Positions reported by phones are approximate - they contain a point (long, lat) and a radius - that is, a phone doesn't know where it is but does know it is within some distance of a certain point.
How can I store this in a database? How can I retrieve all those phones within a certain radius of some other point?
(I have looked at MySQL's point-type but MySQL doesn't seem to like circles and doesn't seem to have even a DISTANCE function; are there other databases that do this well and fast?)
I recommend you store the phones in a Quadtree. Then when you want to query a point, you can do an exhaustive search of only the phones nearby, and save time by not considering the ones too far away. I don't know of any normal database application that will do this for you, but it shouldn't be too difficult to implement yourself.
I have a very simple problem that I could come up with a crude solution to, but it seems to me that there is probably some off the shelf answer.
Problem: I have a list of discrete values (these are mass units) that I want to find within a database of discrete values (known mass units) and their identities, allowing for some inexact match. Example: If I am looking for 500.23 in the database then anything +/- 0.025 would be considered a match (50 ppm or 0.005%). This tolerance should be adjustable. So in this example, 500.23 may return the database text value, 500.25 which is Compound A.
I could also make this tool myself if someone would like to suggest the most straightforward approach. I am competent in Matlab, somewhat in R, good in excel, poor in access, and don't know anything about SQL. Best case would be for this tool to be used by non-coders.
Background: The real background of this problem is that I have MALDI TOF data where I have identified peaks of interest from an experiment (masses; m/z). These masses correspond to molecules that were released after enzymatic digestion. This class of molecule has reported masses with known identities, but unlike peptide mass fingerprinting, or metabolomic databases, these known masses are mostly unpublished and/or uncollated, so I would like to cross-reference them with a database of my own making. Each mass corresponds to one identity. The masses will not match exactly, and being able to search with a specified mass tolerance is key.
There are plenty of mass spectrometer data solutions you may want to look at. For example: http://www.ionsource.com/links/programs.htm
The situation and the goal
Imagine a user search system that provides a proximity search from a user’s own position, which is specified by a decimal latitude/longitude combination. An Atlanta resident’s position, for instance, would be represented by 33.756944,-84.390278 and a perimeter search by this user should yield other users in his area from a radius of 10 mi, 50 mi, and so on.
A table-valued function calculates distances and provides users accordingly, ordered by ascending distance to the user that started the search. It’s always a live query, and it’s a tough and frequent one. Now, we want to built some sort of caching to reduce load.
On the way to solutions
So far, all users were grouped by the integer portion of their lat/long. The idea is to create cache files with all users from a grid square, so accessing the relevant cache file would be easy. If a grid square contains more users than a cache file should, the square is quartered or further divided into eight pieces and so on. To fully utilize a square and its cache file, multiple overlaying squares are contemplated. One deficiency of this approach is that gridding and quartering high density metropolitan areas and spacious countrysides into overlaying cache files may not be optimal.
Reading on, I stumbled upon topics like nearest neighbor searches, the Manhattan distance and tree-esque space partitioning techniques like a k-d tree, a quadtree or binary space partitioning. Also, SQL Server provides its own geographical datatypes and functions (though I’d guess the pure-mathematical FLOAT way has an adequate performance). And of course, the crux is making user-centric proximity searches cacheable.
I haven’t found much resources on this, but I’m sure I’m not the first one with this plan. Remember, it’s not about the search, but about caching.
Can I scrap my approach?
Are there ways of an advantageous partitioning of users into geographical divisions of equal size?
Is there a best practice for storing spatial user information for efficient proximity searches?
What do you think of the techniques mentioned above (quadtrees, etc.) and how would you pair them with caching?
Do you know an example of successfully caching user-specific proximity search?
Can I scrap my approach?
You can adapt your appoach, because as you already noted, a quadtree uses this technic. Or you use a geo spatial extension. That is available for MySql, too.
Are there ways of an advantageous partitioning of users into
geographical divisions of equal size
A simple fixed grid of equal size is fine when locations are equally distributed or if the area is very small. Geo locations are hardly equal distributed. Usually a geo spatial structure is used. see next answer:
Is there a best practice for storing spatial user information for
efficient proximity searches
Quadtree, k-dTree or R-Tree.
What do you think of the techniques mentioned above (quadtrees, etc.) and how would you pair them with caching?
There is some work from Hannan Samet, which describes Quadtrees and caching.
I want to do pre-clustering for a set of approx. 500,000 points.
I haven't started yet but this is what I had thought I would do:
store all points in a localSOLR index
determine "natural cluster positions" according to some administrative information (big cities for example)
and then calculate a cluster for each city:
for each city
for each zoom level
query the index to get the points contained in a radius around the city (the length of the radius depends on the zoom level)
This should be quite efficient because there are only 100 major cities and SOLR queries are very fast. But a little more thinking revealed it was wrong:
there may be clusters of points that are more "near" one another than near a city: they should get their own cluster
at some zoom levels, some points will not be within the acceptable distance of any city, and so they will not be counted
some cities are near one another and therefore, some points will be counted twice (added to both clusters)
There are other approaches:
examine each point and determine to which cluster it belongs; this eliminates problems 2 and 3 above, but not 1, and is also extremely inefficient
make a (rectangular) grid (for each zoom level); this works but will result in crazy / arbitrary clusters that don't "mean" anything
I guess I'm looking for a general purpose geo-clustering algorithm (or idea) and can't seem to find any.
Edit to answer comment from Geert-Jan
I'd like to build "natural" clusters, yes, and yes I'm afraid that if I use an arbitrary grid, it will not reflect the reality of the data. For example if there are many events that occur around a point that is at or near the intersection of two rectangles, I should get just one cluster but will in fact build two (one in each rectangle).
Originally I wanted to use localSOLR for performance reasons (and because I know it, and have better experience indexing a lot of data into SOLR than loading it in a conventional database); but since we're talking of pre-clustering, maybe performance is not that important (although it should not take days to visualize a result of a new clustering experiment). My first approach of querying lots of points according to a predefined set of "big points" is clearly flawed anyway, the first reason I mentioned being the strongest: clusters should reflect the reality of the data, and not some other bureaucratic definition (they will clearly overlap, sure, but data should come first).
There is a great clusterer for live clustering, that has been added to the core Google Maps API: Marker Clusterer. I wonder if anyone has tried to run it "offline": run it for any amount of time it needs, and then store the results?
Or is there a clusterer that examines each point, point after point, and outputs clusters with their coordinates and number of points included, and which does this in a reasonable amount of time?
You may want to look into advanced clustering algorithms such as OPTICS.
With a good database index, it should be fairly fast.
I am looking to calculate the shortest distance between two points inside SQL Server 2008 taking into account land mass only.
I have used the geography data type along with STDistance() to work out point x distance to point y as the crow flies, however this sometimes crosses the sea which i am trying to avoid.
I have also created a polygon around the land mass boundary I am interested in.
I believe that I need to combine these two methods to ensure that STDistance always remains within polygon - unless there is a simpler solution.
Thanks for any advice
Use STIntersects - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb933899%28v=SQL.105%29.aspx to find out what part of the line is over land.
After reading your comment your requirement makes sense. However I'm pretty sure there are no inbuilt techniques to do this in SQL Server. I'm assuming you are ignoring roads, and taking an as-the-crow-flies approach but over land only.
The only way I can think to do this would be to convert your area into a raster (grid cells) and perform a cost path analysis. You would set the area of sea to have a prohibitively high cost so the algorithm would route around the sea. See this link for description of technique:
Otherwise try implementing the algorithm below!
There may be other libraries that do this. Alteratively how about using the new Google Directions API between the two cities - you'd get actual road distances then.
I'm trying to see if anyone knows how to cluster some Lat/Long results, using a database, to reduce the number of results sent over the wire to the application.
There are a number of resources about how to cluster, either on the client side OR in the server (application) side .. but not in the database side :(
This is a similar question, asked by a fellow S.O. member. The solutions are server side based (ie. C# code behind).
Has anyone had any luck or experience with solving this, but in a database? Are there any database guru's out there who are after a hawt and sexy DB challenge?
please help :)
EDIT 1: Clarification - by clustering, i'm hoping to group x number of points into a single point, for an area. So, if i say cluster everything in a 1 mile / 1 km square, then all the results in that 'square' are GROUP'D into a single result (say ... the middle of the square).
EDIT 2: I'm using MS Sql 2008, but i'm open to hearing if there are other solutions in other DB's.
I'd probably use a modified* version of k-means clustering using the cartesian (e.g. WGS-84 ECF) coordinates for your points. It's easy to implement & converges quickly, and adapts to your data no matter what it looks like. Plus, you can pick k to suit your bandwidth requirements, and each cluster will have the same number of associated points (mod k).
I'd make a table of cluster centroids, and add a field to the original data table to indicate what cluster it belonged too. You'd obviously want to update the clustering periodically if your data is at all dynamic. I don't know if you could do that with a stored procedure & trigger, but perhaps.
*The "modification" would be to adjust the length of the computed centroid vectors so they'd be on the surface of the earth. Otherwise you'd end up with a bunch of points with negative altitude (when converted back to LLH).
If you're clustering on geographic location, and I can't imagine it being anything else :-), you could store the "cluster ID" in the database along with the lat/long co-ordinates.
What I mean by that is to divide the world map into (for example) a 100x100 matrix (10,000 clusters) and each co-ordinate gets assigned to one of those clusters.
Then, you can detect very close coordinates by selecting those in the same square and moderately close ones by selecting those in adjacent squares.
The size of your squares (and therefore the number of them) will be decided by how accurate you need the clustering to be. Obviously, if you only have a 2x2 matrix, you could get some clustering of co-ordinates that are a long way apart.
You will always have the edge cases such as two points close together but in different clusters (one northernmost in one cluster, the other southernmost in another) but you could adjust the cluster size OR post-process the results on the client side.
I did a similar thing for a geographic application where I wanted to ensure I could cache point sets easily. My geohashing code looks like this:
def compute_chunk(latitude, longitude)
(floor_lon(longitude) * 0x1000) | floor_lat(latitude)
def floor_lon(longitude)
((longitude + 180) * 10).to_i
def floor_lat(latitude)
((latitude + 90) * 10).to_i
Everything got really easy from there. I had some code for grabbing all of the chunks from a given point to a given radius that would translate into a single memcache multiget (and some code to backfill that when it was missing).
For movielandmarks.com I used the clustering code from Mike Purvis, one of the authors of Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and AJAX. It builds trees of clusters/points for different zoom levels using PHP and MySQL, storing it in the database so that recall is very fast. Some of it may be useful to you even if you are using a different database.
Why not testing multiple approaches?
translate the weka library in .NET CLI with IKVM.NET
add an assembly resulted from your code and weka.dll (use ilmerge) into your database
Make some tests, that is. No specific clustering works better than anyone else.
I believe you can use MSSQL's spatial data types. If they are similar to other spatial data types I know, they will store your points in a tree of rectangles, and then you can go to the lower-resolution rectangles to get implicit clusters.
If you end up wanting to explore Geohash's (which were invented at exactly the same time you posted this question), here's a more fleshed-out implementation of Geohash related functions for SQL Server's TSQL in which you might be interested.
I have used the Integer version of the Geohash extensively to cluster results to reduce data sent to a client for a limited viewport.