Error converting 0 to double on user's machine with Silverlight - silverlight

I have a Silverlight application that gets down data from the server in the form of an XML string, opens it as a document, and parses through things.
This works on all other machines, but we have client with a user who's machine is unable to run things properly. Her box gives her an InvalidCastException that looks like it's trying to convert 0 to a Double.
This seems like an environmental issue, but I can't figure out what the cause of this would be or how to fix it. Her cultural settings appeared okay, at least for the numeric settings.
Anyone bumped into anything similar or have any next steps for diagnosis or possible fixes? I don't think we can attach to the machine or anything.
Relevant stack trace included below:
Arguments: 0,Double
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments
provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See
Type: System.InvalidCastException
Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat)
at MyNamespace.MyLoader.LoadXml(String xml)


How can I identify an untranslatable value exists in FormRecognizer analysis

I posted the following Feature Request to the azure-sdk, but not sure if that was the correct place for getting a response, so reposting here.
When processing a document against a custom trained model, when a value is present but not able to be translated (such as a signature), would it be possible to include something in the response to identify it as having a value though it wasn't able to be processed?
The specific use case is that our client needs to know that a document was signed by the parties involved. Without this feature, someone will be required to manually review thousands of document images per week to verify that they have been signed. In testing we have found that very few signatures are being translated any way, so the string response is coming back as null.
Thank you,
For Form Recognizer when a value is not detected although it is present it will be extracted as Null as Form Recognizer is not aware that a value exists it did not detect it. In case of signature this is usually due to the signature being unreadable and just a scribble.

Arg_COMException Error in Silverlight 5

One of our clients suddenly got an Arg_COMException since last Wednesday (30th Aug 2017).
Here is the error message with the stack trace.
Debugging resource strings are unavailable. Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See
Stack track: __________________________________
at MS.Internal.XcpImports.CheckHResult(UInt32 hr)
at MS.Internal.XcpImports...
Here is the full error message
Any help would be highly appreciated as this is a production issue.
We identified, some of dropdowns and AutoComplete is causing issue while loading. So hide those controls and make it visible after a short delay one by one. Now the form is functioning. This is kind of workaround.
Still no clue what is causing the issue and what could be the correct fix.
If you have a Extended ASCII charactors in your XAML or in your data, you may get this error.
In our application we had a one extended ASCII charactor in our XAML which looks like hypen ( '-' ). We assumed it is just an hypen (or minus) charactor. This is causing issue in our application. After changing this, the issue is resolved.

How to catch "Nrpe unable to read output" when occured?

I'm trying to catch "nrpe unable to read output" output from plugin and send an email when this one occurs and I'm a little bit stuck :) . Thing is there are different return codes when this error occurs on different plugin:
Return code Service status
0 OK
Is there a way either to unify return codes of all plugins I use(that there always will be 2[CRITICAL] when this problem occurs), or any other way to catch those alerts? I want to keep return codes for different situations as is(i.e. filesystem /home will be warning(return code 1) for 95% and critical(return code 2) for 98%
Most folks would rather not have this error sending alert emails, because it does not represent an actual failed check. Basically it means nothing more than:
The command/plugin (local or remote) was ran by NRPE, but
failed to return any usable status and/or text back to nrpe.
This most often means something went wrong with the command/plugin and it hasn't done the job it was expected to perform. You don't want alerts being thrown for checks, when the check wasn't actually performed - as this would be very misleading. It's also important to note that the Return Code is not even be coming from the command/plugin.
In my experience, the number one cause of this error is a bad check. And as the docs for NPRE state, you should run the check (with all its options!) to make sure it runs correctly. Do yourself a favor and test both working AND not working states. About 75% of the time, this has happened because the check only works correctly when it has OK results, and blows up when something not-OK must be reported.
Another issue that causes these are network glitches. NRPE connects and runs the check; but the connection is closed before any response is seen. Once again, not a true check result.
For a production Nagios monitoring system, these should be very rare errors. If they are happening frequently, then you likely have other issues that need to be fixed.
And as far as I can tell, all built-in Nagios plugins use the exact same set of return codes. Are you certain this isn't a 'custom' check?
Ok, I think I've found the solution for my problems-I will try to check nagios.log on each node for those errors.

Parsing sqlexception error messages

I'm using C# for end user forms,and what i want to do is to parse the error messages I get from the SQL server.Normally the end user gets the messages like in the picture.Is there a way to parse this and to give the end user what he understands instead of that gibberish there? (like "The Name Test is not permitted in this context .... " as in the picture.)
sql error code
Use Exception.ToString to display a full stack trace. Use Exception.Message to get just the text description part of the error.
In addition, you can look at the SqlException.Class and SqlException.Number properties to make informed decisions about how to handle these exceptions in your code. The SqlException.Number property will correspond to an entry in the sys.messages view. 1205, for example, is the number for a deadlock exception. And if SqlException.Class = 11, then that is a concurrency exception.
The SqlException.Errors property is a list of SqlError objects that contain more detailed information about individual errors. Since a single RPC call to the database can result in multiple exceptions, review these errors to see everything that happened.
exception.ToString() will produce a string like your picture, generally. exception.Message will include just the error message, no stack trace.
When reporting errors in SQL there is always a dilemma where the SQL message needs to convey to the developer what happen, but also provide useful information to a user of the application. We developed a technique of structuring the SQL message into an XML string that provides all the useful information about the error, which allows the caller to use as required. You can see my article on this technique on Code Project at the URL below:

Leopard Console logs for common files reference

I am using plugins for one of my Mac OS X(desktop) application. These plugins refer to a common file that contains base class implementation of both the plugins.
When the application refers to this common base class, the following message is displayed in the console by the system:
" is implemented in both and . One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined."
This console message is displayed from 10.5.x onwards.
However this does not cause any problem. But, I do not want my class name to be printed in the console. Can someone help to avoid this console message.
A possible way around is to #define the name of your class as something unrelated, so that it remains the same in your code, for your use, but is obfuscated in the executable.
I'd like a neater solution myself. I have searched quite a lot, and it seems that in general console messages are for solving problems, rather than for looking for them, and more specifically that this kind of message isn't really an issue.
One can also use an EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE or an UNEXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE (these are the relevant build setting names) to state which symbols you do or don't want to export. Often, you want to export at least one, but it can reduce the number of names that are revealed.
