I am looking at atk4 (http://agiletoolkit.org/) for a project.
However the Page_SchemaGenerator is not working for me:
Method is not defined for this object
Additional information:
Raised by object: Object Model_Testmodel(igSchool_create_model_testmodel)
class: Model_Testmodel
method: getAllFields
arguments: Array ( )
Can someone confirm if it works in atk4 4.2?
update has been pushed to atk4-adddons master branch.
update your atk4-adddons to latest version and it should work.
I have created a new index that is populated using an indexer. The indexer's datasource is a SQL view that has a Timestamp column of type datetime. Since we don't want a full reindexing each time the indexer runs, this column should be used to determine which data have changed since the last indexer run.
According to the documentation we need to create or update the datasource by setting the HighWatermarkColumnName and ODataType to the DataChangeDetectionPolicy object. The example in the documentation uses the REST API and there is also way to do it using the azure search portal directly.
However I want to do it using .netsdk and so far I haven't been able to do so. I am using Azure.Search.Documents(11.2.0 - beta.2). Here is the part of the code I use to create the datasource:
SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection CreateIndexerDataSource()
var ds = new SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection(DATASOURCE,
new SearchIndexerDataContainer(SQLVIEW));
//ds.DataChangeDetectionPolicy = new DataChangeDetectionPolicy();
return ds;
The commented code is what I tried to do to initialize the DataChangeDetectionPolicy but there is no ctor exposed. Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance.
Instead of using DataChangeDetectionPolicy, you will need to use HighWaterMarkChangeDetectionPolicy which is derived from DataChangeDetectionPolicy.
So your code would be something like:
ds.DataChangeDetectionPolicy = new HighWaterMarkChangeDetectionPolicy("Timestamp");
I use the new typescript supported version of reactjs
along with the redux-orm and when u try to insert a value into the store i get this issue of "Maximum call stack size exceeded" the same works with the old template
Below is the code with new typescript supported reactjs which throws the error
https://reactjs.org/docs/static-type-checking.html#typescript and the old github version https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript-React-Starter which works.
I am unable to understand what is different that causes the error with the new version. Thanks for any help.
Properties can't be defined directly on Model classes.
The root cause lies in the create-react-app's babel preset - transpilation output introduces additional property descriptors in Model prototype chain.
These properties interfere with descriptors installed by redux-orm during schema registration, resulting in Maximum call stack size exceeded error.
This can be avoided through declaration merging, specifically by providing a class and an interface with matching names. The interface contains Model properties, the class is almost 1:1 to JS Model definition.
interface Book {
id: number
title: string
class Book extends Model<typeof Book> {
static modelName = 'Book' as const
static fields = {
id: attr(),
title: attr()
I've created a repo with working example: https://github.com/tomasz-zablocki/redux-orm-ex-types-react-example
Mind you, these are custom types, but it's definitely where I'd like to take the #types/redux-orm package to, likely with the 0.14 release of redux-orm.
I followed the following tutorial to help me create a datagrid (http://www.asp.net/web-pages/videos/aspnet-razor-pages/displaying-data-in-a-grid), however, I keep getting the error in the title under the word database. I've tried replacing it with the name of my database (Products) however that didnt work. Does anyone know why it could be happening? This piece of code sits at the top of my view page:
var _db = database.open("Products");
var selectQueryString = "SELECT * FROM Products ORDER BY DateBought, SortOrder";
var data = _db.query(selectQueryString);
var grid = new WebGrid(Model);
When I check the values I receive in the drop down menu when I type var _db = datab.. I only have the following available:
Databinding, Databinder, DatabindingCollection, Databindinghandlerattribute, databindingliteralcontrol, Designerdataboundliteralcontrol, Idatabindingsassessor
You need to add a Reference to WebMatrix.Data.dll
Database class is part of WebMatrix.Data there for is only available through that dll.
You can find WebMatrix.Data.dll in [Program Files Directory]\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0\Assemblies or v2.0\Assemblies regarding the version you have installed.
I had the same error and I found this solution that worked for me:
It seems that Webmatrix2 doesn't include the said .dll by default. I only had to download the nuget package from Webmatrix's gallery and it worked.
I hope it helps others.
I have been using PyroCMS and CI for quite some time, and truly love it.
I am extending a DB module that will allow an admin user to manage a DB without having to use something like phpMyAdmin.
The only thing I have been able to get working however is Browsing a table's field values (i.e 'SELECT * FROM 'table_name').
I want to include more functions, but I can't seem to get dbforge to work properly. I know it is loaded because dbforge is used to uninstall modules. I also get no error when calling functions from it.
Here is an example of my code from the controller (dbforge has already been loaded).
public function drop($table_name)
$table_name = $this->uri->segment(4);
Lets say the function gets called from this url:
It appears to work... but instead it just redirects to the tables overview.
Is there something I am missing? Shouldn't [$this->dbforge->drop_table($table_name);] always drop a table (given $table_name is valid)?
As a work around, I was able to use:
public function drop($table_name)
$table_name = $this->uri->segment(4);
$this->db->query("DROP TABLE ".$table_name);
return TRUE;
I really would like to use DB forge, however...
I think you might be getting a little confused by the site prefixes in PyroCMS 1.3.x.
By default all installations of Community and Professional will have default_ as a prefix for all tables in the first site. If you have Professional you can add new sites and the site reference will be whatever_ instead of default_
This prefix is accounted for by dbforge, so when you want to delete default_blog you would just delete:
Also, why are you accepting the $table_name as an argument then overriding it with a uri segment?
Also, why are you accepting the $table_name as an argument then overriding it with a uri segment?
See what I did there? xD
public function drop($table_name)
There is persistable class Project, each instance of which has list of objects of Version type (owned one-to-many relation between Project and Version classes).
I'm getting several Version objects from datastore with query, change them and try to save:
PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager();
Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction();
try {
Query q = pm.newQuery(Version.class, "... filters here ...");
q.declareParameters(" ... parameters here ...");
List<Version> versions = (List<Version>)q.execute(... parameters here ...);
if (versions.size() > 0) {
for (Version version : versions) {
version.setOrder(... value here ...);
return newVersion.toVersionInfo();
} finally {
Everything is executed without errors, query actually returns several objects, properties are set correctly in runtime versions list, but objects properties are not updated in datastore.
Generally, as far as I understand, versions should be saved even without calling
, since object properties are set before pm.close(), but nothing is saved, if this row is omitted, as well.
At the same time, if I retrieve instance of type Project (which owns many instances of type Version) with pm.getObjectById() method, and walk through all related Version objects in the loop, all changes are saved correctly (without calling pm.makePersistent() method).
The question is, what's wrong with such way of updating objects? Why Version object properties are not updated in datastore?
I could not find anything helpful neither in JDO nor in GAE documentation.
Thanks for advice about logs from DataNucleus and sympathy from Peter Recore :)
Frankly, I missed few important points in my question.
Query q = pm.newQuery(Version.class, "... filters here ...");
I am retrieving Project instance, and after Version instances updating loop I am persisting some one more Version object.
So, I actually retrieved some of versions list twice, and according to committing order in logs, Project instance was saved twice, as well. The second save operation overwritten the first one.
I changed the order of operations, and got expected behavior.