SSRS sql query runs slow - sql-server

I have a long time issue keep popping up every time.
I create ssrs report with some select query. when i try to run the report it takes around 20sec to render.
i've checked the sql profiler and indeed the query run more than 20 sec.
when i copy the query to the management studio, it runs in 0 sec.
as written in earlier posts i've tried the walk around of declaring parameters in the query and setting their value with the ssrs params. sometime it works, currently it doesn't...
any other walk around?

Configure your report to run from the cache.
Caching is a copy of the last executed report. It is not a persisted copy, it has a lifetime (like caching for 30 minutes). It is stored on the temp database. You can have only one "instance" per report (if you have parameters, you will have one per combination of parameter)
you can do that on the execution tab of the report on report manager

Make the sql statement into a stored procedure and use the WITH RECOMPILE option in the sp.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spname #ParamName varchar(30)
This will help counteract the "parameter sniffing" during the procedure execution and help improve performance.


Sql server performance changes after recreating the procedure

We have a main stored procedure that returns around 1000 records, changes by the user permissions.
Lately the procedure performance became very bad - but only from the web-service - more than a minute!
but when running the same SP with the same parameters from ssms took only 3 seconds!!
When I tried to check the problem I added writes to log table, and immediately this change improved the performance again to 3 seconds from the web-service.
This is a mystery for me:
1. The difference between running from web-service and ssms
2. The change after adding the logging
Your issue is called parameter sniffing. There were 2 execution plans for this procedure, one created the first time you launched it from web server and another created when you lanuched it from SSMS. And the parameters of these two plans were different. The next time you execute this proc, one of this plans is used: when you execute from SSMS, the second plan is used, and from web service the first plan is used. The parameters passed to this proc were atypical when executed from wb service, and typical when executed from SSMS.
When you altered your procedure, those 2 plans were invalidated as the procedure has changed, then the new execution plan was built for SSMS and for web service, this times both plans were made for the same or similar paremeters.
If you could extract old plans from plan cache you'd see they were different and the parameters sniffed also were different while now the plans are the same and parameter sniffed are the same or similar.
Here you can read more on parameter sniffing: Slow in the Application, Fast in SSMS?
Understanding Performance Mysteries
Please do not use functions on TOP, on recordset, and, on WHERE/JOIN clauses.
When youre calling SP from SSMS, server optimizes it. But, when calling from frontend, it is huge problem. So, eliminate functions, if possible.
If you want to view about what im talking, please start profiler and then log RPC starting/completed, sql statament events. Call quantity is same, as recordset. So, assume, youre calling procedure 1000 times when usig FN on statement , returning recordset.

SSRS report DataRetrieval time increased by 60 seconds overnight

I have an SSRS report which has seen its TimeDataRetrieval (as per the ExecutionLog3 table in the ReportingServices database) increase by 60 seconds overnight and I can't figure out why.
The report has two parameters and contains a single Dataset which passes one of those report parameters to a SQL stored procedure. I can run the stored procedure standalone in SSMS and it completes in seconds, in line with the previous report performance.
I have read many threads and articles online about how parameter sniffing affects the execution plan which SQL builds for a stored procedure when it's been called from an SSRS report versus when it is run direct, but I've tried adding an internal variable to the stored procedure, assigning the incoming parameter value to that variable and using that variable in the query within the stored procedure instead of the parameter, but this didn't make any difference to the issue. I also even tried adding OPTION(RECOMPILE) to the stored procedure, but again this had no impact.
The issue began occurring right after we upgraded our Dynamics CRM 2015 system (whose database resides on the same SQL Server as this instance of SSRS - probably a bad idea I know) to Dynamics 365, so I'm wondering if that could somehow have something to do with it, but I'm at a loss as to how to troubleshoot this one, so any suggestions would be most welcome!
Do the tables that this SP runs from steadily grow in size? Sometimes you get a 'threshold' affect where suddenly the number of rows cause performance issues. I suggest you rebuild statistics on all the tables in use and add the OPTION(RECOMPILE) and retest.
Also when trying to recreate in SSMS, you must make sure you also include all the SET options. You should capture the SQL using profiler and use exactly that, including all of the four or five set options before it (i.e. SET ARITHABORT)
You might find you can then reproduce in SSMS, in which case it is definiteley a parameter sniffing issue. (although recompile usually fixes that)

Changing report parameters intermittently causes loading screen to appear for minutes at a time

I'm using SQL Server and SSRS 2012. Intermittently when running reports on live environments, changing a single
parameter can cause the entire report to lock up, show the loading icon, and not allow other parameter changes for minutes at a time.
I found a similar ticket on microsoft connect that said it was fixed in a cumulative update for 2008 R2, but I'm experiencing it in SSRS 2012. I'm not sure what to do. Because it's intermittent, it's difficult to replicate, and I haven't been able to find any solutions for this online.
EDIT: This is only when changing the parameter, the loading occurs before I get the chance to hit 'View Report.' It can occur with several of the parameters, and most of them have dependencies. It can be on the parent or the child parameter.
I have also checked the execution log - the time taken to retrieve and process the parameters from shared data sets is much less than the time the 'loading' box stays on the screen. Max data retrieval time is 20secs total, loading box lasts for minutes at a time.
Do you mean when you re-run the report after changing a parameter or just changing the parameter without hitting View Report? If you are just changing the parameter, is the parameter used to refrsh othr related parameters? Basically we need to determine if the issue is with a query that's executing.
If it is then it could be a parameter sniffing issue where the query optimizer has used previous parameters to build a query plan that it not suitable. You can test this quickly by adding OPTION (RECOMPILE) to the end of the affected dataset query (assuming it's just a SQL script).

Strange problem with SQL Server procedure execution plan

I was wondering if you guys could help me get to the bottom of a weird problem I have recently had on SQL Server.
I have a stored procedure (lets call SPold) which is reasonably large with a lot of calculations (can't possibly do this in app as info for around 6000 users needs to come back in a one-er (I reduce this to 1000 based on Surname)). The stored procedure usually executes in a couple of seconds, and is called once every couple of minutes.
Now this morning, the stored procedure was suddenly taking 4-10 times as long to execute, causing a number of timeouts. I discovered that by making a copy of the procedure with a new name (SPnew) and executing, I would get the fast execution times again. This indicated to me that the execution plan was the problem with the original, SPold, so I decided to execute it with recompile. This would return the results a quicker (although not as fast as SPnew), but subsequent calls from users to SPold were once again slow. It was like the new plan wasn't being kept.
What I have done is to fix this is put Exec SPnew into SPold, and now calls to SPold are returning fast again.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on here? The only thing that updated overnight was the statistics, although I think that this should affect both SPold and SPnew.
Sounds like you are experiencing an incorrectly cached query plan due to parameter sniffing.
Can you post the stored procedure?
Batch Compilation, Recompilation, and Plan Caching Issues in SQL Server 2005
I Smell a Parameter!
In SQL Server 2005, you can use the OPTIMIZE FOR query hint for preferred values of parameters to remedy some of the problems associated with parameter sniffing:
OPTIMIZE FOR Instructs the query optimizer to use a particular value for a local
variable when the query is compiled and optimized. The value is used
only during query optimization, and not during query execution.
OPTIMIZE FOR can counteract the parameter detection behavior of the
optimizer or can be used when you create plan guides. For more
information, see Recompiling Stored Procedures and Optimizing Queries
in Deployed Applications by Using Plan Guides.
Although SQL Server 2005 does not support OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN (introduced in SQL Server 2008) which
will eliminate parameter sniffing for a given parameter:
You can achieve the same effect in SQL Server 2005 by copying the parameter into a local variable, and then use the local variable in the query.
I've also encounterred two "strange" cases with Sql Server 2005, which might relate to your problem as well.
In the first case my procedure executed prety fast, when being run as dbo, and it was slow when being run from the application, under a different user account.
In the second case the query plan of the procedure got optimized for the parameter values with which the procedure was called for the first time, and this plan was then reused later for other parameter values as well, resulting in a slow execution.
For this second case the solution was to copy the parameter values into local variables in the procedure, and then using the variables in the queries instead of the parameters.

A T-SQL query executes in 15s on sql 2005, but hangs in SSRS (no changes)?

When I execute a T-SQL query it executes in 15s on sql 2005.
SSRS was working fine until yesterday. I had to crash it after 30min.
I made no changes to anything in SSRS.
Any ideas? Where do I start looking?
Start your query in SSIS then look into the Activity Monitor of Management Studio. See if the query is currently blocked by any chance, and in that case, what it is blocked on.
Alternatively you can use sys.dm_exec_requests and check the same thing, w/o the user interface getting in the way. Look at the session executing the query from SSIS, check it's blocking_session_id, wait_type, wait_time and wait_resource columns. If you find that the query is blocked, the SSIS has no fault probably and something in your environment is blocking the query execution. If on the other hand the query is making progress (the wait_resource changes) then it just executes slowly and its time to check its execution plan.
Have you tried making the query a stored procedure to see if that helps? This way execution plans are cached.
Updated: You could also make the query a view to achieve the same affect.
Also, SQL Profiler can help you determine what is being executed. This will allow you to see if the SQL is the cause of the issue, or Reporting Services rendering the report (ie: not fetching the data)
There are a number of connection-specific things that can vastly change performance - for example the SET options that are active.
In particular, some of these can play havoc if you have a computed+persisted (and possibly indexed) column. If the settings are a match for how the column was created, it can use the stored value; otherwise, it has to recalculate it per row. This is especially expensive if the column is a promoted column from xml.
Does any of that apply?
Are you sure the problem is your query? There could be SQL Server problems. Don't forget about the ReportServer and ReportServerTempDB databases. Maybe they need some maintenance.
The first port of call for any performance problems like this is to get an execution plan. You can either get this by running an SQL Profiler Trace with the ShowPlan Xml event, or if this isn't possible (you probably shouldn't do this on loaded production servers) you can extract the cached execution plan that's being used from the DMVs.
Getting the plan from a trace is preferable however, as that plan will include statistics about how long the different nodes took to execute. (The trace wont cripple your server or anything, but it will have some performance impact)
