I have a FORTRAN code which calls a C routine to calculate a measure. The FORTRAN code is:
program fortran
implicit none
double precision function fpli_hv(A, d, n)
real :: A(5,3)
integer :: d, n
end function fpli_hv
end interface
real :: A(5,3)
double precision :: HV
integer :: i, j
A(1,:) = (/1.1,3.2,2.0/)
A(2,:) = (/6.3,5.2,7.2/)
A(3,:) = (/3.3,4.4,9.1/)
A(4,:) = (/3.3,5.2,2.1/)
A(5,:) = (/7.6,1.7,4.3/)
HV = fpli_hv(A, 3, 5)
end program fortran
The c function looks like this:
double fpli_hv(double *front, int d, int n, double *ref);
In order to club c and fortran, I need to include a Makefil.lib in my makefile. I did so, and prepared my makefile as follows:
# The makefile should contain a set of suffix rules. All suffixes must
# be defined. In this case we will have .o for object files, .c for
# C files, and .f for Fortran files.
.SUFFIXES: .o .c .f90
LIBHV = /gpfs0/home/shafiiha/programs/hv-2.0rc1-src/fpli_hv.a
#include Makefile.lib
# Define the C and Fortran compilers to be used in this makefile:
FC=gfortran -ffree-form -c
# Define flags to be used by the C and Fortran compilers:
# Define include to be used by the C and Fortran compilers:
F_INCLUDES = fortran.f90
# The linker executable in this case must be the MPI Fortran compiler
# to build a mixed C and Fortran MPI code:
LINK = gfortran
# Define values of parameters that appear in the source codes:
# Define the list of object files for the linker. The linker will use
# those files to build the executable.
OBJECTS = fortran.o
# The rule that makes the drv executable (note that libraries have
# been specified by the mpif90 linker):
fortran: $(OBJECTS)
$(LINK) -o fortran $(OBJECTS) $(LIBHV)
# The rule that makes all object files from C sources:
# The rule that makes all object files from Fortran sources:
# The rule for deleting object files no longer needed after using
# make for drv:
rm *.o
But when I make it, I get this message:
gfortran -o fortran fortran.o /gpfs0/home/shafiiha/programs/hv-2.0rc1-src/fpli_hv.a
fortran.o: In function `MAIN__':
fortran.f90:(.text+0x548): undefined reference to `fpli_hv_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [fortran] Error 1
Could you please help me why I get this error? Thanks a lot.
In this era the best way to call C from Fortran is to use the ISO C Binding. Your problem is the name mangling that Fortran does by default to avoid collisions with routines of C or standard libraries, typically adding underscores. With the ISO C Binding you can both specify the exact name of the called routine, overriding name mangling, and easily achieve Fortran-C consistency on the arguments. On the Fortran side you write an interface describing the C routine. There have been previous answers here and there are examples in the gfortran manual. The examples aren't unique to gfortran since the ISO C Binding is part of the Fortran 2003 language standard.
If you're doing interfaces already (which is great!) then you may as well use the iso_c_binding module which the newest versions of most fortran compilers already have to avoid worrying about underscores and letter cases and what have you:
function fpli_hv(A, d, n) bind(C)
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
real(kind=c_double) :: fpli_hv
integer(kind=c_int), value :: d, n
real(kind=c_float) :: A(5,3)
end function fpli_hv
end interface
double fpli_hv(double *front, int d, int n, double *ref);
void FPLI_HV_(double *front, int* d, int* n, double *ref, double* returnvalue);
Fortran objects only understand things ending in _ and all function passes are by pointer.
(Edit for below comment).
When I pass an array from Fortran to C, the array's address is incorrect in C. I've checked this by printing the address of the array in Fortran before the CALL, then stepping into the C function and printing the address of the argument.
The Fortran pointer: 0x9acd44c0
The C pointer: 0xffffffff9acd44c0
The upper dword of the C pointer has been set to 0xffffffff. I'm trying to understand why this is happening, and only happening on the HPC cluster and not on a development machine.
I'm using a rather large scientific program written in Fortran/C++/CUDA. On some particular machine, I get a segfault when calling a C function from Fortran. I've found that a pointer is being passed to the C function with some bytes set incorrectly.
Code Snippets
Every Fortran file in the program includes a common header file which sets up some options and declares the common blocks.
The Fortran call site looks like this:
And the C function, which is compiled by nvcc, is declared like so:
extern "C" void gpupot_(int *n,
double m[],
double x[][3],
double pot[]);
GDB Output
I found from debugging that the value of the pointer to pot is incorrect; so any attempt to access that array will segfault.
When I ran the program with gdb, I put a break point just before the call to gpupot and printed the value of the GPUPHI variable:
(gdb) p &GPUPHI
$1 = (PTR TO -> ( real(kind=8) (1050000))) 0x9acd44c0 <gpu_>
I then let the debugger step into the gpupot_ C function, and inspected the value of the pot argument:
(gdb) p pot
$2 = (double *) 0xffffffff9acd44c0
All of the other arguments have the correct pointer values.
Compiler options
The compiler options that are set for gfortran are:
-fPIC -O3 -ffast-math -Wall -fopenmp -mcmodel=medium -march=native -mavx -m64
And nvcc is using the following:
-ccbin=g++ -Xptxas -v -ftz=true -lineinfo -D_FORCE_INLINES \
-gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35 \
-gencode arch=compute_35,code=compute_35 -Xcompiler \
"-O3 -fPIC -Wall -fopenmp -std=c++11 -fPIE -m64 -mavx \
-march=native" -std=c++14 -lineinfo
For debugging, the -O3 is replaced with -g -O0 -fcheck=all -fstack-protector -fno-omit-frame-pointer, but the behaviour (crash) remains the same.
This is prefaced by my top comments [and yours].
It looks like you're getting an [unwanted] sign extension of the address.
gfortran is being built with -mcmodel=medium but C does not.
With that option, larger symbols/arrays will be linked above 2GB [which has the sign bit set]
So, add the option to both or leave it off both to fix the problem.
My objective is to have a Delphi( or freepascal) code, that will call the C function func like this one:
The C/Cuda file:
/* this is the "progcuda.cu" file */
#include <stdio.h>
__global__ void foo(int *a, int *b, int *c, int n){
add all the vector's element
void func(int *a, int *b, int *c,int n){
int *da,*db,*dc;
cudaMalloc(&da, n*sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc(&db, n*sizeof(int));
cudaMalloc(&dc, n*sizeof(int));
/* do other stuff and call another Host and Device functions*/
The pascal main file:
// this is the "progpas.pas" file
program progpas;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
uses unitpas;
func(a, b, c, len);
The pascal unit file:
// this is the "unitpas.pas" file
unit unitpas;
{$link progcuda.o}
uses ctypes;
procedure func(a, b, c : cpint32 , n:cint32); cdecl; external;
procedure foo(a, b, c : cpint32 , n:cint32);cdecl; external;
I've found this post Programming CUDA using Delphi or FreePascal
, but it shows more a way to program CUDA in delphi.
I don't want to program CUDA in Delphi, I want to program in CUDA in pure C/C++ code and only call that C function in delphi.
What is the problem?
How can I link the .cu code to the delphi one?
I'm using linux ubuntu 16.04 LTS, but I also have CUDA and VS in windows if necessary.
Note: if you guys could explain in detail how to do it, would help ( new to pascal and linking files )
I've already tried to generate the .o object file and link it in free pascal with
$ nvcc progcuda.cu -c -o progcuda.o then $fpc progpas.pas
but it fails at linking.
Note: I've tried once to link a normal .o generated by C code to pascal code, using gcc and freepascal compiler, and it worked, but if I use nvcc instead of gcc and rename the extension to .cu ( still same code), the linking fails.
note: new account in stack overflow, i cannot repply answers yet.
I don't know anything about Delphi and FreePascal, but I do know about CUDA, C and C++, so maybe my solution will also work for you.
I'll be demonstrating it with a simple problem:
Content of f.cu:
int f() { return 42; }
Content of main.c:
extern int f();
int main() {
return f();
The following works:
$ gcc -c -xc f.cu # need -xc to tell gcc it's a C file
$ gcc main.c f.o
(no errors emitted)
Now when we try replacing gcc with nvcc:
$ nvcc -c f.cu
$ gcc main.c f.o
/tmp/ccI3tBM1.o: In function `main':
main.c:(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `f'
f.o: In function `__cudaUnregisterBinaryUtil()':
tmpxft_0000704e_00000000-5_f.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x52): undefined reference to `__cudaUnregisterFatBinary'
f.o: In function `__nv_init_managed_rt_with_module(void**)':
tmpxft_0000704e_00000000-5_f.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0x6d): undefined reference to `__cudaInitModule'
f.o: In function `__sti____cudaRegisterAll()':
tmpxft_0000704e_00000000-5_f.cudafe1.cpp:(.text+0xa9): undefined reference to `__cudaRegisterFatBinary'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
The problem here is that nvcc adds references to some symbols from the CUDA runtime API when compiling f.cu, and these symbols have to be linked to the final executable. My CUDA installation is in /opt/cuda, so I will use that, but you have to replace it with wherever CUDA is installed on your system. So if we link libcudart.so when compiling the library we get:
$ nvcc -c f.cu
$ gcc main.c f.o -L/opt/cuda/lib64 -lcudart
/tmp/ccUeDZcb.o: In function `main':
main.c:(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `f'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
This looks better, no strange errors, but it's still not finding the function f. That's because nvcc is treating f.cu as a C++ file, so it does name mangling when creating the object file, and we have to specify that we want f to have C, and not C++ linkage (see more here: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/language_linkage).
To do that we have to modify f.cu like this:
extern "C" int f() { return 42; }
Now when we do:
$ nvcc -c f.cu
$ gcc main.c f.o -L/opt/cuda/lib64 -lcudart
(no errors emitted)
I hope you manage to modify this to work with your language.
EDIT: I tried a bit more complicated example:
// f.cu
#include <stdio.h>
__global__ void kernel() {
printf("Running kernel\n");
extern "C" void f() {
kernel<<<1, 1>>>();
// make sure the kernel completes before exiting
// main.c
extern void f();
int main() {
return 0;
When compiling it I got:
f.o:(.data.DW.ref.__gxx_personality_v0[DW.ref.__gxx_personality_v0]+0x0): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
To fix it you also need to add the standard C++ libraries to the linker flags:
$ nvcc -c f.cu
$ gcc main.c f.o -L/opt/cuda/lib64 -lcudart -lstdc++
$ ./a.out
Running kernel
I fixed the files as #Goran Flegar explained:
Add extern "C" int func(...); to the .cu file. And then tried to compile/link the .cu code, but with no device calls (yet with device code), and all worked well.
but when i add a device call ( foo<<<Nb,Nt>>>(...) ) and compile with:
$nvcc progcuda.cu -c
$fpc progpas.pas -ofinal.exe -Fl/usr/local/cuda/lib64
i get:
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.4 [2017/12/13] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling prog1.pas
Linking sum.exe
/usr/bin/ld: aviso: link.res contém seções de saída; você se esqueceu -T?
/usr/bin/ld: sum.o: undefined reference to symbol '_Unwind_Resume##GCC_3.0'
//lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
prog1.pas(16,1) Error: Error while linking
prog1.pas(16,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode
So there's still some missing libs.
Found that linking the stdc++ and gcc_s lib to pascal solved the compilation problem.
unit unitpas;
// file "unitpas.pas"
{$LINK progcuda.o}
{$LINKLIB cudart}
{$linklib stdc++}
{$linklib gcc_s}
uses ctypes;
function func(x,y: cint32): cint32; cdecl; external;
$nvcc progcuda.cu -c
$fpc progpas.pas -ofinal.exe -Fl/usr/local/cuda/lib64
and everything works.
I recently asked this question about compiling multiple files in C so that a file main.c can reference a file modules.c. The answer ended up being to make the modules file into a header file and having main import it.
I have now been told that this is an incorrect way to do it, as C supports modular compilation. My Makefile is below, and this is supposedly supposed to be correct, but I receive errors for each function call in main.c -- warning: implicit declaration of function X.
What do I need to do to compile this correctly, with two .c files rather than a .c and .h file? The main.c file has a main() function that needs to be able to call the functions in modules.c.
# Variables
# -- allows C-source and assembly-source files mix. Again, the
# -- indented lines start with a TAB(^I) and not spaces..
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -Werror
CC = gcc
LD = gcc
TARG = driver
OBJS = modules.o main.o
# Rules for make
$(TARG): $(OBJS)
$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(TARG)
%.o: %.c %.s
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
rm -f *.o *˜ $(TARG)
pr -l60 Makefile modules.c main.c | lpr
# Dependencies -- none in this program
You've already gotten feedback about using GCC and Makefiles, and it's been noted that the typical way to accomplish your task would be two .c files and one .h file. But it's not required to have a .h file if you use function declarations (which is arguably simpler, just less maintainable and useful), as demonstrated by the following below example.
void moduleFunc1(int); // extern keyword required for vars, not for functions
int main()
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
void moduleFunc1(int value)
printf("%d\n", value);
To compile:
gcc main.c module.c
Edit: After having looked at the assignment you linked, my best guess is actually still that function declarations are what you are looking for. To quote from the assignment, under "Others", #7:
A function should be declared in the module/function where
it is called and not in global scope. Say A calls B and C does
not call it then B should be declared in A only.
In my example, the function declaration is in the module where it's called and seems to meet the A-B-C example. (The confusing part is the global scope comment, but I wouldn't say that the function declaration's scope is global. Observe that if you move the declaration below main(), for example, it messes things up. I haven't found something strictly authoritative for this point, though.)
Having read the assignment, could your instructor possibly mean the following?
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int plus(int a, int b); /* declaration */
printf("%d ", plus(4, 5));
int plus(int a, int b) {
return a + b;
gcc -Wall -Wextra main.c module.c
The thing is though, that plus() is available in the global namespace. So I am a bit lost.
Just an aside:
3. int next = 234;
printf("%6d ", next);
will print value of next, right justified in 6 columns
6. Use separate statements for declaration and initialization
of a variable as:
int xval;
xval = 100;
Do as I say, not as I do!
You can do this a few ways, but regardless of which you choose, if main.c calls functions from module.c, then main.c must #include a header which declares prototypes for those functions.
The first and simplest way is to just do this:
gcc -Wall -g main.c module.c -o myprogram
The second and more ornate way is to build module.c first as an object file. The primary purpose of this method is to save time when developing/debugging/compiling large programs with multiple parts -- rather than having to recompile the whole thing, you can just recompile the parts the have changed. It also allows you to easily mix and match parts. This is easiest to do with a makefile:
myprogram: main.c module.o
CC $(CFLAGS) main.c module.o -o myprogram
CC $(CFLAGS) -c module.c
Notice the "myprogram" target from the makefile works with (prereq) module.o whereas the plain gcc method works with module.c.
If, as per your assignment, you can't use a header or global declarations, you can declare prototypes inside functions:
void somefunc () {
char *whatever (int x); // prototype
printf("%s\n", whatever(12));
Is fine, and presuming whatever() is defined somewhere, will work when you compile and run it.
I have a question about mixed-language programming (C/C++ and FORTRAN)
using gcc and gfortran. I've searched plenty of "mixing fortran with
language X" and haven't been able to resolve this.
I'm not sure if this is a linking problem or a compiler problem, or both.
I've created three files and I'm using GNU Autotools to build the
crude application, but should be able to build the app from command
line independently.
The C File (main.c) will be the driving app, that calls several
FORTRAN functions:
/* this is a simple program */
#include <stdio.h>
/* add the extern function definition */
#include "fooonly.h"
// this is not working for the mixed language programming stuff yet...
/* this is the main program section */
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
int a = 36;
int b = 24;
int c = 0;
printf( "hi mom\n" );
/* now call a FORTRAN function from C */
c = NGCD( &a, &b );
printf( "NGCD(%d,%d)=%d\n", a, b, c );
return 0;
The fortran function which will most often contain FORTRAN 77 (but
can also include FORTRAN90/95 code too), looks like:
c$$$ The following introductory example in FORTRAN 77 finds the
c$$$ $ greatest common divisor for two numbers A and B using a
c$$$ $ verbatim implementation of Euclid's algorithm.
Using Dev. Studio 6/Compaq Digital Fortran 6.0, this works fine. In
fact, I don't have to use the #define ifdef __cplusplus/#endif and can
simply create a C file that looks like:
/* this is a simple program */
#include <stdio.h>
/* add the extern function definition */
extern "C" int __stdcall NGCD( int *a, int *b );
/* this is the main program section */
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
int a = 36;
int b = 24;
int c = 0;
printf( "hi mom\n" );
/* now call a FORTRAN function from C */
c = NGCD( &a, &b );
printf( "NGCD(%d,%d)=%d\n", a, b, c );
return 0;
and compile it with the FORTRAN listing above, the application links,
runs, and generates the correct results.
hi mom
When I try top repeat this process using GNU Autotools on MinGW or
OSX, I continue to get the following errors:
macbook:makecheck $ make
gcc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"\" DPACKAGE_STRING=\"\" -DPACKAGE_BUGREPORT=\"\" -DPACKAGE=\"fooonly\" -DVERSION=\"1.0.2\" -I. -g -O2 -MT main.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/main.Tpo -c -o main.o main.c
mv -f .deps/main.Tpo .deps/main.Po
gfortran -g -O2 -o fooonly main.o ngcd.o
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_NGCD", referenced from:
_main in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [fooonly] Error 1
macbook:makecheck $
where the Makefile (generated by GNU Autotools), basically contains
the following commands:
macbook:makecheck $ gcc -c main.c
macbook:makecheck $ gfortran -c ngcd.f
macbook:makecheck $ gcc -o fooonly main.c ngcd.o
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_NGCD", referenced from:
_main in cc9uPBWl.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
macbook:makecheck $
My configure.in script contains nothing more than:
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(fooonly, 1.0.2)
## C/C++ compiler section
## fortran section
## output section
which is essentially,
macbook:makecheck $ gcc -c main.c
macbook:makecheck $ gfortran -c ngcd.f
macbook:makecheck $ gcc -o fooonly main.c ngcd.o
I'm trying to build this on multiple platforms (Linux, Win32/64, OSX,
etc.) and wish to use GNU Autotools, and I know this is done with
other open-source projects, but the configure.in scripts for those
projects are way beyond my GNU Autotools newbie chops and I get a
little overwhelmed trying to decode them.
I'm guessing this has something to do with:
1) The definitions I've used in the configure.in script,
2) I'm not including some magical set of switches
(i.e. -fno-second-underscore?), or
3) Some combination of the two?
Am I close and if so, how do I get the app to build?
As long as you have a compiler newer then the past several years, I recommend using the ISO C Binding to mix Fortran with other languages. Then you can skip the name mangling with underscores and similar compiler/platform dependent issues. If you have legacy FORTRAN 77 code that you don't want to alter, you could write a small Fortran 2003 glue routine between the C and the FORTRAN 77. Older instructions describe the previous method which required more understanding of the internal interfaces and was more compiler/platform dependent. For the new method, look at the gfortran manual chapter "Mixed Language Programming" and previous questions/answers here.
With Fortran code it is easier to link with gfortran because that brings in the Fortran runtime libraries. I think that the same applies to C++, so if you have both you will have to explicitly include the runtime library of one or the other.
P.S. Here is an example using the Fortran ISO C Binding:
function NGCD (na, nb) bind (C, name="NGCD")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
integer (c_int) :: ngcd
integer (c_int), intent (in) :: na, nb
integer (c_int) :: ia, ib, itemp
ia = na
ib = nb
do while (ib /= 0)
itemp = ia
ia = ib
ib = mod(itemp, ib)
end do
ngcd = ia
end function NGCD
Compile/link with:
gcc -c main.c
gfortran main.o ngcd.f90
I am trying to replace some graphics code in a set of fortran programs (not my own code). I got one of the simpler ones ('psvdraw') to work just fine, replacing the fortran postscript-generating code with C calls that call the Cairo library (graphic_output.c). I have been able to successfully work out the cross-language calls without too much trouble.
However, when trying to get the second, larger program ('pssect') to work, calling the same C code, I get Segmentation Faults, or in some cases, the program flow goes back to a fortran routine 'error' (I do not call this, or any fortran routine in my C code).
In trying to diagnose this problem, I linked in a bunch of the fortran code from pssect into psvdraw ('biglib.f'), and got the same errors. Note that none of this added code is actually called! Also the errors occur right at the first call from fortan into the c code. So: psvdraw with biglib.f linked in fails, but psvdraw without it succeeds.
Here are relevant bits of the makefile:
COMP77 = gfortran
FFLAGS = -C -v -pedantic -Wunused -fno-underscoring
CC = gcc-4
CFLAGS = -v -pedantic -Wunused
CAIRO_INCLUDE = /sw/include/cairo
CAIRO_LIB = /sw/lib
# PSVDRAW Make setup that works:
psvdraw: psvdraw.o graphic_output.o tlib.o pscom.o
$(COMP77) $(FFLAGS) $#.o graphic_output.o tlib.o pscom.o -L$(CAIRO_LIB) -lcairo -o $#
# PSVDRAW Make setup with errors:
#psvdraw: psvdraw.o graphic_output.o tlib.o pscom.o biglib.o
# $(COMP77) $(FFLAGS) $#.o graphic_output.o pscom.o tlib.o biglib.o -L$(CAIRO_LIB) -lcairo -o $#
pssect: pssect.o graphic_output.o pscom.o tlib.o biglib.o
$(COMP77) $(FFLAGS) $#.o graphic_output.o pscom.o tlib.o biglib.o -L$(CAIRO_LIB) -lcairo -o $#
pssect.o: pssect.f
$(COMP77) $(FFLAGS) -c pssect.f
psvdraw.o: psvdraw.f
$(COMP77) $(FFLAGS) -c psvdraw.f
pscom.o: pscom.f
$(COMP77) $(FFLAGS) -c pscom.f
tlib.o: tlib.f
$(COMP77) $(FFLAGS) -c tlib.f
biglib.o: biglib.f
$(COMP77) $(FFLAGS) -c biglib.f
graphic_output.o: graphic_output.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCL) -c -I$(CAIRO_INCLUDE) graphic_output.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCL) -c $<
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCL) -c $<
Here is the offending fortran code: Note that the problem occurs right at the beginning of the program:
Beginning of pssect.f:
implicit none
include 'perplex_parameters.h'
integer jop0, ier99
logical vertex, output, first
character*100 fname, yes*1
integer iop0
logical debug
common / basic /iop0, debug
integer isec,icopt,ifull,imsg,io3p
common/ cst103 /isec,icopt,ifull,imsg,io3p
c Look for the "debug_yes" file to turn on debugging messages
call psopen ('plot2')
And here is part of the c code that gets called and produces a fault:
Part of graphic_output.c:
char dmh_debug = 0;
#define DEBUGPRINT(x) if (dmh_debug) {printf x;};
void psopen(char *fname, int fnamelen) {
printf("Debug opened\n");
char *outFileName;
char outputType[255];
char pageWidthString[255];
char pageHeightString[255];
/* Set debug status based upon presence of file named 'debug_yes' in directory */
FILE *debugFile = fopen("debug_yes", "r");
if (debugFile == NULL) {
dmh_debug = 0;
} else {
dmh_debug = 1;
dmh_debug = 1;
DEBUGPRINT(("Debug closed\n"));
fname = trim(fname);
outFileName = malloc((strlen(fname) + 50) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(outFileName, fname);
DEBUGPRINT(("Found file name:%s of length: %lu\n", fname, strlen(fname)));
Results of running the program
pnr-rethington:source dave$ ./pssect
Debug opened
Segmentation fault
If linking in unused code triggers the problem, that would tend to indicate that somewhere (either in the Fortran code or the C code) you're overwriting memory that you shouldn't. Try running the compiled program under Valgrind - it should help pinpoint where this is happening.
I'd still suspect that you have a problem with ones of the calls between Fortran and C, resulting in an inconsistency. How are you making the calls? I think that the most reliable way is to use the ISO C Binding to specify to Fortran how the C routines should be called.
Or, you could consider a graphics package that has a Fortran interface or binding. Then you wouldn't have to work on an interface, since Fortran calls or a Fortran interface would already exist. I've been using DISLIN. Another possibility is PLplot.
With the current approach, I suggest examining the arguments at the entry to the C routines, to make sure that they are correct.
You are calling psopen from Fortran with a single argument, and the C routine expects two arguments. Maybe your Fortran compiler adds the length of the character string as a trailing argument after each string. Or maybe you got lucky on your first attempt and it just happened to work with a "random" value that the C routine found on the stack. In the second case, in another situation, a peculiar crash is likely. At best, this is a non-portable way to interface Fortran and C. You could try adding an integer length to your Fortran call and see what happens. Or print or use the debugger to see the value of the second argument at entry to the C-routine.
The ISO C Binding works much better. It is supported by numerous compilers (e.g., gfortran >= 4.3, ifort) and provides a defined and portable way of connecting Fortran and C. You specify an "interface" in your Fortran code so that the Fortran compiler generate the correct instructions for the C-call.
Still, it might be easier to use a plotting package that already provides a Fortran interface.
I notice from your make file that you are using gfortran. The combination of gfortran (>=4.3) & gcc supports the ISO C Binding. (Part of Fortran 2003.) If you include the interface example and call psopen with two arguments, it should work. The interface goes into the declaration of the Fortran program and is the Fortran description of the C routine psopen. Not guaranteed since I haven't tested it... Strings are a special case -- you match a scaler string in the Fortran program to a string array in the interface, because the C argument is an array of chars, or a pointer to chars.
interface To_psopen
subroutine psopen ( fname, fnamelen ) bind (C, name="psopen")
use iso_c_binding
implicit none
character (kind=c_char, len=1), dimension (100), intent (inout) :: fname
integer (c_int), value, intent (in) :: fnamelen
end subroutine psopen
end interface To_psopen
Running under the debugger (gdb) should tell you where the segfault happens. Compile all code with -O0 -g to get accurate information.