WSO2 Identity server integration with LDAP and DB - database

Just had a query that can WSO2 Identity Server be integrated with both LDAP and DB at the same time. To elaborate my query more, say we have a group of users defined in LDAP and another group of users defined in DB and I want Identity Server to act authorization gateway for both of these groups. Is it possible?
Also, while integrating with DB WSO2 adds its own tables in our existing DB. Is there any way we can add custom attributes(claims) support in DB without altering the WSO2 tables?

WSO2 Identity Server supports only one active user realm at a given time. But if your requirement is to use WSO2 IS as an authorization gateway which connects to a LDAP server as well to a DB for populating claims, etc then it is possible to use XACML support in WSO2 IS with a custom PIP(policy information point). In that case, you can connect to the LDAP server as the primary user store and write a custom PIP to connect to the DB to read the required claims.
Following two posts on PIPs will be helpful.
[1] -
[2] -
Answering the second query, with the default configuration in the JDBC mode, WSO2 IS uses its own set of tables for maintaining its user store. But if required, you can write your own user store implementation which connects to your database.


PowerApps allow guest users to connect to Azure SQL database with AAD integrated feature

I have a specific problem to which I couldn't find any answer online.
The situation is the following:
We created a Canvas app that connects to the Azure SQL database. We set the connection type to be AAD integrated.
Users that are members of the AD can see the data in the app, but guest users, even though we gave them all the rights and PowerApps plan, cannot see the data. they recieve the same authorization window as members, but when they click on allow, the app starts but no data is being pulled from the SQL database.
When we try to connect directly to the Azure SQL database with the guest user email and credentials (via SQL server management studio), everything works as expected and the guest can see all the tables.
When we use implicitly shared connection (with SQL server authentification), guests can see the data, but we need to use AAD integrated due to its security.
So far we tried:
Changing PA environment from sandbox to production
Adding special permissions in SQL database like database owner etc
Trying out different AAD guest user settings, eq- setting that guest users have the same privileges as members (picture below).
Nothing seems to work. I would be more than happy if you could tell me how to make this work or even push me in the right direction.
I've reproduced your problem in my side. Here's my experience.
After assigning powerapp license(I use O365 E5 here) to guest account and share the app to this account, I can visit the app but can't see the data in the table. I assume that it resulted from the connector hasn't been shared, but it's true that this connector can't be shared because of no 'share button'.
Then I tried to add access policy to my guest account with these two sql:
GRANT SELECT ON dbo.tinyTest TO [];
Pls note here, I used the User Principal Name here(can find the principal name in azure ad->users), I also tested to use '' in the sql but after executing successfully, it didn't work.
So I think you can try to use the sql above to add your guests accounts and make them can access the powerapp.
Here's some related docs:
create contained users mapped to azure ad identities
Share app resources
add table permission to user
Share my experience of this troubleshot.
First I need to create a power app but I found that after creating the connector with sql server azure ad authentication, it can't connect to the sql server, the error message is like 'Credentials are missing or not valid. inner exception: The credentials provided for the SQL source are invalid', solution is add my admin account as sql server instance Active Directory Admin.
Then I choose a table and successfully create a sample app. With the creating account, I can visit the app but other accounts can't. Here needs to share the app and it's related connectors to other users. But other accounts still can't reach the app because of no license. Because sql server connector is premium connector, so I assign O365 E3 license here. I met an error when assign license, the user's 'Usage location' can't be null or it can't assign license in M365 admin center.
Then I met similar error with Op, the difference is that both member account and guest account can't see the data in app. I try to find the way to share the connector to these uses but failed, I haven't made sure if those connectors without share button can be shared to others. So I have no options to study if this kind of connectors are authenticated in other ways so they don't need to be shared at all.
Next actions is using the account which used to create the sql server and database to sign in database and execute the sqls above.
Then the member account can see data in the power app while the guest account can't see. The reason is I used as the parameter in the sql, when I used, it worked finally.
Hope this can also help you.
For creating my demo app: First, I'm sure my environment isn't a sandbox(the environment in the screenshot below). And I think it's easy to create a demo app, and my app is simple, just choose to create an app from data and then select sql server as the connector, next I choose auzre ad auth and click the connector, enter server name and database name then choose a table, after that my app has created. That table has one row of data so when I signed in the app with the creating account, I see it in the screen while other accounts(member or guests) can't.
My sql server instance and database are created long time ago, but I'm sure I followed this tutorial to create them.
This appears to still be a limitation to access to Azure SQL via PA connector for guest users:
If the "guest" does NOT have a PowerApps Per-App/Per-User plan, they cannot use your PowerApps with SQL data source (Note: SQL is a premium connector).
Determine exactly which type of license the guest has. Then, either your organization or the guest (or guest's org) must purchase one of these licenses. $5/$10/$20 per month depending on your use case.

We are trying to make Snowflake work AD SSO Logon using Azure AD SSO. How does Active Directory SSO work?

They are trying to migrate Oracle database into snowflake. THey are going to convert all existing oracle accounts to snowflake accounts. Now, if AD LDAP logon is enabled, does new users have to only be created in LDAP end, and will those be able to be tagged to accounts while conencting to snowflake? say currently there are 10 oracle accounts which was converted into 10 snowflake acccounts. If LDAP is enabled, can multiple employee IDs be added to use one of 10 snowflake account, by creating LDAP account.
Sorry if I sound dumb. I am not too experienced i LDAP/AD/admin work
You usually have one Azure AD and need configure every snowflake account to use it.
Which employee can access which snowflake account is controlled on the snowflake side, where you need to create a database user.
Say "Martina" needs access to Snowflake Account A and B. You need her in the Azure AD, as well as create her user in Account A and B.
You can find more details how to do this here:

Refresh credentials in Google Data Studio Community Connector

When an owner of a datasource logs in to connector for that datasource (user+pwd) she can use that datasource to populate reports.
When the owner changes her password on the source data platform, how can the owner then update her credentials in the connector?
I didn't find a method to refresh credentials other than revoking access to the connector entirely.
Additional question: Is there a way to create multiple instances of a connector for a data source (user+pwd) and use different credentials?
Currently the only way to update third party credentials for a Community Connectors is to revoke access to the connector and then adding it again.
It isn't currently possible to have multiple instances of a Community Connector with different sets of third party credentials.

Per user database authentication in Django

Good afternoon,
I am writing a front-end for a research database that holds sensitive health information. My institution has a policy that user actions be logged by the SQL server so that they can perform audits on the server log files in the event of a breach.
Because of this policy, I cannot connect Django to the db as a system user (otherwise, all users of the front-end actions would be logged by the server as the Django system user instead as the actual user individually).
Is there a way to connect to the DB using per user credentials so that actions performed on the front end will be logged as that user on the db server? I have been able to find a lot of information about using multiple databases, but nothing about per user authentication of those databases.
Thank you in advanced!
I don't think you can do that, the user that connect to the database need to have access to all the tables.
I had a similar issue when I wanted to use Django models outside Django and restrict access to certain models for certain users.
I ended up using SQLAlchemy and its automap feature on the existing Django database. Then you can connect to the database using your SQL users.
However, if you don't mind all the users accessing all the tables and are only concerned about the logs, maybe you can use a different or at least a different DATABASES configuration for each user?
I was able to accomplish this by giving the SQL user the IMPERSONATE permission and performing EXECUTE AS prior to the DB queries that I needed to have logged in
cursor = self.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("EXECUTE AS " + get_current_user()
except DatabaseError as e:
raise e

How do I configure database connection per user account in Spring Data?

We have a requirement that user account can provide username/password for database. This means that after user account is loaded, the user should use his own database connection for persistence.
How do I configure that in Spring Data?
Which database?
Which ORM implementation?
Spring has the AbstractRoutingDataSource, which lets you change the DataSource at runtime.
You could also use a delegation pattern, where the web server connects as a limited user, and then changes role to a different user if their authentication is successful. See How to run SQL SET statements against db at start of connection/session using Hibernate? and Switch role after connecting to database
You'll probably need to disable caching in your ORM too.
