Database Implementation Help : Time-Series data - database

This is the re-submission of my previous question:
I have a collection of ordered time-series data(stock minute price information). My current database structure using PostgreSQL is below:
symbol_table - where I keep the list of the symbols with the symbol_id as a primary key(serial).
time_table, date_table - time/date values are stored there. time_id/date_id are primary keys(serial/serial).
My main minute_table contains the minute pricing information where
date_id|time_id|symbol_id are primary keys(also foreign keys from the corresponding tables)
Using this main minute_table I'm performing different statistical analyses and keep the results in a separate tables, like one_minute_std - where one minute standard deviation measures are kept.
Every night I'm updating the tables with the current price information from the last day's closing prices.
With the current implementation my tables contain all the symbols with around 50m records each.
Primary keys are indexed.
If I want to query for all the symbols where closing price > x and one_minute_std >2 and one_minute_std < 4 for the specific date it takes about 3-4 minutes for the search.
To speed up the process I was thinking of separating each symbol to its own table but not 100% sure if this is a 'proper' way of doing it.
Could you advise me on how I can speed up the query process?

It sounds like you want a combination of approaches.
First, you should look into table partitioning. This stores a single table across multiple storage units ("files"), but still gives you the flexibility of a single table. (Here is postgres documentation
You would want to partition either by day or by ticker symbol. My first reaction would be by time (day/week/month), since that is the unit of updates. However, if you analyses are only by a single ticker and often span multiple days, then there is an argument for using that instead.
After partitioning, you may want to consider indexes. However, I suspect that partitioning will solve your performance problems.
Since your updates are at night, you should be folding in your summarization process in with the updates. For instance, one_minute_std should be calculated during this process. You might find it best to load the nightly data into a temporary table, do the calculation for summaries such as one_minute_std, and then load the data into the final partitioned table scheme.
With so many rows that have so few columns, you are probably better off with a good partitioning scheme than an indexing scheme. In particular, indexes have a space overhead, and the smaller the record in each row, the more that using the index incurs an overhead comparable to scanning the entire table.


SQL Server - Inserting new data worsens query performance

We have a 4-5TB SQL Server database. The largest table is around 800 GB big containing 100 million rows. 4-5 other comparable tables are 1/3-2/3 of this size. We went through a process to create new indexes to optimize performance. While the performance certainly improved we saw that the newly inserted data was slowest to query.
It's a financial reporting application with a BI tool working on top of the database. The data is loaded overnight continuing in the late morning, though the majority of the data is loaded by 7am. Users start to query data around 8am through the BI tool and are most concerned with the latest (daily) data.
I wanted to know if newly inserted data causes indexes to go out of order. Is there anything we can do so that we get better performance on the newly inserted data than the old data. I hope I have explained the issue well here. Let me know in case of any missing information. Thanks
Edit 1
Let me describe the architecture a bit.
I have a base table (let’s call it Base) with Date,id as clustered index.
It has around 50 columns
Then we have 5 derived tables (Derived1, Derived2,...) , according to different metric types, which also have Date,Id as clustered index and foreign key constraint on the Base table.
Tables Derived1 and Derived2 have 350+ columns. Derived3,4,5 have around 100-200 columns. There is one large view created to join all the data tables due limitations of the BI tool. The date,ID are the joining columns for all the tables joining to form the view (Hence I created clustered index on those columns). The main concern is with regard to BI tool performance. The BI tool always uses the view and generally sends similar queries to the server.
There are other indexes as well on other filtering columns.
The main question remains - how to prevent performance from deteriorating.
In addition I would like to know
If NCI on Date,ID on all tables would be better bet in addition to the clustered index on date,ID.
Does it make sense to have 150 columns as included in NCI for the derived tables?
You have about a 100 million rows, increasing every day with new portions and those new portions are usually selected. I should use partitioned indexes with those numbers and not regular indexes.
Your solution within sql server would be partitioning. Take a look at sql partitioning and see if you can adopt it. Partitioning is a form of clustering where groups of data share a physical block. If you use year and month for example, all 2018-09 records will share the same physical space and easy to be found. So if you select records with those filters (and plus more) it is like the table has the size of 2018-09 records. That is not exactly accurate but its is quite like it. Be careful with data values for partitioning - opposite to standard PK clusters where each value is unique, partitioning column(s) should result a nice set of different unique combinations thus partitions.
If you cannot use partitions you have to create 'partitions' yourself using regular indexes. This will require some experiments. The basic idea is data (a number?) indicating e.g. a wave or set of waves of imported data. Like data imported today and the next e.g. 10 days will be wave '1'. Next 10 days will be '2' and so on. Filtering on the latest e.g. 10 waves, you work on the latest 100 days import effectively skip out all the rest data. Roughly, if you divided your existing 100 million rows to 100 waves and start on at wave 101 and search for waves 90 or greater then you have 10 million rows to search if SQL is put correctly to use the new index first (will do eventually)
This is a broad question especially without knowing your system. But one thing that I would try is manually update your stats on the indexes/table once you are done loading data. With tables that big, it is unlikely that you will manipulate enough rows to trigger an auto-update. Without clean stats, SQL Server won't have an accurate histogram of your data.
Next, dive into your execution plans and see what operators are the most expensive.

Performance of Column Family in Cassandra DB

I have a table where my queries will be purely based on the id and created_time, I have the 50 other columns which will be queried purely based on the id and created_time, I can design it in two ways,
Either by multiple small tables with 5 column each for all 50 parameters
A single table with all 50 columns with id and created_at as primary
Which will be better, my rows will increase tremendously, so should I bother on the length of column family while modelling?
Actually, you need to have small tables to decrease the load on single table and should also try to maintain a query based table. If the query used contains the read statement to get all the 50 columns, then you can proceed with single table. But if you are planning to get part of data in each of your query, then you should maintain query based small tables which will redistribute the data evenly across the nodes or maintain multiple partitions as alex suggested(but you cannot get range based queries).
This really depends on how you structure of your partition key & distribution of data inside partition. CQL has some limits, like, max 2 billion cells per partitions, but this is a theoretical limit, and practical limits - something like, not having partitions bigger than 100Mb, etc. (DSE has recommendations in the planning guide).
If you'll always search by id & created_time, and not doing range queries on created_time, then you may even have the composite partition key comprising of both - this will distribute data more evenly across the cluster. Otherwise make sure that you don't have too much data inside partitions.
Or you can add another another piece into partition key, for example, sometimes people add the truncated date-time into partition key, for example, time rounded to hour, or to the day - but this will affect your queries. It's really depends on them.
Sort of in line with what Alex mentions, the determining factor here is going to be the size of your various partitions (which is an extension of the size of your columns).
Practically speaking, you can have problems going both ways - partitions that are too narrow can be as problematic as partitions that are too wide, so this is the type of thing you may want to try benchmarking and seeing which works best. I suspect for normal data models (staying away from the pathological edge cases), either will work just fine, and you won't see a meaningful difference (assuming 3.11).
In 3.11.x, Cassandra does a better job of skipping unrequested values than in 3.0.x, so if you do choose to join it all in one table, do consider using 3.11.2 or whatever the latest available release is in the 3.11 (or newer) branch.

Database design: storing many large reports for frequent historical analysis

I'm a long time programmer who has little experience with DBMSs or designing databases.
I know there are similar posts regarding this, but am feeling quite discombobulated tonight.
I'm working on a project which will require that I store large reports, multiple times per day, and have not dealt with storage or tables of this magnitude. Allow me to frame my problem in a generic way:
The process:
A script collects roughly 300 rows of information, set A, 2-3 times per day.
The structure of these rows never change. The rows contain two columns, both integers.
The script also collects roughly 100 rows of information, set B, at the same time. The
structure of these rows does not change either. The rows contain eight columns, all strings.
I need to store all of this data. Set A will be used frequently, and daily for analytics. Set B will be used frequently on the day that it is collected and then sparingly in the future for historical analytics. I could theoretically store each row with a timestamp for later query.
If stored linearly, both sets of data in their own table, using a DBMS, the data will reach ~300k rows per year. Having little experience with DBMSs, this sounds high for two tables to manage.
I feel as though throwing this information into a database with each pass of the script will lead to slow read times and general responsiveness. For example, generating an Access database and tossing this information into two tables seems like too easy of a solution.
I suppose my question is: how many rows is too many rows for a table in terms of performance? I know that it would be in very poor taste to create tables for each day or month.
Of course this only melts into my next, but similar, issue, audit logs...
300 rows about 50 times a day for 6 months is not a big blocker for any DB. Which DB are you gonna use? Most will handle this load very easily. There are a couple of techniques for handling data fragmentation if the data rows exceed more than a few 100 millions per table. But with effective indexing and cleaning you can achieve the performance you desire. I myself deal with heavy data tables with more than 200 million rows every week.
Make sure you have indexes in place as per the queries you would issue to fetch that data. Whats ever you have in the where clause should have an appropriate index in db for it.
If you row counts per table exceed many millions you should look at partitioning of tables DBs store data in filesystems as files actually so partitioning would help in making smaller groups of data files based on some predicates e.g: date or some unique column type. You would see it as a single table but on the file system the DB would store the data in different file groups.
Then you can also try table sharding. Which actually is what you mentioned....different tables based on some predicate like date.
Hope this helps.
You are over thinking this. 300k rows is not significant. Just about any relational database or NoSQL database will not have any problems.
Your design sounds fine, however, I highly advise that you utilize the facility of the database to add a primary key for each row, using whatever facility is available to you. Typically this involves using AUTO_INCREMENT or a Sequence, depending on the database. If you used a nosql like Mongo, it will add an id for you. Relational theory depends on having a primary key, and it's often helpful to have one for diagnostics.
So your basic design would be:
Table A tableA_id | A | B | CreatedOn
Table B tableB_id | columns… | CreatedOn
The CreatedOn will facilitate date range queries that limit data for summarization purposes and allow you to GROUP BY on date boundaries (Days, Weeks, Months, Years).
Make sure you have an index on CreatedOn, if you will be doing this type of grouping.
Also, use the smallest data types you can for any of the columns. For example, if the range of the integers falls below a particular limit, or is non-negative, you can usually choose a datatype that will reduce the amount of storage required.

Partitioning for query performance in SQL Server 2008

I have a scenario in which there's a huge amount of status data about an item.
The item's status is updated from minute to minute, and there will be about 50,000 items in the near future. So that, in one month, there will be about 2,232,000,000 rows of data. I must keep at least 3 months in the main table, before archieving older data.
I must plan to achieve quick queries, based on a specific item (its ID) and a data range (usually, up to one month range) - e.g. select A, B, C from Table where ItemID = 3000 and Date between '2010-10-01' and '2010-10-31 23:59:59.999'
So my question is how to design a partitioning structure to achieve that?
Currently, I'm partitioning based on the "item's unique identifier" (an int) mod "the number of partitions", so that all partitions are equally distributed. But it has the drawback of keeping one additional column on the table to act as the partition column to the partition function, therefore, mapping the row to its partition. All that add a little bit of extra storage. Also, each partition is mapped to a different filegroup.
Partitioning is never done for query performance. With partitioning the performance will always be worse, the best you can hope for is no big regression, but never improvement.
For query performance, anything a partition can do, and index can do better, and that should be your answer: index appropriately.
Partitioning is useful for IO path control cases (distribute on archive/current volumes) or for fast switch-in switch-out scenarios in ETL loads. So I would understand if you had a sliding window and partition by date so you can quickly switch out the data that is no longer needed to be retained.
Another narrow case for partitioning is last page insert latch contention, like described in Resolving PAGELATCH Contention on Highly Concurrent INSERT Workloads.
Your partition scheme and use case does not seem to fit any of the scenarios in which it would benefit (maybe is the last scenario, but is not clear from description), so most likely it hurts performance.
I do not really agree with Remus Rusanu. I think the partitioning may improve performance if there's a logical reason (related to your use cases). My guess is that you could partition ONLY on the itemID. The alternative would be to use the date as well, but if you cannot predict that a date range will not cross the boundaries of a given partition (no queries are sure to be with a single month), then I would stick to itemId partitioning.
If there are only a few items you need to compute, another option is to have a covering index: define an INDEX on you main differentiation field (the itemId) which INCLUDEs the fields you need to compute.
CREATE INDEX idxTest ON itemId INCLUDE quantity;
Applicative partitioning actually CAN be beneficial for query performance. In your case you have 50K items and 2G rows. You could for example create 500 tables, each named status_nnn where nnn is between 001 and 500 and "partition" your item statuses equally among these tables, where nnn is a function of the item id. This way, given an item id, you can limit your search a priori to 0.2% of the whole data (ca. 4M rows).
This approach has a lot of disadvantages, as you'll probably have to deal with dynamic sql and a other unpleasant issues, especially if you need to aggregate data from different tables. BUT, it will definitely improve performance for certain queries, s.a. the ones you mention.
Essentially applicative partitioning is similar to creating a very wide and flat index, optimized for very specific queries w/o duplicating the data.
Another benefit of applicative partitioning is that you could in theory (depending on your use case) distribute your data among different databases and even different servers. Again, this depends very much on your specific requirements, but I've seen and worked with huge data sets (billions of rows) where applicative partitioning worked very well.

Your first gut feeling on this SqlServer design question

We have 2 tables. One holds measurements, the other one holds timestamps (one for every minute)
every measurement holds a FK to a timestamp.
We have 8M (million) measurements, and 2M timestamps.
We are creating a report database via replication, and my first solution was this: when a new measurement was received via the replication process, lookup the right timestamp and add it to the measurement table.
Yes, it's duplication of data, but it is for reporting and since we have measurements every 5 minutes and users can query for yearly data (105.000 measurements) we have to optimize for speed.
But a co-developer said: you don't have to do that, we'll just query with a join (on the two tables), SqlServer is so fast, you don't see the difference.
My first reaction was: a join on two tables with 8M and 2M records can't make 'no difference'.
What is your first feeling on this?
new measurements: 400 records per 5 minutes
maybe the question is not so clear:
the first solution is to get the data from the timestamp table and copy it to the measurement table when the measurement record is inserted.
In that case we have an action when the record is inserted AND an extra (duplicated) timestamp value. In this case we lonly query ONE table because it holds all the data.
The second solution is to join the two tables in a query.
With the proper index the join will make no difference*. My initial thought is that if the report is querying over the entire dataset, the joins might actually be faster because there is literally 6 million fewer timestamps that it has to read from the disk.
*This is just a guess based on my experience with tables with millions of records. You results will vary based on your queries.
I'd create an Indexed View (similar to a Materialized view in Oracle) which joins the tables using appropriate indexes.
If the query just retrieves the data for the given date ranges, there will be a merge join - that is, a range scan for each of tow tables. Since the timestamp table presumably contains only timestamp, this shouldn't be expensive.
On the other hand, if you have only one table and index on the date column, the index itself becomes larger and more expensive to scan.
So, with properly constructed indexes and queries I won't expect a significant difference in performance.
I'd suggest you to keep properly normalized design until you start having performance problems that force you to change it. And then you need to carefully analyze query plans and measure performance with different options - there're lots of thing that could matter in your particular case.
Frankly in this case your best bet is try both solutions and see which one is better. Performance tuning is an art when you start talking about large data sets and is highly dependant onthe not only the database design you have but the hardware and the whther you are using partioning, etc. Be sure to test both getting the data out and putting the data in. Since you have so many inserts, insert speed is critical and tthe index you would need on on the datetime field is critical to select performance, so you really need to thouroughly test this. Don't forget about dumping the cache when you test. And test multiple times and if possible test under a typical query load.
