and now I'm digging in on a quick detached (no server side) mock-up of a future app.
Here's what I'm looking to build (roughly). A series of five text boxes - lets call these Widgets. Each Widget input, when selected, will display a pane that shows Tasks associated with the Widget and allow the user to create a new Task or destroy existing Tasks.
At this point, I'm thinking I have the following models:
The following collections:
The following views (this is where it gets hairy!)
- Presents a collection of Widgets
- sub-view of WidgetListView to render a specific Widget
- Presented when the user selects a Widget input
- Ability to create a new Task associated with selected Widget
- Presents a collection of Tasks for the given widget
- Displays Task detail - sub-view of TaskListView
Assuming that's reasonable, the trick becomes how to display a TaskPaneView when a WidgetView is selected. And futhermore, how that TaskPaneView should in turn render TaskCreateViews and TaskListViews.
The real question here is: Does one cascade render events across Views? Is it permissible for a Root view to know of sub-views and render them explicitly? Should this be event-driven?
Apologies if this is an open-ended question, just hoping someone will have seen something similar before and be able to point me in the right direction.
Definitely make it event driven. Also, try not to create views that are closely coupled. Loose coupling will make your code more maintainable as well as flexible.
Check out this post on the event aggregator model and backbone:
The short version is you can do this:
var vent = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
and use vent.trigger and vent.bind to control your app.
Pre p.s.: I have made a gist for you with the code that I wrote below:
I agree with the pub/sub ('Observer pattern') that is suggested by the other answers. I would however also use the power of Require.js along with Backbone.
Addy Osmani has written a few GREAT! resources about Javascript design patterns and about building Backbone applications:
The cool thing about using AMD (implemented in Require.js) along with Backbone is that you solve a few problems that you'd normally have.
Normally you will define classes and store these in some sort of namespaced way, e.g.:
MyApp.controllers.Tasks = Backbone.Controller.extend({})
This is fine, as long as you define most things in one file, when you start adding more and more different files to the mix it gets less robust and you have to start paying attention to how you load in different files, controllers\Tasks.js after models\Task.js etc. You could of course compile all the files in proper order, etc, but it is far from perfect.
On top of this, the problem with the non AMD way is that you have to nest Views inside of each other more tightly. Lets say:
MyApp.classes.views.TaskList = Backbone.View.extend({
// do stuff
MyApp.views.App = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#app',
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
this.task_list = new MyApp.classes.views.TaskList();
render: function(){
}); = new MyApp.views.App();
All good and well, but this can become a nightmare.
With AMD you can define a module and give it a few dependencies, if you are interested in how this works read the above links, but the above example would look like this:
// file: views/TaskList.js
define([], function(){
var TaskList = Backbone.View.extend({
//do stuff
return new TaskList();
// file: views/App.js
define(['views/TaskList'], function(TaskListView){
var App = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '#app',
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render');
render: function(){
return new App();
// called in index.html
Require(['views/App'], function(AppView){ = AppView;
Notice that in the case of views you'd return instances, I do this for collections too, but for models I'd return classes:
// file: models/Task.js
define([], function(){
var Task = Backbone.Model.extend({
//do stuff
return Task;
This may seem a bit much at first, and people may think 'wow this is overkill'. But the true power becomes clear when you have to use the same objects in many different modules, for example collections:
// file: models/Task.js
define([], function(){
var Task = Backbone.Model.extend({
//do stuff
return Task;
// file: collections/Tasks.js
define(['models/Task'], function(TaskModel){
var Tasks = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: TaskModel
return new Tasks();
// file: views/TaskList.js
define(['collections/Tasks'], function(Tasks){
var TaskList = Backbone.View.extend({
render: function(){
_.each(Tasks.models, function(task, index){
// do something with each task
return new TaskList();
// file: views/statistics.js
define(['collections/Tasks'], function(Tasks){
var TaskStats = Backbone.View.extend({
el: document.createElement('div'),
// Note that you'd have this function in your collection normally (demo)
getStats: function(){
totals = {
all: Tasks.models.length
done: _.filter(Tasks, function(task){ return task.get('done'); });
return totals;
render: function(){
var stats = this.getStats();
// do something in a view with the stats.
return new TaskStats();
Note that the 'Tasks' object is exactly the same in both views, so the same models, state, etc. This is a lot nicer than having to create instances of the Tasks collection at one point and then reference it through the whole application all the time.
At least for me using Require.js with Backbone has taken away a gigantic piece of the puzzling with where to instantiate what. Using modules for this is very very helpful. I hope this is applicable to your question as well.
p.s. please also note that you'd include Backbone, Underscore and jQuery as modules to your app too, although you don't have to, you can just load them in using the normal script tags.
For something with this kind of complexity, I might recommend using Backbone Aura, which has not yet had a stable release version. Aura essentially allows you to have multiple fully self-contained Backbone apps, called "widgets," running on a single page, which might help disentangle and smooth over some of your model/view logic.
From a classical MVC perspective, your views respond to changes in their associated models.
//initialize for view
initialize : function() {
this.model.on("change", this.render(), this);
The idea here is that anytime a view's model is changed, it'll render itself.
Alternatively or additionally, if you change something on a view, you can trigger an event that the controller listens to. If the controller also created the other models, it can modify them in some meaningful way, then if you're listening for changes to the models the views will change as well.
Similar answer to Chris Biscardi's. Here's what I have:
You create a global var Dispatcher (doesn't have to be global as long as it can be accessed from the scope of Backbone app):
Dispatcher = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events);
Dispatcher will help you execute subscribed callbacks with events that are not particularly triggered by changes in models or collections. And cool thing is that Dispatcher can execute any function, inside or outside Backbone app.
You subscribe to events using bind() in a view or any part of the app:
Dispatcher.bind('editor_keypress', this.validate_summary);
Then in another view or part of the app you trigger new event using trigger():
The beauty of using a dispatcher is its simplicity and ability to subscribe multiple listeners (e.g. callbacks in different Backbone views) to the same event.
