Example of using multiSelect on a form - atk4

Does anybody have a good example on how to use multiSelect field on a form? There is nothing in the documentation about it.
If I add it like any other field I get an error. I am using atk 4.2.
This code:
$f = $form->addField('multiSelect', 'name', 'Caption');
will raise this error
Method is not defined for this object
Additional information:
class: jUI
method: addPlugin
arguments: Array ( [0] => multiSelect )

There was a bug in the 'dropdown' Form Field when using setAttr('multiple') which resulted in only returning the last selected value, this has now been resolved by ATK4 developers in github, see: https://github.com/atk4/atk4/pull/233

That's a deprecated field type. You can use default dropdown and add multiselect option with setAttr method.

$f = form->addField('DropDown', 'name','Caption')->setAttr('multiple')->setModel('Application');
But im still searching how to set some of records to be selected...


No way to disable search in Antd 3.x Select component(even when showSearch prop is set to false)

I am using Select component from Antd 3.x library with mode="multiple" and other options as shown in codesandbox link below. The Search is not disabled even when setting showSearch={false}
Now, I can't upgrade to Antd 4.x. The issue is when I use Axe Accessibility tool on my web app, it complains about an extra "Input" in my Select, which doesn't have aria-label set. If I manually set it in chrome console, all is fine
Is there a way to work around this situation either by removing search field(not sure how?) or someway to set the aria-lable of the input to something like aria-lable="search"?
codesandbox link
You can use filterOption to control your option list.
In my case, my options's value is a list of accounts, which will change every times I input keyword. Option's value is account.id and label is account.name.
filterOption, set it () => true (that means, all of options are OK).
onSearch, I call API to request new list of accounts, which meet with my keyword.
But in your case, I think, set filterOption to () => true will solve your problem.
Hope you solve with my solution!

How to remove parsley validation message?

If I don't want text to displayed if a required field is not entered. How would I do this? I wasn't able to find documentation on this.
I don't want the 'This value is required.' or custom message within data-required-message to be displayed.
I am fine with the field being highlighted if it is entered incorrectly. Is this possible?
According to Parsley Documentation in their version 2, they already supported this features, just add "data-parsley-errors-messages-disabled" attribute to the <form> tag.
Add data-parsley-errors-messages-disabled to the field
from documentation:
Add parsley-success and parsley-error classes on field, but no error message.
In the input set data-parsley-required="false"
You want to check validity of the field, but show no message. The way to customize the error message shown is using "data-parsley-error-message" , so the "hack" is to provide an empty custom message:
In the input set this data-parsley-error-message=""

Set focus on autocomplete field

I have a form that has some fields.
One field is autocomplete
The field is filled with information from a table
$f->addField('autocomplete','idfield','Field')->setValueList( $this->api->db->dsql()
->table('items')->field('id,name')->do_getAssoc() );
I'm trying to set the focus on that field when the page loads.
I have did this
On top of the page
And then
But this does not work.
Anybody can help ?
Try TRUE like
$this->js(true)->_load('seteo_foco'); to load js file.
But in your js code your selector is incorrect. You need to specify you unique field. I'd use something like $form->getElement('field_name')->js(true)->focus(); on the page after the form has been initialized.

Unable to add a new field to a content type, widget drop down not working

These are my first steps with drupal.
I have created a taxonomy hierarchy for my articles and now I am trying to add a new field to the content type "Article" and "Media" so the content admin can assign a "category" to his new content.
So I've been to Structure > Content Types > Article > Manage Fields
Then "Add new field" with :
1- Label = Category
2- Name = "field_category
3- Field = "Term reference"
**4- Automatically changes to "Select list" but I am unable to see the drop down list options. Clicking the list doesn't do anything, I couldn't select Autocomplete or any other value I've seen on forums & tutorials. Using firebug I could see the options are there, but the list doesn't show up.**
This is happening with all types of fields, even with text fields, the most basic one.
Any idea why is this happening ?
As glumbo mentioned, the problem here is caused by jQuery 1.7 update. As of jQuery 1.6 DOM properties should be accessed using .prop() function.
There is an open issue with some hotfix solution:
You need to replace .attr() jQuery function call with .prop() in /modules/field_ui/field_ui.js at following lines:
100: $(this).html(html).attr('disabled', disabled ? 'disabled' : '');
253: $(ajaxElements).attr('disabled', true);
Please note that this fix modifies a Drupal core module and you'll probably want to use a patch (Dries would kill the kitty anyway:).
The problem is with jquery update. If you are using jquery 1.7 you will get this problem

dropdown list atk4 quicksearch

i try to populate a dropdown menu for quicksearch in mvcgrid my code is:
$g = $this->add('MVCGrid');
$s = $g->addQuickSearch(array('nome_mat'));
$value_list = array(
$s->addField('dropdown','tipo_mat','Tipo_mat: ')->setValueList($value_list);
The dropdown list appear on quick search form.
My db field is tipo_mat, but when i click quicksearch button nothing uppens, can someone help me plase.
You will find that the Quicksearch is nothing more that a simple form, which applies condition to your grid when submitted. In theory, you could have a standard form sitting in there doing the same thing:
$search = $g->add('Form',null,'quick_search',array('form/quicksearch','form'));
// Handle submit of form, reload grid with AjAX, pass values as arguments
// If values are passed, use them
$grid->dq->where('name like','%'.$_GET['q'].'%');
The "Filter" and "QuickSearch" classes help you with saving search values but you must not be afraid to look into their source and create your own QuickSearch class which can apply parameters properly.
Perhaps using Filter in your case is better than quick search, because of how "applyDQ" is handled:
