Choosing a DB for a caching system - database

I am working on a financial database that I need to develop caching for. I have a MySQL database with a lot of raw, realtime data. This data is then provided over a HTTP API using Flask (Python).
Before the raw data is returned it is manipulated by my python code. This manipulation can involve a lot of data, therefore a caching system is in order.
The cached data never changes. For example, if someone queries for data for a time range of 2000-01-01 till now, the data will get manipulated, returned and stored in the cache as being the specifically manipulated data from 2000-01-01 till now. If the same manipulated data is queried again later, the cache will retrieve the values from 2000-01-01 till the last time it was queried, elimination the need for manipulation for that entire period. Then, it will manipulate the new data from that point till now, and add that to the cache too.
The data size shouldn't be enormous (under 5GB I would say at max).
I need to be able to retrieve from the cache using date ranges.
Which DB should I be looking it? MongoDB? Redis? CouchDB?

Using BigData solution for such a small data set seems like a waste and might still not yell the required latency.
It seems like what you need is not one of the BigData solution like MongoDB or CouchDB but a distributed Caching (or In Memory Data Grid).
One of the leading solution which (which I'm one of its contributors) seems like a perfect match for you needs is XAP Elastic Caching.
For more details see:
And you can find a post describing exactly this case on how you can use DataGrid to scale MySQL: "Scaling MySQL" -


how to cache data on multiple server by reading form database only once?

I am working on e-commerce application and it is having 25GB of data in database, I am loading all the data into 5 servers at the start of the application and caching the same(mostly on hashmap) because there will be 15K request per minute and I can't hit database that many times. It takes around 1 hour to load the entire database on one server. Now I need to do the same on other servers also. Is there any way we can replicate the same from the first server instead of reading from Database?
Replicating 25GB of cached data around seems like it may not be the best approach...
I would suggest looking further up the call hierarchy and maybe re-architecture some of the design. Look into potentially implementing key-value storage systems (NoSQL), look at caching the frequently used data and not all data. Maybe look at replicated databases as well since if your caching this much data you could probably just improve the throughput to your data stores and have them handle the job for you.

What is a good way to send large data sets to a client through API requests?

A client's system will connect to our system via an API for a data pull. For now this data will be stored in a data mart, and say 50,000 records per request.
I would like to know the most efficient way of delivering the payload which originates in a SQL Azure database.
The API request will be a RESTful. After the request is received, I was thinking that the payload would be retrieved from the database, converted to JSON, and GZIP encoded/transferred over HTTP back to the client.
I'm concerned about processing this may take with many clients connected pulling a lot of data.
Would it be best to just return the straight results in clear text to the client?
Suggestions welcome.
-- UPDATE --
To clarify, this is not a web client that is connecting. The connection is made by another application to receive a one-time, daily data dump, so no pagination.
The data consists primarily of text with one binary field.
First of all : do not optimize prematurely! that means : dont sacrifice simplicity and maintainability of your code for gain you dont event know.
Lets see. 50000 records does not really say anything without specifying size of the record. I would advise you start from basic implementation and optimize when needed. So try this
Implement simple JSON response with that 50000 records, and try to call it from consumer app. Measure size of data and response time - evaluate carefully, if this is really a problem for once a day operation
If yes, turn on compression for that JSON response - this is usually HUGE change with JSON because of lots of repetitive text. One tip here: set content type header to "application/javascript" - Azure have dynamic compression enabled by default for this content type. Again - try it, evaluate if size of data or reponse time is problem
If it is still problem, maybe it is time for some serialization optimization after all, but i would strogly recommend something standard and proved here (no custom CSV mess), for example Google Protocol Buffers :
This is a bit long for a comment, so ...
The best method may well be one of those "it depends" answers.
Is the just the database on azure, or is your whole entire hosting on azure. Never did any production on Azure myself.
What are you trying to optimize for -- total round response time, total server CPU time, or perhaps sometime else?
For example, if you database server is azure and but but you web server is local perhaps you can simply optimize the database request and depend on scaling via multiple web servers if needed.
If data the changes with each request, you should never compress it if you are trying to optimize server CPU load, but you should compress it if you are trying to optimize bandwidth usage -- either can be your bottleneck / expensive resource.
For 50K records, even JSON might be a bit verbose. If you data is a single table, you might have significant data savings by using something like CSV (including the 1st row as a record header for a sanity check if nothing else). If your result is a result of joining multiple table, i.e., hierarchical, using JSON would be recommended simply to avoid the complexity of rolling your own heirarchical representation.
Are you using a SSL or your webserver, if so SSL could be your bottleneck (unless this is handled via other hardware)
What is the nature of the data you are sending? Is is mostly text, numbers, images? Text usually compress well, numbers less so, and images poorly (usually). Since you suggest JSON, I would expect that you have little if any binary data though.
If compressing JSON, it can be a very efficient format since the repeated field name mostly compress out of your result. XML likewise (but less so this the tags come in pairs)
If you know what the client will be fetching before hand and can prepare the packet data in advance, by all means do so (unless storing the prepared data is an issue). You could run this at off peak hours, create it as a static .gz file and let IIS serve it directly when needed. Your API could simply be in 2 parts 1) retrieve a list of static .gz files available to the client 2) Confirm processing of said files so you can delete them.
Presumably you know that JSON & XML are not as fragile as CSV, i.e., added or deleting fields from your API is usually simple. So, if you can compress the files, you should definitely use JSON or XML -- XML is easier for some clients to parse, and to be honest if you use the Json.NET or similar tools you can generate either one from the same set of definitions and information, so it is nice to be flexible. Personally, I like Json.NET quite a lot, simple and fast.
Normally what happens with such large requests is pagination, so included in the JSON response is a URL to request the next lot of information.
Now the next question is what is your client? e.g. a Browser or a behind the scenes application.
If it is a browser there are limitations as shown here:
If it is an application then your current approach of 50,000 requests in a single JSON call would be acceptable, the only thing you need to watch here is the load on the DB pulling the records, especially if you have many clients.
If you are willing to use a third-party library, you can try Heavy-HTTP which solves this problem out of the box. (I'm the author of the library)

Dumping Twitter Streaming API tweets as-is to Apache Cassandra for post-processing

I am using the Twitter Streaming API to monitor several keywords/users. I am planning to dump the tweets json strings I get from twitter directly as-is to cassandra database and do post processing on them later.
Is such a design practical? Will it scale up when I have millions of tweets?
Things I will do later include getting top followed users, top hashtags etc. I would like to save the stream as is for mining them later for any new information that I may not know of now.
What is important is not so much the number of tweets as the rate at which they arrive. Cassandra can easily handle thousands of writes per second, which should be fine (Twitter currently generates around 1200 tweets per second in total, and you will probably only get a small fraction of those).
However, tweets per second are highly variable. In the aftermath of a heavy spike in writes, you may see some slowdown in range queries. See the Acunu blog posts on Cassandra under heavy write load part i and part ii for some discussion of the problem and ways to solve it.
In addition to storing the raw json, I would extract some common features that you are almost certain to need, such as the user ID and the hashtags, and store those separately as well. This will save you a lot of processing effort later on.
Another factor to consider is to plan for how the data stored will grow over time. Cassandra can scale very well, but you need to have a strategy in place for how to keep the load balanced across your cluster and how to add nodes as your database grows. Adding nodes can be a painful experience if you haven't planned out how to allocate tokens to new nodes in advance. Waiting until you have an overloaded node before adding a new one is a good way to make your cluster fall down.
You can easily store millions of tweets in cassandra.
For processing the tweets and getting stats such as top followed users, hashtags look at brisk from DataStax which builds on top of cassandra.

How to reduce request to my db?

i have a db that store many posts, like a blog. The problem is that exist many users and this users create many post at the same time. So, when a user request the home page i request this posts to db. In less words, i've to get the posts that i've showed, for show the new ones. How can i avoid this performance problem?
Before going down a caching path ensure
Review the logic (are you undertaking unnecessary steps, can you populate some memory variables with slow changing data and so reduce DB calls, etc)
Ensure DB operations are as distinct as possible (minimum rows and columns returned)
Data is normalised to at least 3rd normal form and then selectively denormalised with the appropriate data handling routines for the denormalised data.
After normalisation, tune the DB instance (server perfomance, disk IO, memory, etc)
Tune the SQL statements
Then ...
Consider caching. Even though it is not possible to cache all data, if you can get a significant percentage into cache for a reasonable period of time (and those values vary according to site) you remove load from the DB server and so other queries can be served faster.
do you do any type of pagination? if not database pagination would be the best bet... start with the first 10 posts, and after that only return the full list of the user requests it from a link or some other input.
The standard solution is to use something like memcached to offload common reads to a caching layer. So you might decide to only refresh the home page once every 5 minutes rather than hitting the database repeatedly with the same exact query.
If there are data which is requested very often, you should cache it. Try using an in-memory cache such as memcached to store things that are likely to be re-requested in short time. You should have free RAM for this: try using free memory on your frontend machine(s), usually serving HTTP requests and applying templates is less RAM-intensive. BTW, you can cache not only raw DB records, but also ready-made pieces of pages with formatting and all.
If your load cannot be reasonably handled by one machine, try sharding your database. Put data of some of your users (posts, comments, etc) on one machine, data of other users to another machine, etc. This will make some joins impossible on database level, because data are on different machines, but joins that you do often will be parallelized.
Also, take a look at document-oriented 'NoSQL' data stores like (MongoDB)[]. It e.g. allows you to store a post and all comments to it in a single record and fetch in one operation, without any joins. But regular joins are next to impossible. Probably a mix of SQL and NoSQL storage is most efficient (and hard to handle).

Retrieving information from aggregated weblogs data, how to do it?

I would like to know how to retrieve data from aggregated logs? This is what I have:
- about 30GB daily of uncompressed log data loaded into HDFS (and this will grow soon to about 100GB)
This is my idea:
- each night this data is processed with Pig
- logs are read, split, and custom UDF retrieves data like: timestamp, url, user_id (lets say, this is all what I need)
- from log entry and loads this into HBase (log data will be stored infinitely)
Then if I want to know which users saw particular page within given time range I can quickly query HBase without scanning whole log data with each query (and I want fast answers - minutes are acceptable). And there will be multiple querying taking place simultaneously.
What do you think about this workflow? Do you think, that loading this information into HBase would make sense? What are other options and how do they compare to my solution?
I appreciate all comments/questions and answers. Thank you in advance.
With Hadoop you are always doing one of two things (either processing or querying).
For what you are looking to-do I would suggest using HIVE You can take your data and then create a M/R job to process and push that data how you like it into HIVE tables. From there (you can even partition on data as it might be appropriate for speed to not look at data not required as you say). From here you can query out your data results as you like. Here is very good online tutorial
There are a lots of ways to solve this but it sounds like HBase is a bit overkill unless you want to setup all the server required for it to run as an exercise to learn it. HBase would be good if you have thousands of people simultaneously looking to get at the information.
You might also want to look into FLUME which is new import server from Cloudera . It will get your files from some place straight to HDFS
