Does Lucene / Solr support hypernyms and hyponyms? - solr

For example, houses are buildings, therefore when searching for 'buildings' Lucene would return matches for 'house' as well. This is not the same as synonyms, searching for 'house' shouldn't match 'building'.

You can simply construct a dictionary/hash-table of hypernyms and write a Query Expansion Module having support for hypernyms. To put it simply (1) when the user types in say "Building" in the search Box (2) send your query to your hash table (3) retrieve hypernyms for Building (4) Expand your query something like q=Building+House+Apartment+Villa.


Relevance feedback in Apache Solr

I would like to implement relevance feedback in Solr. Solr already has a More Like This feature: Given a single document, return a set of similar documents ranked by similarity to the single input document. Is it possible to configure Solr's More Like This feature to behave like More Like Those? In other words: Given a set of documents, return a list of documents similar to the input set (ranked by similarity).
According to the answer to this question turning Solr's More Like This into More Like Those can be done in the following way:
Take the url of the result set of the query returning the specified documents. For example, the url http://solrServer:8983/solr/select?q=id:1%20id:2%20id:3 returns the response to the query id:1 id:2 id:3 which is practically the concatenation of documents 1, 2, 3.
Put the above url (concatenation of the specified documents) in the GET parameter of the More Like This handler: http://solrServer:8983/solr/mlt?mlt.fl=text&mlt.mintf=0&stream.url=http://solrServer:8983/solr/select%3Fq=id:1%20id:2%20id:3. Now the More Like This handler treats the concatenation of documents 1, 2 and 3 as a single input document and returns a ranked set of documents similar to the concatenation.
This is a pretty bad implementation: Treating the set of input documents like one big document discriminates against short documents because short documents occupy a small portion of the entire big document.
Solr's More Like This feature is implemented by a variation of The Rocchio Algorithm: It takes the top 20 terms of the (single) input document (the terms with the highest TF-IDF values) and uses those terms as the modified query, boosted according to their TF-IDF. I am looking for a way to configure Solr's More Like This feature to take multiple documents as its input, extract the top n terms from each input document and query the index with those terms boosted according to their TF-IDF.
Is it possible to configure More Like This to behave that way? If not, what is the best way to implement relevance feedback in Solr?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to configure the MLT handler that way.
One way to do it would be to implement a custom SearchComponent and register it to a (dedicated) SearchHadler.
I've already done something similar and it is quite easy if you look a the original implementation of MLT component.
The most difficult part is the synchronization of the results from different shard servers, but it can be skipped if you do not use shards.
I would also strongly recommend to use your own parameters in your implementation to prevent collisions with other components.

How to exclude results for certain words like "West Virgina" when searching for "Virginia" in a US state list?

I've got SOLR happily running indexing a list of department names that contain US states. It is working well however, searching for "Virginia" will turn up results containing "West Virginia", and while certainly helpful for some business requirements, is not in ours.
Is there a special way of saying that a query for X must not contain Y (I don't mind crafting a special query for the case of "Virginia"), or can I only do this post-query by iterating over the results and excluding results with "West Virginia"?
Use a minus sign (hyphen) combined with the phrases/terms you want to exclude. If you use the dismax query parser, then you don't even need to specify field names.
using dismax:
q=virginia -"west virginia"
using standard query parser:
q=field_name:(virginia -"west virginia")
Refer to the Solr Query Syntax wiki page and its further links for more examples.
You could make a state field that is a string type and just search on state:"virginia" (lowercase the string before indexing / searching)

How can I do a prefix search in ElasticSearch in addition to a generic query string?

I have a very basic index of "users" with a single type "user" that has several fields to it. I don't have anything defined on the index besides that.
What I need to do is provide autocomplete results that prioritize prefix matches (for usernames) but also contain other matches from the users bio and website and substring matches of other fields.
How does one accomplish this with the query DSL?
There are different ways to achieve what you want. I'd say it depends on the way you want to make prefix matches. You can use a Prefix Query or make EdgeNGrams out of the user field and search on it without the need of a prefix query. The first option is a little bit slower, while the second one causes an increasement of your index size since you'd index more terms (the ngrams).
If you decide for the prefix query you need to combine different queries together. You can do that using the bool query. You just need to decide which queries must match, which ones must not match and which ones should match (if they are optional). You can also give a boost to each query in order to express that prefix matches are more important for example.
On the other hand, if you decide to index EdgeNGrams you can use a single query string and search on different fields giving a different weight to them, like this:
"query" : {
"query_string" : {
"fields" : "user.ngrams^3 field1^2 field2",
"query" : "query"
You also need to take into account that the query string allows you to search for multiple terms (a boolean query is generated out of them) and to use the lucene query syntax. Also, the query string is analyzed while the prefix query is not. It all depends on what you need and whether those features are useful for your usecase.
Let me know if you need more information.

Oracle Text - Index a BLOB Field (which contains PDF data)

Do any of you have any experience with using Oracle Text to search for content inside PDF files?
I have a table, with a field called FILEDATA(blob).
I would like to do the following query:
SELECT id FROM ttc.contract_attachment WHERE CONTAINS(filedata, 'EXAMPLE') > 0;
However, i'm not too sure about the type of index to add to it.
I found the following code:
ctx_ddl.create_preference('doc_lexer', 'BASIC_LEXER');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute('doc_lexer', 'printjoins', '_-');
create index idxContentMgmtBinary on CMDEMO.CONTENT_INVENTORY(TEXT) indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters ('lexer doc_lexer sync (on commit)');
I have no idea what BASIC_LEXER is. I'm at a bit of a loss. I shall endeavour to continue searching for an answer. Any help would be great.
I've used Oracle Text to index not only PDF's but other data like XML structures. Oracle has the concept of lexers which take content and parses, tokenizes and indexes the tokens. The basic lexer handles English words, there are other lexers for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. The printjoin attribute allows you to index characters that are normally excluded such as hyphes, quotes, etc.
The index you have defined above will work. Keep in mind that Oracle Text indexing is an asynchronous process, meaning the commit occurs and then sometime in the future the document is indexed. However you will need to synchronize the index as part of a scheduled job or the like. With the option "sync (on commit)" on your index, it will index the document as part of the transaction. This is noteworthy only if you are indexing sizable PDF documents.
I would recommend utilizing progressive relaxation for any search you may want to run, as it can being with a restrictive search and expand out to a more generic search, thereby providing the user with results that are decreasing in relevancy. For instance:
<textquery lang="ENGLISH" grammar="CONTEXT"> cat dog
<seq><rewrite>transform((TOKENS, "{", "}", " "))</rewrite></seq>
<seq><rewrite>transform((TOKENS, "{", "}", "AND"))</rewrite></seq>
<seq><rewrite>transform((TOKENS, "{", "}", "ACCUM"))</rewrite></seq>
<score datatype="INTEGER" algorithm="COUNT"/>
The above query tokenizes the search keywords "cat dog" attempts to find them as a phrase, then any documents contains cat AND dog (not necessarily beside each other), then any document containing cat OR dog, documents containing both words are scored higher than if a document just has a single one. Futhermore the structure automatically dedups the results as it returns them.
All of that being said, you could simply define your index as:
create index idxContentMgmtBinary on CMDEMO.CONTENT_INVENTORY(TEXT)
indextype is ctxsys.context
parameters ('sync (on commit)');
and it would probably work very well for your needs. You would only need to change the behavior of the lexer if you have a need for doing so. I hope this helps.

Solr query results using *

I want to provide for partial matching, so I am tacking on * to the end of search queries. What I've noticed is that a search query of gatorade will return 12 results whereas gatorade* returns 7. So * seems to be 1 or many as opposed to 0 or many ... how can I achieve this? Am I going about partial matching in Solr all wrong? Thanks.
First, I think Solr wildcards are better summarized by "0 or many" than "1 or many". I doubt that's the source of your problem. (For example, see the javadocs for WildcardQuery.)
Second, are you using stemming, because my first guess is that you're dealing with a stemming issue. Solr wildcards can behave kind of oddly with stemming. This is because wildcard expansion is based by searching through the list of terms stored in the inverted index; these terms are going to be in stemmed form (perhaps something like "gatorad"), rather than the words from the original source text (perhaps "gatorade" or "gatorades").
For example, suppose you have a stemmer that maps both "gatorade" and "gatorades" to the stem "gatorad". This means your inverted index will not contain either "gatorade" or "gatorades", only "gatorad". If you then issue the query gatorade*, Solr will walk the term index looking for all the stems beginning with "gatorade". But there are no such stems, so you won't get any matches. Similarly, if you searched gatorades*, Solr will look for all stems beginning with "gatorades". But there are no such stems, so you won't get any matches.
Third, for optimal help, I'd suggest posting some more information, in particular:
Some particular query URLs you are submitting to Solr
An excerpt from your schema.xml file. In particular, include A) the field elements for the fields you are having trouble with, and B) the field type definitions corresponding to those fields
so what I was looking for is to make the search term for 'gatorade' -> 'gatorade OR gatorade*' which will give me all the matches i'm looking for.
If you want a query to return all documents that match either a stemmed form of gatorade or words that begin with gatorade, you'll need to construct the query yourself: +(gatorade gatorade*). You could alternatively extend the SolrParser to do this, but that's more work.
Another alternative is to use NGrams and TokenFilterFactories, specifically the EdgeNGramFilterFactory. .
This will create indexes for ngrams or parts of words. Documents, with a min ngram size of 5 and max ngram size of 8, would index: Docum Docume Document Documents
There is a bit of a tradeoff for index size and time. One of the Solr books quotes as a rough guide: Indexing takes 10 times longer Uses 5 times more disk space Creates 6 times more distinct terms.
However, the EdgeNGram will do better than that.
You do need to make sure that you don't submit wildcard character in your queries. As you aren't doing a wildcard search, you are matching a search term on ngrams(parts of words).
My guess is the missing matches are "Gatorade" (with a capital 'G'), and you have a lowercase filter on your field. The idea is that you have filters in your schema.xml that preprocess the input data, but wildcard queries do not use them;
see this about how Solr deals with wildcard queries:
("Solr and wildcard handling").
From what I've read the wildcards only matched words with additional characters after the search term. "Gatorade*" would match Gatorades but not Gatorade itself. It appears there's been an update to Solr in version 3.6 that takes this into account by using the 'multiterm' field type instead of the 'text' field.
A better description is here:
